Raw File
Tip revision: 0e9915b1bbee346e4c283f39772af69032684e39 authored by Ken Kellner on 09 January 2024, 10:20:02 UTC
version 1.4.1
Tip revision: 0e9915b

\title{Extract estimates of random effect terms}

  Extract estimates and summary statistics of random effect terms from an
  \code{unmarkedFit} model or an \code{unmarkedEstimate}.

\S4method{randomTerms}{unmarkedEstimate}(object, level=0.95, ...)
\S4method{randomTerms}{unmarkedFit}(object, type, level=0.95, ...)

  \item{object}{An object inheriting class \code{unmarkedEstimate} or 
  \item{level}{Significance level to use for confidence interval}
  \item{type}{If provided, return only random effect terms from the chosen
    submodel type (as a character string)}
  \item{...}{Other arguments}

\value{\code{data.frame} containing estimates, SEs, and confidence intervals
 for random effect terms in the model. 

\author{Ken Kellner \email{}}
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