Raw File
Tip revision: 143d1b970bdaf64beac9aed9fb3193d5b6474015 authored by leftygray on 08 June 2018, 06:58:13 UTC
Edit to license statement
Tip revision: 143d1b9
GBM HIV Cascade Estimates

This Rmarkdown script is used to generate estimates for a HIV care and 
diagnosis cascade for Australian gay and bisexual men. NOTE: specific 
scenarios are hard coded.

```{r initialization}
# Clear workspace

# Source to current directory and set working directory
basePath <- getwd()

# Various directories
dataFolder <- file.path(basePath, "data")
resultsFolder <- file.path(basePath, "output")
figFolder <- file.path(resultsFolder,"Cascade_figures")
Rcode <- file.path(basePath, "code") 

# Load standard libraries, key functions and options
source(file.path(Rcode, "LoadLibrary.R"), echo = TRUE)
source(file.path(Rcode, "DataLibraries.R"), echo = TRUE)
source(file.path(Rcode, "GetLegend.R"), echo = TRUE)

```{r script details}
# Specify year of analysis
analysisYear <- 2014

# Script parameters
startYear <- 2005 # minimum for plotting; miumum assumed to be 2004 in 
                  # analysis
try(if (startYear < 2004) stop("Start year before 2004"))

years <- 2004:analysisYear
nYears <- length(years)

xBreak <- ifelse(analysisYear == 2015, 5, 4) # xticks for plots

# Input files
# This file contains preprepared estimates for the number of 
# gay and bisexual men living with diagnosed HIV since 2004. These 
# estimates were obtained using the Australian HIV cascade methodology 
# described in the Annual Surveillance Report applied to gay and bisexual 
# men.
pldhivFile <- file.path(dataFolder, toString(analysisYear),

# This file contains preprepared estimates for the percentage of 
# undiagnosed gay and bisexual men living with HIV since 2004. These
# estimates were obtained using the ECDC HIV Modelling Tool with previously
# diagnosed overseas men included and excluded (npd)
undiagFile <- file.path(dataFolder, toString(analysisYear),

# This file contains preprepared estimates for the proportion of 
# gay and bisexual men diagnosed with HIV on ART and with suppressed virus
# since 2004
treatmentFile <- file.path(dataFolder, toString(analysisYear),

# File containing new diagnosis and estimated new infections for GBM
# newInfectionsFile <- file.path(dataFolder, "new_infections_gbm.csv")

# Save and plot
saveCascade <- TRUE
plotCascade <- TRUE
plotUndiagnosed <- TRUE
savePlots <- TRUE

# Option for undiagnosed proportion ---------------------------------------

# Here we set the option for estimating the proportion of HIV+ GBM who are
# undiagnosed. This can either be the same as COUNT in 2014 (~8.9% see 
# below) or a linear change from a specified value in 2004 to the COUNT 
# estimate. 
undiagnosedOption <- "ecdc" # "count" or "ecdc"


```{r data}
# Load data and create all our data inputs for our estimates
# Assumed to start from 2004

pldhiv <- read.csv(pldhivFile)

# Hard coded data values --------------------------------------------------

# Proportion undiagnosed from COUNT results (2014)
undiagnosedCount <- c(0.089, 0.058, 0.135) 

# Specify undiagnosed proportion
if (undiagnosedOption == "count") {
  # Convert count data into a matrix
  undiagnosedMatrix <- matrix(rep(undiagnosedCount, 11), ncol = 11)
} else if (undiagnosedOption == "ecdc") {  
  # Use results from the ECDC HIV Modelling Tool
  propUndiag <- read.csv(undiagFile)
  # Take the mean of the estimates including all diagnoses and when
  # previously diagnosed overseas are excluded (convert to proportion)
  ecdcEstimates <- (propUndiag$percentage + propUndiag$percentage_npd) / 
    2 / 100
  # Take lowerest estimate (when excluding previously diagnosed overseas)
  ecdcEstimatesLower <-  propUndiag$lower_npd/ 100
  # Take highest estimate (includes all diagnoses)
  ecdcEstimatesUpper <-propUndiag$upper / 100
  undiagnosedMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = length(years))
  undiagnosedMatrix[1, ] <- ecdcEstimates
  undiagnosedMatrix[2, ] <- ecdcEstimatesLower
  undiagnosedMatrix[3, ] <- ecdcEstimatesUpper
} else {
  # Create best estimate using linear change
  undiagnosedMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = length(years))
  undiagnosedMatrix[1, ] <- seq(startYearProp[1], undiagnosedCount[1], 
                                length = 11)
  undiagnosedMatrix[2, ] <- seq(startYearProp[2], undiagnosedCount[2],
                                length = 11)
  undiagnosedMatrix[3, ] <- seq(startYearProp[3], undiagnosedCount[3],
                                length = 11)

treatmentData <- read.csv(treatmentFile)

# Proportion on treatment from Gay Community Periodic Surveys. 
# Note first value for 2004 is an assumption 
propTreat <- treatmentData$prop_treat

# Proportion of people on treatment with suppressed VL at last test
# From Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD) for MSM.
# Rather than a single estimate we use a range from minimum to maximum
# proportion.
# For 2014 range is given by % < 50 and % < 1000 at last test.
# For 2014 range is given by 95% confidence interval for < 200 at last 
# test.
propSuppressedMin <- treatmentData$prop_suppressed_min
propSuppressedMax <- treatmentData$prop_suppressed_max

# Assume best estimate is in the middle
propSuppressed <- (propSuppressedMin + propSuppressedMax)/2

# Some error checking to make sure everything aligns ----------------------

try(if(nrow(pldhiv) < nYears) 
  stop("Analysis year older than available data"))
# try(if(nrow(pldhiv) != nrow(newInfects)) 
#   stop("Insufficient new infections data"))
try(if(length(propTreat) != nYears) 
  stop("Incorrect number of data points or proportion on ART"))
try(if(length(propTreat) != nYears) 
  stop("Incorrect number of data points for proportion on ART"))
try(if((length(propSuppressedMin) != nYears) || 
       (length(propSuppressedMin) != nYears)) 
  stop("Incorrect number of data points for proportion suppressed"))

```{r createstimates}
# Initialize data frame for storage
hivCascade <- data.frame(year = integer(), 
                         stage = character(),
                         value = double(),
                         lower = double(),
                         upper = double())

# Calculate each stage of the cascade -------------------------------------
# Add to our hivCascade data frame as we go

# First extract the years we want
pldhiv <- filter(pldhiv, year <= analysisYear)

# People living with HIV
plhiv <- pldhiv$value / (1 - undiagnosedMatrix[1, ])
plhivLower <- pldhiv$lower / (1 - undiagnosedMatrix[2, ])
plhivUpper <- pldhiv$upper / (1 - undiagnosedMatrix[3, ])

hivCascade <- rbind(hivCascade, 
                    data.frame(year = years,
                               stage = "plhiv",
                               value = plhiv,
                               lower = plhivLower,
                               upper = plhivUpper))

# Number undiagnosed
undiagnosed <- plhiv * undiagnosedMatrix[1, ]
undiagnosedLower <- plhivLower * undiagnosedMatrix[2, ]
undiagnosedUpper <- plhivUpper * undiagnosedMatrix[3, ]

hivCascade <- rbind(hivCascade, 
                    data.frame(year = years,
                               stage = "undiagnosed",
                               value = undiagnosed,
                               lower = undiagnosedLower,
                               upper = undiagnosedUpper))

# Add people living with diagnosed HIV after adding a stage description
# and reorder
pldhiv$stage <- "pldhiv"
hivCascade <- rbind(hivCascade, pldhiv)
hivCascade <- select(hivCascade, year, stage, everything())

# Number on treatment
treated <- pldhiv$value * propTreat
treatedLower <- pldhiv$lower * propTreat
treatedUpper <- pldhiv$upper * propTreat

# Number diagnosed not on treatment - have to be careful the minimum value
# is not less than zero
diagnosed <- pldhiv$value - treated
diagnosedLower <- pmax(pldhiv$lower - treatedUpper, 0)
diagnosedUpper <- pldhiv$upper - treatedLower 

hivCascade <- rbind(hivCascade, 
                    data.frame(year = years,
                               stage = "diagnosed",
                               value = diagnosed,
                               lower = diagnosedLower,
                               upper = diagnosedUpper))

hivCascade <- rbind(hivCascade, 
                    data.frame(year = years,
                               stage = "treated",
                               value = treated,
                               lower = treatedLower,
                               upper = treatedUpper))

# Number on treatment suppressed at last test
suppressed <- treated * propSuppressed
suppressedLower <- treatedLower * propSuppressedMin
suppressedUpper <- treatedUpper * propSuppressedMax

# Number with unsuppressed virus-have to be careful the minimum value is 
# not less than zero
unsuppressed <- treated - suppressed
unsuppressedLower <- pmax(treatedLower - suppressedUpper, 0)
unsuppressedUpper <- treatedUpper - suppressedLower

hivCascade <- rbind(hivCascade, 
                    data.frame(year = years,
                               stage = "unsuppressed",
                               value = unsuppressed,
                               lower = unsuppressedLower,
                               upper = unsuppressedUpper))

hivCascade <- rbind(hivCascade, 
                    data.frame(year = years,
                               stage = "suppressed",
                               value = suppressed,
                               lower = suppressedLower,
                               upper = suppressedUpper))

# Output some stuff for the final year
results <- hivCascade %>%
  filter(year == analysisYear) %>%
  filter(stage %in% c("undiagnosed", "diagnosed","unsuppressed", 

cat(paste("HIV cascade numbers for", toString(analysisYear), "..."))
cat(paste("HIV cascade proportions for", toString(analysisYear), "..."))

# Create a string version for publications
cascadeString <- hivCascade %>%
  filter(stage %in% c("undiagnosed", "diagnosed", "unsuppressed",
                      "suppressed")) %>%
  group_by(year, stage) %>%
  mutate(string = paste0(toString(round(value, digits = -1)), 
                         " (", 
                         toString(round(lower, digits = -1)), 
                         toString(round(upper, digits = -1)), 
                         ")")) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(year, stage, string) %>%
  spread(stage, string)

# Create string percentage version for publications
plhivFrame <-  hivCascade %>%
  filter(stage == "plhiv")

cascadePercent <- hivCascade %>%
  filter(stage %in% c("undiagnosed", "diagnosed", "unsuppressed",
                      "suppressed")) %>%
  group_by(stage) %>%
  mutate(percent = 100 * value / plhivFrame$value,
         perlower = 100 * lower / plhivFrame$upper,
         perupper = 100 * upper / plhivFrame$lower) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(year, stage) %>%
  mutate(string = paste0(toString(round(percent, digits = 1)), 
                         "% (", 
                         toString(round(perlower, digits = 1)), 
                         toString(round(perupper, digits = 1)), 
                         "%)")) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(year, stage, string) %>%
  spread(stage, string)

# Save our HIV cascade to a csv file
if (saveCascade) {
  if (undiagnosedOption == "count") {
    undiagString <- "count"
  } else if (undiagnosedOption == "ecdc") {
    undiagString <- "ecdc"
  } else {
    undiagString <- fileTag
  saveString <- file.path(resultsFolder, paste0("gbm_hiv_cascade-", ... = 
    toString(analysisYear), "_", undiagString))
  write.csv(hivCascade, file = paste0(saveString, ".csv"), 
            row.names = FALSE)
  write.csv(cascadeString, file = paste0(saveString, "-numString.csv"), 
            row.names = FALSE)
  write.csv(cascadePercent, file = paste0(saveString,
            row.names = FALSE)

```{r plot undiagnosed}
if (plotUndiagnosed) {
  # Load default plot options
  source(file.path(Rcode, "PlotOptions.R"), echo = TRUE)
  # Set up undiagnosed estimates 
  plotECDC <- TRUE
  # Tidy up indiagnosed matrix
  undiagPropECDC <- tbl_df(
  colnames(undiagPropECDC) <- c("estimate", "lower", "upper")
  undiagPropECDC$year <- propUndiag$year
  undiagPropCascade <- data_frame(estimate = undiagnosed / plhiv,
                           lower = undiagnosedLower / plhivUpper,
                           upper = undiagnosedUpper / plhivLower,
                           year = propUndiag$year)
  countDF <- data_frame(year = 2014,
                        estimate = undiagnosedCount[1],
                        lower = undiagnosedCount[2],
                        upper = undiagnosedCount[3])
  # Create plot
  undiagPlot <- ggplot(data = undiagPropECDC, aes(x = year)) +
    geom_ribbon(data = undiagPropCascade, 
      aes(x = year, ymin = 100 * lower, ymax = 100 * upper,
        fill = "cascade",
        alpha = "cascade")) + 
    geom_line(aes(y = 100 * estimate, colour = "cascade")) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = 100 * lower, ymax = 100 * upper, 
      fill = "ecdc", alpha = "ecdc")) +
    geom_line(aes(y = 100 * estimate, colour = "ecdc")) +
    geom_errorbar(data = countDF, 
      aes(x = year, ymin = 100 * lower, ymax = 100 * upper,
        colour = "count")) +
    geom_point(data = countDF, 
      aes(x = year, y = 100 * estimate, colour = "count")) +
    scale_colour_manual(name = "", 
      labels = c("ECDC HIV Modelling tool estimates", 
        "Resulting cascade estimates",
        "COUNT estimate and 95% CI"),
      values = c(asrcols[2], asrcols[5], "black"),
      limits = c("ecdc", "cascade", "count")) +
    scale_fill_manual(name = "", 
      labels = c("ECDC HIV Modelling tool estimates", 
        "Resulting cascade estimates",
        "COUNT estimate and 95% CI"),
      values = c(asrcols[2], asrcols[5], NA),
      limits = c("ecdc", "cascade", "count")) +
    scale_alpha_manual(name = "", 
      labels = c("ECDC HIV Modelling tool estimates", 
        "Resulting cascade estimates",
        "COUNT estimate and 95% CI"),
      values = c(0.4, 0.4, NA),
      limits = c("ecdc", "cascade", "count")) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(startYear,                        
      analysisYear, by = xBreak)) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 20)) +
    ylab("Percentage undiagnosed (%)") + xlab("Year") +
    plotOpts + theme(legend.justification = c(0, 0),
      legend.position = c(0.05, 0.05))
  if (savePlots) {
    # Plot specs
    plotWidth <- 10
    plotHeight <- 10
    plotUnits <- "cm"
    # Create figure folder
    dir.create(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear)),
               showWarnings = FALSE)
    # Do the plots
    ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear),
                                      toString(analysisYear), ".png")),
      plot = undiagPlot, width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight, 
      units = plotUnits)

```{r plot results}
# Plot some figures of our cascade
if (plotCascade) {
  # Load default plot options
  source(file.path(Rcode, "PlotOptions.R"), echo = TRUE)
  # Tidy up data for plotting
  plotData <- hivCascade %>%
    filter(year >= startYear, year <= analysisYear) %>%
    filter(stage %in% c("undiagnosed", "diagnosed","unsuppressed", 
  # Set up plot variables
  plotCols <- asrcols[c(1, 2, 4, 5)]
  plotLabels <- c("Undiagnosed", 
                  "Diagnosed no ART", 
                  "On ART unsuppressed VL", 
                  "On ART suppressed VL")
  xValues <- seq(startYear, analysisYear, by = xBreak)
  # PLDHIV overall and by proportion 
  plhivPlotNum <- ggplot(data = plotData, aes(x = year, y = value, 
    fill = stage)) + geom_area(stat="identity") + 
    ylab("Number of PLHIV") + xlab("Year") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = plotCols, name = "", labels = plotLabels, 
      guide = guide_legend(nrow = 2)) +  
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = xValues) + plotOpts 

  plhivPlotProp <- ggplot(data = plotData, aes(x = year, y = 100 * value, 
    fill = stage)) + 
    geom_area(stat="identity", position= "fill") +
    ylab("Percentage of PLHIV")  + xlab("Year") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = plotCols, name = "", labels = plotLabels, 
      guide = guide_legend(nrow = 2)) +  
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = xValues) + 
    scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
  # Display plots
  if (savePlots) {
    # Plot specs
    plotWidth <- 10
    plotHeight <- 10
    plotUnits <- "cm"
    # Create figure folder
    dir.create(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear)), 
               showWarnings = FALSE)
    # Do the plots
    ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear), 
                     paste("cascadeIncidence-", "numPLHIV", 
      "-", toString(analysisYear), "_", undiagString,
      ".png",sep ="")),
      plot = plhivPlotNum, width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight, 
      units = plotUnits)
    ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear),
                     paste("cascadeIncidence-", "numDiags",
      "-", toString(analysisYear), "_", undiagString,
      ".png",sep ="")), 
      plot = plhivPlotProp, width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight, 
      units = plotUnits)
  # Do time varying plots ------------------------------------------------
  plotStages <- c("undiagnosed", "diagnosed", "unsuppressed",

  if (analysisYear <= 2014) {
    yLabels <- c("undiagnosed" = "Number undiagnosed",
                 "diagnosed" = "Number diagnosed untreated",
                 "unsuppressed" = "Number on ART VL > 400",
                 "suppressed" = "Number with VL < 400")
  } else {
    yLabels <- c("undiagnosed" = "Number undiagnosed",
                 "diagnosed" = "Number diagnosed untreated",
                 "unsuppressed" = "Number on ART VL > 200",
                 "suppressed" = "Number with VL < 200")
  # Loop across stages and save plots 
  plotCurrent <- list()
  for (ii in plotStages) {
    #Select data we want
    tempData <- filter(plotData, stage == ii)
    # Plot the stage over time
    plotCurrent[[ii]] <- ggplot(data = tempData, 
                              aes(x = year, y = value)) + 
      geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), 
                  fill = asrcols[2], alpha = 0.4) +
      geom_line(color = asrcols[2]) + 
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(startYear,                        
                                      analysisYear, by = xBreak)) +
      expand_limits(y = 0) +
      ylab(yLabels[ii]) + xlab("Year") +  
    # Save the current plot
    if (savePlots) {
      # Plot specs
      plotWidth <- 10
      plotHeight <- 10
      plotUnits <- "cm"
      ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear),
                       paste("GBMstage-", ii, "_", 
        toString(startYear), "-", toString(analysisYear),
        "_", undiagString,
        ".png", sep = "")), plot = plotCurrent[[ii]], width = plotWidth, 
        height = plotHeight, units = plotUnits) 

```{r Plot ECDC new infections}
if (plotCascade) {
  # Load default plot options
  source(file.path(Rcode, "PlotOptions.R"), echo = TRUE)
  # Load data
  newInfectionsFile <- file.path(dataFolder, toString(analysisYear), 
  newInfects <- read.csv(newInfectionsFile)
  # Create plot
  plotInfects <- ggplot(data = newInfects, aes(x = year)) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), 
      fill = "blue", alpha = 0.3) + 
    geom_point(aes(y = diagnoses), colour = "blue", shape = 16) + 
    geom_line(aes(y = infections, colour = "ipd", linetype = "ipd")) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower_npd, ymax = upper_npd), 
      fill = "red", alpha = 0.3) + 
    geom_point(aes(y = diagnoses_npd), colour = "red", shape = 17) + 
    geom_line(aes(y = infections_npd, colour = "npd", linetype = "npd")) +
    geom_line(aes(y = (infections + infections_npd)/2, colour = "best",
      linetype = "best")) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(startYear,                        
      analysisYear, by = xBreak)) +
    scale_colour_manual(name = "",
      limits = c("ipd", "npd", "best"),
      labels = c("Including diagnosed overseas (data: blue discs)", 
        "Excluding diagnosed overseas (data: red triangles)",
        "Estimated new infections"), 
      values = c("blue", "red", "black"),
      guide = guide_legend(nrow = 3)) + 
    scale_linetype_manual(name = "",
      limits = c("ipd", "npd", "best"), 
      labels = c("Including diagnosed overseas (data: blue discs)", 
        "Excluding diagnosed overseas (data: red triangles)",
        "Estimated new infections"),
      values = c("longdash", "dotted", "solid"),
      guide = guide_legend(nrow = 3)) +
    expand_limits(y = 0) +
    ylab("Number") + xlab("Year") + 
    plotOpts + theme(legend.justification=c(0,0), 
  if (savePlots) {
      # Plot specs
      plotWidth <- 11
      plotHeight <- 11
      plotUnits <- "cm"
      ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear),
                                      toString(analysisYear), ".png")),
      plot = plotInfects, width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight, 
      units = plotUnits)


```{r Combination plots}
# Create some combined plots for publications

# Create a combined cascade plot - extract legend so we only use it one
legend <- GetLegend(plhivPlotNum)
plhivPlotNum2 <- plhivPlotNum + theme(legend.position="none")
plhivPlotProp2 <- plhivPlotProp + theme(legend.position="none")

plhivCombined <- grid.arrange(legend, plhivPlotNum2, plhivPlotProp2,
                              ncol=2, nrow = 2, 
                              layout_matrix = rbind(c(1,1), c(2,3)),
                              widths = c(4, 4), heights = c(0.6, 3.4))

# Create a cascade main plot
# cascadeFig1 <- ggdraw() + 
#   draw_plot(undiagPlot, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) +
#   draw_plot(plotInfects, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) +
#   draw_plot(plhivCombined, 0, 0, 1, 0.5) +
#   draw_plot_label(c("A", "B", "C"), c(0, 0.5, 0), c(1, 1, 0.5), 
#                   size = 12)

# Reviewer wants labels on each subfigure                  
cascadeFig1 <- ggdraw() +
  draw_plot(undiagPlot, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) +
  draw_plot(plotInfects, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) +
  draw_plot(plhivPlotNum, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5) +
  draw_plot(plhivPlotProp, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5) +
  draw_plot_label(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), c(0, 0.5, 0, 0.5), 
    c(1, 1, 0.5, 0.5), size = 12)

# Create individual stage plots - need to add titles
cascadeStagePlots <- plotCurrent
cascadeStagePlots$undiagnosed <- plotCurrent$undiagnosed +
cascadeStagePlots$diagnosed <- plotCurrent$diagnosed +
cascadeStagePlots$unsuppressed <- plotCurrent$unsuppressed +
cascadeStagePlots$suppressed <- plotCurrent$suppressed +

cascadeFig2 <- plot_grid(cascadeStagePlots$undiagnosed,
  cascadeStagePlots$unsuppressed, cascadeStagePlots$suppressed, 
          labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"))

if (savePlots) {
  # Save cascade combined figure
  ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear), paste0("Cascades-",
                                     toString(analysisYear), ".png")),
         plot = plhivCombined, width = 20, height = 10, 
         units = "cm")
  # Save first cascade figure
  ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear),
                                     toString(analysisYear), ".png")),
         plot = cascadeFig1, width = 24, height = 22, 
         units = "cm")
  # Save second cascade figure
  ggsave(file.path(figFolder, toString(analysisYear),
                                     toString(analysisYear), ".png")),
         plot = cascadeFig2, width = 20, height = 20, 
         units = "cm")

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