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Tip revision: 7ccce79c46a6e9d1acaca989bc1a2b72d3806221 authored by mishina on 26 December 2022, 11:58:08 UTC
Update CI status badge (#988)
Tip revision: 7ccce79
Contribute to Guard

File an issue

Please check guard's [GitHub issue tracker]( for known issues.  Additionally you should check [listen's issue tracker]( for issues which affect guard's behaviour; for example, there is currently a nasty [bug preventing listen from watching files inside symlinked directories](

You can report bugs and feature requests to [GitHub Issues](

**Please don't ask question in the issue tracker**, instead ask them at one of our other places:

* Use the guard tag at [StackOverflow](
* [Google+ community](
* [Google group](
* IRC channel `#guard` ( for chatting

Try to figure out where the issue belongs to: is it an issue with Guard itself or with a Guard plugin you're using (e.g. guard-rspec, guard-cucumber, etc.)?

When you file a bug, please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:

* Make sure you've read the README carefully.
* Make sure you run Guard with `bundle exec` first.
* Add debug information to the issue by running Guard with the `--debug` option
* Add your `Guardfile` and `Gemfile` to the issue.
* Provide information about your environment:
  * Your current versions of your OS, Ruby, Rubygems and Bundler.
  * Shared project folder with services like Dropbox, NFS, etc.
* Make sure that the issue is reproducible with your description.
* If Guard is not responding to file changes and/or is not firing rules correctly:
  * see [listen]( for more info on troubleshooting.
  * run guard with the `LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING` environment variable set to 1 (info) or 2 (debug) which shows what's happening under the hood and how fast)
* If you are using plugins, check out their respective README files (disabling spring, adding bundle to plugin's command, special debug options, etc.)

**It's most likely that your bug gets resolved faster if you provide as much information as possible!**


* Documentation hosted at [RubyDoc](
* Source hosted at [GitHub](
* The [wiki]( has useful developer documentation, including:
  * [how to create a guard plugin](, and
  * [understanding Guard](,
    which contains useful debugging tips.

Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:

* Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
* TIP: run `rubocop` locally before pushing (so your PR won't trigger HoundCI comments)
* Make sure your patches are well tested. All specs must pass when run on [Travis CI](
* Update the [Yard]( documentation.
* Update the [README](
* Please **do not change** the version number.

The title of your PR will automatically be included in the release notes for the next version of the gem. A maintainer can add one of the following GitHub labels to the PR to automatically categorize it when the release notes are generated:

- ⚠️ Breaking
- ✨ Feature
- 🐛 Bug Fix
- 📚 Docs
- 🏠 Housekeeping

For questions please join us in our [Google group]( or on
`#guard` (
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