Raw File
Tip revision: f47ef4a0ccedca0b4ce14bd4f07d2279aea91deb authored by Jorge N. Tendeiro on 15 October 2021, 06:40:08 UTC
version 1.4.6
Tip revision: f47ef4a
# Polytomous items: U3p
# U3poly reduces to U3 for 0-1 data (Ncat=2)
U3poly <- function(matrix, Ncat,
                   NA.method="Pairwise", Save.MatImp=FALSE, 
                   IP=NULL, IRT.PModel="GRM", Ability=NULL, Ability.PModel="EAP")
  matrix      <- as.matrix(matrix)
  N           <- dim(matrix)[1]; I <- dim(matrix)[2]; M <- Ncat-1
  IP.NA       <- is.null(IP); Ability.NA  <- is.null(Ability)
  # Sanity check - Data matrix adequacy:
  Sanity.dma.poly(matrix, N, I, M)
  # Dealing with missing values:
  res.NA <- MissingValues.poly(matrix, Ncat, NA.method, Save.MatImp, IP, IRT.PModel, Ability, Ability.PModel)
  matrix <- res.NA[[1]]
  # Perfect response vectors allowed (albeit uninformative).
  # Compute PFS:
  NC        <- rowSums(matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
  probs.ISD <- matrix(NA, nrow = I, ncol = M)
  for (m in 1:M)
    probs.ISD[, m] <- colMeans(matrix >= m, na.rm = TRUE)
  f.scoresISD    <- function (x) {if ( {rep(NA, M)} else {c(rep(1, x), rep(0, M - x))}}
  matrix.ISD     <- matrix(unlist(lapply(t(matrix), f.scoresISD)), byrow = TRUE, nrow = N)
  probs.ISD.vect <- as.vector(t(probs.ISD))
  res <- rep(NA, N)
  # A vectorial solution is possible without NAs (until PerFit 1.3.1).
  # With NAs a respondent-by-respondent approach is needed.
  # This is here implemented in two steps: 
  #    (I)  Respondents without NAs (in one go).
  #    (II) Respondents with NAs (one by one).
  # Step (I):
  rows.I <- rowSums( == 0
  if (length(rows.I) > 0)
    # If there are answer options not chosen by any respondent then some entries in 'probs.ISD.vect' are 0 and others are 1.
    # Below all corresponding logs are set from Inf to 0.
    # (Reason: They carry no information regarding aberrant response behavior).
    logits.ISD <- log(probs.ISD.vect / (1 - probs.ISD.vect))
    logits.ISD[is.infinite(logits.ISD)] <- 0 # a vector
    matrix.ISD.I <- matrix.ISD[rows.I, ]
    W <- as.vector(matrix.ISD.I %*% logits.ISD)
    logits.ISD <- matrix(logits.ISD, nrow = I, byrow = TRUE) # a matrix
    if (Ncat>2)  {cumlogits.ISD <- cbind(rep(0, I), t(apply(logits.ISD, 1, cumsum)))}
    if (Ncat==2) {cumlogits.ISD <- cbind(rep(0, I), logits.ISD)}
    V        <- matrix(rep(cumlogits.ISD[1, ], Ncat), ncol = Ncat, byrow = FALSE)
    add.term <- matrix(rep(cumlogits.ISD[2, ], nrow(V)), ncol = Ncat, byrow = TRUE)
    V        <- V + add.term
    T        <- sapply(2:sum(dim(V)), function(x) {min(V[col(V)+row(V) == x])})
    for (i in 3:I) {
      V        <- matrix(rep(T,Ncat), ncol=Ncat, byrow=FALSE)
      add.term <- matrix(rep(cumlogits.ISD[i,], nrow(V)), ncol=Ncat, byrow=TRUE)
      V        <- V + add.term
      T        <- sapply(2:sum(dim(V)),function(x) {min(V[col(V)+row(V) == x])})
    maxW <- sapply(0:(I*M), function(x) {sum(sort(as.vector(logits.ISD), decreasing = TRUE)[0:x])})
    minW <- T
    den  <- maxW - minW
    den[c(1, length(den))] <- 1 # so that vectors (0,0,...,0) and (M,M,...,M), which have 0 Guttman errors, are divided by 1 instead of 0
    tmp  <- (maxW[NC[rows.I]+1] - W) / den[NC[rows.I]+1]
    tmp[is.nan(tmp)] <- NA
    res[rows.I] <- tmp
  # Step (II):
  rows.II <- rowSums( > 0
  if (length(rows.II) > 0)
    res[rows.II] <- apply(matrix[rows.II, ], 1, function(vec)
      if (sum( == I)
      } else
        Items               <- (1:I)[!]
        I.noNA              <- length(Items)
        probs.ISD.vect.noNA <- as.vector(t(probs.ISD[Items, ]))
        # If there are answer options not chosen by any respondent then some entries in 'probs.ISD.vect' are 0 and others are 1.
        # Below all corresponding logs are set from Inf to 0.
        # (Reason: They carry no information regarding aberrant response behavior).
        logits.ISD <- log(probs.ISD.vect.noNA / (1 - probs.ISD.vect.noNA))
        logits.ISD[is.infinite(logits.ISD)] <- 0 # a vector
        matrix.ISD.II <- matrix(unlist(lapply(vec[Items], f.scoresISD)), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 1)
        W <- as.vector(matrix.ISD.II %*% logits.ISD)
        logits.ISD <- matrix(logits.ISD, nrow = I.noNA, byrow = TRUE) # a matrix
        if (I.noNA > 1)
          if (Ncat>2)  {cumlogits.ISD <- cbind(rep(0, I.noNA), t(apply(logits.ISD, 1, cumsum)))}
          if (Ncat==2) {cumlogits.ISD <- cbind(rep(0, I.noNA), logits.ISD)}
          V        <- matrix(rep(cumlogits.ISD[1, ], Ncat), ncol = Ncat, byrow = FALSE)
          add.term <- matrix(rep(cumlogits.ISD[2, ], nrow(V)), ncol = Ncat, byrow = TRUE)
          V        <- V + add.term
          T        <- sapply(2:sum(dim(V)), function(x) {min(V[col(V)+row(V) == x])})
          for (i in 3:I.noNA) {
            V        <- matrix(rep(T, Ncat), ncol = Ncat, byrow = FALSE)
            add.term <- matrix(rep(cumlogits.ISD[i, ], nrow(V)), ncol = Ncat, byrow = TRUE)
            V        <- V + add.term
            T        <- sapply(2:sum(dim(V)), function(x) {min(V[col(V)+row(V) == x])})
          minW <- T
        } else
          minW <- sapply(0:(I.noNA*M), function(x) {sum(sort(as.vector(logits.ISD), decreasing = FALSE)[0:x])})
        maxW <- sapply(0:(I.noNA*M), function(x) {sum(sort(as.vector(logits.ISD), decreasing = TRUE)[0:x])})
        den  <- maxW - minW
        tmp  <- (maxW[sum(vec, na.rm = TRUE) + 1] - W) / den[sum(vec, na.rm = TRUE) + 1]
        tmp[is.nan(tmp)] <- NA
  # Export results:
  export.res.NP(matrix, N, res, "U3poly", vector("list", 5) , Ncat=Ncat, NA.method, 
                IRT.PModel, res.NA[[2]], Ability.PModel, res.NA[[3]], IP.NA, Ability.NA, res.NA[[4]])
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