Raw File
Tip revision: b70248926b64ff3fc81d4fa33725770ed0ded596 authored by Changchuan Yin on 22 November 2018, 21:22:57 UTC
Whole genome SNP genotyping sample vcf data
Tip revision: b702489
% Plotting the phylogenetic tree by MATLAB using pair-wise distances.
% Changchuan Yin, 07/22/2018
% University of Illinois at Chicago

% 1. Get data from data file

% Sample content in data file: pair-wise distances.
gene A, gen B, 0.18
gene A, gene C, 0.12
gene A, gene D, 0.15
gene B, gene C, 0.55
gene B, gene D, 0.14
gene C, gene D, 0.92

fileID = fopen(fileName);
data = textscan(fileID,'%s %s %f','Delimiter',',')
n = length(data{1});        % All names in column 1

% 2. Get the names in the order of distances and unique.
names = unique(data{1});
nameLast = data{2}(n);      % And add the last element in column 2.
names(last+1) = nameLast;

% 3. Populate the gene vector.
for k = 1:length(names)
   name = names(k);
   Genes(k).Header = char(name);

% 4. Get the distances.
dists = data{3};

% 5. Plotting the phylogenetic tree.
UPGMAtree = seqlinkage(dists,'UPGMA',Genes);
xlabel('Dissimilarity distance', 'FontSize', 10,'FontWeight','bold')
title('The phylogenetic tree of genes A, B, C, and D', 'FontSize',10,'FontWeight','bold');

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