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Tip revision: cbe720dc365499488a36511cbc106efe2acb5004 authored by Victor Picheny on 23 January 2022, 15:22:45 UTC
version 1.2.0
Tip revision: cbe720d
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% Please edit documentation in R/getEquilibrium.R
\title{Equilibrium computation of a discrete game for a given matrix with objectives values}
  equilibrium = c("NE", "NKSE", "KSE", "CKSE"),
  nobj = 2,
  expanded.indices = NULL, = FALSE,
  sorted = FALSE,
  cross = FALSE,
  kweights = NULL,
  Nadir = NULL,
  Shadow = NULL,
  calibcontrol = NULL
\item{Z}{is a matrix of size [\code{npts x nsim*nobj}] of objective values, see details,}

\item{equilibrium}{considered type, one of \code{"NE"}, \code{"NKSE"}, \code{"KSE"}, \code{"CKSE"}}

\item{nobj}{nb of objectives (or players)}

\item{n.s}{scalar of vector. If scalar, total number of strategies (to be divided equally among players),
otherwise number of strategies per player.}

\item{expanded.indices}{is a matrix containing the indices of the \code{integ.pts} on the grid, see \code{\link[GPGame]{generate_integ_pts}}}

\item{}{Boolean; if \code{TRUE}, the index of the optimal strategy is returned (otherwise only the pay-off is returned)}

\item{sorted}{Boolean; if \code{TRUE}, the last column of expanded.indices is assumed to be sorted in increasing order. This provides a substantial efficiency gain.}

\item{cross}{Should the simulation be crossed? (For "NE" only - may be dropped in future versions)}

\item{kweights}{kriging weights for \code{CKS} (TESTING)}

\item{Nadir, Shadow}{optional vectors of size \code{nobj}. Replaces the nadir and/or shadow point for \code{KSE}. Some coordinates can be set to \code{Inf} (resp. -\code{Inf}).}

\item{calibcontrol}{an optional list for calibration problems, containing \code{target} a vector of target values for the objectives, 
\code{log} a Boolean stating if a log transformation should be used or not and 
\code{offset} a (small) scalar so that each objective is log(offset + (y-T^2)).}
A list with elements:
\item \code{NEPoff} vector of pay-offs at the equilibrium or matrix of pay-offs at the equilibria;
\item \code{NE} the corresponding design(s), if \code{} is \code{TRUE}.
Computes the equilibrium of three types of games, given a matrix of objectives (or a set of matrices) and the structure of the strategy space.
If \code{nsim=1}, each line of \code{Z} contains the pay-offs of the different players for a given strategy s: [obj1(s), obj2(s), ...].
The position of the strategy \code{s} in the grid is given by the corresponding line of \code{expanded.indices}. If \code{nsim>1}, (vectorized call) \code{Z} contains
different trajectories for each pay-off: each line is [obj1_1(x), obj1_2(x), ... obj2_1(x), obj2_2(x), ...].
## Setup
fun <- function (x)
  if (is.null(dim(x)))    x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
  b1 <- 15 * x[, 1] - 5
  b2 <- 15 * x[, 2]
  return(cbind((b2 - 5.1*(b1/(2*pi))^2 + 5/pi*b1 - 6)^2 + 10*((1 - 1/(8*pi)) * cos(b1) + 1),
               -sqrt((10.5 - b1)*(b1 + 5.5)*(b2 + 0.5)) - 1/30*(b2 - 5.1*(b1/(2*pi))^2 - 6)^2-
                1/3 * ((1 - 1/(8 * pi)) * cos(b1) + 1)))

d <- nobj <- 2

# Generate grid of strategies for Nash and Nash-Kalai-Smorodinsky
n.s <- c(11,11) # number of strategies per player <- 1:2 # allocate objectives to players
integcontrol <- generate_integ_pts(n.s=n.s,d=d,nobj=nobj,,gridtype="cartesian")
integ.pts <- integcontrol$integ.pts
expanded.indices <- integcontrol$expanded.indices

# Compute the pay-off on the grid
response.grid <- t(apply(integ.pts, 1, fun))

# Compute the Nash equilibrium (NE)
trueEq <- getEquilibrium(Z = response.grid, equilibrium = "NE", nobj = nobj, n.s = n.s,
                = TRUE, expanded.indices = expanded.indices,
                         sorted = !is.unsorted(expanded.indices[,2]))

# Pay-off at equilibrium

# Optimal strategy

# Index of the optimal strategy in the grid

# Plots
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plotGameGrid(fun = fun, n.grid = n.s, =, integcontrol=integcontrol,
             equilibrium = "NE")

# Compute KS equilibrium (KSE)
trueKSEq <- getEquilibrium(Z = response.grid, equilibrium = "KSE", nobj = nobj,
                = TRUE, sorted = !is.unsorted(expanded.indices[,2]))

# Pay-off at equilibrium

# Optimal strategy

plotGameGrid(fun = fun, n.grid = n.s, integcontrol=integcontrol,
             equilibrium = "KSE", fun.grid = response.grid)

# Compute the Nash equilibrium (NE)
trueNKSEq <- getEquilibrium(Z = response.grid, equilibrium = "NKSE", nobj = nobj, n.s = n.s,
                = TRUE, expanded.indices = expanded.indices,
                         sorted = !is.unsorted(expanded.indices[,2]))

# Pay-off at equilibrium

# Optimal strategy

# Index of the optimal strategy in the grid

# Plots
plotGameGrid(fun = fun, n.grid = n.s, =, integcontrol=integcontrol,
             equilibrium = "NKSE")
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