Raw File
Tip revision: 50e5ac89a6f20a82b3135f4764c041b56d8ab4d6 authored by G. Grothendieck on 28 June 2017, 05:43:10 UTC
version 0.4-11
Tip revision: 50e5ac8
Package: sqldf
Version: 0.4-11
Date: 2017-06-23
Title: Manipulate R Data Frames Using SQL
Author: G. Grothendieck <>
Maintainer: G. Grothendieck <>
Description: The sqldf() function is typically passed a single argument which 
	is an SQL select statement where the table names are ordinary R data 
	frame names.  sqldf() transparently sets up a database, imports the 
	data frames into that database, performs the SQL select or other
	statement and returns the result using a heuristic to determine which 
	class to assign to each column of the returned data frame.  The sqldf() 
	or read.csv.sql() functions can also be used to read filtered files 
	into R even if the original files are larger than R itself can handle.
	'RSQLite', 'RH2', 'RMySQL' and 'RPostgreSQL' backends are supported.
ByteCompile: true
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0), gsubfn (>= 0.6), proto, RSQLite
Suggests: RH2, RMySQL, RPostgreSQL, svUnit, tcltk, MASS
Imports: DBI, chron
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-06-28 00:38:13 UTC; Louis
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-06-28 06:43:10 UTC
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