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Tip revision: 4e290a8b2c0d0820f868b7bcb60a3da7bb30e6ee authored by Jörn Diedrichsen on 26 April 2023, 01:59:24 UTC
Update pcm_estimateRegression.m
Tip revision: 4e290a8
function [T] = pcm_plotModelLikelihood(T,M,varargin)
% function [T] = pcm_plotModelLikelihood(T,M,varargin)
% Plots the scaled log likelihood of the pattern component
% model(s) specified in M as a barplot or boxplot. Errorbars reflect 'sem' 
% (standard error of the mean; default) or 'std' (standard deviation).
% Two options for the noise ceiling:
% - Plot the entire noise ceiling (upper and lower- assuming the 
%    'upperceil' option is used; see Options) as a gray patch.
% - Plot only the lower noise ceiling as a black line (if no 'upperceil' is
%    supplied).
% Likelihoods are scaled such that zero is the likelihood of the null model. 
% If 'normalize' is set to 1, then likelihoods are normalized to set upper 
% ceiling to 1. For normalization, you must supply 'upperceil'; group fit of 
% the noiseceiling model from pcm_fitModelGroup (no crossvalidation).
% The upper noise ceiling is the group fit of the noiseceiling model.
% The lower noise ceiling is the fit of the crossvalidated noiseceiling model.
% Two options to plot individual subject fits from pcm_fitModelIndivid:
%   - submitted T structure contains info for only one subject
%   - OR, specify subject of T structure to plot using 'subj' option
% Default is to plot group average likelihoods for each model fit.
% Returns structure T with likelihood_norm field (the scaled likelihoods).
% NOTE: If field T.likelihood_norm already exists, function still
% normalizes values and overwrites this field. Exercise caution.
% ----------------------------- Inputs ------------------------------------
%   M:  Model structure. Accepts 'Name' field to label bars in plot.
%   T:  Output structure of model fits from pcm_fitModelCrossval
% ----------------------------- Options -----------------------------------
%   'Nnull':        Null model #. Default is 1. 
%   'Nceil':        Noiseceiling model #. If set to NaN, upper noise ceiling is 
%                    not plotted as a line/patch. If no # is given nor is it
%                    set to NaN, the first model labeled 'noiseceiling' will 
%                    be used for plotting.
%   'varfcn':       Error function used for errorbars. 'sem' (default) or 'std'
%   'mindx':        Models to plot likelihoods for. Default is to plot all 
%                    but those used for scaling likelihoods.
%   'subj':         Specify single subjcet to plot fit of. NOTE: T will still
%                    be returned with scaled likelihoods for all subjects.
%   'upperceil':    Upper noise ceiling SNx1 vector (usually group fit from noise ceiling model)
%   'normalize':    Normalizes all log-likelihoods to upper noise ceiling (Pseudo-R2) 
%                   Default is no (0)   
%   'style':        Specificy whether the plot will be 'bar' (default) or 'dot'. 
%   'plotceil':     Plot the noise ceiling(s). Default is yes. Shouldn't be
%                    used when plotting single subject, individual fits
%                    (because lower noise ceiling will not be
%                    crossvalidated fit by default).
%   'colors':       Cell of RGB cells for likelihood colors. Defaults included
% ----------------------------- Outputs -----------------------------------
%       T: Input structure returned with scaled likelihood fit fields:
%           'likelihood_norm' : Scaled crossvalidated likelihoods 

% - - - - - - -
% Defaults
% - - - - - - -
Nnull     = 1;                 % null model #
Nceil     = [];                % noiseceiling model #
varfcn    = 'sem';             % errorbar metric
mindx     = [];                % models to plot
subj      = [];                % specify specific subject(s) to plot
upperceil = [];                % upper noise ceiling vector (size equal to number of subjs)
normalize = 0;                 % normalize likelihoods to upper noise ceiling
style     = 'bar';             % plotting style. 'bar' or 'dot'
plotceil  = 1;                 % turn on/off plotting of noise ceilings
ceilcolor = [0.8 0.8 0.8];     % noise ceiling patch color
colors    = {[.7 0 0],...      % red
             [0 0 .7],...      % blue
             [.9 .6 0],...     % orange
             [0 0.6 0.6],...   % cyan
             [0.5 0 0.5],...   % purple
             [0.2 0.6 0.2]};   % green
colors    = {colors{:},colors{:},colors{:},colors{:}}; 

% - - - - - - -
% Check inputs
% - - - - - - -
if ~(isstruct(T))
    error('T is not pcm result structure. Check inputs.')

% Check subj (determine if plotting group average or individual's data).
if (~isempty(subj) || length(T.SN)==1)
    % User didn't specify specific subject, but T only has one subject.
    if isempty(subj)  
        subj = T.SN;
    % Take only data for specified subject.
    sf = @(x) x(subj,:);
    T  = structfun(sf,T,'UniformOutput',false); 
elseif (isempty(subj))
    % Plotting group avg.
    subj = 1:length(T.SN); 

% Locate models for likelihood scaling (first check type, then name).
if isnan(Nceil) 
    Nceil     = [];
    normalize = 0;
    if isempty(Nceil) % noise ceiling model
        for m=1:length(M)
            if (strcmp(M{m}.name,'noiseceiling'));
                Nceil = m; 

% Determine models being plotted.
if isempty(mindx)
    mindx = 1:length(M);
    mindx([Nnull,Nceil]) = [];  % get model numbers for all models except null and noiseceiling

% Check # of colors.
if length(mindx) > length(colors)
    error('More models to be plotted than colors available')

% Set the error function.
switch varfcn
    case 'sem'
        vfcn = @(x)std(x)/sqrt(length(x));
    case 'std'
        vfcn = @std;
        error('Unkown variance function for errobars')

% Determine plotting and errorbar functions.
switch style
    case 'bar'
        plot_fcn = @(x,y)  bar(x,y,'FaceColor',colors{x},...
        ebar_fcn = @(x,ub,lb) line([x,x-0.1; x,x+0.1],[ub,ub; (ub+lb)/2,ub],...
                                   'Color',[0 0 0]);
    case 'dot'
        plot_fcn = @(x,y) plot(x,y,'MarkerFaceColor',colors{x},...
                                   'MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 0],...
        ebar_fcn = @(x,ub,lb) line([x,x-0.05,x-0.05; x,x+0.05,x+0.05],[ub,ub,lb; lb,ub,lb],...
                                   'Color',[0 0 0]);

% - - - - - - -
% Scale Likelihoods
% - - - - - - -
% Scale likelihoods between null and ceiling fits.
% Make all data relative to the the null model.
T.likelihood_norm = bsxfun(@minus,T.likelihood,T.likelihood(:,Nnull)); % null fit is 0
% Correct the upper noise ceiling for the new zero point.
if (~isempty(upperceil))
    upperceil = upperceil - T.likelihood(:,Nnull); 
if (normalize) 
    if (isempty(upperceil))
        error(sprintf('The normalize option is currently set to 1 but no noise ceiling is provided. Please either: \n   - provide upper noise ceiling for normalization (see ''upperceil'' option) \n   - set ''normalize'' option to 0 (see ''normalize'' option)')); 
    T.likelihood_norm = bsxfun(@rdivide,T.likelihood_norm,upperceil);     % ceiling fit is 1
    upperceil         = 1; % Set the upper noise ceiling to 1. 

% - - - - - - -
% Plot scaled fits
% - - - - - - -
cla; % Clear current axis 
i = 1;
for m = mindx
    % Model fit(s)
    Y = mean(T.likelihood_norm(:,m));
    % Error of fit(s)
    U = vfcn(T.likelihood_norm(:,m));
    % Set xtick label
    if isfield(M{m},'name') && (~isempty(M{m}.name))
        labels{i} = M{m}.name;
        labels{i} = sprintf('Model %d',m);
    % Plot model's fit
    hold on;
    % Plot errorbars (if group fits)
    if length(subj)>1; ebar_fcn(i,Y+U,Y-U); end
    % update ticker
    i = i + 1;
hold off;

% - - - - - - -
% Plot noise ceilings
% - - - - - - -
i = length(mindx)+1;
% Find lower noise ceiling.
lowerceil = T.likelihood_norm(:,Nceil); 
if (~isempty(lowerceil) && ~isempty(upperceil) && plotceil) 
    % Draw a patch encompassing area between upper and lower noise ceilings
    v = [0,mean(lowerceil); 0,mean(upperceil); i,mean(upperceil); i,mean(lowerceil)];
    f = [1:4];
    % draw lower noise ceiling as black dotted line
elseif (~isempty(lowerceil) && isempty(upperceil) && plotceil) 
    % Only draw the lower noise ceiling (upper not given when fcn called)
    % as grey line.
    line([0;i],[mean(lowerceil);mean(lowerceil)],'LineWidth',1.5,'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle','-.'); 
elseif (~isempty(upperceil) && isempty(lowerceil) && plotceil) 
    % Only draw the upper noise ceiling (lower not given when fcn called)
    % as grey line.
    line([0;i],[mean(upperceil);mean(upperceil)],'LineWidth',1.5,'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineStyle','-.'); 

% Adjust figure labels and limit scales
ylims = get(gca,'YLim');
set(gca,'XLim',[0.5 i-0.5]);
% set(gca,'YLim',[0 ylims(2)]);
if normalize
    ylabel('Normalized log-likelihood');
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