Raw File
Tip revision: 660facf088ded9f084cc1a24a1f00f64ce5f6918 authored by freewym on 20 July 2023, 23:05:26 UTC
allows dictionary files w/o the counts column; rename task's
Tip revision: 660facf
<img src="espresso/espresso_logo.png" align="right" style="padding-left: 20px" height="160px" />

# Espresso

Espresso is an open-source, modular, extensible end-to-end neural automatic speech recognition (ASR) toolkit based on the deep learning library [PyTorch]( and the popular neural machine translation toolkit [`fairseq`]( Espresso supports distributed training across GPUs and computing nodes, and features various decoding approaches commonly employed in ASR, including look-ahead word-based language model fusion, for which a fast, parallelized decoder is implemented.

We provide state-of-the-art training recipes for the following speech datasets:
 * [WSJ](
 * [LibriSpeech](
 * [Switchboard](

### What's New:

* September 2022: CTC model training and decoding are supported. Check out [a config file example](
* February 2022: Conformer encoder is implemented. Simply add one line option in the config file to enable it. See examples: [here]( and [here](
* December 2021: A suite of Transducer model training and decoding code is added. An illustrative LibriSpeech recipe is [here]( The training requires [torchaudio]( >= 0.10.0 installed.
* April 2021: On-the-fly feature extraction from raw waveforms with [torchaudio]( is supported. A LibriSpeech recipe is released [here]( with no dependency on Kaldi and using YAML files (via [Hydra]( for configuring experiments.
* June 2020: Transformer recipes released.
* April 2020: Both [E2E LF-MMI]( (using [PyChain]( and Cross-Entropy training for hybrid ASR are now supported. WSJ recipes are provided [here]( and [here]( as examples, respectively.
* March 2020: SpecAugment is supported and relevant recipes are released.
* September 2019: We are in an effort of isolating Espresso from fairseq, resulting in a standalone package that can be directly `pip install`ed.

# Requirements and Installation

* [PyTorch]( version >= 1.10.0
* Python version >= 3.8
* For training new models, you'll also need an NVIDIA GPU and [NCCL](
* **To install Espresso** from source and develop locally:

``` bash
git clone
cd espresso
pip install --editable .

# on MacOS:
# CFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++" pip install --editable ./
pip install kaldi_io sentencepiece soundfile
cd espresso/tools; make KALDI=<path/to/a/compiled/kaldi/directory>

add your Python path to `PATH` variable in `examples/asr_<dataset>/`, the current default is `~/anaconda3/bin`.

kaldi\_io is required for reading kaldi scp files. sentencepiece is required for subword pieces training/encoding.
soundfile is required for reading raw waveform files.
Kaldi is required for data preparation, feature extraction, scoring for some datasets (e.g., Switchboard), and decoding for all hybrid systems.
* If you want to use [PyChain]( for [LF-MMI]( training, you also need to install PyChain (and OpenFst):

edit `PYTHON_DIR` variable in `espresso/tools/Makefile` (default: `~/anaconda3/bin`), and then
cd espresso/tools; make openfst pychain

* **For faster training** install NVIDIA's [apex]( library:

``` bash
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" \
  --global-option="--deprecated_fused_adam" --global-option="--xentropy" \
  --global-option="--fast_multihead_attn" ./

# License

Espresso is MIT-licensed.

# Citation

Please cite Espresso as:

``` bibtex
  title = {Espresso: A Fast End-to-end Neural Speech Recognition Toolkit},
  author = {Yiming Wang and Tongfei Chen and Hainan Xu
            and Shuoyang Ding and Hang Lv and Yiwen Shao
            and Nanyun Peng and Lei Xie and Shinji Watanabe
            and Sanjeev Khudanpur},
  booktitle = {2019 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU)},
  year = {2019},
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