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Tip revision: aa47935123bfca8a22cbc8345d658d0c1713a289 authored by Charles J. Geyer on 14 December 2023, 15:20:02 UTC
version 1.1-3
Tip revision: aa47935

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>  library(aster)
Loading required package: trust
>  data(radish)
>  options(digits=4) # avoid rounding differences
>  pred <- c(0,1,2)
>  fam <- c(1,3,2)
>  ### need object of type aster to supply to penmlogl and pickle
>  aout <- aster(resp ~ varb + fit : (Site * Region),
+      pred, fam, varb, id, root, data = radish)
>  ### model matrices for fixed and random effects
>  modmat.fix <- model.matrix(resp ~ varb + fit : (Site * Region), data = radish)
>  modmat.blk <- model.matrix(resp ~ 0 + fit:Block, data = radish)
>  modmat.pop <- model.matrix(resp ~ 0 + fit:Pop, data = radish)
>  rownames(modmat.fix) <- NULL
>  rownames(modmat.blk) <- NULL
>  rownames(modmat.pop) <- NULL
>  idrop <- match(aout$dropped, colnames(modmat.fix))
>  idrop <- idrop[!]
>  modmat.fix <- modmat.fix[ , - idrop]
>  nfix <- ncol(modmat.fix)
>  nblk <- ncol(modmat.blk)
>  npop <- ncol(modmat.pop)
>  ### try reaster
>  rout <- reaster(resp ~ varb + fit : (Site * Region),
+      list(block = ~ 0 + fit : Block, pop = ~ 0 + fit : Pop),
+      pred, fam, varb, id, root, data = radish)
>  srout1a <- summary(rout)
>  srout1b <- summary(rout, stand = FALSE)
>  class(rout)
[1] "reaster.formula" "reaster"         "asterOrReaster" 
>  names(rout)
 [1] "obj"        "fixed"      "random"     "dropped"    "sigma"     
 [6] "nu"         "c"          "b"          "alpha"      "zwz"       
[11] "response"   "origin"     "iterations" "counts"     "deviance"  
[16] "formula"    "call"      
>  identical(modmat.fix, rout$fixed)
[1] TRUE
>  identical(list(block = modmat.blk, pop = modmat.pop), rout$random)
[1] TRUE
>  class(aout)
[1] "aster.formula"  "aster"          "asterOrReaster"
>  class(rout$obj)
[1] "aster"          "asterOrReaster"
>  foo <- rep(NA, length(rout$obj))
>  names(foo) <- names(rout$obj)
>  for (n in names(rout$obj))
+      foo[n] <- all.equal(aout[[n]], rout$obj[[n]], check.attributes = FALSE)
>  cbind(foo)
coefficients TRUE
iter         TRUE
converged    TRUE
deviance     TRUE
gradient     TRUE
hessian      TRUE
newton       TRUE
rank         TRUE
x            TRUE
root         TRUE
pred         TRUE
fam          TRUE
modmat       TRUE
type         TRUE
famlist      TRUE
fisher       TRUE
dropped      TRUE
origin       TRUE
>  foo <- aout$x
>  is.matrix(foo)
[1] TRUE
>  dimnames(foo) <- NULL
>  identical(foo, rout$obj$x)
[1] TRUE
>  foo <- aout$root
>  is.matrix(foo)
[1] TRUE
>  dimnames(foo) <- NULL
>  identical(foo, rout$obj$root)
[1] TRUE
>  foo <- aout$modmat
>  is.array(foo)
[1] TRUE
>  dimnames(foo) <- list(NULL, NULL, dimnames(foo)[[3]])
>  identical(foo, rout$obj$modmat)
[1] TRUE
>  alpha.mle <- rout$alpha
>  sigma.mle <- rout$sigma
>  c.mle <- rout$c
>  fixed <- rout$fixed
>  random <- rout$random
>  bee.mle <- rout$b
>  nu.mle <- rout$nu
>  zwz.mle <- makezwz(sigma.mle, c(alpha.mle, c.mle), fixed = fixed,
+      random = random, obj = rout$obj)
>  identical(zwz.mle, rout$zwz)
[1] TRUE
>  qout <- quickle(c(alpha.mle, nu.mle), bee.mle, fixed = fixed,
+      random = random, obj = rout$obj, zwz = zwz.mle, deriv = 2)
>  sout <- summary(rout)
>  identical(qout$hessian, sout$fish)
[1] TRUE
>  # now check standard error calculations in summary.reaster
>  fred <- eigen(sout$fish, symmetric = TRUE)
>  fish.inv <- fred$vectors %*% diag(1 / fred$values) %*% t(fred$vectors)
>  all.equal(fish.inv, solve(sout$fish), tolerance = 1e-6)
[1] TRUE
>  se.parm <- sqrt(diag(fish.inv))
>  se.alpha <- se.parm[seq(along = se.parm) <= nfix]
> <- se.parm[seq(along = se.parm) > nfix]
>  identical(se.alpha, as.vector(sout$alpha[ , 2]))
[1] TRUE
>  identical(, as.vector(sout$nu[ , 2]))
[1] TRUE
>  identical( / (2 * sigma.mle), sout$sigma[ , 2])
[1] TRUE
>  eps <- 1e-4
>  npoin <- 9
>  stopifnot(npoin %% 2 == 1)
>  alphanu.mle <- c(alpha.mle, nu.mle)
>  bsp <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(bee.mle), ncol = length(alphanu.mle))
>  for (i in seq(along = alphanu.mle)) {
+      blurfle <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(bee.mle), ncol = npoin)
+      foo <- alphanu.mle
+      bar <- double(npoin)
+      for (j in 1:npoin) {
+          foo[i] <- alphanu.mle[i] + (j - (npoin + 1) / 2) * eps
+          bar[j] <- foo[i]
+          qout <- quickle(foo, bee.mle, fixed = fixed,
+              random = random, obj = rout$obj, zwz = zwz.mle)
+          blurfle[ , j] <- qout$bee
+      }
+      for (j in seq(along = bee.mle)) {
+          surfle <- splinefun(bar, blurfle[j, ], method = "natural")
+          bsp[j, i] <- surfle(alphanu.mle[i], deriv = 1)
+      }
+  }
>  qout <- quickle(c(alpha.mle, nu.mle), bee.mle, fixed = fixed,
+      random = random, obj = rout$obj, zwz = zwz.mle, deriv = 2)
>  bsp2 <- with(qout, pbb.inv %*% cbind(pba, pbn))
>  all.equal(- bsp, bsp2, tolerance = 1e-3)
[1] TRUE
>  ### try reaster with no data frame
>  y <- radish$resp
>  v <- radish$varb
>  f <- radish$fit
>  s <- radish$Site
>  r <- radish$Region
>  b <- radish$Block
>  p <- radish$Pop
>  i <- radish$id
>  rt <- radish$root
>  rout <- reaster(y ~ v + f : (s * r),
+      list(block = ~ 0 + f : b, pop = ~ 0 + f : p),
+      pred, fam, v, i, rt)
>  srout2 <- summary(rout)
>  foo <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
>  bar <- suppressWarnings(try(load("reaster.rda", foo), silent = TRUE))
>  if (inherits(bar, "try-error")) {
+      save(srout1a, srout1b, srout2, file = "reaster.rda")
+  } else {
+      srout1a$object$iterations <- NULL
+      srout1b$object$iterations <- NULL
+      srout2$object$iterations <- NULL
+      foo$srout1a$object$iterations <- NULL
+      foo$srout1b$object$iterations <- NULL
+      foo$srout2$object$iterations <- NULL
+      print(all.equal(srout1a, foo$srout1a, tol = 1e-4))
+      print(all.equal(srout1b, foo$srout1b, tol = 1e-4))
+      print(all.equal(srout2, foo$srout2, tol = 1e-4))
+  }
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
[1] TRUE
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  6.616   0.072   6.720 
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