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Tip revision: 5ecf0a5f60a491a13ac0139a606046292eb9a413 authored by Greer B. Humphrey on 20 April 2017, 07:35:10 UTC
version 1.2.1
Tip revision: 5ecf0a5
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% Please edit documentation in R/ann.R
\title{Fit Artificial Neural Networks.}
ann(x, y, size, act_hid = c("tanh", "sigmoid", "linear", "exp"),
  act_out = c("linear", "sigmoid", "tanh", "exp"), Wts = NULL, rang = 0.5,
  objfn = NULL, method = "BFGS", maxit = 1000, abstol = 1e-04,
  reltol = 1e-08, trace = TRUE, ...)
\item{x}{matrix, data frame or vector of numeric input values, with
\code{ncol(x)} equal to the number of inputs/predictors and \code{nrow(x)}
equal to the number of examples. A vector is considered to comprise examples
of a single input or predictor variable.}

\item{y}{matrix, data frame or vector of target values for examples.}

\item{size}{number of hidden layer nodes. Can be zero.}

\item{act_hid}{activation function to be used at the hidden layer.
See `Details'.}

\item{act_out}{activation function to be used at the output layer.
See `Details'.}

\item{Wts}{initial weight vector. If \code{NULL} chosen at random.}

\item{rang}{initial random weights on [-rang,rang].
Default value is 0.5.}

\item{objfn}{objective function to be minimised when fitting
weights. This function may be user-defined with the first two arguments
corresponding to \code{y} (the observed target data) and \code{y_hat}
(the ANN output). If this function has additional parameters which require
optimizing, these must be defined in argument \code{par_of}
(see AR(1) case in `Examples'). Default is \code{sse} (internal
function to compute sum squared error, with error given by
\code{y - y_hat}) when \code{objfn = NULL}.}

\item{method}{the method to be used by \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
for minimising the objective function. May be ``Nelder-Mead'', ``BFGS'',
``CG'', ``L-BFGS-B'', ``SANN'' or ``Brent''. Can be abbreviated.
Default is ``BFGS''.}

\item{maxit}{maximum number of iterations used by \code{\link[stats]{optim}}.
Default value is 1000.}

\item{abstol}{absolute convergence tolerance (stopping criterion)
used by \code{\link[stats]{optim}}. Default is \code{1e-4}.}

\item{reltol}{relative convergence tolerance (stopping criterion)
used by \code{\link[stats]{optim}}. Optimization stops if the value
returned by \code{objfn} cannot be reduced by a factor of
\code{reltol * (abs(val) + reltol)} at a step. Default is \code{1e-8}.}

\item{trace}{logical. Should optimization be traced?
Default = TRUE.}

\item{\dots}{arguments to be passed to user-defined \code{objfn}. Initial
values of any parameters (in addition to the ANN weights) requiring
optimization must be supplied in argument \code{par_of} (see AR(1) case
in `Examples').}
object of class `ann' with components describing the ANN structure
   and the following output components:
\item{wts}{best set of weights found.}
\item{par_of}{best values of additional \code{objfn} parameters. This
   component will only be returned if a user-defined \code{objfn} is supplied
   and argument \code{par_of} is included in the function call (see AR(1)
   case in `Examples').}
\item{value}{value of objective function.}
\item{fitted.values}{fitted values for the training data.}
\item{residuals}{residuals for the training data.}
\item{convergence}{integer code returned by \code{\link[stats]{optim}}.
   0 indicates successful completion, see \code{\link[stats]{optim}} for
   possible error codes.}
\item{derivs}{matrix of derivatives of hidden (columns \code{1:size})
   and output (final column) nodes.}
Fits a single hidden layer ANN model to input data \code{x} and output data
The ``linear'' activation, or transfer, function is the
   identity function where the output of a node is equal to its input
   \eqn{f(x) = x}.

   The ``sigmoid'' function is the standard logistic sigmoid function given
   by \eqn{f(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}}{f(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))}.

   The ``tanh'' function is the hyperbolic tangent function given by
   \eqn{f(x) = \frac{e^{x}-e^{-x}}{e^{x}+e^{-x}}}{
      f(x) = (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / (exp(x) + exp(-x))}

   The ``exp'' function is the exponential function given by
   \eqn{f(x) = e^{x}}{f(x) = exp(x)}

   The default configuration of activation functions is
   \code{act_hid = "tanh"} and \code{act_out = "linear"}.

   Optimization (minimization) of the objective function (\code{objfn}) is
   performed by \code{\link[stats]{optim}} using the method specified.

   Derivatives returned are first-order partial derivatives of the hidden and
   output nodes with respect to their inputs. These may be useful for
   sensitivity analyses.
## fit 1-hidden node ann model with tanh activation at the hidden layer and
## linear activation at the output layer.
## Use 200 random samples from ar9 dataset.
## ---
samp <- sample(1:1000, 200)
y <- ar9[samp, ncol(ar9)]
x <- ar9[samp, -ncol(ar9)]
x <- x[, c(1,4,9)]
fit <- ann(x, y, size = 1, act_hid = "tanh", act_out = "linear", rang = 0.1)

## fit 3-hidden node ann model to ar9 data with user-defined AR(1) objective
## function
## ---
ar1_sse <- function(y, y_hat, par_of) {
  err <- y - y_hat
  err[-1] <- err[-1] - par_of * err[-length(y)]
  sum(err ^ 2)
fit <- ann(x, y, size = 3, act_hid = "tanh", act_out = "linear", rang = 0.1,
           objfn = ar1_sse, par_of = 0.7)

\code{\link{predict.ann}}, \code{\link{validann}}

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