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Tip revision: 5810213cd5ba4c27551462c040851a0c71625427 authored by Johannes on 25 June 2018, 11:13:45 UTC
Update dependencies
Tip revision: 5810213
# Test in linux and macos
  - linux
  - osx

#  - oraclejdk8

# gcc4.9 works only on trusty
# use the trusty beta on travis

# we might not need trusty for the latest bytedeco build

#sudo: required
#dist: trusty

    - $HOME/.m2
    - node
    - node_modules
    - src/main/webapp/lib/

# this is a Java project
language: java

# This is needed to link against the correct gcc binaries
# we update gcc and thus pull on listc++6, as opencv is build against that
#  apt:
#    sources:
#      - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
#    packages:
#      - gcc-4.9
#      - g++-4.9
#      - libstdc++6
#      - libxvidcore4
#      - x264
#      - libav-tools

# This image comes with jdk8
osx_image: xcode7

    # Work around
  - if \[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = linux \]; then jdk_switcher use oraclejdk8; fi
  - if \[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = osx \]; then brew update; fi
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