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Tip revision: 61b0c3047004e8dfa7ee181975b13b94a3cf9668 authored by Jami Pekkanen on 28 December 2016, 19:53:27 UTC
Texture filtering tweaking
Tip revision: 61b0c30
Cannon = require 'cannon'
{Signal} = require './'
jStat = require 'jstat'
P = require 'bluebird'
Co = P.coroutine
seqr = require './'
{loadCollada, mergeObject} = require './'

perlin = require './vendor/perlin.js'

THREE = require 'three'

# TODO: Find a good fidelity/performance
# compromise parameters
export class Scene
	({@minStepDuration=1/60, @camera, @visual, @physics}={}) ->
		@ <<<
			beforePhysics: new Signal
			onPhysics: new Signal
			afterPhysics: new Signal

			beforeRender: new Signal
			onRender: new Signal
			afterRender: new Signal

			onTickHandled: new Signal

			onStart: new Signal
			onExit: new Signal

		@physics ?= new Cannon.World
			..gravity.set 0, -9.81, 0
				..friction = 0.7
				..restitution = 0.3
			..solver.iterations = 100
			..broadphase = new Cannon.SAPBroadphase @physics
		/*@physics =
			add: ->
			removeBody: ->
			addEventListener: ->
			step: ->
			bodies: []*/

		@visual ?= new THREE.Scene

		@camera ?= new THREE.PerspectiveCamera 65/(16/9), 1, 0.01, 450000

		@time = 0

		@onPhysics.add (dt) ~>
			nSteps = Math.ceil dt/@minStepDuration
			stepdur = dt/nSteps
			@physics.step stepdur, dt, nSteps

	tick: (dt) ->
		@beforePhysics.dispatch dt, @time
		@onPhysics.dispatch dt, @time
		@afterPhysics.dispatch dt, @time

		@beforeRender.dispatch dt, @time
		@onRender.dispatch dt, @time
		@afterRender.dispatch dt, @time

		@time += dt
		@onTickHandled.dispatch dt, @time

	bindPhys: (physical, visual) ->
		@afterPhysics.add ->
			visual.position.copy physical.position
			visual.quaternion.copy physical.quaternion

generateRock = (seed=Math.random()) ->
	perlin.seed seed
	radius = 1
	scale = radius
	noiseScale = 100
	geo = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry radius, 1
	dir = new THREE.Vector3
	for vert in geo.vertices
		dir.copy vert
		rnd = perlin.simplex3(vert.x*noiseScale, vert.y*noiseScale, vert.z*noiseScale)*scale
		dir.multiplyScalar Math.abs(rnd)*scale
		vert.add dir
	geo.verticesNeedUpdate = true
	rock = new THREE.Mesh geo, new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial do
		color: 0xd3ab6d
	rock.castShadow = true
	rock.receiveShadow = true
	return rock

export addGround = (scene) ->
	groundTex = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture 'res/world/sandtexture.jpg'
	terrainSize = 1000
	textureSize = 5
	textureRep = terrainSize/textureSize
	anisotropy = 16
	groundNorm = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture 'res/world/sandtexture.norm.jpg'
	groundTex.wrapS = groundTex.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
	groundNorm.wrapS = groundNorm.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
	groundTex.repeat.set textureRep, textureRep
	groundNorm.repeat.set textureRep, textureRep
	groundNorm.anisotropy = groundTex.anisotropy = anisotropy
	#groundNorm.minFilter = groundTex.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter
	groundMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial do
		color: 0xffffff
		map: groundTex
		#normalMap: groundNorm
		shininess: 20
	terrain = new THREE.Object3D
	terrain.receiveShadow = true
	groundGeometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry terrainSize, terrainSize, 0, 0
	ground = new THREE.Mesh groundGeometry, groundMaterial
	ground.castShadow = false
	ground.receiveShadow = true
	ground.rotation.x = -Math.PI/2.0
	# To avoid z-fighting. Should be handled by
	# polygon offset, but it gives very weird results
	ground.position.y = -0.1
	groundBody = new Cannon.Body mass: 0
		..addShape new Cannon.Plane
		..quaternion.setFromAxisAngle new Cannon.Vec3(1,0,0), -Math.PI/2.0
	terrain.add ground
	scene.physics.add groundBody

	roadWidth = 7
	roadGeo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry terrainSize, roadWidth, 0, 0
	roadTex = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture 'res/world/road_texture.jpg'
	roadNorm = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture 'res/world/road_texture.norm.jpg'
	roadNorm.anisotropy = roadTex.anisotropy = anisotropy
	#roadTex.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter
	roadNorm.minFilter = roadTex.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter
	roadTex.wrapS = roadTex.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
	roadNorm.wrapS = roadNorm.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
	roadTex.repeat.set textureRep/2.0, 1
	roadNorm.repeat.set textureRep/2.0, 1
	roadMat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial do
		map: roadTex
		shininess: 20
		#normalMap: roadNorm
	road = new THREE.Mesh roadGeo, roadMat
	road.rotation.x = -Math.PI/2.0
	road.rotation.z = -Math.PI/2.0
	road.position.y = 0
	terrain.add road

	rocks = new THREE.Object3D()
	nRockTypes = 10
	rockPool = for i from 0 til nRockTypes
	randomRock = ->
		rock = rockPool[Math.floor(Math.random()*rockPool.length)]
		return new THREE.Mesh rock.geometry, rock.material
	nRocks = Math.round(terrainSize*(2*200)/500)
	sizeDist = jStat.uniform(0.1, 0.6)
	zDist = jStat.uniform(-terrainSize/2, terrainSize/2)
	xDist = jStat.uniform(-200, 200)
	for i from 0 til nRocks
		x = xDist.sample()
		size = sizeDist.sample()
		if Math.abs(x) - Math.abs(size) < roadWidth
		z = zDist.sample()
		rock = randomRock()
		rock.position.x = x
		rock.position.z = z
		rock.scale.multiplyScalar size
		rock.scale.y *= 0.8
		rock.matrixAutoUpdate = false
		rocks.add rock

	terrain.add mergeObject rocks

	scene.visual.add terrain
	ahead = terrain.clone()
	behind = terrain.clone()
	scene.visual.add ahead
	scene.visual.add behind

	position = new THREE.Vector3
	scene.beforeRender.add ->
		nTerrains = Math.floor (position.z+terrainSize/2.0)/terrainSize
		terrain.position.z = nTerrains*terrainSize
		ahead.position.z = terrain.position.z + terrainSize
		behind.position.z = terrain.position.z - terrainSize

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