Raw File
Tip revision: 3b569742cedc2eded1d60bdaba1c2ee91134c8e1 authored by David A. Parry on 10 July 2020, 10:56:40 UTC
Tip revision: 3b56974
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#David Parry August 2011
use strict;
use warnings;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use List::Util qw(sum);
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/lib";
use lib "$RealBin/lib/dapPerlGenomicLib";
use VcfReader 0.3;
use VcfhacksUtils;

my $forks = 0;
my $buffer_size;
my $vcf;
my $out;
my @samples;
my $check_presence_only;
my $ignore_non_existing;    #don't exit if a sample is not found
my @reject        = ();     #reject if allele is present in these samples
my @reject_except = ();     #reject all except these samples
my $af = 0;    #filter if allele frequency equal to or greater than this
my $min_n_freq = 0; #only filter on AF if we've seen this many chromosomes
my $threshold;
my $quality             = 20;
my $allele_depth_cutoff = 0
  ; #even if genotype isn't called use this value to filter on reported allele depth
my $allele_ratio_cutoff = 0
  ; #even if genotype isn't called use this value to filter on relative reported allele depth
my $allele_balance_cutoff = 0
  ;#for require an ALT allele balance of at least this value in --samples
my $aff_genotype_quality
  ;    #will convert to $genotype_quality value if not specified
my $unaff_genotype_quality
  ;    #will convert to $genotype_quality value if not specified
my $confirm_missing
  ; #only consider variants where there is sufficient genotype information from all --reject samples to exclude
my $num_matching;
my $min_depth
  ; # skip genotype calls when sample/reject sample has depth below this value
my $help;
my $manual;
my $progress;
my %opts = (
    'a'                   => \$aff_genotype_quality,
    'y'                   => \$allele_balance_cutoff,
    'b'                   => \$progress,
    'c'                   => \$confirm_missing,
    'cache'               => \$buffer_size,
    'depth_allele_cutoff' => \$allele_depth_cutoff, 
    'depth_sample'        => \$min_depth, 
    'e'                   => \$ignore_non_existing,
    'f'                   => \$af,
    'forks'               => \$forks,
    'h'                   => \$help,
    'i'                   => \$vcf,
    'm'                   => \$manual,
    'min_alleles_for_freq'=> \$min_n_freq,
    'num_matching'        => \$num_matching,
    'o'                   => \$out,
    'p'                   => \$check_presence_only,
    'q'                   => \$quality,
    'r'                   => \@reject,
    's'                   => \@samples,
    't'                   => \$threshold,
    'u'                   => \$unaff_genotype_quality,
    'x'                   => \@reject_except,
    'z'                   => \$allele_ratio_cutoff,

) or pod2usage(-message => "Syntax error", -exitval => 2);
pod2usage( -verbose => 2, -exitval => 0 ) if $manual;
pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -exitval => 0 ) if $help;
pod2usage( -message => "syntax error: --input (-i) argument is required.\n" )
  if not $vcf;
pod2usage( -message =>
"syntax error: you must specify samples using at least one of the arguments --samples (-s), --reject (-r), --reject_all_except (-x) or --frequency (-f).\n"
  if not @samples
  and not @reject
  and not @reject_except
  and not $opts{f};
    -message => "Genotype quality scores must be 0 or greater.\n",
    -exitval => 2
) if ( $quality < 0 );
    -message =>
      "--depth_allele_cutoff must be a value between 0.00 and 1.00.\n",
    -exitval => 2
) if ( $allele_depth_cutoff < 0 or $allele_depth_cutoff > 1.0 );
    -message =>
      "-y/--allele_balance_cutoff must be a value between 0.00 and 1.00.\n",
    -exitval => 2
) if ( $allele_balance_cutoff < 0 or $allele_balance_cutoff > 1.0 );
    -message => "--allele_ratio_cutoff must be greater than 0.00.\n",
    -exitval => 2
) if ( $allele_ratio_cutoff < 0 );
    -message => "--frequency must be a value between 0.00 and 1.00.\n",
    -exitval => 2
) if ( $af < 0 or $af > 1.0 );

if ( defined $aff_genotype_quality ) {
        -message => "Genotype quality scores must be 0 or greater.\n",
        -exitval => 2
    ) if $aff_genotype_quality < 0;
else {
    $aff_genotype_quality = $quality;
if ( defined $unaff_genotype_quality ) {
        -message => "Genotype quality scores must be 0 or greater.\n",
        -exitval => 2
    ) if $unaff_genotype_quality < 0;
else {
    $unaff_genotype_quality = $quality;
    -message => "--min_alleles_for_freq cannot be lower than 0.\n",
    -exitval => 2
) if ( $min_n_freq < 0 );

my $time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );

if ( $forks < 2 ) {
    $forks       = 0;    #no point having overhead of forks for one fork
else {
    if ( not $buffer_size ) {
        $buffer_size = 20000 > $forks * 5000 ? 20000 : $forks * 5000;
    $time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
    print STDERR
"[INFO - $time] Processing in batches of $buffer_size variants split among $forks forks.\n";

$time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
print STDERR
  "[WARNING - $time] --num_matching has no effect when --presence flag is set.\n"
  if $check_presence_only and $num_matching;

my $total_variants = 0;
print STDERR "[INFO - $time] Initializing input VCF...\n";
my ($header, $first_var, $VCF)  = VcfReader::getHeaderAndFirstVariant($vcf);
die "Header not ok for input ($vcf) "
    if not VcfReader::checkHeader( header => $header );

my %sample_to_col = VcfReader::getSamples(
        get_columns => 1,
        header      => $header,

my $progressbar;
my $next_update = 0;
if (defined $progress) {
    ($progressbar, $total_variants) = VcfhacksUtils::getProgressBar(
        input  => $vcf,
        name   => "Filtering",
        factor => 3,
$time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
print STDERR "\n[INFO - $time] Finished initializing input VCF\n";

my @not_found       = ();
my @samples_checked = ();
my @reject_checked  = ();

my ( $samples_found, $samples_not_found ) = check_samples( \@samples );
my ( $reject_found,  $reject_not_found )  = check_samples( \@reject );
if ( @$samples_not_found or @$reject_not_found ) {
    my @not_found = ( @$samples_not_found, @$reject_not_found );
    if ( not $ignore_non_existing ) {
        $time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
        print STDERR "[WARNING - $time] could not find the following samples in VCF:\n"
          . join( "\n", @not_found ) . "\n";
        if ( @samples and not @$samples_found ) {
            $time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
            print STDERR
"[WARNING - $time] no samples specified by --samples identified in VCF.\n";
        if ( @reject and not @$reject_found ) {
            $time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
            print STDERR
              "[WARNING - $time] No samples specified by --reject identified in VCF.\n";
        @samples = @$samples_found;
        @reject  = @$reject_found;
    else {
        die "Could not find the following samples in VCF:\n"
          . join( "\n", @not_found ) . "\n";
if (@reject_except) {
    my @all = keys(%sample_to_col);
    push @reject_except, @samples;
    my %subtract = map { $_ => undef } @reject_except;
    @all = grep { !exists $subtract{$_} } @all;
    push @reject, @all;
    my %seen = ();
    @reject = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @reject;

if ( not @reject and not @samples and not $opts{f}) {
    $time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
    print STDERR
"[WARNING - $time] no samples from --samples (-s), --reject (-r) or --reject_all_except (-x) argument found to filter. Your output will remain unchanged.\n";

my $OUT;
if ($out) {
    open( $OUT, ">$out" ) || die "Can't open $out for writing: $!\n";
else {
    $OUT = \*STDOUT;

my $meta_head = join("\n", grep {/^##/} @$header);
print $OUT "$meta_head\n";
print $OUT VcfhacksUtils::getOptsVcfHeader(%opts) . "\n"; 
print $OUT "$header->[-1]\n";

my $kept             = 0;
my $filtered         = 0;
my $n                = 0;
my $variants_done    = 0;
my @lines_to_process = ();

while ( my $line = <$VCF> ) {

close $VCF;
if ($forks > 1){

close $OUT;
if ($progressbar) {
    $time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
    $progressbar->update( $total_variants * 3 )
      if ( 3 * $total_variants ) >= $next_update;
    $progressbar->message( "[INFO - $time] $variants_done variants processed" );
$time = strftime( "%H:%M:%S", localtime );
print STDERR "[INFO - $time] Filtering finished.\n\n";
printf STDERR ("%10d %s.\n", $variants_done, "variants processed"); 
printf STDERR ("%10d %s.\n", $kept, "variants kept"); 
printf STDERR ("%10d %s.\n", $filtered, "variants filtered"); 
print STDERR "\n";

sub processLine{
    my $line = shift;
    return if $line =~ /^#/;
    if ($forks > 1){
        push @lines_to_process, $line;
        if ( @lines_to_process >= $buffer_size ) {
            @lines_to_process = ();
        chomp $line;
        my @split = split("\t", $line);
        my $l = filter_on_sample(\@split);
        if ($l){
            print $OUT "$line\n";
        $n += 2;

sub checkProgress{
    return if not defined $progress;
    my $do_count_check = shift;
    if ($progressbar) {
        $next_update = $progressbar->update($n) if $n >= $next_update;
    }elsif($do_count_check){#input from STDIN/pipe
        VcfhacksUtils::simpleProgress($variants_done, 0, " variants read" );

sub process_buffer {
    return if not @lines_to_process;
    my @lines_to_print;
    my $lines_per_slice = @lines_to_process;
    if ( $forks > 0 ) {
        $lines_per_slice =
            int( @lines_to_process / $forks ) > 1
          ? int( @lines_to_process / $forks )
          : 1;
    my @batch = ();

    #get a batch for each thread
    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @lines_to_process ; $i += $lines_per_slice ) {
        my $last =
          ( $i + $lines_per_slice - 1 ) < $#lines_to_process
          ? $i + $lines_per_slice - 1
          : $#lines_to_process;
        if ( $i + $lines_per_slice >= @lines_to_process ) {
            $last = $#lines_to_process;
        my @temp = @lines_to_process[ $i .. $last ];
        push @batch, \@temp;
    my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($forks);
    $pm->run_on_finish(    # called BEFORE the first call to start()
        sub {
            my ( $pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump,
                $data_structure_reference )
              = @_;

            if ( defined($data_structure_reference) ) {
                my %res = %{$data_structure_reference};
                if ( ref $res{keep} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                    $lines_to_print[$res{order}] = \@{ $res{keep} } if @{ $res{keep} };
                if ( $res{filter} ) {
                    $filtered += $res{filter};
                $n += $res{batch_size};
            else {
                die "ERROR: no message received from child process $pid!\n";
    my $order = -1;
    foreach my $b (@batch) {
        $pm->start() and next;
        my %results = process_batch($b, $order);
        $pm->finish( 0, \%results );

    #print them
    if (@lines_to_print) {
        my $incr_per_batch = @lines_to_process / @lines_to_print;
        foreach my $batch (@lines_to_print) {
            if (not defined $batch){
                $n += $incr_per_batch;
            my $incr_per_line = $incr_per_batch / @$batch;
            foreach my $l (@$batch) {
                if ( ref $l eq 'ARRAY' ) {
                    print $OUT join( "\t", @$l ) . "\n";
                else {
                    print $OUT "$l\n";
                $n += $incr_per_line;
    else {
        $n += @lines_to_process;

sub process_batch {

    #filter a set of lines
    my ($batch, $order) = @_;
    my %results = 
        batch_size => scalar(@$batch),
        order      => $order,
    foreach my $line ( @{$batch} ) {
        chomp $line;
        my @split = split("\t", $line);
        my $l = filter_on_sample(\@split);
        if ($l) {
            push @{ $results{keep} }, $l;
        else {
    return %results;

sub filter_on_sample {

    #returns $vcf_line if we want to keep it
    #returns nothing if we want to filter it
    my ($vcf_line)        = @_;
    my @ref_alt = VcfReader::readAlleles( line => $vcf_line );
    my %alleles           = ();
    my %min_allele_ratios = ()
      ; #collect the minimum allele depth ratio in called samples for comparison with --reject samples
        #do samples first for efficiency (if they don't have a variant allele)
    if (@samples) {
      SAMPLE: foreach my $sample (@samples) {
            my $call = VcfReader::getSampleCall(
                column => $sample_to_col{$sample},
                minGQ  => $aff_genotype_quality,
                line   => $vcf_line,
            if ( $call =~ /(\d+)[\/\|](\d+)/ ) {
                if ( $1 == 0 and $2 == 0 ) {
                    if ( $check_presence_only or $num_matching ) {
                        next SAMPLE;
                    else {
                          ; #by default only keep variants present in all samples
                else {
   #samples only get added to %alleles hash if they are called and not reference
   #because we compare the samples in %alleles hash only this allows variants
   #with no call to go through
                    if ($min_depth){
                        my $dp = get_depth_for_sample($sample, $vcf_line);
                        if ($dp < $min_depth){
                            if ( $check_presence_only or $num_matching ) {
                                next SAMPLE;
                            else {
                    push( @{ $alleles{$sample} }, $1, $2 );

                    if ($allele_ratio_cutoff or $allele_balance_cutoff)
                    {    #find the min ad ratios for --samples
                        my @ads = VcfReader::getSampleAlleleDepths(
                            column => $sample_to_col{$sample},
                            line   => $vcf_line,
                        if (@ads) {
                            @ads = grep { !/\./ }
                              ;   #sometimes with no reads an AD of '.' is given
                            my $dp = sum(@ads);
                            if ($dp) {
                                for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @{ $alleles{$sample} } ; $i++ ) {
                                    next if $alleles{$sample}->[$i] == 0;
                                    my $ratio = $ads[$alleles{$sample}->[$i]] / $dp;
                                    if ($allele_balance_cutoff > $ratio){
                                        $alleles{$sample}->[$i] = 0;#call as REF if below allele balance cutoff
                                    if ( exists $min_allele_ratios{$i} ) {
                                        $min_allele_ratios{$i} = (
                                              $ratio >= $min_allele_ratios{$i}
                                            ? $ratio
                                            : $min_allele_ratios{$i}
                                    else {
                                        $min_allele_ratios{$i} = $ratio;
            else {
                #no call for this sample
                unless ( $check_presence_only or $num_matching ) {
        if ( keys %alleles < 1 ) {

            #i.e. if only reference (0) or no calls were found
    } #otherwise we'll collect --reject alleles and see if there are any alts that aren't in %reject_alleles

    my %reject_alleles;
    my $total_reject = 0;
    if (@reject) {
        foreach my $reject (@reject) {
            if ($min_depth){
                my $dp = get_depth_for_sample($reject, $vcf_line);
                if ($dp < $min_depth){
                    if ( $confirm_missing) {
                    else {
            my %called_alleles = ()
              ;#keep track of called alleles so we don't count an allele twice because
                #it matches other criteria (e.g. $allele_depth_cutoff)
            my $call = VcfReader::getSampleCall(
                column => $sample_to_col{$reject},
                minGQ  => $unaff_genotype_quality,
                line   => $vcf_line,
            if ( $call =~ /(\d+)[\/\|](\d+)/ ) {
                  ; #store alleles from rejection samples as keys of %reject_alleles
                  ;#keep track of called alleles so we don't count an allele twice because
                #it matches other criteria (e.g. $allele_depth_cutoff)
                $total_reject += 2;
            elsif ($confirm_missing) {
            if ($allele_depth_cutoff) {

    #reject even if uncalled if proportion of alt allele >= $allele_depth_cutoff
                my @ads = VcfReader::getSampleAlleleDepths(
                    column => $sample_to_col{$reject},
                    line   => $vcf_line,
                if (@ads) {
                    @ads = grep { !/\./ }
                      @ads;    #sometimes with no reads an AD of '.' is given
                    my $dp = sum(@ads);
                    if ($dp) {
                        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @ads ; $i++ ) {
                            next if exists $called_alleles{$i};
                            my $ratio = $ads[$i] / $dp;
                            if ($allele_balance_cutoff > $ratio){
                              if $ratio >= $allele_depth_cutoff;
            if ($allele_ratio_cutoff or $allele_balance_cutoff){
                #find the max ad ratios for --reject
                my @ads = VcfReader::getSampleAlleleDepths(
                    column => $sample_to_col{$reject},
                    line   => $vcf_line,
                if (@ads) {
                    @ads = grep { !/\./ }
                      @ads;    #sometimes with no reads an AD of '.' is given
                    my $dp = sum(@ads);
                    if ($dp) {
                        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @ads ; $i++ ) {
                            next if exists $called_alleles{$i};
                            my $ratio = $ads[$i] / $dp;
                            if ($allele_balance_cutoff > $ratio){
                            if ($allele_ratio_cutoff and  exists $min_allele_ratios{$i} ) {

                 #compare the ratio of $rejects ad/dp ratio to the minimum ad/dp
                 #for this allele in @samples
                                if ( $min_allele_ratios{$i} == 0 ) {

                         #don't div by 0, but if $ratio is greater than 0 filter
                                    $reject_alleles{$i}++ if $ratio;
                                elsif ( $ratio / $min_allele_ratios{$i} >=
                                    $allele_ratio_cutoff )
    my %r_allele_counts = ();
    if ( $af and @reject ) {

#if using allele frequency filtering delete any allele from %reject_alleles that has an
#allele frequency less than $af
        foreach my $k ( keys %reject_alleles ) {
            $r_allele_counts{$k} = $reject_alleles{$k};
            if ( $total_reject > 0 ) {
                if ( $reject_alleles{$k} / $total_reject < $af ) {
                    delete $reject_alleles{$k};
    elsif ($af) {
        %r_allele_counts = VcfReader::countAlleles(
            minGQ => $unaff_genotype_quality,
            line  => $vcf_line,
        #$total_reject = 2 * (keys %sample_to_col);#counts all chromosomes in vcf (assuming diploidy)
        foreach my $k (keys (%r_allele_counts) ){
            #only counts the number of samples with a good enough GQ
            $total_reject += $r_allele_counts{$k};
    if ( not @samples ) {
        for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < @ref_alt ; $i++ ) {
            push @{ $alleles{alt} }, $i if not exists $reject_alleles{$i};
        if ( keys %alleles < 1 ) {

            #i.e. if only reference (0) or no calls were found
    my %var_call;
    my %breached;
    my %count;
    my %genotypes = VcfReader::countGenotypes(
        line  => $vcf_line,
        minGQ => $unaff_genotype_quality
    foreach my $samp ( keys %alleles ) {

#if we're looking for alleles that match in ALL samples than we only need to check a single hash entry
        my %uniq_alleles = map {$_ => undef} @{ $alleles{$samp} };
      ALLELE: foreach my $allele ( keys %uniq_alleles) {
            next ALLELE if $allele eq '*';
            next ALLELE if ( $allele == 0 );
            if ( exists $reject_alleles{$allele} ){
                if (not $threshold and not $af){
                    next ALLELE ;
              ; # of unrejected alleles for comparison with threshold by storing as key of %count hash
            if ($threshold) {
                my $t = 0;
                foreach my $k ( keys %genotypes ) {
                    $t += $genotypes{$k}
                      if (
                        $k =~ /(^$allele[\/\|][\.\d+]|[\.\d+][\/\|]$allele)$/ );
                if ( $t > $threshold ) {
                    next ALLELE;
            if ($af) {
                if ( exists $r_allele_counts{$allele} and $total_reject > $min_n_freq  ) {
                    next ALLELE
                      if $r_allele_counts{$allele} / $total_reject >= $af;
            my $allele_matches = 0;
            foreach my $sample ( keys %alleles ) {
                  if ( grep { $allele eq $_ }  @{ $alleles{$sample} }  )
                  ; #we're counting the no. of samples with matching allele, not no. of occcurences (zygosity) of allele
            if ($check_presence_only)
            { #don't worry if all samples have variant or not if checking presence only
            elsif ($num_matching) {
                $var_call{$allele}++ if $allele_matches >= $num_matching;
            else {
                  if ( $allele_matches == keys %alleles )
                  ; #i.e. if all of our called '--keep' sample genotypes match this allele in either het or homo state
    if ( keys %var_call < 1 ) {

        #if we don't have at least one valid variant allele
    if ( keys %count and keys %breached ) {
        if ( keys %count == keys %breached ) {
    return $vcf_line;

sub get_depth_for_sample{
    my $sample = shift;
    my $vcf_line = shift;
    my $dp = VcfReader::getSampleGenotypeField(
        column => $sample_to_col{$sample},
        field  => 'DP',
        line   => $vcf_line,
    if (not $dp){
        my @ads = VcfReader::getSampleAlleleDepths(
            column => $sample_to_col{$sample},
            line   => $vcf_line,
        if (@ads) {
            @ads = grep { !/\./ }
              ;   #sometimes with no reads an AD of '.' is given
            $dp = sum(@ads);
    $dp ||= 0;
    if ($dp eq '.'){
        $dp = 0;
    return $dp;
sub check_samples {
    my ($sample_ref) = @_;
    my @found;
    my @not_found;
    foreach my $s (@$sample_ref) {
        if ( exists $sample_to_col{$s} ) {
            push @found, $s;
        else {
            push @not_found, $s;
    return ( \@found, \@not_found );


=head1 NAME - filter variants in vcf that belong to specific samples.


=head1 SYNOPSIS --input [var.vcf] --samples [samples to keep variants if present in all] --reject [samples to reject variants from if present in any] 


=over 8 

=item B<-i    --input>

vcf file input.

=item B<-o    --output>

output filename.

=item B<-s    --samples>

IDs of samples to keep variants from. Variants will be kept only if present in ALL of these samples in either heterozygous or homozygous states unless --presence or --num_matching flags are set.  Samples must be entered as contained in the vcf header.

=item B<-p    --presence>

Use this flag to print variants present in any sample specified by the --samples option rather than variants present in all.

=item B<-n    --num_matching>

Use this flag to print variants present in at least this many samples rather than only variants present in all.

=item B<-r    --reject>

IDs of samples to reject variants from. Variants will be rejected if present in ANY of these samples unless --allele_frequency is set.

=item B<-x    --reject_all_except>

Reject variants present in all samples except these. If used without an argument all samples in VCF that are not specified by --samples argument will be used to reject variants. If one or more samples are given as argument to this option then all samples in VCF that are not specified by --samples argument or this argument will be used to reject variants.

=item B<-f    --frequency>

Reject variants if the allele frequency (decimal value between 0.00 and 1.00) in the VCF is equal to or greater than this value. If --reject or --reject_all_except arguments are used only the relevent samples will be counted when calculating allele frequency. Otherwise, the allele frequency will be calculated for all samples with a variant call.

=item B<--min_alleles_for_freq>

Only filter on frequency if there are valid calls (i.e. above --un_quality) for this many alleles. Default = 0.

=item B<-t    --threshold>

Reject variants present in more than this number of samples in the VCF. Counts all samples in the VCF irrespective of whether they are specified by the --samples or any other argument.

=item B<-c    --confirm_missing>

Use this flag to look only for variants that are present only in --samples and are confirmed absent from all --reject samples. This means that as well as filtering variants with alleles present in --reject samples, variants that contain no calls (or genotype qualities below the --un_quality threshold) in --reject samples will also be filtered. In this way you may identify likely de novo variants in a sample specified by --samples by specifying parental samples with the --reject option, thus avoiding variants where there is not sufficient information to confirm de novo inheritance.

=item B<--depth_sample>

Minimum per sample depth for a genotype call to be considered. Variants will only be considered for --samples if they were covered by this many reads or more. Similarly, any calls for --reject samples will only be used to filter variants if that --reject sample was covered by this many reads or more. Default = 0.

=item B<-y   --allele_balance_cutoff>

Minimum fraction of ALT allele reads for for a genotype call to be considered. Must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. Default = 0.

=item B<--depth_allele_cutoff>

Fraction cut-off for allele depth. When specified, the allele depth will be assessed for all samples specified using the --reject argument and any allele with a proportion of reads greater than or equal to this value will be rejected even if the sample genotypes are not called by the genotyper. For example, a value of 0.1 would reject any allele making up 10 % of reads for a sample specified by --reject even if the sample is called as homozygous reference. Must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. 

=item B<-z    --allele_ratio_cutoff>

Relative fraction cut-off for allele depth between --samples and --reject.  When specified, for each allele the proportion allele depth will be calculated for all samples specified by --samples argument (if they have a genotype call for the given allele) and the minimum allele proportion identified amongst those samples. Similarly, the fraction allele depth for any of the samples specified using the --reject argument (even where the genotype has not been called) will be calculated. If the ratio of the fraction allele depth for any of the --reject samples compared to the minimum allele proportion in the --samples samples is equal to or higher than the value specified for this argument the allele will be filtered.

For example, a variant allele might have a value for [allele depth]/[depth] in one --samples sample of 0.2 (i.e. the allele makes up 20 % of reads at this site for one sample). A --reject sample might have a a value for [allele depth]/[depth] value of 0.1 (i.e. the allele makes up 10 % of reads at this site for this sample). If the value for --allele_ratio_cutoff is given as 0.5 the allele will be filtered as the proportion of reads for the --reject sample is half that of a --samples sample. If the value for --allele_ratio_cutoff is given as 1.0 alleles will only be filtered if the proportion of reads for a --reject sample is equal to or higher than that of a samples --sample. If the value for --allele_ratio_cutoff is given as 0.1 alleles will be filtered if the proportion of reads for a --reject sample is 1/10th or higher than that of a samples --sample, and so on. In this manner you can filter variants if there is a similar level of evidence for the presence of the same variant in a --reject sample even if the genotype hasn't been called, in order to remove variants which are either likely spurious calls in --samples samples or spurious no-calls in --reject samples.

=item B<-a    --aff_quality>

Minimum genotype qualities to consider for samples specified by --samples argument only. Any sample call with a genotype quality below this threshold will be considered a no call. Default is 20. Overrides any value specified by --quality argument.

=item B<-u    --un_quality>

Minimum genotype qualities to consider for samples specified by --reject argument only. Any sample call with a genotype quality below this threshold will be considered a no call. Default is 20. Overrides any value specified by --quality argument.

=item B<-q    --quality>

Minimum genotype quality for all samples - sets both --aff_quality and --un_quality to this value.

=item B<-e    --existing>

Use this flag to cause the program to ignore non-existing samples rather than exiting.

=item B<--forks>

Number of forks to create for parallelising your analysis. By default no forking is done. To speed up your analysis you may specify the number of parallel processes to use here. (N.B. forking only occurs if a value of 2 or more is given here as creating 1 fork only results in increased overhead with no performance benefit).

=item B<--cache>

Cache size. Variants are processed in batches to allow for efficient parallelisation. When forks are used the default is to process up to 20,000 variants at once or 5,000 x no. forks if more than 4 forks are used. If you find this program comsumes too much memory when forking you may want to set a lower number here. When using forks you may get improved performance by specifying a higher cache size, however the increase in memory usage is proportional to your cache size multiplied by the number of forks.

=item B<-b    --progress>

Show progress. 

=item B<-h    --help>

Display help message.

=item B<-m    --manual>

Show manual page


=head1 EXAMPLES -i [var.vcf] -s Sample1
 (only print variants if Sample1's genotype has a variant allele) -i [var.vcf] -s Sample1 -r Sample2 Sample3
 (look for variants in Sample1 but reject variants also present in Sample2 or Sample3) -i [var.vcf] -s Sample1 -r Sample2 Sample3 -a 20 -u 30
 (as above but variants are only kept if Sample1 has a genotype quality score of 20 or higher) -i [var.vcf] -s Sample1 -r Sample2 Sample3 -a 20 -u 30
 (as above but variants are only rejected when alleles are present in Sample2 or Sample3 with a genotype quality score of 30 or higher) -i [var.vcf] -s Sample1 -r Sample2 Sample3 -t 4
 (same but also reject variants present in 4 or more samples) -i [var.vcf] -s Sample1 -x 
 (look for variants in Sample1 and reject variants if present in any other sample in the VCF) -i [var.vcf] -s Sample1 -x Sample2 
 (look for variants in Sample1 and reject variants if present in any other sample in the VCF except for Sample2) -i [var.vcf] -f 0.05
 (remove variants if present in 5% of the alleles in your VCF) -i [var.vcf] -f 0.05 --min_alleles_for_freq 100
 (as above but only filter if at least 100 alleles [i.e. 50 individuals] had a genotype called with a GQ >= --un_quality) -i [var.vcf] -s child -r mum dad -c -q 30
 (look for apparent de novo variants in child, ignoring variants for which mum or dad have no calls or genotype qualities below threshold genotype quality of 30)


This program reads a VCF file and filters variants depending on which samples contain variant. Samples to keep variants from can be specified using --samples (-s) and samples to reject variants from can be specified with --reject (-r). 


=head1 AUTHOR

David A. Parry


Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015  David A. Parry

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


#=item B<--forks>

#Number of forks to create for parallelising your analysis. By default no forking is done. To speed up your analysis you may specify the number of parallel processes to use here. (N.B. forking only occurs if a value of 2 or more is given here as creating 1 fork only results in increased overhead with no performance benefit).

#=item B<--cache>

#Cache size. Variants are processed in batches to allow for efficient parallelisation. When forks are used the default for this program is to process up 250 variants multiplied by the number of forks used. If you find this program comsumes too much memory when forking you may want to set a lower number here. When using forks you may get improved performance by specifying a higher cache size, however the increase in memory usage is proportional to your cache size multiplied by the number of forks.

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