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Tip revision: 44e002c1d0940beacc69a5531830e50bf84b77d5 authored by Willem Melis on 09 May 2018, 14:44:22 UTC
removed c++ style comment
Tip revision: 44e002c
%LQRCOST Allocates the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) cost function
%   LQRCOST(x0, Q, R, Q_f, A, B, N) builds the LQR cost with stage matrices
%   Q (for states) and R (for inputs), final cost matrix Q_f, dynamics A
%   and B, prediction horizon N and initial state x0, i.e. the function
%     f(x, u) = 0.5*sum(x[k]'*Q*x[k] + u[k]'*R*u[k], k=0,...,N-1) [stage cost]
%               + 0.5*(x[N]'*Q_N*x[N])                            [final cost]
%   if x[0] = x0 and x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k], k = 0,...,N-1, and
%     f(x, u) = +inf
%   otherwise.
%   LQRCOST(..., xref) defines the same cost function as in the previous
%   case, but with the quadratic penalties
%     (x[k]-xref)'*Q*(x[k]-xref), k = 0,...,N
%   in the stage and final terms of the cost.
%   LQRCOST(x0, obj) updates and return the LQR function obj with the new
%   initial state x0.
%   LQRCOST(x0, obj, xref) updates and return the LQR function with new
%   initial state x0 and reference state xref.
%   Example:
%     f = LQRCOST(x0, Q, R, Q_f, A, B, N);
%     [compute the next state x1 of the system]
%     f = LQRCOST(x1, f);

% Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Lorenzo Stella and Panagiotis Patrinos
% This file is part of ForBES.
% ForBES is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% ForBES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
% along with ForBES. If not, see <>.

function obj = lqrCost(x0, varargin)
    % Only f conjugate is available.
    if length(varargin) > 2
        obj.Q = varargin{1};
        obj.R = varargin{2};
        obj.Q_f = varargin{3};
        obj.A = varargin{4};
        obj.B = varargin{5};
        obj.N = varargin{6};
        obj.QR = blkdiag(obj.Q, obj.R);
        obj = RiccatiFactor(obj);
        if length(varargin) >= 7
            xref = varargin{7};
            % a reference state different from zero results in a linear
            % tilting of f, plus the addition of a constant: record these
            % tilting & constant so to take into account for them when
            % computing the conjugate
            obj.tilt = [repmat([obj.Q*xref; zeros(size(obj.R, 1), 1)], obj.N, 1); obj.Q_f*xref];
            obj.diff = (obj.N+1)/2*norm(xref)^2;
            obj.tilt = 0;
            obj.diff = 0;
        obj.makefconj = @() @(w) call_lqrCost_fconj(w, x0, obj);
        obj = varargin{1};
        if length(varargin) == 2
            xref = varargin{2};
            obj.tilt = [repmat([obj.Q*xref; zeros(size(obj.R, 1), 1)], obj.N, 1); obj.Q_f*xref];
            obj.diff = (obj.N+1)/2*norm(xref)^2;
            obj.tilt = 0;
            obj.diff = 0;
        obj.makefconj = @() @(w) call_lqrCost_fconj(w, x0, obj);
    obj.isConvex = 1;
    obj.isQuadratic = 0;
    obj.isConjQuadratic = 1;

function [fcw, xu] = call_lqrCost_fconj(w, x0, obj)
    [n_x, n_u] = size(obj.B);
    [~, xu] = RiccatiSolve(w+obj.tilt, x0, obj.A, obj.B, obj.LRs, obj.Ks, obj.Ms, obj.Ls, int32(n_x), int32(n_u), int32(obj.N));
    % Less efficient
%     fxu = 0;
%     for i=0:obj.N-1
%         x_i = xu(i*n_xu+1:i*n_xu+n_x);
%         u_i = xu(i*n_xu+n_x+1:(i+1)*n_xu);
%         fxu = fxu + 0.5*(x_i'*(obj.Q*x_i) + u_i'*(obj.R*u_i));
%     end
    % More efficient
    XU_stage = reshape(xu(1:end-n_x), n_x + n_u, obj.N);
    fxu = 0.5*sum(sum(XU_stage.*(obj.QR*XU_stage)));
    x_N = xu(obj.N*(n_x+n_u)+1:end);
    fxu = fxu + 0.5*(x_N'*(obj.Q_f*x_N));
    fcw = (w+obj.tilt)'*xu - fxu - obj.diff;

function obj = RiccatiFactor(obj)
    n = size(obj.Q,1);
    m = size(obj.R,1);
    Ps = zeros(n, n, obj.N+1);
    Ps(:,:,obj.N+1) = obj.Q_f;
    obj.LRs = zeros(m, m, obj.N);
    obj.Ss = zeros(m, n, obj.N);
    obj.Ks = zeros(m, n, obj.N);
    obj.Ms = zeros(m, n, obj.N);
    obj.Ls = zeros(n, n, obj.N);
    for k = obj.N:-1:1
        Rbar = obj.R + obj.B'*(Ps(:,:,k+1)*obj.B);
        Rbar = (Rbar+Rbar')/2;
        LR = chol(Rbar, 'lower');
        obj.LRs(:,:,k) = LR;
        obj.Ss(:,:,k) = obj.B'*(Ps(:,:,k+1)*obj.A);
        obj.Ks(:,:,k) = -(LR'\(LR\obj.Ss(:,:,k)));
        Ps(:,:,k) = obj.Q + obj.A'*(Ps(:,:,k+1)*obj.A) + obj.Ss(:,:,k)'*obj.Ks(:,:,k);
        Ps(:,:,k) = (Ps(:,:,k) + Ps(:,:,k)')/2;
    for k = 1:obj.N
        LR = obj.LRs(:,:,k);
        obj.Ms(:,:,k) = -(LR'\(LR\obj.B'));
        obj.Ls(:,:,k) = (obj.A + obj.B*obj.Ks(:,:,k))';
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