Raw File
Tip revision: 56b9403f749e3e6442249ca6c6cd04bf1825706a authored by Alessia Pini on 04 May 2022, 07:30:08 UTC
version 2.1.1
Tip revision: 56b9403
Package: fdatest
Type: Package
Title: Interval Testing Procedure for Functional Data
Version: 2.1.1
Date: 2022-05-04
Depends: fda
Author: Alessia Pini, Simone Vantini
Maintainer: Alessia Pini <>
Description: Implementation of the Interval Testing Procedure for functional data in different frameworks (i.e., one or two-population frameworks, functional linear models) by means of different basis expansions (i.e., B-spline, Fourier, and phase-amplitude Fourier). The current version of the package requires functional data evaluated on a uniform grid; it automatically projects each function on a chosen functional basis; it performs the entire family of multivariate tests; and, finally, it provides the matrix of the p-values of the previous tests and the vector of the corrected p-values. The functional basis, the coupled or uncoupled scenario, and the kind of test can be chosen by the user. The package provides also a plotting function creating a graphical output of the procedure: the p-value heat-map, the plot of the corrected p-values, and the plot of the functional data.
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2022-05-04 08:12:37 UTC; alessiapini
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2022-05-04 08:30:08 UTC
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