Raw File
Tip revision: 2a6fc5355bb0c6fe26e387ccba30a5baafe8cd98 authored by etotheipi on 10 November 2015, 12:44:32 UTC
Merge pull request #315 from jameshilliard/fix-osx-build
Tip revision: 2a6fc53
#                                                                              #
# Copyright (C) 2011-2015, Armory Technologies, Inc.                           #
# Distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL v3)            #
# See LICENSE or                         #
#                                                                              #
import sys
from PyQt4.QtGui  import QColor, QPalette, QApplication

# Here's what the palette looks like on Ubuntu 10.04, default theme

qp.color(QPalette.Window);           240 235 226 255
qp.color(QPalette.Background);       240 235 226 255
qp.color(QPalette.WindowText);        60  59  55 255
qp.color(QPalette.Foreground);        60  59  55 255
qp.color(QPalette.Base);             255 255 255 255
qp.color(QPalette.AlternateBase);    239 239 239 255
qp.color(QPalette.Text);              58  57  53 255
qp.color(QPalette.Button);           240 235 226 255
qp.color(QPalette.BrightText);       255 255 255 255
qp.color(QPalette.ToolTipBase);      255 255 220 255
qp.color(QPalette.ToolTipText);      255 255 255 255
qp.color(QPalette.Light);            255 255 255 255
qp.color(QPalette.Midlight);         203 199 196 255
qp.color(QPalette.Dark);             200 196 189 255
qp.color(QPalette.Mid);              184 181 178 255
qp.color(QPalette.Shadow);           185 181 174 255
qp.color(QPalette.Highlight);        198 185 166 255
qp.color(QPalette.HighlightedText);   50  50  50 255
qp.color(QPalette.Link);               0   0 255 255
qp.color(QPalette.LinkVisited);      255   0 255 255

class InvalidColor(Exception): pass

def tweakColor(qcolor, op, tweaks):
   We want to be able to take existing colors (from the palette)
   and tweak them.  This may involved "inverting" them, or 
   multiplying or adding scalars to the various channels.
   if len(tweaks) != 3:
      raise InvalidColor, 'Must supply list or tuple of RGB tweaks'
   # Determine what the "tweaks" list/tuple means
   tweakChannel = lambda x,mod: x  # identity
   if op.lower() in ('times', '*'):
      def tweakChannel(color, mod):
         if mod < 0:
            color = (255 - color)
            mod *= -1
         returnColor = color * mod
         returnColor = min(returnColor, 255)
         return int(max(returnColor, 0))
   elif op.lower() in ('plus', '+'):
      def tweakChannel(color, mod):
         returnColor = color + mod
         returnColor = min(returnColor, 255)
         return int(max(returnColor, 0))
      raise InvalidColor, 'Invalid color operation: "%s"' % op

   r,g,b =,,
   r = tweakChannel(r, tweaks[0])
   g = tweakChannel(g, tweaks[1])
   b = tweakChannel(b, tweaks[2])
   return QColor(r,g,b)

def luminance(qcolor):
   """ Gives the pseudo-equivalent greyscale value of this color """
   r,g,b =,,
   return int(0.2*r + 0.6*g + 0.2*b)

QAPP = QApplication(sys.argv)
qpal = QAPP.palette()

# workaround for
qpal.setColor(QPalette.ToolTipBase, qpal.color(QPalette.Window))
qpal.setColor(QPalette.ToolTipText, qpal.color(QPalette.WindowText))

# Some of the standard colors to be tweaked
class ArbitraryStruct: pass
Colors = ArbitraryStruct()

Colors.Background       = qpal.color(QPalette.Window)
Colors.Foreground       = qpal.color(QPalette.WindowText)
Colors.HighlightBG      = qpal.color(QPalette.Highlight)
Colors.HighlightFG      = qpal.color(QPalette.HighlightedText)
Colors.Link             = qpal.color(QPalette.Link)
Colors.Mid              = qpal.color(QPalette.Mid)
Colors.DisableFG        = qpal.color(QPalette.Disabled, QPalette.WindowText)

Colors.isDarkBkgd       = (luminance(Colors.Background) < 128)

Colors.TextWarn         = tweakColor(Colors.Foreground, '+', [+100,  -40,  -40])
Colors.TextRed          = tweakColor(Colors.Foreground, '+', [+100,  -40,  -40])
Colors.TextGreen        = tweakColor(Colors.Foreground, '+', [ -40, +100,  -40])
Colors.TextBlue         = tweakColor(Colors.Foreground, '+', [ -40,  -40, +100])
Colors.SlightRed        = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [1.05, 0.95, 0.95])
Colors.SlightGreen      = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [0.95, 1.05, 0.95])
Colors.SlightBlue       = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [0.95, 0.95, 1.05])
Colors.SlightMoreBlue   = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [0.95, 0.95, 1.15])
Colors.SlightBkgdDark   = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [0.95, 0.95, 0.95])
Colors.SlightBkgdLight  = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [1.05, 1.05, 1.05])

Colors.TextNoConfirm    = tweakColor(Colors.Mid, '*', [ 0.9,  0.9,  0.9])
Colors.TextSomeConfirm  = tweakColor(Colors.Mid, '*', [ 0.7,  0.7,  0.7])

Colors.MoneyPos         = tweakColor(Colors.Foreground, '+', [ -50, +100,  -50])
Colors.MoneyNeg         = tweakColor(Colors.Foreground, '+', [+150,  -40,  -40])
Colors.TblWltOther      = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [1.00, 1.00, 1.00])
Colors.TblWltMine       = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [0.95, 0.95, 1.3 ])
Colors.TblWltOffline    = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [0.85, 0.85, 1.35])

   Colors.LBtnNormalBG  = Colors.Background
   Colors.LBtnHoverBG   = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '+', [ +25,  +25,    0])
   Colors.LBtnNormalFG  = tweakColor(Colors.Link,       '+', [+150, +150,    0])
   Colors.LBtnHoverFG   = tweakColor(Colors.Link,       '+', [+150, +150,    0])
   Colors.LBtnNormalBG  = Colors.Background
   Colors.LBtnHoverBG   = tweakColor(Colors.Background, '*', [ 0.8,  0.8,  1.7])
   Colors.LBtnNormalFG  = Colors.Link
   Colors.LBtnHoverFG   = Colors.Link

Colors.ToolTipQ         = Colors.LBtnNormalFG

def htmlColor(name):
   These are not official HTML colors:  this is simply a method
   for taking one of the above colors and converting to a hex string
      qcolor = Colors.__dict__[name]
      r,g,b =,,
      rstr = hex(r)[2:].rjust(2, '0')
      gstr = hex(g)[2:].rjust(2, '0')
      bstr = hex(b)[2:].rjust(2, '0')
      return '#%s%s%s' % (rstr, gstr, bstr)
      raise InvalidColor, 'Invalid color: ' + name

if __name__== "__main__":

   print Colors.TextWarn
   print htmlColor("TextRed")
   print htmlColor("TextWarn")

   print "Colors in the palette!"
   for name,qc in Colors.__dict__.iteritems():
      if not isinstance(qc, QColor):
      print '\t',
      print ('"'+name+'"').ljust(20), 
      print str(,
      print str(,
      print str(,
      print '\t(%s)' % htmlColor(name)

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