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Tip revision: 5855c6b78b22476d915f7a1a77b1b046445b2cab authored by Muhammad Saleem on 04 August 2023, 11:48:52 UTC
Tip revision: 5855c6b
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\title{Previous Formulas}
%%% \author{The Author}


\section{Previous version}

Card(E1 \bowtie E2) = MIN(Card(E1), Card(E2))

Cost(E1 \bowtie_h E2) = Card(E1) * CRT + Card(E2) * CRT + 2 * CSQ

Cost(E1 \bowtie_b E2) = Card(E1) * CRT + \frac{Card(E1)}{BSZ}* CSQ  + Card(E1 \bowtie E2) * CRT

where the cost for sending a SPARQL query is CSQ, the cost for receiving a single result tuple is CRT and BSZ is the size of a bound join block.

In our experiments CSQ=50, CRT=0.02, BSZ=20

\section{Modified version}
Card(E1 \bowtie E2) = MIN(Card(E1), Card(E2)) * MVK(E1) *  MVK(E2)
where  MVK(E1) and  MVK(E2) are multivalue multiplyers of E1 and E2 respectively.
   MVK(E)= \left\{
       \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}  &: \text{E is a triple pattern like ?s $<$p$>$  $<$o$>$ . }\\
       \frac{\text{triple count for given predicate}}{\text{distinct subject count}} &: \text{E is a triple pattern like ?s $<$p$>$  ?o. The join variable is ?s.} \\
       \frac{\text{triple count for given predicate}}{\text{distinct object count}} &: \text{E is a triple pattern like ?s $<$p$>$  ?o. The join variable is ?o.} \\
       \text{1} &: \text{other cases}

Cost(E1 \bowtie_h E2) = \frac{1 + TC}{TC} * CSQ + Card(E2) * CRT + (Card(E1)  +  Card(E2)) * CHT
where Card(E1) $<$ Card(E2), TC is the number of threads used to query sparql endpoints, CSQ is the cost of sending a SPARQL query, CRT is the cost of receiving a single result tuple, CHT is the cost of handling received tuple.\\\\
Description: the hash join algorithm sends 2 requests for E1 and E2 using TC threads (cost = first summand in the (5)), then recieves results for E1 and E2 in parallel, so cost = Max(Card(E1), Card(E2)) * CRT = Card(E2) * CRT, finally all the tuples received are
handled: the internal implementaion uses hashmap with synchronized access to store data, so cost can be estimated as (Card(E1)  +  Card(E2)) * CHT

Cost(E1 \bowtie_b E2) = CSQ + Card(E1) * CRT + \frac{\frac{Card(E1) + BSZ - 1}{BSZ} + CTC - 1}{CTC} * CSQ

The bind join algo at first sends the request for E1 (cost = CSQ), receives results for E1 (cost = Card(E1) * CRT), then using TC threads sends resuests for E2 using bunch of BSZ size (cost = third summand in the formula (6)) \\\\
In our experiments CSQ=100, CRT=0.01, 0.0025, BSZ=20, TC=20


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