Raw File
Tip revision: ed7a1faab28dda70c175230b44606bb1629a99e0 authored by helenebioinf on 10 July 2017, 13:27:17 UTC
initial publication version
Tip revision: ed7a1fa
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables

my ($USAGE, $call, $help, $prov, $ret, $bed, $expr, $methyl, $groups, $bwAvgOverBed, $min, $group_id, $R, $latex, $dvipdf);
my ($EXPR, $expr_file, $METHYL, $methyl_file, $out);
my (@sample, @sample_group, @group_ids);
my $SCRIPTNAME = basename($0);
my $VERSION    = "v0.1";

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$USAGE = << "USE";

    usage:  perl $SCRIPTNAME -b <string> -e <string> -m <string> -i <string> -g <string> -o <string> [--min <number>] [--bw <string>] [--prov] [--latex <string>] [--dvipdf <string>] [-R <string>] 

    [INPUT]     -b          bedfile containing coordinates of regions for methylation rate and name of associated gene identifier
			    (link of methylation rate per region and gene expression)
			    (format: chr<tab>start<tab>end<tab>identifier), identifier need to match gene identifier
                -e          file containing list of expression files (format: identifier<tab>add_value<tab>expression_value). add_value in column 2 is not used -> value is irrelevant.
                -m          file containing list of methylation bigwig files
		-g	    file containing list of group membership and identifier (order w/r/t to order in expression and methylation files)
			    (format: sample_label<tab>group)
		-i	    comma-separated identifiers of the two groups, (default g1,g2). Groups need to match groups in -g file.
    [GENERAL]   -o          path/prefix for output (path for correlation plots and path/prefix.txt for statistics)
                --min       minimum number of bases covered by bigwig file in gene region to calculate correlation (default: 5)
                --bw        path/filename of UCSCtools bigWigAverageOverBed executable (default in PATH)
		-R	    path/filename of R executable (default in PATH)
		--prov	    flag, if -e and -m already contain methylation (format:<tab>group<tab>chr:start-stopp<tab>gene.identifer<tab>methylation.rate) and expression values
			    (format:<tab>group<tab>gene.identifer<tab>expression.value). Only -e, -m, -i, and -g are required.
		--latex	    path/filename of latex executable (default in PATH)
		--dvipdf    path/filename of dvipdf executable (default in PATH)

unless (GetOptions(
    "b=s"   => \$bed,
    "e=s"   => \$expr,
    "m=s"   => \$methyl,
    "g=s"   => \$groups,
    "o=s"   => \$out,
    "min=s" => \$min,
    "bw=s"  => \$bwAvgOverBed,
    "i=s"   => \$group_id,
    "prov"  => \$prov,
    "R=s"   => \$R,
    "latex=s" => \$latex,
    "dvipdf=s"=> \$dvipdf,
    "h|help"=> \$help
    printf STDERR $USAGE;
    exit -1;
if (defined $help){
    printf STDERR $USAGE;
    exit -1;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## script name and version
print STDERR ("[INFO]" . prettyTime() . "$SCRIPTNAME $VERSION started\n");

## checks ##
print STDERR ("[INFO]" . prettyTime() . "Checking input\n");

if ((!defined $expr) || (!defined $methyl) || (!defined $out)) {
    print "##### AN ERROR has occurred: -e or -m option missing\n";
    printf STDERR $USAGE;
    exit -1;
$out = File::Spec->rel2abs($out);
my ($vol, $directory, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($out);
if (!-d $directory) {
    $ret = make_path($directory);
    if ($ret != 1){
        die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: could not make directory $directory\n";

if (!defined $prov) {
    if (!defined $bed) {
	print "##### AN ERROR has occurred: -b option missing\n";
	printf STDERR $USAGE;
	exit -1;

  if (defined $bwAvgOverBed){
    $bwAvgOverBed = File::Spec->rel2abs($bwAvgOverBed);
    if (-e $bwAvgOverBed){
        unless (-d $bwAvgOverBed){
            unless (-x $bwAvgOverBed){
                die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --bw option executable is not executable\n";
            die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --bw option executable is directory\n";
        die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --bw option executable ($bwAvgOverBed) nonexistent\n";
      $bwAvgOverBed = "bigWigAverageOverBed";
  $call = "command -v $bwAvgOverBed > /dev/null 2>&1";
  $ret = system ($call);
  if ($ret != 0){
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: No UCSCtools bigWigAverageOverBed executable found. Please provide path/filename of UCSCtools bigWigAverageOverBed executable with --bw option\n";
  if ((defined $groups) && (-e $groups)){
    unless (-r $groups){
        die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required group file (option -g) not readable\n";
    $groups = File::Spec->rel2abs($groups);
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required group file (option -g) missing or nonexistent\n";
  if (!defined $min) {
      $min = 1;
  if ((defined $bed) && (-e $bed)){
    unless (-r $bed){
        die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required bed file (option -b) not readable\n";
    $bed = File::Spec->rel2abs($bed);
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required bed file (option -b) missing or nonexistent\n";

if ((defined $expr) && (-e $expr)){
    unless (-r $expr){
        die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required expression file (option -e) not readable\n";
    $expr = File::Spec->rel2abs($expr);
    die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required expression file (option -e) missing or nonexistent\n";

if ((defined $methyl) && (-e $methyl)){
    unless (-r $methyl){
        die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required methylation file (option -m) not readable\n";
    $methyl = File::Spec->rel2abs($methyl);
    die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: required methylation file (option -m) missing or nonexistent\n";

if (!defined $group_id) {
  $group_id = "g1,g2";
else {
  @group_ids = split(/,/,$group_id)

# R
if (defined $R){
  $R = File::Spec->rel2abs($R);
  if (-e $R){
    unless (-d $R){
	unless (-x $R){
	die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: -R option executable is not executable\n";
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: -R option executable is directory\n";
    die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: -R option executable ($R) nonexistent\n";
  $R = "R";
$call = "command -v $R > /dev/null 2>&1";
$ret = system ($call);
if ($ret != 0){
  die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: No R executable found. Please provide path/filename of R executable with -R option\n";

# latex
if (defined $latex){
  $latex = File::Spec->rel2abs($latex);
  if (-e $latex){
    unless (-d $latex){
	unless (-x $latex){
	die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --latex option executable is not executable\n";
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --latex option executable is directory\n";
    die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --latex option executable ($latex) nonexistent\n";
  $latex = "latex";
$call = "command -v $latex > /dev/null 2>&1";
$ret = system ($call);
if ($ret != 0){
  die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: No latex executable found. Please provide path/filename of latex executable with --latex option\n";

# dvipdf
if (defined $dvipdf){
  $dvipdf = File::Spec->rel2abs($dvipdf);
  if (-e $dvipdf){
    unless (-d $dvipdf){
	unless (-x $dvipdf){
	die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --dvipdf option executable is not executable\n";
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --dvipdf option executable is directory\n";
    die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: --dvipdf option executable ($dvipdf) nonexistent\n";
  $dvipdf = "dvipdf";
$call = "command -v $dvipdf > /dev/null 2>&1";
$ret = system ($call);
if ($ret != 0){
  die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: No R executable found. Please provide path/filename of dvipdf executable with --dvipdf option\n";

if (!defined $prov) {
  #### output ####
  my ($vol, $dir, $name, $template);
  $template = 'expression_XXXXX';
  ($EXPR, $expr_file) = tempfile($template, DIR => $directory, SUFFIX => ".input", UNLINK => 1);
  $template = 'methylation_XXXXX';
  ($METHYL, $methyl_file) = tempfile($template, DIR => $directory, SUFFIX => ".input", UNLINK => 1);
  #### groups and samples ####
  open (IN, "$groups") || die "cannot open $groups\n";
  while (<IN>) {
    chomp $_;
    my @in = split(/\t/, $_);
    push(@sample, $in[0]);
    push(@sample_group, $in[1]);
  close (IN);
  #### methylation ####
  print STDERR ("[INFO]" . prettyTime() . "Calculating average methylation\n");
  my $k=0;
  open (IN_M, "$methyl") || die "cannot open $methyl\n";
  while (<IN_M>) {
    chomp $_;
    my $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($_);
    $call = "less $bed | awk '{print \$0\";\"NR}' | $bwAvgOverBed $file stdin stdout -bedOut=stdout | awk '{if(\$3 > $min){getline; gsub(\";[0-9]*\$\",\"\",\$4); print \"$sample[$k]\t$sample_group[$k]\t\"\$1\":\"\$2\"-\"\$3\"\t\"\$4\"\t\"\$5}else{getline}}' >>$methyl_file";
    $ret  = system ($call); 
    if ($ret != 0){
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: bw file $file not avaliable or problem with $bed\n";
  close (IN_M);
  #### expression ####
  print STDERR ("[INFO]" . prettyTime() . "Getting expression values\n");
  my $l=0;
  open (IN_E, "$expr") || die "cannot open $expr\n";
  while (<IN_E>) {
    chomp $_;
    my $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($_);
    $call = "cut -f4 $bed | fgrep -w -f - $file | awk '{print \"$sample[$l]\t$sample_group[$l]\t\"\$1\"\t\"\$3}' >>$expr_file";
    $ret  = system ($call); 
    if ($ret != 0){
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: bw file $file not avaliable or problem with $bed\n";
  close (IN_E);
else {
    $expr_file		= $expr;
    $methyl_file	= $methyl;

#### plotting ####
print STDERR ("[INFO]" . prettyTime() . "Started plotting correlation plots\n");

my $preout		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $directory, "correlation");
my $Rscript		= ($R . "script");
my $plot_script	= File::Spec->rel2abs($0);
$plot_script	= ($plot_script . ".R");
$out			= ($out . ".txt");

$call = "$Rscript $plot_script -e $expr_file -m $methyl_file -o $preout -p $group_ids[0] -q $group_ids[1] -s $out";

if (defined $group_ids[2]) {
  $call = ($call . " -r $group_ids[2]")
$call = ($call . " >/dev/null");

$ret  = system ($call); 
if ($ret != 0){
  die "##### AN ERROR has occurred: problem with calling R\n";

print STDERR ("[INFO]" . prettyTime() . "Building graphics and cleaning up\n");
my ($vol2, $dir, $name)  = File::Spec->splitpath($preout);
open (IN_M, "cut -f3,4 $methyl_file | sort | uniq | ") || die "cannot open $methyl_file\n";
while (<IN_M>) {
  #print $_;
  chomp $_;
  my @in = split(/\t/, $_);
  my $tex		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".tex"));
  my $plot_cor		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".cor.tmp.eps"));
  my $plot_expr		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".expr.tmp.eps"));
  my $title		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".text.tmp.eps"));
  my $plot_methyl	= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".methyl.tmp.eps"));

  $in[0] =~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
  $in[1] =~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
  my $tex2		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".tex"));
  my $dvi		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".dvi"));
  my $aux		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".aux"));
  my $log		= File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, ($name . "_" . $in[0] . "_" . $in[1] . ".log"));
  if ((-e $plot_cor) && (-e $plot_expr) && (-e $title) && (-e $plot_methyl)) {  
    print TEX "\\documentclass[10pt]{article}
    chdir ($dir);
    $call = ("$latex -interaction=batchmode $tex2 >/dev/null");
    $ret  = system ($call); 
    if ($ret != 0){
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred\n";
    $call = ("$dvipdf -q $dvi 2>/dev/null");
    $ret  = system ($call); 
    if ($ret != 0){
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred\n";
    $plot_cor	=~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
    $plot_expr	=~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
    $title	=~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
    $plot_methyl	=~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
    $call = ("rm $aux $log $dvi $tex2 $plot_cor $plot_expr $title $plot_methyl");
    $ret  = system ($call); 
    if ($ret != 0){
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred\n";
close (IN_M);

if (!defined $prov) {
    $expr_file	=~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
    $methyl_file	=~ s/([:;])/\\$1/g;
    $call = ("rm $expr_file $methyl_file");
    $ret  = system ($call); 
    if ($ret != 0){
      die "##### AN ERROR has occurred\n";
    close ($EXPR);
    close ($METHYL);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub prettyTime{
  my @months      = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
  my @weekDays    = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun);
  my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
  my $year        = 1900 + $yearOffset;
  return "\t$weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $hour:$minute:$second, $year\t";
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