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Tip revision: cbe720dc365499488a36511cbc106efe2acb5004 authored by Victor Picheny on 23 January 2022, 15:22:45 UTC
version 1.2.0
Tip revision: cbe720d
#' Extract non-dominated points from a set, or with respect to a reference Pareto front
#' @title Generic non-domination computation
#' @param points matrix (one point per row) from which to extract non-dominated points, or,
#' if a reference \code{ref} is provided, non-dominated points with respect to  \code{ref}
#' @param ref matrix (one point per row) of reference (faster if they are already Pareto optimal)
#' @param return.idx if \code{TRUE}, return indices instead of points
#' @return Non-dominated points from \code{points}, unless a \code{ref} is provided, in which case return points from \code{points} non-dominated by \code{ref}.
#' If \code{return.idx} is \code{TRUE}, only returns indices
#' @export
#' @details Use Kung non-domination sorting
#' @references
#' Kung, H. T., Luccio, F., & Preparata, F. P. (1975). On finding the maxima of a set of vectors. Journal of the ACM (JACM), 22(4), 469-476.
#' @examples
#' d <- 6
#' n <- 1000
#' n2 <- 1000
#' test <- matrix(runif(d * n), n)
#' ref <- matrix(runif(d * n), n)
#' indPF <- nonDom(ref, return.idx = TRUE)
#' all(nonDom(ref) == ref[indPF,])
#' system.time(res <- nonDom(test, ref[indPF,,drop = FALSE], return.idx = TRUE))
# '
# ' res2 <- rep(NA, n2)
# ' library(emoa)
# ' t0 <- Sys.time()
# ' for(i in 1:n2){
# '   res2[i] <- !is_dominated(t(rbind(test[i,, drop = FALSE], ref[indPF,])))[1]
# ' }
# ' print(Sys.time() - t0)
# '
# ' all(res == which(res2))
# '
# ' all(nonDom(test, ref) == test[res2,])
# '
nonDom <- function(points, ref = NULL, return.idx = FALSE){
    ordrs <- order(points[,1])
    if(return.idx) return(ordrs[nonDomInd_cpp(points[ordrs, , drop = FALSE])])
    return(points[ordrs[nonDomInd_cpp(points[ordrs, , drop = FALSE])],, drop = FALSE])

  res <- nonDomSet(points, ref)
  if(return.idx) return(which(res))
  return(points[res, , drop = FALSE])
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