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Tip revision: 05bd66666b4b641f49e5131a37830f4881f39db9 authored by zipperer on 26 November 2020, 19:53:58 UTC
minuscule edits (#5)
Tip revision: 05bd666
# Step by Step Installation Guide

## Ocaml

1) Install [OPAM](

2) Install [OCaml](
   This guide was tested with OCaml 4.04.2.

    opam init
    eval `opam env`
    opam switch create 4.04.2
    eval `opam env`

    Note: if your OPAM version is < 2 then the commands are different:

    opam init
    eval `opam config env`
    opam switch 4.04.2
    eval `opam config env`

4) Install Camlp5:

    opam install camlp5

5) Verify that OCaml and Camlp5 are successfully installed:

    which ocaml
    which camlp5
    ocaml -I `camlp5 -where`

6) If the installed OCaml version is >= 4.06 then it is necessary to install the OCaml Num library:

    opam install num

## HOL Light

1) Clone the HOL Light repository

    git clone

2) The most recent version of HOL Light may be incompatible with Flyspeck. 
   The latest tested version of HOL Light is the commit `e701cb5292a4c6cf269ebb8490700de095e48a94`

   cd hol-light
   git checkout e701cb5292a4c6cf269ebb8490700de095e48a94

3) Initialize HOL Light

    cd hol-light

    If you get any errors here then try different versions of OCaml and Camlp5. The tested OCaml version is 4.04.2 and the tested Camlp5 version is 7.06.

## Flyspeck

1) Clone the Flyspeck repository

    git clone

2) Skip this step if you don't need to load serialized nonlinear inequalities.

   The current Flyspeck version is compatible with the commit
   `e701cb5292a4c6cf269ebb8490700de095e48a94` of HOL Light.
   This version of HOL Light is incompatible with serialized Flyspeck nonlinear inequalities.
   If you want to load serialized nonlinear inequalities, then use the following HOL Light commit

   cd hol-light
   git checkout 5f7cab746b06d10553d55041a3962e174da9881d

   It is also necessary to checkout the following version of Flyspeck
   cd flyspeck
   git checkout adfe470ad72372357a18843ad4b94377cb0790b9

   (This step has not been tested yet so it may be necessary to get an older HOL Light version in case of errors.)

## Loading Flyspeck

1) Copy `flyspeck/` to the HOL Light directory (alternatively,
   provide a full path to `` when it is loaded in HOL Light).
   Open the copy and edit the paths to Flyspeck and HOL Light directories.
   Change these lines:

    let flyspeck_dir = "/home/user/flyspeck/text_formalization";;
    let hollight_dir = "/home/user/hol-light";;

2) Load HOL Light

    cd hol-light
    ocaml -I `camlp5 -where`
    #use "";;

3) Wait until HOL Light is loaded and then initialize Flyspeck

    needs "";;

    This command will take a relatively long time since the full 
    HOL Light multivariate analysis library is loaded.

4) Now it is possible to load Flyspeck files with the function `build_to`.

   build_to "hypermap/hypermap.hl";  
   build_to "local/LFJCIXP.hl"

   The function `build_to` does not verify bounds of linear programs. 
   To verify these bounds, use the function `build_to_full`.

5) To load the main statement, use the following command:

    build_to "general/the_main_statement.hl";;

   To load the main statement with linear program bounds, use the command:

    build_to_full "general/the_kepler_conjecture.hl";;

   Note: you can uncomment the corresponding lines in ``; then
   all Flyspeck files can be loaded with `needs ""`.

## [Optional] Checkpointing with DMTCP

1) Install [DMTCP](

2) Run `dmtcp_coordinator` in a terminal window.

3) In a new terminal window run 

    cd hol-light
    dmtcp_launch ocaml -I `camlp -where`
    #use "";;

4) When HOL Light is loaded, type `c` and press `ENTER` in the `dmtcp_coordinator` window.

   A checkpointed session of HOL Light is saved in a file with the extension `.dmtcp`.
   This file is saved in the directory where `dmtcp_coordinator` have been started.
   Rename this file to `dmtcp_hol.dmtcp`.

5) Close the current HOL Light session with `#quit;;`. Restart the saved session:

    dmtcp_restart dmtcp_hol.dmtcp

6) It possible to create as many checkpointed HOL Light sessions as required. 
   I recommend to run `Gc.compact();;` every time before creating a new checkpoint.

## [Optional] Compiling Flyspeck with ocamlopt

HOL Light files compiled with ocamlopt are loaded approximately 5 times faster.

1) Checkout the following HOL Light fork

    git clone hol-light-native
    cd hol-light-native
    git checkout native

2) Compile the HOL Light Multivariate library

    cd _native
    make core
    make mult

    If you get a stack overflow error, try `ulimit -S -s 131072` before running `make mult`.

3) Checkout the native branch of Flyspeck

    cd flyspeck
    git checkout native

4) Edit `flyspeck/Makefile`: change the path to the compiled HOL Light (the first line of `Makefile`).

5) Compile and run Flyspeck

    make flyspeck
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