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Tip revision: e1819b3a0dd1fcc99fda47071f77b478a6131d07 authored by Gabriel S. Ferreira on 20 August 2018, 12:37:57 UTC
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Tip revision: e1819b3
[written Tue Jan 30 14:03:20 BRST 2018 by Mesquite  version 3.04 (build 725) at DESKTOP-EGO076E/]

	TITLE Original_analysis_Taxa_Block;
		Proganochelys_quenstedti Platychelys_oberndorferi Notoemys_laticentralis Bonapartemys_bajobarrealis Prochelidella_cerrobarcinae Pseudemydura_umbrina Elseya_dentata Emydura_macquarii Myuchelys_latisternum Acanthochelys_radiolata Platemys_platycephala Phrynops_hilarii Phrynops_geoffroanus Mesoclemmys_nasuta Chelodina_colliei Chelus_colombianus Chelus_fimbriatus Hydromedusa_tectifera Hydromedusa_maximilliani Yaminuechelys_maior Yaminuechelys_gasparinii Pelusios_castaneus Pelusios_castanoides Pelomedusa_subrufa Araripemys_barretoi Laganemys_tenerensis Euraxemys_essweini Dirqadim_schaefferi Sokatra_antitra Atolchelys_lepida Cearachelys_placidoi Galianemys_emringeri Galianemys_whitei Kurmademys_kallamedensis Sankuchemys_sethnai Kinkonychelys_rogersi Foxemys_mechinorum Foxemys_trabanti Polysternon_provinciale Araiochelys_hirayamen Zolhafah_bella Rosasia_soutoi Bothremys_maghrebiana Bothremys_cooki Bothremys_arabicus Bothremys_kellyi Chedighaii_hutchisoni Chedighaii_barberi Taphrosphys_sulcatus Taphrosphys_ippolitoi Taphrosphys_congolensis Acleistochelys_maliensis Azabbaremys_moragjonesi Labrostochelys_galkini Phosphatochelys_tedfordi Ummulisani_rutgersensis Rhothonemys_brinkmani Arenila_krebsi Nigeremys_gigantea Brasilemys_josai Hamadachelys_escuilliei Portezueloemys_patagonica Bauruemys_elegans Cambaremys_langertoni Peiropemys_mezzalirai Lapparentemys_vilavilensis Pricemys_caiera Cerrejonemys_wayuunaiki Podocnemis_vogli Podocnemis_lewyana Podocnemis_unifilis Podocnemis_erythrocephala Podocnemis_expansa Podocnemis_sextuberculata Podocnemis_bassleri Caninemys_tridentata Stupendemys_geographicus Dacquemys_paleomorpha UCMP_42008 Carbonemys_cofrinii Peltocephalus_dumerilianus Kenyemys_williamsi Turkanemys_pattersoni Erymnochelys_madagascariensis Neochelys_fajumensis Neochelys_arenarum Neochelys_franzeni Papoulemys_laurenti Mogharemys_blackenhorni Brontochelys_gaffneyi Lemurchelys_diasphax Shweboemys_pilgrimi Stereogenys_cromeri Cordichelys_antiqua Latentemys_plowdeni Bairdemys_thalassica Bairdemys_healeyorum Bairdemys_venezuelensis Bairdemys_hartsteini Bairdemys_sanchezi Bairdemys_winklerae 


	TITLE  Character_Matrix;
	LINK TAXA = Original_analysis_Taxa_Block;
	FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = "  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7";
		1 Skull_flattened /  'high skull (as in Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'flat skull (as in Pelusios castanoides)' 'extremely flattened skull (as in Hydromedusa maximiliani)', 2 Dorsal_margin_of_apertura_narium_externa /  'straight, broadly convex margin (Pelomedusa subrufa)' 'narrow midline process, at least partially dividing external nares (Bothremys cooki)', 3 'NA, nasals' /  'present (Emydura macquarii)' 'absent (Pelusios castanoides)', 4 'NA, meet on midline in dorsal view' /  'nasals meet (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'nasals do not meet, completely separated by frontal process (Chelodina colliei)', 5 'PF, preorbital skull broad ' /  'narrow, equal or less than 90ş, as in Podocnemis expansa' 'very broad, more than 90ş, as in Bothremys cooki', 6 'PF, meet on midline in dorsal view' /  'no (Proganochelys quenstendti)' 'yes (Pelusios castanoides)', 7 'PF, pf-pal contact' /  'no contact (Galianemys emringeri)' 'contact present in anterior wall of fossa orbitalis (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 8 'PF, pf-pa contact' /  'no contact (Galianemys emringeri)' 'present (Phosphatochelys tedfordi)', 9 'FR, interorbital groove ' /  'no groove, smooth surface as in Peltocephalus dumerilianus' surface_with_a_groove_as_in_Podocnemis_expansa, 10 'FR, orbital position' /  'facing laterally, anterolaterally (as in Bairdemys venezuelensis)' 'facing dorsolaterally (as in Elseya dentata)' 'facing dorsally (as in Chelodina colliei)', 11 'FR, cranial process of frontal' /  'no process, smooth cranial edge (Podocnemis expansa)' 'projecting cranial process (Elseya dentata)', 12 'FR, prefrontal/frontal' /  'flat or slight convex (Podocnemis expansa)' 'strongly convex dorsally (Bairdemys venezuelensis)', 13 'FR, foramen interorbitale' /  'high (Galianemys emringeri)' 'low (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 14 'Anteroventral emargination, extension in lateral view' /  'absent or slight (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'reaches ventral margin level of orbit (Hamadachelys escuilliei)' 'reaches dorsal margin level of cavum tympani (Lapparentemys villavilensis)' 'reaches above level of orbit or parietal (Elseya dentata)', 15 'QJ, quadratojugal' /  'absent (Elseya dentata)' 'present (Podocnemis expansa)', 16 'QJ-PA contact' /  'contact present (Podocnemis expansa)' 'no contact (Pelomedusa subrufa)', 17 'QJ-PA contact extension' /  'short contact (as in Bauruemys elegans)' 'long contact (as in Podocnemis expansa)', 18 'Posterodorsal emargination, extension in dorsal view' /  'no emargination, edge of the emargination caudal or on the same plane of condylus occipitalis (Dacquemys palaeomorpha)' 'edge of the emargination rostral to the condylus occipitalis plane (Podocnemis expansa)' 'edge rostral to condylus occipitalis plane and rostral wall of the otic chamber visible in dorsal view (Pelomedusa subrufa)', 19 'PA, dorsal portion in relation to adductor fossa' /  'broadly covers adductor fossa (Podocnemis expansa)' 'covers central area of adductor fossa (Elseya dentata)' 'covers little of adductor fossa (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'parietal does not cover adductor fossa (Hydromedusa tectifera)', 20 'PA, Lateral edges of parietals' /  'parallel or subparallel (Podocnemis expansa)' 'pentagon-shaped parietal, lateral edges diverging (Bothremys magrebiana)' 'tapering posteriorly (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'reduced in their medial portion (''wasp-waisted'') (Acantochelys radiolata)', 21 'PA, sulcus palatinopterygoideus' /  'high (Galianemys emringeri)' 'low due to thicker pa, po (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 22 'PA, enters orbital margin' /  'no (Galianemys emringeri)' 'yes (Phosphatochelys tedfordi)', 23 'PA, PA-JU contact' /  'no contact (Elseya dentata)' 'contact present (Podocnemis expansa)', 24 'PA, PA-SQ contact' /  'present (Proganochelys quenstendti)' 'absent (Pelusios castanoides)', 25 'PA, parietal contacts pterygoid at base of processus trochlearis pterygoidei' /  'no contact (Pelusios castanoides)' 'present, ventral parietal process on lateral side of sulcus palatinopterygoideus (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 26 'PA, PA-PT contact in septum orbitotemporale' /  'absent (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'present and wider (Bairdemys venezuelensis)' 'present and narrower (Podocnemis expansa)', 27 'PA, interparietal scale' /  'equilateral triangle (Bauruemys elegans)' 'elongate triangle (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)' 'parallel sided (Bairdemys thalassica)' 'slightly elongated heart-like shaped (Neochelys franzeni', 28 'PA, Interparietal scale, anterior margin' /  'anterior to the frontal parietal suture (Podocnemis expansa)' 'posterior to the frontal parietal suture (Dacquemys palaeomorpha)', 29 'PA, parietal scales meeting medially' /  'yes (Podocnemis expansa)' 'no (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)', 30 'JU, narrow dorsoventrally' /  'broader (Bothremys cooki)' 'narrower (Taphrosphys ippolitoi)', 31 'JU, jugal retracted from orbital margin' /  'enters orbit (Pelusios castanoides)' 'retracted from orbit (Cearachelys placidoi)', 32 'JU-QU contact' /  'no contact (Bothremys maghrebiana)' 'contact present (Azzabbaremys moragjonesi)', 33 'JU-PT contact' /  'no contact (Cordichelys antiqua)' 'contact present (Podocnemis expansa)', 34 'JU, exposure in triturating surface' /  'no exposure (Pelusios castanoides)' 'exposed on triturating surface (Bothremys cooki)', 35 'SQ, caudal projection' /  'lacks projection (Pelusios castanoides)' 'forms distinct process, projecting posteriorly (Bothremys maghrebiana)' 'forms distinct process, projecting posterodorsally (Hydromedusa tectifera)', 36 'SQ, caudoventral vertical flange' /  'absent (Galianemys emringeri)' 'present (Labrostochelys galkini)', 37 'SQ, lateral tubercle' /  'absent (Galianemys emringeri)' 'present (Labrostochelys galkini)', 38 'SQ, lateral surface, origin site of the depressor mandibulae muscles ' /  convex_to_slightly_flat_as_in_Podocnemis_expansa strongly_concave_as_in_Elseya_dentata, 39 'PO, septum orbitotemporale' /  'postorbital wall closed (Galianemys emringeri)' 'postorbital wall at least partially open (Phosphatochelys tedfordi)', 40 'PO, size' /  'larger or equal to orbit (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'smaller than orbit (Podocnemis expansa)', 41 'PM, pinched snout' /  'no pinched snout, convex or straight rostral outline (Podocneims expansa)' 'pinched snout, concave outline near premaxilla-maxilla contact (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)', 42 'PM, dorsal sulcus' /  'smooth surface (Bothremys maghrebiana)' 'sulcus on dorsal surface, parallel to anterior margin (Phosphatochelys tedfordi)', 43 'PM, protrudes cranially in lateral view beyond apertura narium interna dorsal ridge' /  'does not protrude or protrudes slightly (Galianemys emringeri)' 'protrudes in lateral view (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 44 'PM, midline depression in ventral view' /  'no depression, shallow or indistinct (Euraxemys essweini)' 'depression present (Bothremys cooki)', 45 'PM, shape of the midline depression in ventral view' /  'narrow depression (Rosasia soutoi)' 'wide depression (Bothremys cooki)', 46 'PM, cranial pit on ventral surface' /  'no (Podocnemis expansa)' 'yes (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)', 47 'PM, premaxillae reach apertura narium interna' /  'no (Podocnemis expansa)' 'yes (Pelomedusa subrufa)', 48 'PM, One or two accessory ridges on the ventral surface of the premaxilla' /  'no accessory ridges (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'accessory ridges present (Podocnemis expansa)', 49 'PM, foramen prepalatinum' /  'absent (Pseudemydura umbrina)' 'present in premaxilla-maxilar suture (Elseya dentata)' 'present in premaxilla only, or in premaxilla-vomer contact (Araripemys barretoi)', 50 'PM, foramen prepalatinum relative to triturating ridge' /  'on flat surface (Emydura macquarii)' 'under triturating surface (Elseya dentata)', 51 'MX, dorsal process onto skull roof' /  'not developed, mx not constricting PF nor forming part of the rostrodorsal margin of orbit (Galianemys emringeri)' 'developed rostrodorsally constricting PF (Bothremys maghrebiana)' 'developed rostrodorsally, forming part of the dorsal margin of orbit (Hydromedusa tectifera)', 52 'MX, orbital-narial bar width' /  'very narrow, less than half the diameter of orbit (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'roughly equal or slightly less than diameter of orbit (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'larger than diameter of orbit (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 53 'MX, below orbit' /  'small, equal or less than orbital diameter (Galianemys emringeri)' 'well developed, greater than orbital diameter (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 54 'MX, labial ridge in ventral view' /  'high (Elseya dentata)' 'low (Phrynops geoffroanus)', 55 'MX, posterior lingual ridge near the maxilla-palatine contact ' /  'undistinguishable or very shallow ridge (Euraxemys essweini)' 'well defined ridge (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)', 56 'MX, triturating surfaces' /  narrow_as_in_Euraxemys_essweini wide_as_in_Cearachelys_placidoi very_wide_as_in_Bothremys_cooki, 57 'MX, triturating surfaces shape' /  'lingual and labial ridges parallel sided (Podocnemis expansa)' 'triangular, wide caudally (Lapparentemys vilavilensis)' 'triangular, very wide caudally (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 58 'MX, medial expansion of triturating surface' /  'absent (Bauruemys elegans)' 'present, forming median maxillary ridge (Podocnemis expansa)', 59 'MX, triturating surface convexity' /  'absent or shallow (Podocnemis expansa)' 'deep (Bairdemys hartsteini)', 60 'MX, accessory ridge' /  'absent (Pelomedusa subrufa)' 'present (Elseya dentata)', 61 'MX, pits' /  'absent (Kurmademys kallamedensis)' 'present (Bothremys cooki)', 62 'MX, exposure in orbital floor' /  'broadly exposed (Galianemys emringeri)' 'narrowly or not exposed (Azzabbaremys moragjonesi)', 63 'MX, MX-QJ contact' /  'no contact (Euraxemys essweini)' 'contact present (Galianemys emringeri)', 64 'MX, MX-QU contact' /  'no contact (Podocnemis expansa)' 'contact present (Taphrosphys sulcatus)', 65 'VO, vomer' /  'present (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'absent (Pelomedusa subrufa)', 66 'VO, VO-PM contact' /  'absent (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'present (Bauruemys elegans)', 67 'VO, VO-MX contact' /  'present (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'absent (Azabbaremys moragjonesi)', 68 'VO, VO-PT contact' /  'vomer contacts pterygoid (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'vomer does not contact pterygoid (Elseya dentata)', 69 'VO, central bar' /  sutured_at_both_ends_as_in_Podocnemis_expansa sutured_only_rostrally_as_in_Azzabaremys_moragjonesi, 70 'PAL, fossa orbitalis posterior pocket' /  'absent (Podocnemis expansa)' 'present in septum orbitotemporale (Bairdemys venezuelensis)', 71 'PAL, foramen palatinum posterius' /  'present, only in palatine (Podocnemis expansa)' 'present, both in palatine and pterygoid (Galianemys emringeri)' 'extremely reduced to absent (Dacquemys palaeomorpha)', 72 'PAL, foramen palatinum posterius' /  'in floor of orbit (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'behind orbit, in floor of sulcus palatinopterygoideus (Pelusios castanoides)', 73 'PAL, apertura narium interna ' /  'small to moderate, caudal edge formed only by palatines (Podocnemis expansa)' 'large due to reduction of palatines, caudal edge formed by palatines and pterygoids (Hydromedusa tectifera)', 74 'PAL, dorsally arched palate' /  'absent (Galianemys emringeri)' 'present (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)', 75 'PAL, palatine extent in triturating surface' /  'narrow or absent (Elseya dentata)' 'moderate, but much less than extent of maxilla (Podocnemis expansa)' 'large, equal to or slightly less than extent of maxilla (Bothremys cooki)', 76 'PAL, secondary palate' /  'absent (Podocnemis expansa)' 'present (Bairdemys venezuelensis)', 77 'PAL, secondary palate, medial edges of palatal cleft' /  'curved (Bairdemys venezuelensis)' 'parallel (Stereogenys cromeri)', 78 'PAL, caudal development' /  poorly_developed_as_in_Podocnemis_expansa 'developed, reducing the contact between pterygoids as in Baidemys venezuelensis' 'well-developed, reaching the basisphenoid as in Stereogenys cromeri', 79 'PAL, dorsal process reaches frontal' /  'does not reach frontal (Podocnemis expansa)' 'reaches frontal (Stereogenys cromeri)', 80 'PAL, dorsal process contacts parietal in septum orbitotemporale' /  'does not contact (Podocnemis expansa)' 'contacts parietal in septum orbitotemporale (Stereogenys cromeri)', 81 'QU, fossa precolumellaris' /  'very small to absent (Galianemys emringeri)' 'present but shallow (Euraxemys essweini)' 'deep and well defined (Pelusios castanoides)', 82 'QU, incisura columellae auris' /  'no posterior bony restriction (Euraxemys essweini)' 'eustachian tube separated from stapes by bone or narrow fissure (Foxemys mechinorum)' 'eustachian tube and stapes enclosed by bone in the same opening (Podocnemis expansa)', 83 'QU, stapes contained in bony canal' /  'no (Euraxemys essweini)' 'yes (Bothremys cooki)', 84 'QU, ventral process of the sulcus eustachii' /  'no ventral process (Bothremys cooki)' 'ventral process present (Labrostochelys galkini)', 85 'QU, trough on closed incisura columellae auris ridge' /  'absent (Bothremys maghrebiana)' 'present (Galianemys emringeri)', 86 'QU, entrance of the antrum postoticum' /  'large to moderate (Pelusios castanoides)' 'small (Podocnemis expansa)' 'very small and slitlike (Bairdemys thalassica)' 'antrum postoticum absent (Nigeremys gigantea)', 87 'QU, shelf below cavum tympani' /  'absent (Galianemys emringeri)' 'lower portion of cavum tympani unusually deep (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 88 'QU, condylus mandibularis position' /  'caudal to or on BO-BS suture (Galianemys emringeri)' 'rostral to BO-BS suture (Pelusios castanoides)' 'caudal to condylus occipitalis (Nigeremys gigantea)', 89 'QU, condylus mandibularis shape' /  'much wider than long, with anterior and posterior edges straight to concave making it shorter at midline (Bothremys cooki)' 'slightly wider than long in a ''kidney bean'' shape, with anterior edge straight to concave and posterior edge convex (Podocnemis unifilis)', 90 'QU, ventral outline in lateral view' /  'smooth, condylus mandibularis very close to the cavum tympani region (Araripemys barretoi)' 'ventral projection, condylus mandibularis separated from the cavum tympani region (Bothremys cooki)', 91 'QU, eustachian tube separated from fenestra postotica' /  'no (Podocnemis expansa)' 'yes (Bairdemys hartsteini)', 92 'QU, QU-BO contact' /  'no contact (Elseya dentata)' 'contact present (Podocnemis expansa)', 93 'PT, processus trochlearis pterygoidei' /  'oblique (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'right angle (Podocnemis expansa)', 94 'PT, fossa pterygoidea/cavum pterygoideum' /  absent_as_in_Euraxemys_essweini well_defined_as_in_Cearachelys_placidoi, 95 'PT, pterygoid flange' /  'absent (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'very short (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'moderate, does not reach the quadrate ramus of pterygoid (Brasilemys josai)' 'well developed, passing the quadrate ramus of the pterygoid and covering the fossa pterygoidea, forming the cavum pterygoideum (Podocnemis expansa)', 96 'PT, anterior opening of cavum pterygoidei' /  'small opening (Bauruemys elegans)' 'moderate opening (Podocnemis expansa)' 'large opening with foramen cavernosum in roof (Bairdemys venezuelensis)', 97 'PT, foramen caroticum palatinum' /  'present (Emydura macquarii)' 'absent (Pelusios castanoides)', 98 'PT, trigeminal ridge (PT + QU)' /  'absent (Galianemys emringeri)' 'ridge extending posteroventrally from foramen nervi trigemini to condylus mandibularis (Phosphatochelys tedfordi)', 99 Foramen_posterius_canalis_carotici_interni_position_in_relation_to_BS /  'restricted to BS (Kurmademys kallamedensis)' 'on BS edge with another bone (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'outside BS (Pelusios castanoides)', 100 Foramen_posterius_canalis_carotici_interni_position_in_relation_to_fenestra_postotica_cranial_edge /  'rostral to fenestra postotica rostral edge (Pelomedusa subrufa) ' 'on fenestra postotica rostral edge (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 101 Foramen_posterius_canalis_carotici_interni_position_in_relation_to_PT_ignoring_the_BS_relation /  'restricted to PT (Cearachelys placidoi) ' 'on PT edge with another bone (QU or PR) (Bothremys cooki)' 'outside PT (Hydromedusa tectifera)', 102 Foramen_posterius_canalis_carotici_interni_on_quadrate /  'outside quadrate (Podocnemis unifilis) ' 'on quadrate (Bothremys maghrebiana)', 103 'SO, roof exposure' /  'SO not exposed on roof (Pelusios castanoides)' 'little exposure of SO on roof (Elseya dentata)' 'large exposure of SO on roof (Pseudemydura umbrina)', 104 'SO, crista supraoccipitalis' /  'not elongated caudal to the foramen magnum (Pelusios castanoides)' 'elongated caudal to the foramen magnum (Podocnemis expansa)', 105 'SO, bulbous ending of crista occipitalis' /  'flat ending (Podocnemis expansa)' 'bulbous ending (Bairdemys thalassica)', 106 'SO, horizontal plate along ventral edge of crista supraoccipitalis' /  'flat or very slim horizontal plate on ventral edge (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'horizontal plate along ventral edge (Podocnemis unifilis) ', 107 'SO, supraoccipital lateral margin on otic chamber' /  'contacts PR and OP but not QU (Phrynops geoffroanus) ' 'contacts QU (Bothremys cooki)', 108 'SO, supraoccipital lateral margin on roof' /  'contacts SQ (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'does not contact SQ (Pelomedusa subrufa) ', 109 'EX, ventral process' /  'absent to very short (Pelusios castanoides)' 'present, EX-BS contact avoiding BS-QU contact in ventral view of the skull (Euraxemys essweini)', 110 'EX, condylus occipitalis' /  'basioccipital plus both exoccipitals (Euraxemys essweini)' 'exoccipitals only (Pelusios castanoides)', 111 'EX, foramina nervi hypoglossi' /  'separated (Podocnemis expansa)' 'combined and recessed (Bairdemys thalassica)', 112 'EX, foramen jugulare posterius' /  'not formed in bone (Notoemys laticentralis)' 'closed completely (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'partially openned (Galianemys emringeri)', 113 'EX, dorsal processes of exoccipitals ' /  'do not meet medially (Elseya dentata)' 'meeting dorsal to the foramen magnum (Acantochelys radiolata)', 114 'EX-QU contact' /  'no contact (Elseya dentata)' 'narrow contact (Euraxemys essweini)' 'extensive contact (Podocnemis expansa)', 115 'BO, length' /  'long, length/width => 0.60 (Pelusios castanoides)' 'short, 0.60 > length/width =< 0.25 (Bothremys cooki)' 'very short, length/width < 0.25 (Shweboemys pilgrimi)', 116 'BO, basioccipital tubera width in occipital view' /  'closer to median (Bauruemys elegans)' 'farther from median (Podocnemis expansa)', 117 'BO, horizontal occipital shelf' /  'absent (Elseya dentata)' 'present (Podocnemis expansa)', 118 'BO, basioccipital lateral edges' /  'does not contact opisthotic (Galianemys emringeri)' 'contacts opisthotic (Pelomedusa subrufa)', 119 'PR, ventral exposure, out of cavum pterygoideum' /  'most of PR exposed ventrally (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'about half covered by QU + BS (Euraxemys essweini)' 'nearly all covered by QU, BS, PT (Podocnemis expansa)', 120 'PR, foramen stapediotemporale' /  'opens dorsally (Pelusios castanoides)' 'opens cranially (Galianemys emringeri)', 121 'PR, foramen stapediotemporale/foramen nervi trigemini' /  'separated by most of prootic (Pelusios castanoides)' 'separated by narrow bar of prootic (Bothremys cooki)', 122 'OP, processus interfenestralis covered ventrally' /  'visible ventrally (Emydura macquarii)' 'coverd by bone (Podocnemis expansa)', 123 'OP, fenestra postotica closed medially' /  'open (Euraxemys essweini)' 'closed by OP-QU contact (Podocnemis expansa)', 124 'OP, fenestra postotica shape' /  'more open (Euraxemys essweini)' 'small, horizontal slit (Galianemys emringeri)', 125 'OP, opisthotic and exoccipital project ventrally forming a flange over the foramen jugulare posterius ' /  'no (Podocnemis expansa)' 'yes (Bairdemys sanchezi)', 126 'OP, processus paraoccipitalis in ventral view' /  'projects caudally beyond SQ (Euraxemys essweini)' 'smaller, rostral to SQ (Galianemys emringeri)', 127 'OP, caudal surface' /  'smooth edge (Galianemys emringeri)' 'thin lateral and horizontal flange present on posterior edge (Chedighaii hutchisoni)' 'thin horizontal flange extending medially from the fenestra to the lateral contact with sq (Chelodina coillei)', 128 'BS, ventral outline' /  'pentagonal (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'triangular (Euraxemys essweini)' 'v-shaped (Nigeremys gigantea)', 129 'BS, rostral margin of basisphenoid' /  'very long rostral process in ventral view at least partially dividing the pterygoids (Chelodina coillei)' 'short rostral process in ventral view (Sokatra antitra)' 'no rostral process in ventral view (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)', 130 'BS, BS-QU contact' /  'absent (Euraxemys essweini)' 'present, wider (Galianemys emringeri)' 'present, very narrow (Bothremys cooki)', 131 'BS, processus clinoideus' /  'present, with abducens canal (Pelusios castanoides)' 'absent, nervi abducens canal is a groove (Bothremys cooki)', 132 'BS, sella turcica/dorsum sella' /  'deep, well-defined margins (Taphrosphys sulcatus)' 'very shallow, low margins (Bothremys cooki)', 133 'SP, splenial' /  'present (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'absent (Pelusios castanoides)', 134 'DEN, widely exposed on lateral surface' /  'yes, in posterior part of jaw (Euraxemys essweini)' 'no, covered by surangular (Bothremys cooki)', 135 'DEN, internal angle between rami' /  'acute, between 40° and 90° (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'obtuse, over 90° (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 136 'DEN, high lingual ridge' /  'no (Pelusios castanoides)' 'yes (Bothremys cooki)', 137 'DEN, U-shaped lingual ridges' /  'form U-shape, also wedge (Bothremys cooki)' 'form V-shape (Podocnemis unifilis)', 138 'DEN, accessory ridges' /  'absent (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'present (Podocnemis unifilis)', 139 'DEN, pits' /  'no (Euraxemys essweini)' 'yes (Bothremys cooki)', 140 'DEN, sutured symphysis' /  'symphysis fused (Bothremys cooki)' 'symphysis sutured (Euraxemys essweini)', 141 'DEN, symphyseal hook' /  'no hook on rostral edge (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'hooked rostral edge (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)', 142 'DEN, triturating surfaces' /  narrow_as_in_Euraxemys_essweini wider_as_in_Podocnemis_unifilis_ wide_posteriorly_as_in_Cearachelys_placidoi__ wide_anteriorly_as_in_Bairdemys_venezuelensis__, 143 'SUR, foramen nervi auriculotemporalis' /  'absent (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'present (Podocnemis unifilis)', 144 'COR, wide lateral exposure' /  'no (Euraxemys essweini)' 'yes (Bothremys cooki)', 145 'COR, participates on triturating surface' /  'no or slightly (Bothremys maghrebiana)' 'yes, lingual-caudal portion formed by coronoid (Podocnemis expansa)' 'yes, caudal portion formed by coronoid (Stereogenys cromeri)', 146 'PRA, fossa meckelii open cranially' /  'closed by long ang-pra contact and/or splenial (Euraxemys essweini)' 'more open, short pra-ang contact (Bothremys cooki)', 147 'ART, processus retroarticularis' /  'short, absent (Pelusios castanoides)' 'long, posterior (Bothremys cooki)' 'long, posteroventral (Podocnemis unifilis)', 148 'ART, foramen chorda tympani enclosed in processus retroarticularis' /  'no (Podocnemis expansa)' 'yes (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)', 149 'VT, cervical articulations' /  'amphicoelous, platycoelous (Proganochelys quenstedti)' '(2( (3( (4( (5) )6) )7( (8) (Phrynops geoffroanus)' '(2) )3) )4) )5) )6) )7) )8) (Podocnemis expansa)', 150 'VT, Cervical vertebrae length' /  'smaller than trunk vertebrae (Podocnemis expansa)' 'longer than trunk vertebrae (Chelodina coillei)', 151 'VT, Elements of atlantal neural arch' /  'dorsally suturally attached (Emydura macquarii)' 'dorsally fused (Hydromedusa tectifera)', 152 'VT, Atlantal intercentrum' /  'suturally attached to atlantal centrum (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'fused to atlantal centrum (Hydromedusa tectifera) ', 153 'VT, Outline of atlantal neural arch in dorsal view' /  'convex or subparallel lateral edges (Pelomedusa subrufa) ' 'lateral edges tapering anteriorly (Phrynops hilarii)' 'lateral edges ''wasp-waisted'' (Chelus fimbriatus)', 154 'VT, Orientation of atlantal postzygapophyses' /  'ventromedial (Pelusios castanoides) ' 'dorsolateral (Laganemys tenerensis) ' 'ventral (Hydromedusa tectifera) ', 155 'VT, cranial process of neural arch in axis' /  'present (Phyrnops geoffroanus)' 'absent (Hydromedusa tectifera)', 156 'VT, cervical centrum' /  'wider than high (Platychelys oberndorferi)' 'usually higher than wide or rounder (Podocnemis expansa)', 157 'VT, cervical centra saddle shaped' /  'no heterocoelic vertebrae (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'completely heterocoelic (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'wide (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)', 158 'VT, Proportion of condyle of cervical vertebra 8' /  'higher than wide (Chelodina coillei) ' 'wider than high (Pelomedusa subrufa) ', 159 'VT, Outline of condyle of cervical vertebra 8' /  'trapezoidal or sub-oval with shorter ventral side (Chelus fimbriatus)' 'subrectangular or suboval (Chelodina coillei) ' 'trapezoidal or sub-oval with shorter dorsal side (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'kidney-like (Pelomedusa subrufa) ', 160 'VT, Ventral keel in cervical vertebrae 8' /  'ventrally developed (Elseya dentata)' 'slightly or not developed (Pelomedusa subrufa)', 161 'VT, Shape of ventral keel on cervical 8' /  'smooth straight or convex ventral edge (Elseya dentata)' 'concave ventral edge (Podocnemis sextuberculata)', 162 'VT, Orientation of dorsal process of neural arch in cervical vertebrae ' /  'more than 30 degrees with respect to vertebral body (Pelusios castanoides) ' 'less than 30 degrees with respect to vertebral body (Araripemys barretoi)', 163 'VT, cervical postzygapophyses' /  'separate (Proganochelys quenstedti) ' 'some fused (Podocnemis unifilis)', 164 'VT, cervical postzygapophyses' /  'separated from each other (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'postzygapophyses elevated on neural spine (Podocnemis unifilis)', 165 'VT, Orientation of postzygapophyses of cervical vertebra 8' /  'ventrolateral (Pelomedusa subrufa)' 'ventral, horizontal (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'lateral, vertical (Chelus fimbriatus)', 166 Coracoid_shape /  'entirely wide and plate-like (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'narrow, almost straight longitudinally and slightly wider distally (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'slightly curved longitudinally and much wider distally (Pelusios castanoides)', 167 Coracoid_dorsolongitudinal_ridge /  'absent (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'present (Podocnemis expansa)', 168 'Scapula, angle between acromion and scapular processess ' /  '> 70° (Podocnemis expansa)' '=< 70° (Bairdemys venezuelensis)', 169 Claws_in_forefoot /  'five (Pelusios castanoides) ' 'four (Hydromedusa tectifera) ', 170 'CAR, nuchal embayment' /  'no (Emydura macquarii)' 'yes (Chedighaii barberi)', 171 'CAR, nuchal bone width' /  'greater than length, 2 times or more (Notoemys laticentralis) ' 'greater, but less than 2 times, or equal to length (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'lesser than length (Araripemys barretoi)', 172 'CAR, nuchal proportions' /  'cranial width/greatest width < 0.40 (Turkanemys pattersoni)' '0.70 < cranial width/greatest width >= 0.40 (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'cranial width/greatest width > 0.70 (Cordichelys antiqua)', 173 'CAR, first pleural scute reaches nuchal ' /  'no (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'yes (Chedighaii barberii)', 174 'CAR, neural number' /  '8 or more (Araripemys barretoi)' '7 neurals (Foxemys mechinorum)' '6 (Kurmademys kallamedensis)' '5 or less (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'no neurals (Bairdemys venezuelensis)', 175 'CAR, neural series completeness' /  'to suprapygal (Euraxemys essweini)' 'to costals 8 (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'to costals 7 (Foxemys mechinorum)' 'to costals 6 (Chedighaii barberi)' 'to costal 5 & 4 (Phyrnops geoffroanus)' 'neurals discontinuous (Platemys platycephala)', 176 'CAR, neural series pattern' /  'irregular (Platychelys oberndorferi)' 'regular, most hexagonal, coffin-shaped (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'neurals discontinuous (Araiochelys hirayamen)', 177 'CAR, First neural sutured with nuchal' /  'yes (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'no (Chelodina coillei) ', 178 'CAR, position of four sided neural' /  'neural one (Euraxemys essweini)' 'neural two (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'neural three (Araripemys barretoi)' 'four-sided neural absent (Platemys platycephala)', 179 'CAR, keeled neurals' /  'none (Kenyemys williamsi)' 'at least some (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)', 180 'CAR, keels or knobs on costals' /  'no keel or knob on costals (Podocnemis expansa)' 'costals with keels or knobs (Chelus fimbriatus)', 181 'CAR, costal one length' /  'costal 1 shorter or equal to 2 times length of costal 2 (Euraxemys essweini)' 'costal 1 two times longer than 2nd costal (Foxemys mechinorum)', 182 'CAR, peripheral 1/costal 1 contact length' /  'no contact (Hydromedusa maximiliani)' 'narrow contact, cranial margin 2x contact (Foxemys mechinorum)' 'wide contact, anterior margin less than 2x contact (Rosasia soutoi)', 183 'CAR, peripheral 6 lateral edge' /  'medially inclined towards cranial edge (Araripemys barretoi) ' 'almost parallel to cranio-caudal axis (Phrynops geoffroanus) ' 'medially inclined towards caudal edge (Cordichelys antiqua) ', 184 'CAR, Suprapygal sutured with peripheral 10' /  'yes (Chelodina collei) ' 'no (Pelusios castanoides) ', 185 'CAR, suprapygal-peripheral 11 contact' /  'large (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'small (Pelomedusa subrufa) ', 186 'CAR, Proportions of peripheral bones' /  'peripheral bones cranial to bridge shorter or equal size than caudal ones ones (Emydura macquarii) ' 'peripheral bones cranial to bridge longer than caudal ones (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 187 'CAR, thoracic rib 1 versus 2' /  'thoracic rib 1 large and separate from thoracic rib 2 (Notoemys laticentralis)' 'thoracic rib 1 reduced, almost same size of the medial portion of thoracic rib 2, both separated by an oval elongated space (Podocnemis expansa)' 'thoracic rib 1 shorter than the medial exposed portion of thoracic rib 2, very small oval space between them (Chelus fimbriatus)', 188 'CAR, articulation facet on thoracic rib 1' /  'absent (Podocnemis expansa)' 'present, facet or tubercle on cranial margin of thoracic rib 1 (Notoemys laticentralis)', 189 'CAR, costovertebral tunnel' /  'large anteriorly and posteriorly only (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'large entire length (Platychelys oberndorferi)' 'small (Chedighaii barberi)', 190 'CAR, intumescence from axillary buttress to the rib area on costal 1' /  'no (Podocnemis unifilis)  ' 'yes (Bairdemys venezuelensis)', 191 'CAR, axillary buttress scar on costals' /  'contact only peripherals, no contact with costal 1 (Hydromedusa maximiliani)' 'contact present but separated from costal 2 suture (Chedighaii barberi)' 'contact present and close to costal 2 (Chelus colombianus)', 192 'CAR, axillary buttres contact with costal 1' /  'runs parallel to rib-gomphosis of costal 1 (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'runs in a divergent angle between 15 and 50 degrees to rib-gomphosis (Elseya dentata)', 193 'CAR, axillary buttress extent on ventral surface of peripherals' /  'reaches peripheral 2 (Emydura macquarii) ' 'reaches peripheral 3 (Pelusios castanoides) ' 'reaches peripheral 4 (Phrynops hilarii) ' 'reaches peripheral 5 (Hydromedusa tectifera) ', 194 'CAR, inguinal buttress on costals' /  'short or absent (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'contacts costal 5, extending medially onto it (Chedighaii barberi)' 'restricted to costal 4 (Chelus fimbriatus)', 195 'CAR, Inguinal buttress on peripheral' /  '6 (Chelodina coillei) ' '7 (Hydromedusa tectifera) ' '8 (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 196 'CAR, iliac scar reaches costal 7' /  'yes (Pelusios castanoides)' 'no (Elseya dentata)', 197 'CAR, iliac scar reaches suprapygal' /  'no (Pelusios castanoides)' 'yes (Elseya dentata)', 198 'CAR, Cervical scute' /  'present (Emydura)' 'absent (Podocnemis)', 199 'CAR, Cervical scute position' /  'between marginal scutes (Phrynops geoffroanus) ' 'behind marginal scutes (Hydromedusa tectifera) ', 200 'CAR, Cervical Scute Shape' /  'width greater than or equal to length (Hydromedusa tectifera) ' 'width smaller than length (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 201 'CAR, first marginal scute shape' /  'trapezoidal (Podocnemis unifilis) ' 'rectangular (Erymnochelys madagascariensis) ' 'triangular (Araripemys barretoi) ', 202 'CAR, marginal scale 1 proportion overlapping the cranial margin/portion of peripheral bone' /  'between 30 to 60% (Phrynops geoffroanus) ' 'less than 30% (Erymnochelys madagascariensis) ' 'more than 60% (Cordichelys antiqua) ', 203 'CAR, vertebral scale width' /  'equal to or wider than pleural scales ((Pseudemydura umbrina)  )' 'narrower than pleural scales (Foxemys mechinorum)', 204 'CAR, vertebral scale 1 reaches cranial margin of carapace' /  'no, first marginals and or cervical scales (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'yes (Araripemys barretoi)', 205 'CAR, relative width of vertebral scute 1' /  'first three vertebral scute equal or sub-equal in width (Pelusios castanoides) ' 'first vertebral scute wider than second and third (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 206 Generalised_shell_shape /  'high domed (Elseya dentata) ' 'dorso-ventrally flattened (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 207 'CAR, vertebral scale 1 shape of the craniolateral margins' /  'lateral margins parallel or subparallel to midline axis of carapace (Elseya dentata) ' 'lateral margins cranially divergent or ''houglass" shaped (Phrynops geoffroanus)', 208 'CAR, second vertebral scute shape' /  'quadrangular (Chelodina collei)' 'hexagonal (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'trapezoidal (Araripemys barretoi) ', 209 'CAR, vertebral scute 2 to 4 longer than wide' /  'no (Chelus fimbriatus)' 'yes (Chelodina collei)', 210 'CAR, Vertebral scute 5 reaches last neural' /  'no (Pelusios castanoides) ' 'yes (Araripemys barretoi) ', 211 'CAR, Vertebral scute 5 reaches peripheral 10' /  'no (Phrynops geoffroanus)	' 'yes (Elseya dentata) ', 212 'CAR, Vertebral scute 5 reaches peripheral 11' /  'no (Hydromedusa tectifera) ' 'yes (Phrynops geoffroanus) ', 213 'CAR, Vertebral scute 5 reaches Pygal' /  'no (Hydromedusa tectifera) ' 'yes (Elseya dentata) ', 214 'CAR, pleural scute 4 touches suprapygal' /  'no (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'yes (Platemys platycephala) ', 215 Position_of_the_posterior_edge_of_the_plastron_related_to_carapace_in_ventral_view /  'above C8 or more cranial, peripherals entirely visible (Araripemys barretoi)' 'above peripherals 11 (Podocnemis uniflis)', 216 'PLA, cranial lobe reaches carapace edge' /  'yes (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'no (Foxemys mechinorum)', 217 'PLA, cranial lobe length' /  'long to medium, width over length < = 2.0 (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'short, width over length > 2.1 (Chedighaii barberi)', 218 'PLA, cranial lobe' /  'wide, squared cranially, lateral margins parallel or sub-parallel (Platychelys platycephala)' 'narrow, tapered cranially, lateral margins converging cranially (Emydura macquarii)', 219 'PLA, Plastral lobes' /  'cranial lobe as long as or longer than caudal one (Hydromedusa tectifera)' 'cranial lobe shorter than caudal one (Pelomedusa subrufa) ', 220 'PLA, posterior lobe lateral outline' /  'almost straight lined (Euraxemys essweini)' 'concave (Phrynops geoffroanus) ' 'convex (Hydromedusa tectifera) ', 221 Foramina_on_suture_of_hypoplastron_and /  'peripheral 7 (Chelus fimbriatus) ' 'peripheral 8 (Podocnemis unifilis)', 222 Foramina_on_suture_of_hyoplastron_and /  'peripheral 3 (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'peripheral 4 (Chelus fimbriatus)', 223 'PLA, entoplastron shape' /  'arrow-shaped with caudolateral processes (Araripemys barretoi)' 'more trapezoidal (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'longer than wider (Platemys platycephala)', 224 'CAR, vertebral scale 1 overlap onto cranial peripherals and nuchal' /  'overlapping nuchal and peripherals 1 (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)' 'overlapping nuchal, peripherals 1 and 2 (Acantochelys radiolata) ' 'overlaping only nuchals (Bairdemys healeyorum) ', 225 'PLA, mesoplastra' /  'present, wider than long (Notoemys laticentralis)' 'present, rounder and lateral (Podocnemis expansa)' 'absent (Chelus fimbriatus)', 226 'PLA, fontanella between hyo and hypoplastra' /  'yes (Notoemys laticentralis)' 'no (Podocnemis expansa)', 227 'PLA, pectorals on entoplastron' /  'no (Euraxemys essweini)' 'yes (Foxemys mechinorum)', 228 'PLA, pectoral on epiplastron' /  'no, far behind epiplastron (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'on epiplastron, on epi-hyoplastron suture (Foxemys mechinorum)', 229 'PLA, pectoral on mesoplastron' /  'yes (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'anterior to mesoplastron (Kurmademys kallamedensis)', 230 'PLA, gular scute' /  'small , humerals contact in midline (Cearachelys placidoi)' 'large, separating extragulars and humerals (Taphrosphrys sulcatus)', 231 'PLA, extragulars size' /  'large, almost the same size as gular (Chelus fimbriatus)' 'smaller than gular (Pelomedusa subrufa)' 'extragulars absent (Araripemys barretoi)', 232 'PLA, entoplastron caudal end reaching the axillary notch level of plastron' /  'not reaching (Phrynops geoffroanus)' 'caudal end reaches axillary notch (Foxemys mechinorum)', 233 'PLA, extragulars in comparison to intergular' /  'separated by gular (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'larger than gular, in contact in midline caudally (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)', 234 'PLA, gular scales reach entoplastron' /  'yes (Erymnochelys madagascariensis) ' 'no (Podocnemis unifilis) ', 235 'PLA, humeral scale' /  'longest length humeral < longest length pectoral (Elseya dentata)  ' 'longest length humeral = > longest length pectoral (Pelusios castanoides) ', 236 'PLA, abdominal scale length' /  'midline length abdominal = > midline length anal (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'midline length abdominal < midline length anal (Taphrosphys sulcatus)', 237 'PLA, strong constriction on femural-anal scute on xiphiplastra' /  'no, smooth edge (Elseya dentata)' 'yes (Phrynops hilarii)', 238 'PEL, pelvis sutured to shell' /  'no (Proganochelys quenstedti)' 'yes (Pelusios castanoides)', 239 'PLA, pubic scar shape' /  'wider as in Phrynops hilarii (largest width/length >0.40)' 'narrower as in Podocnemis unifilis (largest width/length <0.40)', 240 'PLA, ischial scar shape' /  'large and linear or V-shaped (Podocnemis unifilis)' 'small and equidimensional (Taphrosphys sulcatus)', 241 'PLA, ischial scar position related to the lateral edges of xiphiplastron' /  'far from the caudal and lateral edges of xiphiplastron (Peltocephalus dumerilianus)' 'closer to the caudal and lateral edges of xiphiplastron (Chelus fimbriatus)', 242 'PLA, cranial margin width of gulars' /  'much narrower than the cranial margin of intergular (Taphrosphys sulcatus)' 'almost the same width as the cranial margin of intergular (Podocnemis expansa)' 'wider than the cranial margin of intergular (Neochelys laurenti)' 'much wider than the cranial margin of intergular (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)', 243 'PLA, ischial scar position related to the anal notch of xiphiplastron' /  'the most caudal tip of the scar reaches the level of the anal notch (Podocnemis expansa)' 'the most caudal tip is located cranially to the anal notch level (Foxemys mechinorum)', 244 'PLA, gular position' /  'gular reaches cranial margin of plastron (Podocnemis expansa)' 'gular retracted from cranial margin of plastron (Chelodina colliei)', 245 'PLA, shape of caudal process of xiphiplastron' /  'short and wide (Podocnemis expansa)' 'long and narrow (Chelus fimbriatus)' ; 
	Proganochelys_quenstedti       0100001000000011?000-000?????000100000-00000-00020010010000000000101??100000?0??000003?000?0-00-0000-000??010010000?01000000000000000000-0000000001000?0210-0001?0001000010???0???100?????000?0000???0002?0000010?????000100??0?0100000?000000???1?0-
	Platychelys_oberndorferi       ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????10?????00??1??0??????00?000001110211-00110100110000012000100011110000001??10000000100010111012000
	Notoemys_laticentralis         ??????????????????????????????????0??????????????????????????????????????????????00000?1???0?0?-??1010????0?1000000?0?00?0000000?0??????????????????10?????00??1?1?0?????00200000100021100011?101020000001000111001110000001??10000000100010?1?0??0??
	Bonapartemys_bajobarrealis     ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?11200110?00021100????1110211???1?101110100100100001??1011000010010101?????01
	Prochelidella_cerrobarcinae    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????01200110?00122101?????????0100110101?10011110??0012??100100001001100110?1001
	Pseudemydura_umbrina           000000000010030--0000000?0???000102001010?00-0001120000000000?-00000?01?0000-0??000000011000001-??20202000?000020000010??000010010??00?0?00000??000?????????????????????011114?????0011000???????????001100000010?1110??1012??102111?110011111???1?00
	Elseya_dentata                 000000000110030--100000000???000102001010001000111200010000100-00000?0110000-000120000010000001-00102011000100?1000001000100010020??0000-0001000000?100000010000000102?0001104-?---0011100102011101111--101010001-1110100112??1021??-0??010001??12?00
	Emydura_macquarii              000000000110030--100000000???000102001010000-00010200000000000-00001?0010000-0?0120000010000001-00102010000100?1000?01000000000010??0000-0001010000?1000?0010000000112?0?01104?????001110010211100101001101000000?111010011200102100?010010001??12000
	Myuchelys_latisternum          000100?01110030--100000000???000102001010001000011200010000000-00000?00?0000-0?0020000010000001-?010201000?10?01?00001000100010012??0000?0001010000?1000?0010000000102?0?01104?????0011100102010001111--101010010?1110100102??102100?010010001???2?00
	Acanthochelys_radiolata        0?0001?00110030--123000000???000102001010000-00010200100000000-00000?0110000-000020000011000001-00102110000?0??1100?0?000000012010?????????1????????1000000??01??0012???00?104-?---011110110201020211001101011100-1110??0002??212100-0100110010011100
	Platemys_platycephala          0?0000000010030--110000000???000100001010000-01010000100000000-00110?0110000-000020000011000001-0021211000010??1100000000000012010?????????1????????1000030??12??0010???002104-?---111100110201020200001101001100-0111100002??202100-0100110010001100
	Phrynops_hilarii               0?0010?00110030--123000000???000102001010000-00010200100000000-00000??110000-000020000011000001-0021211000010001100?00000000012010??0010-00100??0?0?1000100??01??0010???00110231000011110110201020200001101011100001101?0001??102100-0000110110001000
	Phrynops_geoffroanus           ?00?10000110030--123000000???000102001010000-00010200100000000-00000?0110000-000020000011000001-00212110000100?1100?00000000012010000010-0010000000010?????10??01?01?200?0110(2 3)(3 4)1000011110?102??01?2??0?1101011100001101?00?1??102100-0100110110?01000
	Mesoclemmys_nasuta             0?0010?00110?30--123000000???000102001?1?000-?001020010000000?-00000??110000-000020000001000001-00212110000100?1100?00000000?12020??0010-00100000?0?1000100?001??0010???0????34?1300121101102???2?2??001101011100001101?0002??102100-010011001???1?00
	Chelodina_colliei              200100000210030--?32000100???000102001110010-?0010200100000001-00101?0110000-000020000011000001-0010201000010?01100000000000012002??0010-0010000000?1110220?0010011102?01011125110000010011020102001100000101110100001000002??122111-110010001??1-010
	Chelus_colombianus             ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0110120001111(0 1)10(0 1)???021?2?10?????1??1100????0100001??1?2100?0?0011001001-011
	Chelus_fimbriatus              201-00?00110030--123000000???000102001001010-00010000100000000-00100?0110000-000020000011000001-1020201000010001100?01000000012000000010-001000000201100210100000111220000110(0 1)(0 1 2)00011111101201011221010001010111001111010000101102110-000001001001(0 1)001
	Hydromedusa_tectifera          200001000210030--132000000???000102001010010-0001020010000000--00000?0111000-000020000011000001-0020201000000001100?01000000012002??0010-00100??000?1111221?0120011112?01010111001001111011020003010101010100011000000100002??102100-0100111010011100
	Hydromedusa_maximilliani       2?000????????30--?????????????????????????????????????????????-?????????1???????????????????????0???????????????1??????????????????????????1????????1111221??12??1111???101001100100101101102000301??01010101001001110??0002??1(0 2)2100-0100111110011100
	Yaminuechelys_maior            2??????0?????30--11????1?????00???????????????????????????????-???????????????????????????????????????2000?0?0??1???????????????????00?0-00100?0?00?11102200?130?1110????10200110000011100??21102011100010101111000110??01?1??100000001001?111101??01
	Yaminuechelys_gasparinii       2?0100?00210?30--112?00100???000???????00?????????0?0????????0-0????????1??0-??0??????????????????????200000???????????????????????????????1????????11?0??00?12??1110????1020011000001110010???02?1??000101011110001100????0???000??0??????101??1???0
	Pelusios_castaneus             101-010000000111-23200010?1010001000000000010010??00001000010?001????0110000?000220000011000001??020200100010101??0?010000000000120010?0?00(0 1)1010?00020??0???0??1-001?20?00??01?1??00??1??010200-?0?001??101000000(0 1)????1?0112???001???01?0?1011??01000
	Pelusios_castanoides           101?01?000000111-23200010?101000100000000000-0000-000010000100001????0110000-0??220000011000001-1?202000000101?1000?01000000000012??1?10?000101??00?20???0010??1-00102?10011022113000211001?200-101001??10100000000110100112??1001001010011011?001000
	Pelomedusa_subrufa             101?010000000111-232000100101000100000000000-0100-000010000000001-?-?0110000-000220000011000001-1020200000010101000?01000000000012001010-00110100000200000010131-001020100210121(0 1)00011111010200-101001??10100011000110100112??10110000100110110001000
	Araripemys_barretoi            2?1?010002000211-230000100?-?000100000000010-01020000000000000001-?-?0010000-000200000011000001-0020200???01000(1 2)000?00000000000000??1000-0010011?00021????010021-111120??122000102000101001?200-101011??20110112010110000110??022000-020-?11?1?1?-?00
	Laganemys_tenerensis           201?010002000210021000000????000100000000010-?????000?000??0?0000??1?0010000-0?02000000110?0001-0020201000010102000?00000000?00100??1000-0011000?00?210??1010????1111????102001002000100001?2?1?111??1??2011010000????000110??0210001020-?11?1???-?00
	Euraxemys_essweini             101?0100010002100210000100?0?000100000000000-00020000010000100000101?0010000-000100000011000001-?0100010??011002010000100100000120??1000-0011010?00120?????10??1-?11?2???011?00100000111101?2???1?1??1??1110???00?0110100110??1?11000010011101?0?1?00
	Dirqadim_schaefferi            101?0100?10?02?0011000?00????000?00000000010-01?0-0000100?010000?????011000?????100000011??0001-?02010????0110?2010??0100100000120???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Sokatra_antitra                101?010001000011-?2?0001?0???000100000010?0???????000010??010000?????0110000-0002200000100??001-?01021?00001?00201???0100100000011???0?0??0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Atolchelys_lepida              ??1??10??????????????0?????????0?000????0??0-010?????11100000???0111??010000-0?????????11??01?2?1?2001??????0????11?001??1???1?011????0?????????????????????????????????????????????????1???????????????????????????????111?????11?????0????11001?0?0
	Cearachelys_placidoi           001?010001000011-221000100???01010000000100??0?0??0000011?0000100??1?0110010-0000(0 2)0000000101112-101000010011010202100021010101002100100100000210?010???????1???0???1?????011000101000(1 2)11101?20??112??1??10100011011110100010??1011000010011001?001?00
	Galianemys_emringeri           001?(0 1)100?10?00?1-22?00?100???010?0000?001000-000??0000?1???00010?????1?1?010-0??011010000??1112-1010000100110002?21?002101010101?100?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Galianemys_whitei              001?0100?10?00?1-21?00?10????010?0000?001?00-000??0000?1???000100?0??1?1?010-0??011010000??1112-?010000100110002?21?002101010101?100?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Kurmademys_kallamedensis       001?0100?10?0111-23100?11????00010000000000100100-0000111?000010?????1110010-0??2110100101?1112-1000200100110001021?002001100100210??0?10?001210?010???????1?????????2???0110231?0?0121?101?201011?001??1?100?10000110??0??2???011111??0???00100??1?0
	Sankuchemys_sethnai            ??1?01?0?10????1-231?0?1??????0??0?????00?0??010??000??1???100000?1????1??10-0?????????1???11?????1000?????10????2???02??1?????0?1???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Kinkonychelys_rogersi          001?010001000?????1?00???0????0?10????0?0?????????000011??0000???????1??0?1??0?02110000001?1?1?-101000????1?0101021?0020011001002100?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Foxemys_mechinorum             001?1100?10?1011-21100?10????00010100000100110000-000111100000100101?1110010-0??010000100??1112-?010000100110102021??0211110010021??11?11?000211?11????????1??????11?2???0110121?0?0111?101?201111?0(0 1)1??10100011000110?11110??111111(0 1)0110110?11001100
	Foxemys_trabanti               001?110001001???????00??0????00010100?0?1??????????001111?0000?0?????1?1?010?0???10000100?01112?1010000100110102?21100211110010021??11?11000021101??2??????1???????1???0?01??121?0?011??????2?1??1?0(0 1)1????10????????????1?????1?1??100?????0?1?0?????
	Polysternon_provinciale        001?11?0?10??0?1-21??0?1?????000?0?00??01?0110??210001?110?00?10?????????010-0??010000110??1112-?010000100110112?21??02??11001?0?1?????????0?????????????????????????????11??121?0?0111?1?1?2?1?11?0(0 1)1??1010??110??????10??2??101?1110?101?0?1?0?1100
	Araiochelys_hirayamen          011?0110?10?1??1-21??0?1?????000?1100?0000110000210101?210?010??0?0??1???020-0??011001100??1102??020111100110101?21??02111100101?1??11?11?10?001?11??????????????????????????2?2?0???1??????2?1?11??????111???110??????????0???21?101??0???0?1?0??0?0
	Zolhafah_bella                 001?11000200?????????????1????0?01??????000110?0??000111110010??01?1?1110020-0???110011001?1?0?-?010110???0?0?01022?0021?1100?002100?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Rosasia_soutoi                 001?1100?20?10?1-???00??01???000?1????0?10010000210001?220?010110?0??1?1?020-0??01100?100??1112-?01000??????0?????????211110???1?100?????????????????????????????????????11??121?0?0101?1???????1????1??1110??010??????11??0???01?0000?001?0?1???1100
	Bothremys_maghrebiana          011?111002001011-21110?110???0000110(0 1)0000011000021121112200010110101?1110020-0??011001100??1002?10201101001101110211?021111001(0 1)12210110100100201011??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Bothremys_cooki                011?111002001???????10??10???00?11????0?0011000021121112200010??0101?1110020-0?????????001?1?0?-1?201?????1?0?0102?1002??11?011?22101?01001002??01???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Bothremys_arabicus             0???1??0????????????1???10??????11????0?0??11?0021????1220001???0101??1?0020-0??01100??0???1?0?-?02011????1?0101022?0021?11001?122???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Bothremys_kellyi               011?11100200?0?1-21??0?1?????00?01100?00001110?0??0211?220?01??1?????1???020-0??011001100??1?02???10111100110101?22???21?1100111?2???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Chedighaii_hutchisoni          011?111002001??1-21?10?11????00010100?000?????????011??22??000100????1?1?020-0??01100?10???1002??020110100110101?21??02111100111?2???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Chedighaii_barberi             0?1?11?0?20?????????10???????00??010?0??0??????0??011111??0000???????11???20-0??011?01100????0???02011????1?0??1?21??0211110?1112210?1?10?10?2010?1????????1??????11?????1111131?0?0120?101?201011?011??10100011001110?11110??12111000100110011001000
	Taphrosphys_sulcatus           001?01?00?0???????1??0????????????0110???10???????0??????????????????1??????????011100?1?1?1?0??11101111000101010201?0211110010021?1???????????????????????1??????11?2???0110121?0?0110?101?20(1 2)111?011??10100?01001110?01112??101110?11001110111?1000
	Taphrosphys_ippolitoi          001?01?0010??010?11??0?1?????101?0011?10010100?0210101?0???00101?????101??0??0??0111001101?1??2??110110???0101010211?02??110010021?1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Taphrosphys_congolensis        0?1?0??00????0100110?001?????101?0011010?10????????10??????????1?????111?????0??011?0?11???1??????1011?1??01010102110021111001?02100???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?????????1000
	Acleistochelys_maliensis       001?01000000001???1?000100???00111?00010001100100-010110000111?10111?1110100-2000110001011?1010-?01000????110011021?00211110010122??????????????????2????????0000????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Azabbaremys_moragjonesi        001?0100000?0011-21?00?10????001?0100?100010-1100-0100?00??001010?1??111?10??1??011003100??1012??020110100010101?21??02111100101?200?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Labrostochelys_galkini         111?01100?0??0100???00?1?????10??0?11??0001110?0210201?00??001010?????11?00??0??0111011001?1?02??02021????0?0111?21??02111100101?1???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Phosphatochelys_tedfordi       011?0101010?0010011?01?11????001?0011?11010100100-0011?00??00000?????111?10??0??0111001001?1102??120110100010101?21??02111100100?(1 2)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Ummulisani_rutgersensis        011?0101010?0010011??1??0????001?0011?11010100?00-0011?0???00000?????1????0?????0111031101?1?0???120211???010111?21??02111100?00?1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1?????1?1?1001?000?1???1?0000
	Rhothonemys_brinkmani          011?01?00100?????110?101?????00????1?01?0?1???????001????????????????1??????????011100?????????????????????????10?????????1??10?????110000000000011??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Arenila_krebsi                 0???01?00100?0????1?00???0???00?101???0???0???0?2101000000000???0101?1110?00-1?0011?031201?101?-??1000?1?0??0111021?002111?0?1?222???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Nigeremys_gigantea             001?01?0010?00?1-21??0?1?????00??00???0?000101012101000000000???0101??0?0100-1??0110031201?1012-?0????0????10?11????0?2??110??0222???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Brasilemys_josai               0????????1??011???2?000100???000?0000000????????????00?0??000000?????01?001??0001000010110011120?0101000--11100201100?200110000021??1000-00010100?2?20?????00????0?1?????0110111000001????1?2?10?1?001??101000000??????????????0?????????????1???????
	Hamadachelys_escuilliei        0?1?0100010001100220?0010010?000100000000?0???????010010100000000??1?0110010-0002200010110011120?01010?1?00100010?1011200110000021001000-0001010?021?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Portezueloemys_patagonica      0???01???100??1?012????1??11??????00????????????????????????????0??1??1?00?0-0???2?????1??011130??101??1????0?????1011?0?11?00???1??????????????????????????????????????????02210?000?????????1?112??1??1?1?0?020????????11???1011101?100????1??0???0
	Bauruemys_elegans              001?0100010001100120000100000000100000000000-01021010010100000000101?0(0 1)10010-0002200010100011130?010101100010001011011200110000021??1000-0001010?02?20?????0011????10200?01102(2 3)101000211001?2010112001??11100000000110100110??10111110100110011001000
	Cambaremys_langertoni          ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????20?????0?????????200?02101210000021??0???010112??1??10100?0000?1???????0???01??11????????1000?0?0
	Peiropemys_mezzalirai          001?01000100021011100001?000000010000000??01100021010000100000000101?0010010-0002200010100011130??10101101010001011111200110000021???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Lapparentemys_vilavilensis     001?01000100021011100001?0000000100000000001100021010010100000000101?0010010-0001200010100011130?010101101010001011111200110000021??1000-00010100?20????????1????????10??011012100000211001?2010112001??10100000000110100110??10111100110110011001?00
	Pricemys_caiera                0????????1????10?11???????2?1??0?00000?????????????100???00000????????????10-0?0120001010001?130?01010???10100010111112001100??021???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Cerrejonemys_wayuunaiki        00??01?00100??101110?011??000000?0000??1??????????010?????0?00001-?-??0?0??0-0???2???1???0?1?13??0????11?10100??001??12001???00021??10111000?1??11??20?????11??????1?11??0110??1000002????????1?1????1??11100?110??????????????011??1????????????????
	Podocnemis_vogli               001?01-0110001101110001100000000?00000010001100121010011010100000101?0010010-0002200010110011130001010110101000100111120011000002100100111001110?120?0??????1??????1??1??011011100000201101?2011112001??011000111????0??01100010111110100110111001000
	Podocnemis_lewyana             0?1?01?01100??101?1?0?1102100000???0???10????00121???00??101????1-?-?00100100000220001??10011?3000101011?1?1?001001111???11??0????001?0??1?0??????20?0??????1??????1??1??01101210000020??01?2011012001??0110001100011?100110??10111110100110011001000
	Podocnemis_unifilis            001?0100110001101110001100100000100000010001100121010001010100001-?-?0010010-00022000101100111300010101101010001001111200110000021001001110011101120200??00111300011011000100(1 2)(2 3)100100201001?2011012001??0(0 1)1000110001101001121010111(0 1)10100110011001000
	Podocnemis_erythrocephala      001?0100110001101110001100-000001000000100011001210100110101000001?1?0(0 1)10010-0002200010110011131001010110101000100111120011000002100100111001110?120200??000101010110110?020012100000111101?2011012001??1(0 1)1000120001101001121110111110100110011001000
	Podocnemis_expansa             001?0100110001101110001102100000100000010001100111010001010100001-?-?0010010-10012000101100111310010101101010001001111200110000021001001110011101120200??0011130001101100011012100000201001?2011012001??0(0 1)1000120001101001121110111110100110111001000
	Podocnemis_sextuberculata      001?0100110001101110001102100000100000010001101111010001010100001-?-?0010010-00002000101100111310010101101010001001111200110000021??10011100111011202000000111101011011000110(1 2)(2 3)1(0 1)0101201101?2011012001??0110001100011010011210101111(0 1)0100110111001000
	Podocnemis_bassleri            0?1-01001100?1101110?0110?100000100000010001-011??00100101010?00???????10010-000?20001011001113??010101101010001?0111?2??110???021???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Caninemys_tridentata           001?010001000?101?10000?02101000?00000000001000021011011010100000101?0??0110-000020002001001113??01010?1?10?00010011112??110000021??????????????????????????1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Stupendemys_geographicus       ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1011-??101?0?1110121000002????1???1????001????101?1000???0?????????011??1??0????01100?0?0
	Dacquemys_paleomorpha          001?0100000001101000?000??010000?00000?00000-1000-01001101010?001----02-0?10-0?0220001010001113??0101021010100010011112??110000021????0111?001???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	UCMP_42008                     011?01?00000?0101000?000???1?001????00?00?0???????01001??1010?00?????0???????????2?0??1??00?113???????21--?0?????????????????????????001100001?0?1???????????????????????1????????0??????????????????????????0???????????????????????????????????????
	Carbonemys_cofrinii            001?01000000??101100?0010????000?0000?000000-0100-01?01101000000??????2-0010-0???????1?0???1113??0????01010100????11??2001???00021???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Peltocephalus_dumerilianus     001?01000000001011001001?0201001?0000000100101100-010011010100001----0110010-00012000101000111320010100100010001001101200110000021001001100011101121200??0011010001101000011012100000211001?2011112001??0110001200011010111001101110(0 1)0100110011001000
	Kenyemys_williamsi             ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????11112210010011110????????2??1??01100011001110100112??1011111000101001???2?00
	Turkanemys_pattersoni          001?01?0000001101100?001??00?000?0000000100??010??01001101010?001----0010010-0??220001010001113??010100101?10001??110?2??1???00021??1001110011?01?2?2???????2????????????01002310000011100???111012001??10100011000110100112??1011111000101001?001000
	Erymnochelys_madagascariensis  001?01000000001011001001?0101000?00000000001001021010011010100001----0010010-0002200010100011132001010010001000100110120011000002100100110001110112120???0002130101101000011023100000211001?2011012001??11100011000110100112??10111110001010011?02000
	Neochelys_fajumensis           001?010000000110?100?00101000000100000000001001021010011010000001----0110010-0001200010100011132?0101001?10100010011012?01100?0021??1?011000?1????2????????????????????1?01?0(1 2)(2 3)10000??1101??????112??1??10100?1100011010?112??101111(0 1)00010100110?2?00
	Neochelys_arenarum             001-0100000000101100?0010?30000010000000100100102101001101000?001----0010010-0002200010100011132?0101001??010001?0110?2??110???021??1??11000??10?12??????????????????????01??2310000021?????????11???1???1?00?1???????????????1011111(0 1)10001??1???1?0?
	Neochelys_franzeni             0?1-01000000?0101100?0010?300000?0000000000???1???0100??????0?00?????0?1?0?0-0??22000??1?0011132?01010????010001?0110?2??110???0?1??1?0????0???0?1202???????2?????11?????0110(1 2)(2 3)10000021100102???112001??1110001100011010011(0 2)??1011110(0 1)00001001???1?00
	Papoulemys_laurenti            001?0100000001101100?001??30?000100000001?010?10??0?00110?000?001----0110010-000220001010001113??0101001010100010011012??110000021??????????????????20?????0?????0?1?????0110121000?011110??2011112001??11100011000110??0110??10111110001010011002000
	Mogharemys_blackenhorni        0?1??1?00000????????10??01?0100?10????00????????????0111?10?00???????02-0110-01002000101?00111?2?01010?1??0?0011011100?001100??02100?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Brontochelys_gaffneyi          0?1?110000000???????10??01???00?10????0???????????0101021-0000??1----1??01210010???????????11132?01010????0?0?110?11012?01?00??1210??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Lemurchelys_diasphax           001?110000000???????10??01???00?10????0010111110200101022-0000??1----12-01211010?2???2?0110111?2?01010?1??0?0001001101200110010121???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Shweboemys_pilgrimi            001?11?00000????????100?01?0?00?0?????001??11110200101021-000???1----?2-01211211???????????1?????0??????????0?11?02101??0??????121???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Stereogenys_cromeri            001?110000000??0??0?10??0120?00?0000000010011?10??0101021-0000??1----12-0121121102???20011011132?010100???0?0011002101200110010122001?00-00003??2?1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Cordichelys_antiqua            0???0100100001101100100101201000000000000??11110??0?00021-0000001----1??01211?1002000101?1011132?0101001?1010011011101200110010121???????????????????????????????????????11202310000012?001?2011012001??02110110000110101110??10111110100010011001?00
	Latentemys_plowdeni            0???010000010???????10??01???00?100000000?????????0100021-000???1----1??01210010?200010101111132?01010????0?0?11011101200110010121???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Bairdemys_thalassica           0??????0?00?011?110010010120100010110000????????????0002?-100000?????10?0121?1100200020011111132?0101011110?0011011101200110110122???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Bairdemys_healeyorum           ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2000???111?????????????????????????????????????????1000-00013?1???????????????????????0?012123100001211001?2111112001??021?00001011101?1110??1211111010011001???0?00
	Bairdemys_venezuelensis        001?0100000101101100?001012010001011000000011010??0100021-1000001----10?012101100200020011111132??10100111010011011101200110110122??1000-0000311211????????????????????1?011?4-?---00201001?2111112001???????0?????????01110??1?1111101001?0011001?00
	Bairdemys_hartsteini           001?010000010?101100?0010120100?101100?000011010??0100021-10000?1----?0?012100?00200020111111132??1010?1?101001101110120?110010121???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Bairdemys_sanchezi             001?010000010110121010010110?00010110000000???10??0100021-0000001-?-?1??012100?0020002011111113???101001?1010001011101200110110122??1000-00003?1211??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
	Bairdemys_winklerae            001?01000001?1101110?001????1??010110??0100??110??0100021-100?001-?-????012100???2000?011111113???????0111?10?1?0111012??1?0010121???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



	TITLE Supertree_Taxa_Block;
		Proganochelys_quenstedti Platychelys_oberndorferi Notoemys_laticentralis Bonapartemys_bajobarrealis Prochelidella_cerrobarcinae Pseudemydura_umbrina Elseya_dentata Emydura_macquarii Myuchelys_latisternum Acanthochelys_radiolata Platemys_platycephala Phrynops_hilarii Phrynops_geoffroanus Mesoclemmys_nasuta Chelodina_coilliei Chelus_colombianus Chelus_fimbriatus Hydromedusa_tectifera Hydromedusa_maximilliani Yaminuechelys_maior Yaminuechelys_gasparinii Pelusios_castaneus Pelusios_castanoides Pelomedusa_subrufa Araripemys_barretoi Laganemys_tenerensis Euraxemys_essweini Dirqadim_schaefferi Sokatra_antitra Atolchelys_lepida Cearachelys_placidoi Galianemys_emringeri Galianemys_whitei Kurmademys_kallamedensis Sankuchemys_sethnai Kinkonychelys_rogersi Foxemys_mechinorum Foxemys_trabanti Polysternon_provinciale Araiochelys_hirayamen Zolhafah_bella Rosasia_soutoi Bothremys_maghrebiana Bothremys_cooki Bothremys_arabicus Bothremys_kellyi Chedighaii_hutchisoni Chedighaii_barberi Taphrosphys_sulcatus Taphrosphys_ippolitoi Taphrosphys_congolensis Acleistochelys_maliensis Azabbaremys_moragjonesi Labrostochelys_galkini Phosphatochelys_tedfordi Ummulisani_rutgersensis Rhothonemys_brinkmani Arenila_krebsi Nigeremys_gigantea Brasilemys_josai Hamadachelys_escuilliei Portezueloemys_patagonica Bauruemys_elegans Cambaremys_langertoni Peiropemys_mezzalirai Lapparentemys_vilavilensis Pricemys_caiera Cerrejonemys_wayuunaiki Podocnemis_vogli Podocnemis_lewyana Podocnemis_unifilis Podocnemis_erythrocephala Podocnemis_expansa Podocnemis_sextuberculata Podocnemis_bassleri Caninemys_tridentata Stupendemys_geographicus Dacquemys_paleomorpha UCMP_42008 Carbonemys_cofrinii Peltocephalus_dumerilianus Kenyemys_williamsi Turkanemys_pattersoni Erymnochelys_madagascariensis Neochelys_fajumensis Neochelys_arenarum Neochelys_franzeni Papoulemys_laurenti Mogharemys_blackenhorni Brontochelys_gaffneyi Lemurchelys_diasphax Shweboemys_pilgrimi Stereogenys_cromeri Cordichelys_antiqua Latentemys_plowdeni Bairdemys_thalassica Bairdemys_healeyorum Bairdemys_venezuelensis Bairdemys_hartsteini Bairdemys_sanchezi Bairdemys_winklerae Linderochelys_rinconensis Lomalatachelys_neuquina Palaeophrynops_patagonicus Prochelidella_argentinae Prochelidella_portezuelae Salamanchelys_palaeocenica Birlimarr_gaffneyi Elseya_lavarackorum Elseya_nadibajagu Elseya_uberrima Rheodytes_devisi Chelodina_alanrixi Chelodina_insculpta Chelodina_murrayi Hydromedusa_casamayorensis Phrynops_paraensis Acanthochelys_cosquinensis Chelodina_rugosa Chelodina_longicollis Emydura_subglobosa Elusor_macrurus Elseya_purvisi Rheodytes_leukops Elseya_georgesi Elseya_latisternum Mesoclemmys_gibba Mesoclemmys_hogei Phrynops_williamsi Acanthochelys_spixii Acanthochelys_macrocephala Acanthochelys_pallidipectoris Pelusios_sinuatus Pelusios_gabonensis Pelusios_subniger Pelusios_williamsi Neochelys_capellinii Neochelys_eaocaenica Neochelys_zamorensis Neochelys_salmanticensis Neochelys_liriae Puentemys_mushaisaensis Elochelys_convenarum Elochelys_perfecta 


	TAXAGROUPLABEL 'G06_only' COLOR = (RGB 0.4 0.76078431 1) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL 'G11_only' COLOR = (RGB 0.31764706 0.31764706 0.86666667) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL 'C12_only' COLOR = (RGB 0.96862745 0.96862745 0.25882353) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL 'F03_only' COLOR = (RGB 0.39607843 0.90196078 0.27058824) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Outgroup COLOR = (RGB 0.70196078 0.81960784 1) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Ingroup COLOR = (RGB 1 0.70196078 0.81960784) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL 'Ingroup_ok' COLOR = (RGB 1 0.03529412 0.80784314) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL B&F05 COLOR = (RGB 1 0.56862745 0.82745098) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL MyTaxa COLOR = (RGB 0.4 0.76078431 1) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Chelidae COLOR = (RGB 1 0.76078431 0.6) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Pelomedusidae COLOR = (RGB 1 0.91372549 0.56862745) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Araripemydidae COLOR = (RGB 1 1 0.53333333) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Euraxemydidae COLOR = (RGB 0.77254902 1 0.43529412) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL 'Pan-Podocnemididae' COLOR = (RGB 0.54509804 1 0.43529412) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Bothremydidae COLOR = (RGB 0.4 1 1) ;
	TAXAGROUPLABEL Podocnemididae COLOR = (RGB 0.43529412 0.54509804 1) ;

	CHARGROUPLABEL G06 COLOR = (RGB 0.51372549 0.8745098 0.96862745) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL C12 COLOR = (RGB 0.86666667 0.86666667 0.23137255) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL G11 COLOR = (RGB 0.54901961 0.63137255 0.96862745) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL F03 COLOR = (RGB 0.32156863 0.83529412 0.19607843) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL 'New_char' COLOR = (RGB 1 0.6 0.33333333) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL Alright COLOR = (RGB 0.70196078 0.81960784 1) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL Check_it COLOR = (RGB 1 0.2 0.2) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL 'Chelida_matrix' COLOR = (RGB 1 0.81960784 0.10196078) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL Revised COLOR = (RGB 0.36862745 0.36862745 1) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL Other_Authors COLOR = (RGB 0.83529412 0.56862745 0.16470588) ;
	CHARGROUPLABEL New COLOR = (RGB 0.90196078 0.18039216 0.90196078) ;


	TAXPARTITION * UNTITLED  (TAXA = Original_analysis_Taxa_Block) =  Outgroup :  1 -  3, Chelidae :  4 -  21, Pelomedusidae :  22 -  24, Araripemydidae :  25 -  26, Euraxemydidae :  27 -  28, 'Pan-Podocnemididae' :  29 -  30 60 -  67, Bothremydidae :  31 -  59, Podocnemididae :  68 -  101;


	TYPESET * UNTITLED   =  unord:  1 -  13 15 -  17 20 -  70 72 -  94 97 -  98 100 102 -  118 120 -  128 130 -  173 176 -  245, ord:  14 18 -  19 71 95 -  96 99 101 119 129 174 -  175;



	ProbModelSet * UNTITLED   =  'Mk1 (est.)':  1 -  245;

	Title Trees;
	LINK Taxa = Original_analysis_Taxa_Block;
[0] 		1 Proganochelys_quenstedti,
[1] 		2 Platychelys_oberndorferi,
[2] 		3 Notoemys_laticentralis,
[3] 		4 Bonapartemys_bajobarrealis,
[4] 		5 Prochelidella_cerrobarcinae,
[5] 		6 Pseudemydura_umbrina,
[6] 		7 Elseya_dentata,
[7] 		8 Emydura_macquarii,
[8] 		9 Myuchelys_latisternum,
[9] 		10 Acanthochelys_radiolata,
[10] 		11 Platemys_platycephala,
[11] 		12 Phrynops_hilarii,
[12] 		13 Phrynops_geoffroanus,
[13] 		14 Mesoclemmys_nasuta,
[14] 		15 Chelodina_colliei,
[15] 		16 Chelus_colombianus,
[16] 		17 Chelus_fimbriatus,
[17] 		18 Hydromedusa_tectifera,
[18] 		19 Hydromedusa_maximilliani,
[19] 		20 Yaminuechelys_maior,
[20] 		21 Yaminuechelys_gasparinii,
[21] 		22 Pelusios_castaneus,
[22] 		23 Pelusios_castanoides,
[23] 		24 Pelomedusa_subrufa,
[24] 		25 Araripemys_barretoi,
[25] 		26 Laganemys_tenerensis,
[26] 		27 Euraxemys_essweini,
[27] 		28 Dirqadim_schaefferi,
[28] 		29 Sokatra_antitra,
[29] 		30 Atolchelys_lepida,
[30] 		31 Cearachelys_placidoi,
[31] 		32 Galianemys_emringeri,
[32] 		33 Galianemys_whitei,
[33] 		34 Kurmademys_kallamedensis,
[34] 		35 Sankuchemys_sethnai,
[35] 		36 Kinkonychelys_rogersi,
[36] 		37 Foxemys_mechinorum,
[37] 		38 Foxemys_trabanti,
[38] 		39 Polysternon_provinciale,
[39] 		40 Araiochelys_hirayamen,
[40] 		41 Zolhafah_bella,
[41] 		42 Rosasia_soutoi,
[42] 		43 Bothremys_maghrebiana,
[43] 		44 Bothremys_cooki,
[44] 		45 Bothremys_arabicus,
[45] 		46 Bothremys_kellyi,
[46] 		47 Chedighaii_hutchisoni,
[47] 		48 Chedighaii_barberi,
[48] 		49 Taphrosphys_sulcatus,
[49] 		50 Taphrosphys_ippolitoi,
[50] 		51 Taphrosphys_congolensis,
[51] 		52 Acleistochelys_maliensis,
[52] 		53 Azabbaremys_moragjonesi,
[53] 		54 Labrostochelys_galkini,
[54] 		55 Phosphatochelys_tedfordi,
[55] 		56 Ummulisani_rutgersensis,
[56] 		57 Rhothonemys_brinkmani,
[57] 		58 Arenila_krebsi,
[58] 		59 Nigeremys_gigantea,
[59] 		60 Brasilemys_josai,
[60] 		61 Hamadachelys_escuilliei,
[61] 		62 Portezueloemys_patagonica,
[62] 		63 Bauruemys_elegans,
[63] 		64 Cambaremys_langertoni,
[64] 		65 Peiropemys_mezzalirai,
[65] 		66 Lapparentemys_vilavilensis,
[66] 		67 Pricemys_caiera,
[67] 		68 Cerrejonemys_wayuunaiki,
[68] 		69 Podocnemis_vogli,
[69] 		70 Podocnemis_lewyana,
[70] 		71 Podocnemis_unifilis,
[71] 		72 Podocnemis_erythrocephala,
[72] 		73 Podocnemis_expansa,
[73] 		74 Podocnemis_sextuberculata,
[74] 		75 Podocnemis_bassleri,
[75] 		76 Caninemys_tridentata,
[76] 		77 Stupendemys_geographicus,
[77] 		78 Dacquemys_paleomorpha,
[78] 		79 UCMP_42008,
[79] 		80 Carbonemys_cofrinii,
[80] 		81 Peltocephalus_dumerilianus,
[81] 		82 Kenyemys_williamsi,
[82] 		83 Turkanemys_pattersoni,
[83] 		84 Erymnochelys_madagascariensis,
[84] 		85 Neochelys_fajumensis,
[85] 		86 Neochelys_arenarum,
[86] 		87 Neochelys_franzeni,
[87] 		88 Papoulemys_laurenti,
[88] 		89 Mogharemys_blackenhorni,
[89] 		90 Brontochelys_gaffneyi,
[90] 		91 Lemurchelys_diasphax,
[91] 		92 Shweboemys_pilgrimi,
[92] 		93 Stereogenys_cromeri,
[93] 		94 Cordichelys_antiqua,
[94] 		95 Latentemys_plowdeni,
[95] 		96 Bairdemys_thalassica,
[96] 		97 Bairdemys_healeyorum,
[97] 		98 Bairdemys_venezuelensis,
[98] 		99 Bairdemys_hartsteini,
[99] 		100 Bairdemys_sanchezi,
[100] 		101 Bairdemys_winklerae;
	TREE Strict_Consensus = ((((((7,9),(6,((10,(11,(14,(13,12)))),((17,16),(15,((19,18),(5,(4,(21,20))))))))),8),(((26,25),(28,27)),((24,(23,22)),(29,(30,((34,35,(36,((31,(33,32)),(((39,37,38),(42,(41,(40,((48,47),((46,45),(44,43))))))),((59,58),(52,(53,(54,((57,(55,56)),(51,(50,49))))))))))),(60,(61,(62,(64,(63,((65,(66,67)),((76,(68,(69,72,(73,71,70,(75,74))))),((77,78,80,79),(((85,(88,82)),((86,87),(83,84))),(81,(89,(97,(94,(95,((90,(91,(92,93))),(101,(99,(100,(98,96))))))))))))))))))))))))),(2,3)),1);
	TREE Strict_Consensus_no_politomies = ((((((7,9),(6,((10,(11,(14,(13,12)))),((17,16),(15,((19,18),(5,(4,(21,20))))))))),8),(((26,25),(28,27)),((24,(23,22)),(29,(30,(((35,34),(36,((31,(33,32)),(((39,(37,38)),(42,(41,(40,((48,47),((46,45),(44,43))))))),((59,58),(52,(53,(54,((57,(55,56)),(51,(50,49))))))))))),(60,(61,(62,(64,(63,((65,(66,67)),((76,(68,(69,(72,(73,(71,(70,(75,74)))))))),(((77,80),(78,79)),(((85,(88,82)),((86,87),(83,84))),(81,(89,(97,(94,(95,((90,(91,(92,93))),(101,(99,(100,(98,96))))))))))))))))))))))))),(2,3)),1);
	TREE 'no-marines' = ((((((7,9),(6,((10,(11,(14,(13,12)))),((17,16),(15,((19,18),(5,(4,(21,20))))))))),8),(((26,25),(28,27)),((24,(23,22)),(29,(30,(((35,34),(36,(31,(33,32)))),(60,(61,(62,(64,(63,((65,(66,67)),((76,(68,(69,(72,(73,(71,(70,(75,74)))))))),(((77,80),(78,79)),(((85,(88,82)),((86,87),(83,84))),81))))))))))))))),(2,3)),1);
	ID 015a2c1ad0d61;


	Title Supertree;
	LINK Taxa = Supertree_Taxa_Block;
[0] 		1 Proganochelys_quenstedti,
[1] 		2 Platychelys_oberndorferi,
[2] 		3 Notoemys_laticentralis,
[3] 		4 Bonapartemys_bajobarrealis,
[4] 		5 Prochelidella_cerrobarcinae,
[5] 		6 Pseudemydura_umbrina,
[6] 		7 Elseya_dentata,
[7] 		8 Emydura_macquarii,
[8] 		9 Myuchelys_latisternum,
[9] 		10 Acanthochelys_radiolata,
[10] 		11 Platemys_platycephala,
[11] 		12 Phrynops_hilarii,
[12] 		13 Phrynops_geoffroanus,
[13] 		14 Mesoclemmys_nasuta,
[14] 		15 Chelodina_coilliei,
[15] 		16 Chelus_colombianus,
[16] 		17 Chelus_fimbriatus,
[17] 		18 Hydromedusa_tectifera,
[18] 		19 Hydromedusa_maximilliani,
[19] 		20 Yaminuechelys_maior,
[20] 		21 Yaminuechelys_gasparinii,
[21] 		22 Pelusios_castaneus,
[22] 		23 Pelusios_castanoides,
[23] 		24 Pelomedusa_subrufa,
[24] 		25 Araripemys_barretoi,
[25] 		26 Laganemys_tenerensis,
[26] 		27 Euraxemys_essweini,
[27] 		28 Dirqadim_schaefferi,
[28] 		29 Sokatra_antitra,
[29] 		30 Atolchelys_lepida,
[30] 		31 Cearachelys_placidoi,
[31] 		32 Galianemys_emringeri,
[32] 		33 Galianemys_whitei,
[33] 		34 Kurmademys_kallamedensis,
[34] 		35 Sankuchemys_sethnai,
[35] 		36 Kinkonychelys_rogersi,
[36] 		37 Foxemys_mechinorum,
[37] 		38 Foxemys_trabanti,
[38] 		39 Polysternon_provinciale,
[39] 		40 Araiochelys_hirayamen,
[40] 		41 Zolhafah_bella,
[41] 		42 Rosasia_soutoi,
[42] 		43 Bothremys_maghrebiana,
[43] 		44 Bothremys_cooki,
[44] 		45 Bothremys_arabicus,
[45] 		46 Bothremys_kellyi,
[46] 		47 Chedighaii_hutchisoni,
[47] 		48 Chedighaii_barberi,
[48] 		49 Taphrosphys_sulcatus,
[49] 		50 Taphrosphys_ippolitoi,
[50] 		51 Taphrosphys_congolensis,
[51] 		52 Acleistochelys_maliensis,
[52] 		53 Azabbaremys_moragjonesi,
[53] 		54 Labrostochelys_galkini,
[54] 		55 Phosphatochelys_tedfordi,
[55] 		56 Ummulisani_rutgersensis,
[56] 		57 Rhothonemys_brinkmani,
[57] 		58 Arenila_krebsi,
[58] 		59 Nigeremys_gigantea,
[59] 		60 Brasilemys_josai,
[60] 		61 Hamadachelys_escuilliei,
[61] 		62 Portezueloemys_patagonica,
[62] 		63 Bauruemys_elegans,
[63] 		64 Cambaremys_langertoni,
[64] 		65 Peiropemys_mezzalirai,
[65] 		66 Lapparentemys_vilavilensis,
[66] 		67 Pricemys_caiera,
[67] 		68 Cerrejonemys_wayuunaiki,
[68] 		69 Podocnemis_vogli,
[69] 		70 Podocnemis_lewyana,
[70] 		71 Podocnemis_unifilis,
[71] 		72 Podocnemis_erythrocephala,
[72] 		73 Podocnemis_expansa,
[73] 		74 Podocnemis_sextuberculata,
[74] 		75 Podocnemis_bassleri,
[75] 		76 Caninemys_tridentata,
[76] 		77 Stupendemys_geographicus,
[77] 		78 Dacquemys_paleomorpha,
[78] 		79 UCMP_42008,
[79] 		80 Carbonemys_cofrinii,
[80] 		81 Peltocephalus_dumerilianus,
[81] 		82 Kenyemys_williamsi,
[82] 		83 Turkanemys_pattersoni,
[83] 		84 Erymnochelys_madagascariensis,
[84] 		85 Neochelys_fajumensis,
[85] 		86 Neochelys_arenarum,
[86] 		87 Neochelys_franzeni,
[87] 		88 Papoulemys_laurenti,
[88] 		89 Mogharemys_blackenhorni,
[89] 		90 Brontochelys_gaffneyi,
[90] 		91 Lemurchelys_diasphax,
[91] 		92 Shweboemys_pilgrimi,
[92] 		93 Stereogenys_cromeri,
[93] 		94 Cordichelys_antiqua,
[94] 		95 Latentemys_plowdeni,
[95] 		96 Bairdemys_thalassica,
[96] 		97 Bairdemys_healeyorum,
[97] 		98 Bairdemys_venezuelensis,
[98] 		99 Bairdemys_hartsteini,
[99] 		100 Bairdemys_sanchezi,
[100] 		101 Bairdemys_winklerae,
[101] 		102 Linderochelys_rinconensis,
[102] 		103 Lomalatachelys_neuquina,
[103] 		104 Palaeophrynops_patagonicus,
[104] 		105 Prochelidella_argentinae,
[105] 		106 Prochelidella_portezuelae,
[106] 		107 Salamanchelys_palaeocenica,
[107] 		108 Birlimarr_gaffneyi,
[108] 		109 Elseya_lavarackorum,
[109] 		110 Elseya_nadibajagu,
[110] 		111 Elseya_uberrima,
[111] 		112 Rheodytes_devisi,
[112] 		113 Chelodina_alanrixi,
[113] 		114 Chelodina_insculpta,
[114] 		115 Chelodina_murrayi,
[115] 		116 Hydromedusa_casamayorensis,
[116] 		117 Phrynops_paraensis,
[117] 		118 Acanthochelys_cosquinensis,
[118] 		119 Chelodina_rugosa,
[119] 		120 Chelodina_longicollis,
[120] 		121 Emydura_subglobosa,
[121] 		122 Elusor_macrurus,
[122] 		123 Elseya_purvisi,
[123] 		124 Rheodytes_leukops,
[124] 		125 Elseya_georgesi,
[125] 		126 Elseya_latisternum,
[126] 		127 Mesoclemmys_gibba,
[127] 		128 Mesoclemmys_hogei,
[128] 		129 Phrynops_williamsi,
[129] 		130 Acanthochelys_spixii,
[130] 		131 Acanthochelys_macrocephala,
[131] 		132 Acanthochelys_pallidipectoris,
[132] 		133 Pelusios_sinuatus,
[133] 		134 Pelusios_gabonensis,
[134] 		135 Pelusios_subniger,
[135] 		136 Pelusios_williamsi,
[136] 		137 Neochelys_capellinii,
[137] 		138 Neochelys_eaocaenica,
[138] 		139 Neochelys_zamorensis,
[139] 		140 Neochelys_salmanticensis,
[140] 		141 Neochelys_liriae,
[141] 		142 Puentemys_mushaisaensis,
[142] 		143 Elochelys_convenarum,
[143] 		144 Elochelys_perfecta;
	TREE Supertree = ((((102,(103,(104,(107,(121,(((((((7,(112,124)),(8,(125,126))),(122,123)),9),((109,111),110)),108),(6,(((((10,(130,(131,132))),118),11),((14,127),(128,(117,(129,(12,13)))))),((16,17),((((((15,120),119),114),113),115),((((20,21),4),((106,105),5)),(116,(19,18))))))))))))),(((25,26),(28,27)),((((133,135),(((23,136),22),134)),24),(29,(30,((((((((((37,38),142),39),(143,144)),(42,(41,(40,((47,48),((43,44),(46,45))))))),((58,59),((((((50,49),51),((55,56),57)),54),53),52))),((32,33),31)),36),(34,35)),(60,(61,(62,(64,(63,((65,(66,67)),((76,(68,(73,(69,((71,(70,72)),(75,74)))))),(((77,80),(79,78)),(((((87,86),(137,141)),(84,83)),(85,(82,((140,139),(138,88))))),(81,(89,(94,(95,(97,(((91,(93,92)),90),(101,(99,(100,(98,96))))))))))))))))))))))))),(2,3)),1);
	ID 015a2c6ae8944;



	CHARACTERS = Character_Matrix TAXA = Original_analysis_Taxa_Block;
	SU  T = 62 C = 2 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 2 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 2 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 2 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 2 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 2 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 2 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 3 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 3 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 3 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 3 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 3 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 3 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 3 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 5 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 5 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 5 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 5 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 5 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 5 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 5 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 6 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 6 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 6 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 6 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 6 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 6 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 6 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 7 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 7 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 7 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 7 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 7 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 7 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 7 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 9 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 9 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 9 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 9 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 9 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 9 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 9 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 85 C = 9 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 10 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 10 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 10 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 10 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 10 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 10 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 10 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 12 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 12 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 12 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 12 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 12 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 12 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 12 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 13 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 13 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 13 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 13 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 13 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 13 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 13 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 14 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 14 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 14 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 14 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 14 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 14 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 14 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 15 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 15 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 15 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 15 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 15 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 15 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 15 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 17 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 17 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 17 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 17 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 17 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 17 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 17 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 18 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 18 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 18 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 18 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 18 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 18 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 18 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 22 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 22 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 22 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 22 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 22 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 22 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 22 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 23 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 23 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 23 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 23 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 23 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 23 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 23 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 24 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 24 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 24 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 24 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 24 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 24 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 24 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 25 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 25 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 25 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 25 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 25 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 25 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 25 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 27 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 27 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 27 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 27 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 27 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 27 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 27 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 28 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 28 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 28 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 28 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 28 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 28 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 28 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 32 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 32 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 32 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 32 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 32 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 32 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 32 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 34 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 34 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 34 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 34 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 34 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 34 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 34 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 35 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 35 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 35 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 35 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 35 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 35 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 35 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 36 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 36 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 36 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 36 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 36 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 36 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 36 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 37 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 37 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 37 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 37 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 37 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 37 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 37 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 39 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 39 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 39 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 39 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 39 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 39 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 39 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 40 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 40 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 40 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 40 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 40 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 40 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 40 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 41 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 41 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 41 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 41 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 41 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 41 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 41 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 42 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 42 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 42 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 42 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 42 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 42 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 42 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 43 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 43 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 43 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 43 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 43 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 43 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 43 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 44 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 44 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 44 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 44 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 44 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 44 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 44 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 47 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 47 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 47 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 47 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 47 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 47 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 47 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 48 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 48 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 48 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 48 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 48 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 48 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 48 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 51 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 51 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 51 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 51 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 51 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 51 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 51 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 52 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 52 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 52 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 52 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 52 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 52 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 52 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 53 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 53 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 53 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 53 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 53 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 53 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 53 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 54 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 54 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 54 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 54 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 54 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 54 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 54 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 56 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 56 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 56 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 56 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 56 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 56 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 56 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 58 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 58 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 58 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 58 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 58 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 58 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 58 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 59 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 59 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 59 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 59 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 59 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 59 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 59 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 60 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 60 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 60 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 60 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 60 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 60 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 60 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 61 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 61 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 61 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 61 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 61 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 61 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 61 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 62 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 62 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 62 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 62 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 62 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 62 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 62 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 63 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 63 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 63 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 63 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 63 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 63 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 63 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 64 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 64 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 64 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 64 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 64 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 64 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 64 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 65 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 65 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 65 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 65 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 65 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 65 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 65 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 66 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 66 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 66 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 66 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 66 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 66 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 66 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 70 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 70 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 70 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 70 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 70 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 70 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 70 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 71 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 71 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 71 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 71 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 71 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 71 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 71 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 74 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 74 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 74 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 74 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 74 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 74 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 74 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 75 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 75 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 75 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 75 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 75 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 75 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 75 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 76 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 76 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 76 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 76 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 76 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 76 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 76 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 77 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 77 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 77 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 77 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 77 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 77 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 77 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 78 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 78 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 78 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 78 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 78 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 78 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 78 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 79 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 79 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 79 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 79 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 79 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 79 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 79 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 80 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 80 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 80 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 80 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 80 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 80 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 80 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 81 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 81 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 81 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 81 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 81 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 81 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 81 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 82 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 82 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 82 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 82 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 82 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 82 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 82 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 86 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 86 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 86 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 86 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 86 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 86 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 86 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 87 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 87 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 87 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 87 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 87 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 87 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 87 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 88 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 88 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 88 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 88 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 88 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 88 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 88 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 89 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 89 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 89 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 89 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 89 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 89 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 89 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 90 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 90 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 90 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 90 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 90 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 90 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 90 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 91 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 91 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 91 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 91 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 91 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 91 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 91 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 92 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 92 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 92 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 92 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 92 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 92 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 92 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 93 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 93 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 93 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 93 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 93 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 93 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 93 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 94 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 94 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 94 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 94 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 94 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 94 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 94 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 95 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 95 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 95 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 95 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 95 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 95 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 95 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 96 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 96 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 96 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 96 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 96 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 96 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 96 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 97 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 97 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 97 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 97 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 97 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 97 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 97 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 98 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 98 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 98 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 98 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 98 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 98 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 98 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 103 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 103 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 103 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 103 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 103 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 103 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 103 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 104 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 104 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 104 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 104 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 104 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 104 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 104 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 106 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 106 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 106 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 106 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 106 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 106 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 106 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 107 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 107 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 107 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 107 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 107 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 107 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 107 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 109 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 109 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 109 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 109 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 109 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 109 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 109 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 110 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 110 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 110 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 110 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 110 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 110 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 110 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 111 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 111 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 111 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 111 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 111 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 111 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 111 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 112 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 112 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 112 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 112 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 112 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 112 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 112 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 114 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 114 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 114 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 114 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 114 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 114 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 114 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 115 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 115 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 115 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 115 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 115 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 115 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 115 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 116 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 116 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 116 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 116 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 116 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 116 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 116 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 117 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 117 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 117 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 117 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 117 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 117 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 117 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 118 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 118 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 118 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 118 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 118 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 118 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 118 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 119 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 119 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 119 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 119 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 119 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 119 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 119 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 120 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 120 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 120 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 120 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 120 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 120 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 120 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 121 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 121 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 121 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 121 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 121 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 121 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 121 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 122 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 122 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 122 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 122 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 122 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 122 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 122 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 123 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 123 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 123 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 123 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 123 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 123 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 123 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 124 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 124 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 124 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 124 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 124 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 124 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 124 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 126 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 126 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 126 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 126 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 126 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 126 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 126 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 127 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 127 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 127 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 127 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 127 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 127 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 127 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 128 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 128 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 128 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 128 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 128 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 128 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 128 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 130 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 130 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 130 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 130 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 130 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 130 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 130 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 133 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 133 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 133 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 133 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 133 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 133 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 133 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 134 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 134 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 134 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 134 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 134 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 134 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 134 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 135 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 135 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 135 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 135 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 135 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 135 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 135 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 136 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 136 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 136 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 136 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 136 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 136 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 136 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 137 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 137 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 137 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 137 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 137 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 137 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 137 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 138 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 138 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 138 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 138 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 138 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 138 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 138 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 139 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 139 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 139 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 139 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 139 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 139 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 139 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 140 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 140 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 140 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 140 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 140 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 140 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 140 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 142 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 142 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 142 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 142 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 142 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 142 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 142 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 143 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 143 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 143 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 143 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 143 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 143 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 143 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 144 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 144 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 144 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 144 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 144 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 144 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 144 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 146 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 146 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 146 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 146 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 146 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 146 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 146 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 147 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 147 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 147 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 147 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 147 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 147 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 147 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 149 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 149 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 149 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 149 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 149 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 149 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 149 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 156 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 156 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 156 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 156 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 156 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 156 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 156 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 157 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 157 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 157 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 157 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 157 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 157 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 157 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 163 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 163 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 163 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 163 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 163 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 163 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 163 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 166 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 166 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 166 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 166 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 166 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 166 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 166 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 170 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 170 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 170 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 170 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 170 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 170 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 170 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 171 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 171 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 171 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 171 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 171 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 171 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 171 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 174 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 174 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 174 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 174 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 174 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 174 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 174 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 175 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 175 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 175 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 175 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 175 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 175 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 175 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 178 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 178 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 178 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 178 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 178 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 178 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 178 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 179 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 179 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 179 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 179 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 179 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 179 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 179 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 181 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 181 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 181 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 181 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 181 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 181 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 181 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 182 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 182 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 182 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 182 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 182 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 182 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 182 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 191 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 191 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 191 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 191 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 191 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 191 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 191 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 193 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 193 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 193 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 193 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 193 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 193 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 193 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 194 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 194 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 194 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 194 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 194 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 194 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 194 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 198 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 198 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 198 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 198 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 198 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 198 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 198 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 204 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 204 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 204 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 204 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 204 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 204 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 204 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 215 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 215 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 215 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 215 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 215 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 215 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 215 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 216 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 216 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 216 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 216 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 216 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 216 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 216 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 217 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 217 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 217 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 217 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 217 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 217 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 217 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 223 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 223 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 223 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 223 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 223 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 223 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 223 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 225 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 225 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 225 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 225 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 225 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 225 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 225 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 227 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 227 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 227 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 227 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 227 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 227 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 227 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 228 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 228 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 228 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 228 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 228 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 228 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 228 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 229 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 229 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 229 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 229 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 229 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 229 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 229 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 236 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 236 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 236 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 236 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 236 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 236 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 236 N = color I = 4;

	SU  T = 62 C = 240 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 66 C = 240 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 68 C = 240 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 72 C = 240 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 74 C = 240 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 81 C = 240 N = color I = 4;
	SU  T = 84 C = 240 N = color I = 4;

	AN C = 1   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145d7be6fe8230 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'BF05Ch03, G77Ch09');

	AN C = 2   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143b50deb6f122 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch06, C12Ch05^n');

	AN C = 3   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01436864f59276 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch01, G11Ch01, F03Ch02, G77Ch01^n');

	AN C = 4   DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145b37cff8e226 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'BF05Ch04, G77Ch02');

	AN C = 5   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143686835aa78 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch05, C12Ch08, C15Ch04^n^n');

	AN C = 6   DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01436867005677 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch04);

	AN C = 7   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f99e6f1f135 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch07, C12Ch08');

	AN C = 8   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e038bdb222 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch10);

	AN C = 9   DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 014368694a7379 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G11Ch03, C12Ch07');

	AN C = 10   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01436869b7c580 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch11, G11Ch02');

	AN C = 11   DC = 2014. DM = 2015. ID = 01487f8952d1217 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R TG09Ch10);

	AN C = 12   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9a478b5140 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch04);

	AN C = 13   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9a33adb139 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch12);

	AN C = 14   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a4f68ff14 I = _ TF = (CM '^n^n') TF = (R 'G11Ch11, BF05Ch01, BF05Ch08, G77Ch10');

	AN C = 15   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01436906df5686 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C12Ch02, F03Ch04, BF05Ch02');

	AN C = 16   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 016146fee2a3260 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch13, G11Ch05');

	AN C = 17   DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0143686a806f81 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch13, G11Ch05, C12Ch04, F03Ch05');

	AN C = 18   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 014348fe332d5 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G11Ch04, BF05Ch06, BF05Ch07, G77Ch08');

	AN C = 19   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0149c3f8b562245 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'TG09Ch15, G77Ch10');

	AN C = 20   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145d7c01f65232 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'BF05Ch09, G77Ch11');

	AN C = 21   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e03cc1a223 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch17);

	AN C = 22   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9aa30f7144 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch18);

	AN C = 22  AU = 'Ferreira, Sep 05, 2014' DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 014615619ac4241 I = _ TF = (CM 'No variation in our ingroup. Maintain if we include more than one phosphatochelyinae,') ;

	AN C = 23   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143688b49c684 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G11Ch10, C12Ch10, F03Ch03');

	AN C = 24   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143686cc60882 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch15, C12Ch03, G77Ch12');

	AN C = 25   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9a72403141 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch16);

	AN C = 26   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01439636952e108 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch06);

	AN C = 27   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01439ca83eb7106 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch08);

	AN C = 28   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9aca29a145 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C12Ch12);

	AN C = 29   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f705db97b247 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch20);

	AN C = 30   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e045974225 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch21);

	AN C = 31   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e041ecd224 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch20);

	AN C = 32   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014369061e5c85 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch22, G11Ch09');

	AN C = 33   DC = 2017. DM = 2018. ID = 015e03dee521259 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R F15Ch07);

	AN C = 34   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b006c1149 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch23);

	AN C = 35   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b0d6d8150 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch24);

	AN C = 36   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01436907b2ca87 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch25, G11Ch12');

	AN C = 37   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b1ac36151 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch26);

	AN C = 38   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01486f0be984215 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_1_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 39   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 014348fcc8311 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch28);

	AN C = 40   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a487b389 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch29, G11Ch13, F03Ch07, G77Ch07');

	AN C = 41   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b879f3159 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch15);

	AN C = 42   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b6ed6f157 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch33);

	AN C = 43   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b5150d154 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch30);

	AN C = 44   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b58a6c155 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch31);

	AN C = 45   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 01614704958b261 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch34);

	AN C = 46   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014846454eab247 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_1_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 47   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b7b62a158 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch14);

	AN C = 48   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b93e7d160 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C12Ch19);

	AN C = 49   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489ed95599238 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R M09Ch14);

	AN C = 50   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489ed9e6c7239 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R M09Ch15);

	AN C = 51   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143afc2a0ad116 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch41);

	AN C = 52   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd4f9c0f162 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch40);

	AN C = 53   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9bbd966163 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch37);

	AN C = 54   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9bc6e62164 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch19);

	AN C = 55   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014847d7d43e225 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_1_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 56   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014408358ef7256 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch34);

	AN C = 57   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014879729028217 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch34, C15Ch37');

	AN C = 58   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014377488a8795 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G11Ch16, C12Ch19');

	AN C = 59   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd55684b166 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch18);

	AN C = 60   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143690aa46e88 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch36, G11Ch20');

	AN C = 61   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9baf973162 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch35);

	AN C = 62   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd53fc23165 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch43);

	AN C = 63   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01437ebc425899 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch38);

	AN C = 64   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a4f3d2e13 I = _ TF = (CM '^n') TF = (R G06Ch39);

	AN C = 65   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a568f4c16 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch45, G11Ch22, C12Ch20, F03Ch08');

	AN C = 66   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd580fd4168 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_1_for_illustration) ;

	AN C = 67   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e04c37b227 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch44);

	AN C = 68   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0146299c4176250 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R J07Ch28);

	AN C = 69   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f70689cab248 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch47);

	AN C = 70   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143f9b3774f153 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch27, G11Ch27');

	AN C = 71   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143680c745d75 I = _ TF = (CM '^n') TF = (R C12Ch27);

	AN C = 72   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e050474228 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch48);

	AN C = 73   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014840e1c042237 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch11);

	AN C = 74   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd5a69cf170 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch49);

	AN C = 75   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01436915f73f89 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch50, G11Ch24');

	AN C = 76   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01438bf3b6f0105 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C12Ch28, G11Ch23');

	AN C = 77   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd57342e167 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch17);

	AN C = 78   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd611939173 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch28);

	AN C = 79   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd5f943a172 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch26);

	AN C = 80   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd5e4942171 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch25);

	AN C = 81   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01435a16d07a78 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch56, G11Ch30, C12Ch16');

	AN C = 82   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a761e5426 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch52, G11Ch32, C12Ch15, F03Ch24');

	AN C = 83   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e0535dc229 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch53);

	AN C = 84   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e0566d2230 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G	06C54, C15Ch57');

	AN C = 85   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e059ab0231 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch55);

	AN C = 86   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a69547a22 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch51, G11Ch29, F03Ch22');

	AN C = 87   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd6a8295178 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch57);

	AN C = 88   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd6bb43d179 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch60);

	AN C = 89   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd6dde52180 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C12Ch29);

	AN C = 90   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01436920a42692 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C12Ch17, F03Ch18');

	AN C = 91   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd7137e0181 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch31);

	AN C = 92   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143691ee81a91 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch59, G11Ch33, C12Ch14, F03Ch13');

	AN C = 93   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a931e0f31 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch70, G11Ch38, F03Ch20');

	AN C = 94   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01438c35da0d112 I = _ TF = (CM '^n^n') TF = (R 'G06Ch68, G06Ch69, G11Ch35, C12Ch26, F03Ch10');

	AN C = 95   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434a95a68733 I = _ TF = (CM '^n^n') TF = (R 'FL06Ch17, G06Ch71, G11Ch37, C12Ch25, F03Ch25, F03Ch21^n');

	AN C = 96   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd84d6c4184 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch36);

	AN C = 97   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd8438ce183 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch76);

	AN C = 98   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd82d65d182 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch73);

	AN C = 99   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161470e8344262 I = _ TF = (CM 'Characters related to the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni appeared in previous analyses, but they usually unite several features into a single character or leave some variation out of the definition (e.g., characters 74 of Gaffney et al., 2006 and 72 of Cadena, 2015). We decided to distribute this variation (i.e., the position of the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni) into four characters (99 to 102), to better represent all the observed variation, but other versions of these characters can be found elsewhere (G06Ch74; G11Ch49; C15Ch72; J07Ch56).') TF = (R 'G06Ch74, G06Ch75, G11Ch49, C15Ch72, C15Ch73');

	AN C = 100   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161470eb7b1263 I = _ TF = (CM 'Characters related to the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni appeared in previous analyses, but they usually unite several features into a single character or leave some variation out of the definition (e.g., characters 74 of Gaffney et al., 2006 and 72 of Cadena, 2015). We decided to distribute this variation (i.e., the position of the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni) into four characters (99 to 102), to better represent all the observed variation, but other versions of these characters can be found elsewhere (G06Ch74; G11Ch49; C15Ch72; J07Ch56).') TF = (R 'G06Ch74, G06Ch75, G11Ch49, C15Ch72, C15Ch73');

	AN C = 101   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161470ee936264 I = _ TF = (CM 'Characters related to the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni appeared in previous analyses, but they usually unite several features into a single character or leave some variation out of the definition (e.g., characters 74 of Gaffney et al., 2006 and 72 of Cadena, 2015). We decided to distribute this variation (i.e., the position of the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni) into four characters (99 to 102), to better represent all the observed variation, but other versions of these characters can be found elsewhere (G06Ch74; G11Ch49; C15Ch72; J07Ch56).') TF = (R 'G06Ch74, G06Ch75, G11Ch49, C15Ch72, C15Ch73');

	AN C = 102   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161470ef37e265 I = _ TF = (CM 'Characters related to the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni appeared in previous analyses, but they usually unite several features into a single character or leave some variation out of the definition (e.g., characters 74 of Gaffney et al., 2006 and 72 of Cadena, 2015). We decided to distribute this variation (i.e., the position of the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni) into four characters (99 to 102), to better represent all the observed variation, but other versions of these characters can be found elsewhere (G06Ch74; G11Ch49; C15Ch72; J07Ch56).') TF = (R 'G06Ch74, G06Ch75, G11Ch49, C15Ch72, C15Ch73');

	AN C = 103   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd88249a186 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch39);

	AN C = 104   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143692c1d6f97 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch80, C12Ch11, TG09Ch03');

	AN C = 105   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014373949ac9108 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C12Ch11);

	AN C = 106   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014373948a97107 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch40);

	AN C = 107   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd858c26185 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch79);

	AN C = 108   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161471829c2266 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R J07Ch19);

	AN C = 109   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd8c4144187 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch86, C15Ch86');

	AN C = 110   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143692f13be100 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch84, G11Ch41, C12Ch13');

	AN C = 111   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd8d5805188 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch43);

	AN C = 112   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143692dd57399 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch82, G11Ch42');

	AN C = 113   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145d7c7a637234 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'BF05Ch10, G77Ch17');

	AN C = 114   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434aa774c642 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch85, C12Ch30');

	AN C = 115   DC = 2013. DM = 2018. ID = 01434aac1f7243 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch87, G11Ch44, C12Ch21');

	AN C = 116   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd93209a189 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch45);

	AN C = 117   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd93a4f3190 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch46);

	AN C = 118   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014369334a0e101 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch89, C12Ch24');

	AN C = 119   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01434e63c9ad46 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch94, G11Ch47, C12Ch32, F03Ch11');

	AN C = 120   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014369362f55102 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch92, F03Ch16');

	AN C = 121   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd955ea5192 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch93);

	AN C = 122   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014358809f0175 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch99, G11Ch50');

	AN C = 123   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01434e837d9752 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch100, G11Ch51');

	AN C = 124   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd9ae743194 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch101);

	AN C = 125   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161471c07a2267 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_1_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 126   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143693c0725105 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch102, C12Ch22');

	AN C = 127   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014390f2f0d4102 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch103);

	AN C = 128   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fd9c2e99195 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch106);

	AN C = 129   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0148233240c5247 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R J07Ch44);

	AN C = 130   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01434e893a4454 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch104, C12Ch23, F03Ch12, G11Ch53, BF05Ch13, G77Ch23');

	AN C = 131   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f70b6ab56249 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch107, C15Ch104');

	AN C = 132   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161471f5f18268 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch110);

	AN C = 133   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01436940f4ec107 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch113, G11Ch57, F03Ch28');

	AN C = 134   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe034959206 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch119);

	AN C = 135   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe0166cc204 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C12Ch34);

	AN C = 136   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fdf8ece8200 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch114);

	AN C = 137   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe01123e203 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch116);

	AN C = 138   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe040e6e207 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C12Ch35);

	AN C = 139   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fdfb9754202 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch116);

	AN C = 140   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143694749e7108 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06C117, G11Ch54, C12Ch33, BF05Ch14, G77Ch24');

	AN C = 141   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01487ff7d082218 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G77, TG09Ch22');

	AN C = 142   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe028ddf205 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch118, C15Ch111');

	AN C = 143   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe04649a208 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch120);

	AN C = 144   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe04a6c6209 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch121);

	AN C = 145   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe051f8d210 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch114);

	AN C = 146   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe05bf82211 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch122);

	AN C = 147   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143694863ab109 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch123, G11Ch55');

	AN C = 148   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 016147219cd3269 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch56);

	AN C = 149   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143694f7308112 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06C128, G11Ch59, F03Ch46, BF05Ch16');

	AN C = 150   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145d7d24155235 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'BF05Ch15, G77');

	AN C = 151   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0149c46084e3246 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch26);

	AN C = 152   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0148b208489b248 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch28);

	AN C = 153   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0148b207d59d247 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch27);

	AN C = 154   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014841c3324d245 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch25);

	AN C = 155   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014841c2b976244 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch24);

	AN C = 156   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe0d173e214 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch127);

	AN C = 157   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01435333b08155 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G11Ch58, C12Ch38, F03Ch47^n');

	AN C = 158   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014841c1ff20242 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch22);

	AN C = 159   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014841c25f2e243 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch23);

	AN C = 160   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014831b2b048240 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch19);

	AN C = 161   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014832027019241 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_1_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 162   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014841b998f1238 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch20);

	AN C = 163   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143694ea192111 I = _ TF = (CM _) TF = (R 'G06Ch125, G11Ch60, BF05Ch018');

	AN C = 163  AU = 'Ferreira, Jan 30, 2014' DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0143e4830f86131 I = _ TF = (CM '"Some" fused is a terrible definition; if you do not have ALL the vertebrae, you cannot say that none are fused') ;

	AN C = 164   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e06a41e234 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch126);

	AN C = 165   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014841bf3362241 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch21);

	AN C = 166   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143533a7eb756 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C12Ch39);

	AN C = 167   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 01614728f629270 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C10Ch44, C15Ch132');

	AN C = 168   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe151a26218 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R CP15Ch219);

	AN C = 169   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0149c4d370f6247 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'BF05Ch37, G77');

	AN C = 170   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe1d3fc2220 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch154);

	AN C = 171   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014354c2399681 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch139, G11Ch62, F03Ch33, BF05Ch30');

	AN C = 172   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0148378dcca2236 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch135);

	AN C = 173   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01486a395a90219 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_1_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 174   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01435346f58766 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch146, G11Ch64, C12Ch42, G77');

	AN C = 175   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143533d600c61 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch141, G11Ch63, F03Ch38');

	AN C = 176   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e074023236 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch145);

	AN C = 177   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe69600a241 I = _ TF = (CM 'New character. See Plate 1 for illustration.^nThis variation is included as state 2 of a character (character 36 of de la Fuente et al., 2017) related to the neural series as a whole. We decided to split this from character 175 because the suture of the first neural to the nuchal is unrelated to the completeness of the whole series.') ;

	AN C = 178   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143533fe8ab62 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch144, G11Ch66, C12Ch43');

	AN C = 179   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe52aef8221 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G11Ch65);

	AN C = 180   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161472c1eb1271 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch141);

	AN C = 181   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe56a171225 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch143);

	AN C = 182   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143b540a3c8123 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch147);

	AN C = 183   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489ee0f258240 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R D13Ch100);

	AN C = 184   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe6a13c2243 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R F17Ch39);

	AN C = 185   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489ee9112f243 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R D13Ch105);

	AN C = 186   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0148420b41bb246 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch31);

	AN C = 187   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e07b43c238 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06C155, C15Ch160');

	AN C = 188   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161472d97a2272 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch157);

	AN C = 189   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e07f4cf239 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch156);

	AN C = 190   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01483b93ba26235 I = _ TF = (CM 'New character. See Plate 2 for illustration.^n^n') ;

	AN C = 191   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143925582bb109 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch148);

	AN C = 192   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014888e57ae0219 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R TG09Ch25);

	AN C = 193   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01435362c12769 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch149, G11Ch68, BF05Ch32, C15Ch146');

	AN C = 194   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01435364d7cc70 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch150, C12Ch44');

	AN C = 195   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe69b0eb242 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch33);

	AN C = 196   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f75779778251 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch142, C15Ch142');

	AN C = 197   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f7577f9fb252 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch142, C15Ch142');

	AN C = 198   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143536eaf5773 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch138, G11Ch61, C12Ch41, F03Ch39, BF05Ch36, G77');

	AN C = 199   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145b3d21d8b227 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch36);

	AN C = 200   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014837b0aa4b237 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C13*Ch61');

	AN C = 201   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489ee8df31242 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R D13Ch104);

	AN C = 202   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f7590ee65253 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'P13Ch08, C15Ch152');

	AN C = 203   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e076fc2237 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch152);

	AN C = 204   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143b0246884120 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch153);

	AN C = 205   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014888e5cbd0220 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G77, TG09Ch28');

	AN C = 206   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0148892c575a222 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R TG09Ch36);

	AN C = 207   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014fbdb89f68255 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch156);

	AN C = 208   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489ee854b7241 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R D13Ch103);

	AN C = 209   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489ee98bb8245 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R D13Ch107);

	AN C = 210   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01483bfa71d2236 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_2_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 211   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe6a8f60246 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch159);

	AN C = 212   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01483bfab890237 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch159);

	AN C = 213   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0144411540f2254 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch159);

	AN C = 214   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe6ab977247 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_2_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 215   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe566cb2224 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_2_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 216   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe60d96c236 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch173);

	AN C = 217   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe60903e235 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch164);

	AN C = 218   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0148892c0586221 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R TG09Ch35);

	AN C = 219   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145dd55a966237 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R BF05Ch34);

	AN C = 220   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489eea3a6a248 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R D13Ch118);

	AN C = 221   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 016147340c4e273 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R JB04Ch58);

	AN C = 222   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 0161473421d9274 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R JB04Ch57);

	AN C = 223   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe5eafc7230 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch159);

	AN C = 224   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f75a0f5ef254 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C15Ch157, C12Ch177');

	AN C = 225   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01435379f1d174 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch158, G11Ch71, C12Ch45, F03Ch40, BF05Ch35');

	AN C = 226   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01486a3f858e220 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch171);

	AN C = 227   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01435383a6c982 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G11Ch74, F03Ch36, F03Ch41');

	AN C = 228   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143538062eb81 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch166, G11Ch74, F03Ch36, F03Ch41');

	AN C = 229   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143537d864778 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch167, G11Ch72, F03Ch34');

	AN C = 230   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145d7e045a7236 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'G06Ch170, C12Ch46, G77, C15Ch180');

	AN C = 231   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0145d7e14df3237 I = _ TF = (CM New_character!_See_Plate_2_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 232   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f75b6062b255 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C13Ch179, C15Ch166');

	AN C = 233   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 01614735ac7e275 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch180);

	AN C = 234   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01489eeab622250 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R D13Ch120);

	AN C = 235   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 01614735ec62276 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_2_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 236   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe62997a238 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch172);

	AN C = 237   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 014856a23655218 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_3_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 238   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 01488e070c71235 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch133);

	AN C = 239   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe6b8e26253 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_2_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 240   DC = 2014. DM = 2018. ID = 0143fe62162a237 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R G06Ch168);

	AN C = 241   DC = 2018. DM = 2018. ID = 01614736e171277 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_3_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 242   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014f75ce9811256 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'C15Ch182, C12Ch46, P13Ch14');

	AN C = 243   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014fc72fb37c256 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R C15Ch177);

	AN C = 244   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014fc73178ec257 I = _ TF = (CM New_character._See_Plate_3_for_illustration.) ;

	AN C = 245   DC = 2015. DM = 2018. ID = 014fc7320310258 I = _ TF = (CM '^n') TF = (R C08Ch04);


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					getEmployee #mesquite.trees.BasicDrawTaxonNames.BasicDrawTaxonNames;
					tell It;
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				tell It;
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				getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.BranchNotes.BranchNotes;
				tell It;
					setAlwaysOn off;
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				tell It;
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				tell It;
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				tell It;
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					setOffset 0  0;
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					setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.arrow;
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				tell It;
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				tell It;
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				tell It;
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				tell It;
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				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel;
				tell It;
					togglePanel on;
				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip;
				tell It;
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				getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector;
				tell It;
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				tell It;
					showStrip off;
				getEmployee #mesquite.stratigraphictools.ColorScaleCells.ColorScaleCells;
				tell It;
					setColor Red;
					removeColor off;
				getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor;
				tell It;
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		getEmployee  #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters;
		tell It;
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			tell It;
				setData 0;
				tell It;
					newAssistant  #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder;
					newAssistant  #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion;
					newAssistant  #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition;
					newAssistant  #mesquite.stochchar.CharListProbModels.CharListProbModels;
					newAssistant  #mesquite.parsimony.CharListParsModels.CharListParsModels;
					tell It;
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					setFont SanSerif;
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					tell It;
						setTool mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterListWindow.ibeam;
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				tell It;
					togglePanel off;

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