Raw File
Tip revision: 25668dea193801140fafe0a722ccb1e955509ec4 authored by Jia-Bin Huang on 30 November 2015, 01:22:02 UTC
Remove redundant files
Tip revision: 25668de
function imgCompleteFinal = sc_complete(imgFileName)
% SC_COMPLETE: image completion with user-defined mask
% Input:
%     - imgFileName: image file name
% Output:
%     - imgCompletion: completed result
% Example:
%   imgFileName   = '002_input_hole.png';
%   imgCompletion = sc_complete(imgFileName);
% Disclaimer:
%   This is a Matlab re-implementation of the paper:
%   Jia-Bin Huang, Sing Bing Kang, Narendra Ahuja, and Johannes Kopf,
%   Image Completion using Planar Structure Guidance,
%   ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2014), 33(4), 2014
%   It is provided for educational/researrch purpose only. If you find the
%   software useful, please consider cite our paper.
% Contact:
%   Jia-Bin Huang
%   University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
<<<<<<< HEAD

% Set up required path

% Load image
imgID = 9;
imgFileName = [num2str(imgID, '%03d'), '_input_hole.png'];
% % Load image
% imgID = 3;
% imgFileName = [num2str(imgID, '%03d'), '_input_hole.png'];
>>>>>>> 80fe71bd858652004119dc8946439915385cc282

imgFileName = 'test.png';

% Option parameters
[optA, optS] = sc_init_opt;

% =========================================================================
% Planar structure extraction
% =========================================================================
fprintf('- Extract planar structures \n');
[img, mask, maskD, modelPlane, modelReg] = sc_extract_planar_structure(imgFileName, optA);
tAnalysis = toc;
fprintf('Done in %6.3f seconds.\n\n', tAnalysis);

% =========================================================================
% Guided image completion
% =========================================================================
% Construct image pyramid for coarse-to-fine image completion
fprintf('- Construct image pyramid: \n');
% Create image pyramid
[imgPyr, maskPyr, scaleImgPyr] = sc_create_pyramid(img, maskD, optS);
% Structure constraints
[modelPlane, modelReg] = sc_planar_structure_pyramid(scaleImgPyr, modelPlane, modelReg);
tImgPyramid = toc;
fprintf('Done in %6.3f seconds.\n\n', tImgPyramid);

% Completion by synthesis
fprintf('- Image completion using planar structure guidance \n');
imgPyr = sc_synthesis(imgPyr, maskPyr, modelPlane, modelReg, optS);
tSynthesis = toc;
fprintf('Synthesis took %6.3f seconds.\n', tSynthesis);

% Return the top level
imgSyn = imgPyr{optS.topLevel};

% =========================================================================
% Poisson blending
% =========================================================================
imgCompleteFinal = sc_poisson_blend(img, imgSyn, mask);
tBlend = toc;
fprintf('Blending took %6.3f seconds.\n', tBlend);

imwrite(imgCompleteFinal, fullfile('result', [imgFileName(1:end-4), '_completion.png']));

% [To-Do] Visualizing completion process
% sc_vis_synthesis_process(imgCompletePyr, imgPyrNNF, imgPyrCost);

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