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Tip revision: ac1367d626d8be758029d80680264d121114fbd9 authored by farzanb on 23 February 2021, 22:58:58 UTC
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Tip revision: ac1367d
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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Guide to biofilm simulation framework.\
This C++ program uses the GSL numerical integration algorithm to simulate growing and dividing, soft, sticky spherocylinders, which are a useful model system for bacteria that form biofilms. For a rigorous definition of the model, see my paper.\
Instructions to run the program:\
1. Type \'93make\'94 to compile\
2. Type "./simulate [index] [Lf] [E_1] [NU_1]\'94,\
where [Lf] is the cell cylinder division length, E_1 is the stiffness of cell-substrate contact, and NU_1 is the surface drag coefficient, e.g.\
\'93./simulate 1 50 1 1\'94\
The program outputs the configuration of the system at regular intervals into the folder \'93output\'94 with the following format:\
[time] [number of cells]\
[cell 1 x] [cell 1 y] [cell 1 z] [cell 1 nx] [cell 1 ny] [cell 1 nz] [cell 1 length] [cell 1 growth rate] [cell 1 in contact with cell 2?] [total surface force] [net force in x] [net force in y] [cell lineage]\
beroz [dot] 90 [at]}
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