Raw File
Tip revision: d17a8eef23ff48281cdfb5e4cb05b71d70033062 authored by Roger Bivand on 08 February 2016, 15:00:00 UTC
version 0.8-9
Tip revision: d17a8ee
Package: spgrass6
Version: 0.8-9
Date: 2016-02-08
Title: Interface Between GRASS 6+ Geographical Information System and R
Authors@R: c(
	person("Roger", "Bivand", role = c("cre", "aut"), email = ""),
	person("Rainer", "Krug", role = "ctb", email=""),
	person("Markus", "Neteler", role = "ctb"))
Description: Interpreted interface between GRASS 6+ geographical 
    information system and R, based on starting R from within the GRASS 
    environment, or running free-standing R in a temporary GRASS location;
    the package provides facilities for using all GRASS commands from the 
    R command line. This package may not be used for GRASS 7, for which
    rgrass7 should be used.
Depends: R (>= 2.12), sp (>= 0.9), XML
Imports: stats, utils, methods
Suggests: rgdal (>= 0.8-8)
SystemRequirements: GRASS (>= 6.3, < 7)
License: GPL (>= 2)
Collate: AAA.R options.R spgrass6.R bin_link.R vect_link.R initGRASS.R
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-02-08 13:25:31 UTC; rsb
Author: Roger Bivand [cre, aut],
  Rainer Krug [ctb],
  Markus Neteler [ctb]
Maintainer: Roger Bivand <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-02-08 15:00:00
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