Raw File
Tip revision: 97b5ac4296075d3ef00aa1308fef95a9f872b1c9 authored by Frank Schaarschmidt on 19 June 2020, 07:50:06 UTC
version 1.4.2
Tip revision: 97b5ac4
\title{ Slope ratio assay of panthotenic acid contents in plant tissues }
  Content of panthotenic acid in a standard and three unknown samples were measured. The response variable is the
titer of a sample to pH 6.8.

  A data frame with 34 observations on the following 3 variables.
    \item{Response}{a numeric vector, containing the response variable (titer to pH 6.8)}
    \item{Treatment}{a factor with levels St, U1, U2 and U3, specifying the standard and 3 unknown samples, respectively}
    \item{Dose}{a numeric vector}

\emph{Jensen, D.R. (1989).}
 Joint confidence sets in multiple dilution assays. 
\emph{Biometrical Journal 31, 841-853.}
  Data originally from  \emph{Bliss, C.I. (1952).} The Statistics of Bioassay. Academic Press, New York.




plot(Response~Dose, data=SRAssay)

# library(lattice)
# xyplot(Response~Dose|Treatment, data=SRAssay)

# see ?sci.ratio.gen for  the analysis of this dataset

\concept{slope ratio assay}
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