Raw File
Tip revision: 316d5cdf3e88f2ba69cc43668d66b4f69ff833ce authored by lazopolis on 03 April 2020, 09:44:53 UTC
fixed bug in communication between ThresholdResummation and rest of code. Modified output to scientific notation for reals
Tip revision: 316d5cd
# iHixs 2 - Inclusive Higgs Cross Sections 
Inclusive Higgs cross sections.

## General information
iHixs is a C++ code for computing inclusive Higgs boson production cross sections in gluon fusion.

If you use this code in your publication, please cite

## Dependencies
1. [LHAPDF version 6.*](
2. [Boost 1.6 or higher (headers only)](
3. Cuba 4.2 : [a multidimensional numerical integration library](

iHixs has been succesfully built with gcc 4.8 and higher, on Linux and Mac OS X systems. With respect to C++ standards, C++11 compliance is required.

**note:** LHAPDF and Cuba should have been installed on the system with the **same compiler** as used for ihixs. This is a common source of linking problems on Mac OS, where the native compiler is CLANG LLVM.

## Download

You can obtain iHixs from the releases on the github repository,

or by cloning the repository directly:

git clone

## Installation

Clone the repository or download the release tarball and unzip.
Then change create a build subdirectory in the resulting ihixs source directory and run cmake.

cd <ihixs_src_dir>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If the dependencies cannot be found automatically run cmake instead as follows
cmake -DLHAPDF_DIR=<lhapdf_main_dir> -DCUBA_DIR_USER=<cuba_dir> -DBOOST_DIR_USER=<boost_dir> ..
If you need to determine a specific set of compilers 
      CXX=mygcc CC=mygcc cmake -DLHAPDF_DIR=<lhapdf_main_dir> -DCUBA_DIR_USER=<cuba_dir> -DBOOST_DIR_USER=<boost_dir> ..
## Usage

The input is controlled by a runcard. An example runcard is available
at default.card
    ./ihixs -i myruncard
Available options that can be specified in the runcard can be seen by
    ./ihixs --help
Options can also be set through command line, the gnu way, e.g.
    ./ihixs -i myruncard --mur=63.5
Some of the options have shorthands. For example 
    --input_filename myruncard
is equivalent to 
    -i myruncard
To see for which options have available shorthands, type 
    ./ihixs --help 
and check whether an option has a shorthand after its name, for example
    output_filename [o] 
means that the option output_filename has the shorthand 'o'

## Running the tests
* How to run tests : there are several tests integrated in the distribution, within the google test framework ( You can run them by typing (from the build) 
    src/tests/<name of test> 
    where <name of test> is any of the binaries in the src/test/ directory. For example 
    runs several tests related to the higgs eft amplitudes.

## Developers
- **Achilleas Lazopoulos**
- Bernhard Mistlberger
- Falko Dulat

Made with :mortar_board: in Geneva, Menlo Park and Zurich.
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