Raw File
Tip revision: 04daf02b947b2844afb27e6ce125d1d83afb792b authored by Hugo van Kemenade on 01 April 2024, 18:02:10 UTC
[] pre-commit autoupdate (#624)
Tip revision: 04daf02
# Release Checklist

- [ ] Get `main` to the appropriate code release state.
      [GitHub Actions]( should be running
      cleanly for all merges to `main`.
      [![GitHub Actions status](](

- [ ] Edit release draft, adjust text if needed:

- [ ] Check next tag is correct, amend if needed

- [ ] Publish release

- [ ] Check the tagged GitHub Actions builds have deployed
      [source and wheels](

- [ ] Check installation:

pip3 uninstall -y ujson && pip3 install -U ujson
python3 -c "import ujson; print(ujson.__version__)"
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