Raw File
Tip revision: 49b7884e93348d50df7173e1619d7499468bb1f6 authored by epnev on 22 August 2019, 14:24:41 UTC
fix bug introduced with 9e524e29f17d35db3c79a87de32209c7dccda186
Tip revision: 49b7884
% complete pipeline for calcium imaging data pre-processing
addpath(genpath('../NoRMCorre'));               % add the NoRMCorre motion correction package to MATLAB path
gcp;                                            % start a parallel engine
foldername = '';
         % folder where all the files are located.
filetype = 'tif'; % type of files to be processed
        % Types currently supported .tif/.tiff, .h5/.hdf5, .raw, .avi, and .mat files
files = subdir(fullfile(foldername,['*.',filetype]));   % list of filenames (will search all subdirectories)
FOV = size(read_file(files(1).name,1,1));
numFiles = length(files);

%% motion correct (and save registered h5 files as 2d matrices (to be used in the end)..)
% register files one by one. use template obtained from file n to
% initialize template of file n + 1; 

motion_correct = true;                            % perform motion correction
non_rigid = true;                                 % flag for non-rigid motion correction
output_type = 'h5';                               % format to save registered files

if non_rigid; append = '_nr'; else; append = '_rig'; end        % use this to save motion corrected files

options_mc = NoRMCorreSetParms('d1',FOV(1),'d2',FOV(2),'grid_size',[128,128],'init_batch',200,...

template = [];
col_shift = [];
for i = 1:numFiles
    fullname = files(i).name;
    [folder_name,file_name,ext] = fileparts(fullname);
    output_filename = fullfile(folder_name,[file_name,append,'.',output_type]);
    options_mc = NoRMCorreSetParms(options_mc,'output_filename',output_filename,'h5_filename','','tiff_filename',''); % update output file name
    if motion_correct
        [M,shifts,template,options_mc,col_shift] = normcorre_batch_even(fullname,options_mc,template);
        save(fullfile(folder_name,[file_name,'_shifts',append,'.mat']),'shifts','-v7.3');           % save shifts of each file at the respective folder        
    else    % if files are already motion corrected convert them to h5

%% downsample h5 files and save into a single memory mapped matlab file

if motion_correct
    registered_files = subdir(fullfile(foldername,['*',append,'.',output_type]));  % list of registered files (modify this to list all the motion corrected files you need to process)
    registered_files = subdir(fullfile(foldername,'*_mc.h5'));
fr = 30;                                         % frame rate
tsub = 5;                                        % degree of downsampling (for 30Hz imaging rate you can try also larger, e.g. 8-10)
ds_filename = [foldername,'/ds_data.mat'];
data_type = class(read_file(registered_files(1).name,1,1));
data = matfile(ds_filename,'Writable',true);
data.Y  = zeros([FOV,0],data_type);
data.Yr = zeros([prod(FOV),0],data_type);
data.sizY = [FOV,0];
F_dark = Inf;                                    % dark fluorescence (min of all data)
batch_size = 2000;                               % read chunks of that size
batch_size = round(batch_size/tsub)*tsub;        % make sure batch_size is divisble by tsub
Ts = zeros(numFiles,1);                          % store length of each file
cnt = 0;                                         % number of frames processed so far
tt1 = tic;
for i = 1:numFiles
    name = registered_files(i).name;
    info = h5info(name);
    dims = info.Datasets.Dataspace.Size;
    ndimsY = length(dims);                       % number of dimensions (data array might be already reshaped)
    Ts(i) = dims(end);
    Ysub = zeros(FOV(1),FOV(2),floor(Ts(i)/tsub),data_type);
    data.Y(FOV(1),FOV(2),sum(floor(Ts/tsub))) = zeros(1,data_type);
    data.Yr(prod(FOV),sum(floor(Ts/tsub))) = zeros(1,data_type);
    cnt_sub = 0;
    for t = 1:batch_size:Ts(i)
        Y = read_file(name,t,min(batch_size,Ts(i)-t+1));    
        F_dark = min(nanmin(Y(:)),F_dark);
        ln = size(Y,ndimsY);
        Y = reshape(Y,[FOV,ln]);
        Y = cast(downsample_data(Y,'time',tsub),data_type);
        ln = size(Y,3);
        Ysub(:,:,cnt_sub+1:cnt_sub+ln) = Y;
        cnt_sub = cnt_sub + ln;
    data.Y(:,:,cnt+1:cnt+cnt_sub) = Ysub;
    data.Yr(:,cnt+1:cnt+cnt_sub) = reshape(Ysub,[],cnt_sub);
    cnt = cnt + cnt_sub;
    data.sizY(1,3) = cnt;
data.F_dark = F_dark;
%% now run CNMF on patches on the downsampled file, set parameters first

sizY = data.sizY;                       % size of data matrix
patch_size = [40,40];                   % size of each patch along each dimension (optional, default: [32,32])
overlap = [8,8];                        % amount of overlap in each dimension (optional, default: [4,4])

patches = construct_patches(sizY(1:end-1),patch_size,overlap);
K = 7;                                            % number of components to be found
tau = 8;                                          % std of gaussian kernel (half size of neuron) 
p = 2;                                            % order of autoregressive system (p = 0 no dynamics, p=1 just decay, p = 2, both rise and decay)
merge_thr = 0.8;                                  % merging threshold
sizY = data.sizY;

options = CNMFSetParms(...
    'deconv_method','constrained_foopsi',...    % neural activity deconvolution method
    'p',p,...                                   % order of calcium dynamics
    'ssub',2,...                                % spatial downsampling when processing
    'tsub',2,...                                % further temporal downsampling when processing
    'merge_thr',merge_thr,...                   % merging threshold
    'max_size_thr',300,'min_size_thr',10,...    % max/min acceptable size for each component
    'spatial_method','regularized',...          % method for updating spatial components
    'df_prctile',50,...                         % take the median of background fluorescence to compute baseline fluorescence 
    'fr',fr/tsub,...                            % downsamples
    'space_thresh',0.35,...                     % space correlation acceptance threshold
    'min_SNR',2.0,...                           % trace SNR acceptance threshold
    'cnn_thr',0.2,...                           % cnn classifier acceptance threshold
    'nb',1,...                                  % number of background components per patch
    'gnb',3,...                                 % number of global background components
    'decay_time',0.5...                         % length of typical transient for the indicator used

%% Run on patches (the main work is done here)

[A,b,C,f,S,P,RESULTS,YrA] = run_CNMF_patches(data.Y,K,patches,tau,0,options);  % do not perform deconvolution here since
                                                                               % we are operating on downsampled data
%% compute correlation image on a small sample of the data (optional - for visualization purposes) 
Cn = correlation_image_max(data,8);

%% classify components

rval_space = classify_comp_corr(data,A,C,b,f,options);
ind_corr = rval_space > options.space_thresh;           % components that pass the correlation test
                                                        % this test will keep processes
%% further classification with cnn_classifier
try  % matlab 2017b or later is needed
    [ind_cnn,value] = cnn_classifier(A,FOV,'cnn_model',options.cnn_thr);
    ind_cnn = true(size(A,2),1);                        % components that pass the CNN classifier
%% event exceptionality

fitness = compute_event_exceptionality(C+YrA,options.N_samples_exc,options.robust_std);
ind_exc = (fitness < options.min_fitness);

%% select components

keep = (ind_corr | ind_cnn) & ind_exc;

%% run GUI for modifying component selection (optional, close twice to save values)
% run_GUI = false;
% if run_GUI
%     Coor = plot_contours(A,Cn,options,1); close;
%     GUIout = ROI_GUI(A,options,Cn,Coor,keep,ROIvars);   
%     options = GUIout{2};
%     keep = GUIout{3};    
% end

%% view contour plots of selected and rejected components (optional)
throw = ~keep;
Coor_k = [];
Coor_t = [];
    ax1 = subplot(121); plot_contours(A(:,keep),Cn,options,0,[],Coor_k,[],1,find(keep)); title('Selected components','fontweight','bold','fontsize',14);
    ax2 = subplot(122); plot_contours(A(:,throw),Cn,options,0,[],Coor_t,[],1,find(throw));title('Rejected components','fontweight','bold','fontsize',14);
%% keep only the active components    

A_keep = A(:,keep);
C_keep = C(keep,:);

%% extract residual signals for each trace

if exist('YrA','var') 
    R_keep = YrA(keep,:); 
    R_keep = compute_residuals(data,A_keep,b,C_keep,f);
%% extract fluorescence on native temporal resolution =*tsub;                   % revert to origingal frame rate
N = size(C_keep,1);                             % total number of components
T = sum(Ts);                                    % total number of timesteps
C_full = imresize(C_keep,[N,T]);                % upsample to original frame rate
R_full = imresize(R_keep,[N,T]);                % upsample to original frame rate
F_full = C_full + R_full;                       % full fluorescence
f_full = imresize(f,[size(f,1),T]);             % upsample temporal background

S_full = zeros(N,T);

P.p = 0;
ind_T = [0;cumsum(Ts(:))];
options.nb = options.gnb;
for i = 1:numFiles
    inds = ind_T(i)+1:ind_T(i+1);   % indeces of file i to be updated
    [C_full(:,inds),f_full(:,inds),~,~,R_full(:,inds)] = update_temporal_components_fast(registered_files(i).name,A_keep,b,C_full(:,inds),f_full(:,inds),P,options);
    disp(['Extracting raw fluorescence at native frame rate. File ',num2str(i),' out of ',num2str(numFiles),' finished processing.'])

%% extract DF/F and deconvolve DF/F traces

[F_dff,F0] = detrend_df_f(A_keep,[b,ones(prod(FOV),1)],C_full,[f_full;-double(F_dark)*ones(1,T)],R_full,options);

C_dec = zeros(N,T);         % deconvolved DF/F traces
S_dec = zeros(N,T);         % deconvolved neural activity
bl = zeros(N,1);            % baseline for each trace (should be close to zero since traces are DF/F)
neuron_sn = zeros(N,1);     % noise level at each trace
g = cell(N,1);              % discrete time constants for each trace
if p == 1; model_ar = 'ar1'; elseif p == 2; model_ar = 'ar2'; else; error('This order of dynamics is not supported'); end

for i = 1:N
    spkmin = options.spk_SNR*GetSn(F_dff(i,:));
    lam = choose_lambda(exp(-1/(*options.decay_time)),GetSn(F_dff(i,:)),options.lam_pr);
    [cc,spk,opts_oasis] = deconvolveCa(F_dff(i,:),model_ar,'method','thresholded','optimize_pars',true,'maxIter',20,...
    bl(i) = opts_oasis.b;
    C_dec(i,:) = cc(:)' + bl(i);
    S_dec(i,:) = spk(:);
    neuron_sn(i) =;
    g{i} =';
    disp(['Performing deconvolution. Trace ',num2str(i),' out of ',num2str(N),' finished processing.'])
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