Raw File
Tip revision: fdc93a2ec0da55afe41fd1c325f60df300f79b47 authored by Eric Heien on 19 July 2011, 18:34:06 UTC
Reverted development code to fix bugs
Tip revision: fdc93a2
# Benchmark for Stokes solver in Truncated Anelastic Liquid approximation

solver = full

stokes_flow_only = on
rayleigh = 1
dissipation_number = 0.5
gruneisen = 1

levels = 5

Solver = multigrid
uzawa = bicg
#uzawa = cg

## This combination of ic and bc makes T=0 everywhere
## except one spherical harmonic load.
tic_method = 90
perturbl = 3
perturbm = 2

bottbcval = 0

output_optional = surf, botm, geoid
self_gravitation = on
use_cbf_topo = off

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