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Tip revision: ca8c755af0b26f8f50c5a60d3b7f9384a26f5d0e authored by Felix Cherubini on 17 June 2022, 08:34:49 UTC
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Tip revision: ca8c755
{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module FiberBundle where
  open import Basics
  open import EqualityAndPaths
  open import PropositionalTruncation
  open import PullbackSquare
  open import Homotopies
  open import Equivalences
  open import Fiber
  open import Language
  open import Image
  open import DependentTypes
  open import InfinityGroups

    we start with the most natural definition
    in a type theoretic setting

    everything else in this file,
    is about linking this definition
    with definitions looking more like
    what is common in mathematics


  record _is-a_-fiber-bundle {B : 𝒰₀} (φ : B → 𝒰₀) (F : 𝒰₀) : 𝒰₀ where
      all-fibers-are-merely-equivalent : ∀ (b : B) → ∥ φ b ≃ F ∥

    canonical-cover′ : B → 𝒰₀
    canonical-cover′ b = φ b ≃ F

    canonical-cover : ∑ canonical-cover′ → B
    canonical-cover (F′ , _) = F′

  record _is-a′_-fiber-bundle′ {E B : 𝒰₀} (p : E → B) (F : 𝒰₀) : 𝒰₁ where
      χ : B → BAut F
      classyfies : equivalence-of (λ b → fiber-of p at b) and (universal-family-over-BAut′ F) over χ

  classifying-morphism′ : {E B : 𝒰₀} {p : E → B} {F : 𝒰₀}
    → p is-a′ F -fiber-bundle′
    → B → BAut F
  classifying-morphism′ is-fiber-bundle =
    let open _is-a′_-fiber-bundle′ is-fiber-bundle
    in χ

  -- product property expressed by pullback square
  _is-a-product-with-projections_and_ :
    ∀ {A B : 𝒰₀} (Z : 𝒰₀) (z₁ : Z → A) (z₂ : Z → B)
    → 𝒰₀
  Z is-a-product-with-projections z₁ and z₂ =
    pullback-square-with-right (λ a → ∗)
        bottom (λ b → ∗)
        top z₁
        left z₂

  _is-a-product-of_and_ :
    (Z A B : 𝒰₀) → 𝒰₀
  Z is-a-product-of A and B =
    ∑ (λ (z₁ : Z → A) →
    ∑ (λ (z₂ : Z → B) → Z is-a-product-with-projections z₁ and z₂))

  _*_ : ∀ {E B B′ : 𝒰₀}
    → (f : B′ → B) → (φ : E → B) → 𝒰₀
  f * φ = upper-left-vertex-of (complete-to-pullback-square φ f)

  _*→_ : ∀ {E B B′ : 𝒰₀}
    → (f : B′ → B) → (φ : E → B) → ((f * φ) → B′)
  f *→ φ = left-map-of (complete-to-pullback-square φ f)

  ^ = underlying-map-of-the-surjection

    A more standard-mathematical way:

    a fiber bundle φ : E → B is required to be locally trivial,
    which might be witnessed by a pullback square like this:

    V×F ───→ E
     | ⌟     |
    v*φ      φ
     ↓       ↓
     V ──v─↠ B


  record _is-a‴_-fiber-bundle‴ {E B : 𝒰₀} (φ : E → B) (F : 𝒰₀) : 𝒰₁ where
      V : 𝒰₀
      v : V ↠ B
      v′ : V × F → E
      □ : pullback-square-with-right φ
            bottom (underlying-map-of-the-surjection v)
            top v′
            left π₁

    a dependent version of the above

  record _is-a″_-fiber-bundle″ {B : 𝒰₀} (φ : B → 𝒰₀) (F : 𝒰₀) : 𝒰₁ where
      V : 𝒰₀
      v : V ↠ B
      pullback-trivializes : (x : V) → φ(v $↠ x) ≃ F

  module logical-equivalences-between-the-four-definitions-of-fiber-bundles
    {B F : 𝒰₀} where

    def‴-to-def″ : ∀ {E : 𝒰₀} (p : E → B)
      → p is-a‴ F -fiber-bundle‴
      → (λ b → fiber-of p at b) is-a″ F -fiber-bundle″
    def‴-to-def″ p record { V = V ; v = v ; v′ = v′ ; □ = □ } =
        open pullbacks-are-fiberwise-equivalences □
      in record
                V = V ;
                v = v ;
                pullback-trivializes = λ x → fiber-of-π₁-is-second-factor x ∘≃ (equivalence-at x) ⁻¹≃

    def″-to-def‴ : ∀ (φ : B → 𝒰₀)
      → φ is-a″ F -fiber-bundle″
      → (∑π₁-from φ) is-a‴ F -fiber-bundle‴
    def″-to-def‴ φ
      record { V = V ; v = v ; pullback-trivializes = pullback-trivializes } =
        as-fiberwise-morphism : morphism-of-dependent-types _ _ (λ _ → F) φ
        as-fiberwise-morphism =
            base-change = v ↠→  ;
            morphism-of-fibers = λ x → (pullback-trivializes x ⁻¹≃) ≃→
        open fiberwise-equivalences-are-pullbacks
          (λ x → proof-of-equivalency (pullback-trivializes x ⁻¹≃))
      in record { V = V ; v = v ; v′ = glued-morphism ; □ = fiberwise-equivalences-are-pullbacks }

    def″-to-def :
      ∀ (φ : B → 𝒰₀)
      → φ is-a″ F -fiber-bundle″
      → φ is-a F -fiber-bundle
    def″-to-def φ
      record { V = V ; v = v ; pullback-trivializes = pullback-trivializes } =
        step1 : (x : B) → (y : fiber-of (v ↠→) at x) → φ x ≃ F
        step1 x = λ {(y is-in-the-fiber-by γ) →
                     pullback-trivializes y ∘≃ transport-as-equivalence φ γ ⁻¹≃}
      in record
          all-fibers-are-merely-equivalent =
          λ x → ∥→ step1 x ∥→ ((proof-that v is-surjective) x)

    def-to-def″ :
      ∀ (φ : B → 𝒰₀)
      → φ is-a F -fiber-bundle
      → φ is-a″ F -fiber-bundle″
    def-to-def″ φ
      φ-is-a-fiber-bundle =
        open _is-a_-fiber-bundle φ-is-a-fiber-bundle
      in record
           V = _ ;
           v = canonical-cover is-surjective-by
             (λ b →
               ∥≃ fiber-of-a-∑ {P = canonical-cover′} b ∥≃ ⁻¹≃
                 $≃ (all-fibers-are-merely-equivalent b) ) ;
           pullback-trivializes = ∑π₂

    open import Univalence
    open import Sums

      specialize-image-to-BAut : ∀ (φ : B → 𝒰₀)
        → (x : B) → ∥ (φ x ≃ F) ∥ → the-image-of (λ ∗ → F) contains (φ x)
      specialize-image-to-BAut φ x = ∥→ (λ e → (∗ , univalence (e ⁻¹≃))) ∥→

      point-to-F : 𝟙 → 𝒰₀
      point-to-F _ = F

      specialize-image-to-BAut′ : ∀ (φ : B → 𝒰₀)
        → (x : B) → the-image-of point-to-F contains (φ x) → ∥ (φ x ≃ F) ∥
      specialize-image-to-BAut′ φ x = ∥→ (λ {(∗ , p) → U-transport p ⁻¹≃}) ∥→

      def-to-def′ :
        ∀ (φ : B → 𝒰₀)
        → φ is-a F -fiber-bundle
        → (∑π₁-from φ) is-a′ F -fiber-bundle′
      def-to-def′ φ
        record { all-fibers-are-merely-equivalent = all-fibers-are-merely-equivalent } =
          χ = λ x → ((φ x) , specialize-image-to-BAut φ x (all-fibers-are-merely-equivalent x)) ;
          classyfies = λ x → fiber-of-a-∑ x

      def′-to-def :
        ∀ {E : 𝒰₀} (p : E → B)
        → p is-a′ F -fiber-bundle′
        → (λ x → fiber-of p at x) is-a F -fiber-bundle
      def′-to-def p
        record { χ = χ ; classyfies = classyfies } =
          all-fibers-are-merely-equivalent = λ b →
          specialize-image-to-BAut′ (λ x → fiber-of p at x) b
            (U-transport ((λ z → the-image-of _ contains z) ⁎ univalence (classyfies b) ) ⁻¹≃ $≃ (∑π₂ (χ b)))

      compute-classifying-morphism :
        {ϕ : B → 𝒰₀}
        → (ϕ-is-fiber-bundle : ϕ is-a F -fiber-bundle)
        → let is-fiber-bundle′ = def-to-def′ ϕ ϕ-is-fiber-bundle
          in ι-BAut F ∘ classifying-morphism′ is-fiber-bundle′ ⇒ ϕ
      compute-classifying-morphism ϕ-is-fiber-bundle x = refl

      prove-equality-of-classifying-maps :
          (ϕ ψ : B → BAut F)
        → ((x : B) → ι-BAut F (ϕ x) ≈ ι-BAut F (ψ x))
        → ϕ ⇒ ψ
      prove-equality-of-classifying-maps ϕ ψ η =
        injectives-are-monos ϕ ψ (ι-BAut F) (ι-im₁-is-injective _) η
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