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\title{Validate Artificial Neural Networks.}

\method{validann}{ann}(net, obs = NULL, sim = NULL, x = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE, ...)

\method{validann}{nnet}(net, obs = NULL, sim = NULL, x = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE, ...)

\method{validann}{default}(obs, sim, wts = NULL, nodes = NULL,
  na.rm = TRUE, ...)
\item{net}{an object of class `ann' (as returned by function
\code{\link{ann}}) or `nnet' (as returned using \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}).
This is a list object comprising information about the fitted ANN model,
including values of weights, fitted target values, number of layers and
numbers of nodes in each layer, for example.}

\item{obs, sim}{vectors comprising observed (\code{obs}) and simulated
(\code{sim}) examples of a single response variable. These vectors are
used to compute model fit statistics. Optional if \code{net} is supplied
(see `Details').}

\item{x}{matrix, data frame or vector of input data used for
fitting \code{net} object. A vector is considered to comprise examples of
a single input or predictor variable. While \code{x} is optional,
sensitivity analyses useful for structural validation cannot be performed
if it is not supplied.}

\item{na.rm}{logical; should missing values (including NaN)
be removed from calculations? Default = TRUE.}

\item{wts}{vector of ANN weights used to compute input
`relative importance' measures if \code{net} object is not supplied. Must
be supplied together with \code{nodes} in order to compute such metrics.
See `Details' for ordering of \code{wts} vector.}

\item{nodes}{vector indicating the number of nodes in each layer
of the ANN model. This vector should have 3 elements: nodes in input
layer, nodes in hidden layer (can be 0), and nodes in output layer.
If \code{net} object is not supplied, \code{nodes} must be supplied
together with \code{wts} if any structural validation metrics are to be

\item{\dots}{arguments to be passed to different validann methods,
see specific formulations for details.}
list object of class `validann' with components dependent on
   arguments passed to \code{validann} function:

\item{metrics}{a data frame consisting of metrics:

   KGE, SSE and R.

   See Dawson et al. (2007) for definitions.}
\item{obs_stats}{a data frame consisting of summary statistics about the
   \code{obs} dataset including mean, minimum, maximum, variance,
   standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis.}
\item{sim_stats}{a data frame consisting of summary statistics about the
   \code{sim} dataset including mean, minimum, maximum, variance,
   standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis.}
\item{residuals}{a 1-column matrix of model residuals (\code{sim - obs}).}
\item{resid_stats}{a data frame consisting of summary statistics about the
   model \code{residuals} including mean, minimum, maximum, variance,
   standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis.}
\item{ri}{a data frame consisting of `relative importance' values for each
   input. Only returned if \code{net} or \code{wts} and \code{nodes} are

   If \code{net} is supplied, relative importance values computed using the
   following 4 methods are returned:

   Garson's (Garson); connection weight (CW); Profile sensitivity
   analysis (Profile); and partial derivative sensitivity analysis (PaD).

   In addition, if \code{net} is of class `ann' (as returned by function
   \code{\link{ann}}) and the activation function used at the hidden
   layer (\code{act_hid}) is "tanh", relative importance
   values computed using the modified CW (MCW) are also returned.
   This method requires that the hidden layer activation function be
   symmetric about the origin.

   If \code{wts} and \code{nodes} are supplied, only relative importance
   values computed using the Garson and CW methods are returned.

   See Gevrey et al. (2003), Olden et al. (2004) and Kingston et al. (2006)
   for details of the relative importance methods.}
\item{y_hat}{a matrix of dimension \code{c(101, ncol(x) * 6)} of model
   response values indicating the local sensitivity of the model to each
   input in \code{x}. Only returned if \code{net} and \code{x} are supplied.

   The response values returned in \code{y_hat} are calculated using the
   `Profile' sensitivity analysis method described in Gevrey et al. (2003).
   Using this method, the local sensitivity of each input in \code{x} is
   considered successively. For each input \code{x[,i]}, 5 synthetic data
   sets are generated where inputs \code{x[,-i]} are successively fixed at
   their minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile and maximum values
   (as calculated from \code{x}), while input \code{x[,i]} is varied between
   its minimum and maximum value, increasing in increments of 1\% (giving
   101 synthetic values of \code{x[,i]} for each of the 5 sets of fixed
   \code{x[,-i]}). These data are input into \code{net} and model response
   values corresponding to the 5 summary statistics are computed.
   These 5 sets of response values, together with a set of computed median
   responses, are returned as y_hat[,(i - 1) * 6 + 1:6]. This process is
   repeated for each input variable in \code{x}. See Gevrey et al. (2003)
   for further details.}
\item{as}{a matrix of dimension \code{dim(x)} of `absolute sensitivity'
   values for each input in \code{x} given the model output values
   (i.e. \code{sim}). Only returned if \code{net} and \code{x} are
   supplied and \code{net} is of class `ann'.

   The values in \code{as} are calculated according to the partial
   derivative (PaD) sensitivity analysis method described in Gevrey et al.
   (2003), which involves computing the first-order partial derivatives of
   the ANN output with respect to each input. \code{net} must be of class
   `ann' in order to access partial derivatives of the hidden layer nodes as
   returned by \code{\link{ann}}.}
\item{rs}{a matrix of dimension \code{dim(x)} of `relative sensitivity'
   values for each input in \code{x} given the model output values
   (i.e. \code{sim}). Only returned if \code{net} and \code{x} are
   supplied and \code{net} is of class `ann'.

   To compute the values in \code{rs}, the \code{as} values are normalised
   by multiplying by \code{x[,i]}/\code{sim} as described in Mount et al.
   (2013). As for \code{as}, \code{net} must be of class
   `ann' in order to access partial derivatives of the hidden layer nodes as
   returned by \code{\link{ann}}.}
Compute metrics and statistics for predictive, replicative
   and/or structural validation of artificial neural networks (ANNs).
To compute all possible validation metrics and statistics,
   \code{net} must be supplied and must be of class `ann' (as returned by
   \code{\link{ann}}) or `nnet' (as returned by \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}).
   However, a partial derivative (PaD) sensitivity analysis (useful for
   structural validation) will only be carried out if \code{net} is of class

   If \code{obs} and \code{sim} data are supplied in addition to \code{net},
   validation metrics are computed based on these. Otherwise, metrics and
   statistics are computed based on \code{obs} and \code{sim} datasets
   derived from the \code{net} object (i.e. the data used to fit \code{net}
   and the fitted values). As such, both \code{obs} and \code{sim} must be
   supplied if validation is to be based either on data not used for
   training or on unprocessed training data (if training data were
   preprocessed). If either \code{obs} or \code{sim} is specified but the
   other isn't, both \code{obs} and \code{sim} will be derived from
   \code{net} if supplied (and a warning will be given). Similarly, this
   will occur if \code{obs} and \code{sim} are of different lengths.

   If \code{net} is not supplied, both \code{obs} and \code{sim} are
   required. This may be necessary if validating an ANN model not built
   using either the \code{\link[nnet]{nnet}} or \code{\link{ann}} functions.
   In this case, both \code{wts} and \code{nodes} are also required if any
   structural validation metrics are to be returned. If an ANN model has
   \emph{K} input nodes, \emph{J} hidden nodes and a single output \emph{O},
   with a bias node for both the hidden and output layers, the \code{wts} vector must be ordered
   as follows:

   \code{  Wh1O,...,WhJO,Wh0O)}

   where \code{Wikhj} is the weight between the \emph{k}th input and the
   \emph{j}th hidden node and \code{WhjO} is the weight between the
   \emph{j}th hidden node and the output. The bias weight on the \emph{j}th
   hidden layer node is labelled \code{Wi0hj} while the bias weight on the
   output is labelled \code{Wh0O}. The \code{wts} vector assumes the network
   is fully connected; however, missing connections may be substituted by
   zero weights. Skip-layer connections are not allowed.
\section{Methods (by class)}{
\item \code{ann}: Compute validation metrics when \code{net}
is of class `ann'.

\item \code{nnet}: Compute validation metrics when \code{net}
is of class `nnet'.

\item \code{default}: Useful for predictive validation only or when ANN model
has not been developed using either \code{\link{ann}} or
\code{\link[nnet]{nnet}}. Limited structural validation metrics may be
computed and only if \code{wts} and \code{nodes} are supplied.
# get validation results for 1-hidden node `ann' model fitted to ar9 data
# based on training data.
# ---
samp <- sample(1:1000, 200)
y <- ar9[samp, ncol(ar9)]
x <- ar9[samp, -ncol(ar9)]
x <- x[, c(1,4,9)]

fit <- ann(x, y, size = 1, act_hid = "tanh", act_out = "linear", rang = 0.1)
results <- validann(fit, x = x)

# get validation results for above model based on a new sample of ar9 data.
# ---
samp <- sample(1:1000, 200)
y <- ar9[samp, ncol(ar9)]
x <- ar9[samp, -ncol(ar9)]
x <- x[, c(1,4,9)]

obs <- y
sim <- predict(fit, newdata = x)
results <- validann(fit, obs = obs, sim = sim, x = x)

# get validation results for `obs' and `sim' data without ANN model.
# In this example `sim' is generated using a linear model. No structural
# validation of the model is possible, but `wts' are provided to compute the
# number of model parameters needed for the calculation of certain
# goodness-of-fit metrics.
# ---
samp <- sample(1:1000, 200)
y <- ar9[samp, ncol(ar9)]
x <- ar9[samp, -ncol(ar9)]
x <- as.matrix(x[, c(1,4,9)])
lmfit <-, y)
sim <- lmfit$fitted.values
obs <- y
results <- validann(obs = obs, sim = sim, wts = lmfit$coefficients)

# validann would be called in the same way if the ANN model used to generate
# `sim' was not available or was not of class `ann' or `nnet'. Ideally in
# this case, however, both `wts' and `nodes' should be supplied such that
# some structural validation metrics may be computed.
# ---
obs <- c(0.257, -0.891, -1.710, -0.575, -1.668, 0.851, -0.350, -1.313,
         -2.469, 0.486)
sim <- c(-1.463, 0.027, -2.053, -1.091, -1.602, 2.018, 0.723, -0.776,
         -2.351, 1.054)
wts <- c(-0.05217, 0.08363, 0.07840, -0.00753, -7.35675, -0.00066)
nodes <- c(3, 1, 1)
results <- validann(obs = obs, sim = sim, wts = wts, nodes = nodes)

Dawson, C.W., Abrahart, R.J., See, L.M., 2007. HydroTest: A web-based
   toolbox of evaluation metrics for the standardised assessment of
   hydrological forecasts. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(7),
   1034-1052. \url{}.

Olden, J.D., Joy, M.K., Death, R.G., 2004. An accurate comparison of
   methods for quantifying variable importance in artificial neural networks
   using simulated data. Ecological Modelling 178, 389-397.

Gevrey, M., Dimopoulos, I., Lek, S., 2003. Review and comparison of methods
   to study the contribution of variables in artificial neural network
   models. Ecological Modelling 160, 249-264.

Kingston, G.B., Maier, H.R., Lambert, M.F., 2006. Forecasting cyanobacteria
   with Bayesian and deterministic artificial neural networks, in: IJCNN '06.
   International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006., IEEE.
   pp. 4870-4877. \url{}.

Mount, N.J., Dawson, C.W., Abrahart, R.J., 2013. Legitimising
   data-driven models: exemplification of a new data-driven mechanistic
   modelling framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17, 2827-2843.
\code{\link{ann}}, \code{\link{plot.validann}},

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