Raw File
Tip revision: 8cffeb91628b83ebec08f790992280c51e12c813 authored by Jakub Kaczmarzyk on 24 September 2018, 21:21:36 UTC
ENH: bugfixes (#31)
Tip revision: 8cffeb9
# nobrainer

Neural networks for brain extraction and labelling from structural magnetic resonance images.

## Examples

Please see the [examples](examples) directory.

## Getting started

### Get the container

$ docker pull kaczmarj/nobrainer
# or
$ singularity build nobrainer.sqsh docker://kaczmarj/nobrainer

### Train your own models

Models can be trained on neuroimaging volumes on the command line or with a Python script. All of the examples can be run within the _Nobrainer_ container. Please see the [examples](examples) for more information.

Training data pre-requisites:
  1. Volumes must be in a format supported by [nibabel](
  2. Feature and label data must be available (e.g., T1 and aparc+aseg).

Training progress can be visualized with [TensorBoard](

$ singularity exec --clean-env --bind /path/to/models:/models nobrainer.sqsh \
    tensorboard --logdir /models

### Predict using trained models

We are in the process of training robust models for brain extraction and brain labelling. Stay tuned for information on how to use these models.

### Funding

The nobrainer project is supported by NIH R01 EB020470.
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