Raw File
Tip revision: 4148e6b890dea3db1b7fd607e0c482854d4fe040 authored by Arni Magnusson on 16 October 2023, 19:30:14 UTC
version 3.0.0
Tip revision: 4148e6b
Package: gdata
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 2023-10-09
Title: Various R Programming Tools for Data Manipulation
Authors@R: c(person(c("Gregory", "R."), "Warnes", role="aut", email=""),
             person("Gregor", "Gorjanc", role="aut"),
             person("Arni", "Magnusson", role=c("aut","cre"), email=""),
             person("Liviu", "Andronic", role="aut"),
             person("Jim", "Rogers", role="aut"),
             person("Don", "MacQueen", role="aut"),
             person("Ales", "Korosec", role="aut"),
             person("Ben", "Bolker", role="ctb"),
             person("Michael", "Chirico", role="ctb"),
             person("Gabor", "Grothendieck", role="ctb"),
             person("Thomas", "Lumley", role="ctb"),
             person("Brian", "Ripley", role="ctb"),
             person("inoui llc", role="fnd"))
Imports: gtools, methods, stats, utils
Suggests: RUnit
Description: Various R programming tools for data manipulation, including
  medical unit conversions, combining objects, character vector operations,
  factor manipulation, obtaining information about R objects, generating
  fixed-width format files, extracting components of date & time objects,
  operations on columns of data frames, matrix operations, operations on
  vectors, operations on data frames, value of last evaluated expression, and a
  resample() wrapper for sample() that ensures consistent behavior for both
  scalar and vector arguments.
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2023-10-09 15:07:28 UTC; arnim
Author: Gregory R. Warnes [aut],
  Gregor Gorjanc [aut],
  Arni Magnusson [aut, cre],
  Liviu Andronic [aut],
  Jim Rogers [aut],
  Don MacQueen [aut],
  Ales Korosec [aut],
  Ben Bolker [ctb],
  Michael Chirico [ctb],
  Gabor Grothendieck [ctb],
  Thomas Lumley [ctb],
  Brian Ripley [ctb],
  inoui llc [fnd]
Maintainer: Arni Magnusson <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2023-10-16 19:30:14 UTC
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