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Tip revision: 143d1b970bdaf64beac9aed9fb3193d5b6474015 authored by leftygray on 08 June 2018, 06:58:13 UTC
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Tip revision: 143d1b9
HIV Cascade Incidence Analsysis

This Rmarkdown script looks at various approaches of estimating the 
proportion of new HIV infections in the overall population due to due to 
each stage of the HIV diagnosis and care cascade. For this analysis the 
stages I use are: people living with undiagnosed HIV (PLUHIV); people 
living with diagnosed HIV (PLDHIV); people receiving ART with detectable 
viral load; and people recieving ART with undetectable viral load. The 
analysis either uses annual estimates for new infections or recorded HIV 

This script is designed to be as self contained as possible. Note it is 
designed for the chunks to be run independently. Running the whole script
in on go could produce errors.

UPDATE 2016-03-24: Decided the sampling approach doesn't work and is 
incorrect generally. I am pretty sure it is okay when just using the best 
estimates. Overall I am replacing the analysis with a Bayesian approach.

```{r initialization}
# Clear workspace
options(scipen=999)  # To get rid of scientific notation

# Source to current directory and set working directory
# setwd("~/Research/!Evaluation_Modelling/subprojects/2015_cascade_incidence")
basePath <- getwd()

# Various directories
dataFolder <- file.path(basePath, "data")
resultsFolder <- file.path(basePath, "output")
Rcode <- file.path(basePath, "code") 

# Load standard libraries, key functions and options
source(file.path(Rcode, "LoadLibrary.R"), echo=TRUE)
source(file.path(Rcode, "DataLibraries.R"), echo=TRUE)
source(file.path(Rcode, "PlotOptions.R"), echo=TRUE)

# Script parameters ------------------------------------------------------

# Options for running and saving things
saveCascadeSample <- FALSE  # save sample from cascade
saveRegression <- TRUE     # save regression results
runExperiments <- FALSE     # run experimental fitting
saveplots <- FALSE
useSampling <- FALSE        # use a sampled range or the best estimates
quickPlot <- FALSE

# Years of analysis
startYear <- 2005 # minimum assumed to be 2004
try(if (startYear < 2004) stop("Start year before 2004"))
analysisYear <- 2014

# Input data 
inputFileTag <- "ecdc" # "Middle"
inputFile <- paste("gbm_hiv_cascade-", toString(analysisYear), "_",
                   inputFileTag, ".csv", sep = "")
# inputFile <- paste("test_hiv_cascade-", toString(analysisYear), 
#                    inputFileTag, ".csv", sep = "")

# Details of where to store outputs if desired
if (saveCascadeSample || saveRegression) {
  currTime <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d(%H-%M)") # to append to files
  folder <- paste("Cascade_Analysis_", currTime, sep="")
  # Create directory
  dir.create(file.path(resultsFolder,folder), showWarnings = FALSE)
  outputFolder <- file.path(resultsFolder, folder)

# Analysis parameters ----------------------------------------------------

numSamples <- 10000   # number of sampled cascades for each year
useDiagnoses <- TRUE  # use reported notifications or estimated incidence

if (runExperiments) {
  numInits <- 1000  # number of initial starting points for optimization 
  saveExptResults <- FALSE # save experimental results 

```{r loaddata}
# Load hivCascade data
hivCascade <- read.csv(file.path(resultsFolder, inputFile), = c(2))

# Load new infections data 
newInfectionsFile <- file.path(dataFolder, "new_infections_gbm.csv")
newInfects <- read.csv(newInfectionsFile)

# Display some output
print(head(hivCascade, n=2))

# Extract some useful numbers
numYears <- nrow(newInfects)

# Years 
years <- newInfects$year

# Create a best estimate cascade
cascadeBest <- hivCascade[, 1:3] %>% 
  spread(stage, value) %>% 
  select(year, undiagnosed, diagnosed, unsuppressed, 
         suppressed, plhiv, pldhiv)

cascadeBest$diagnoses <- newInfects$diagnoses
cascadeBest$infections <- newInfects$infections

# Alternative estimate
# changePlhiv <- diff(cascadeBest$plhiv)
# cascadeBest$infections <- c(changePlhiv[1], changePlhiv)


```{r sampling}
# Produce a randomly sampled set of numbers for fitting from the ranges in
# the countClean dataframe. The data comes in long foramt and we store the
# samples in wide format. 

# Can decide not to sample and use best estimates instead

if (useSampling) {

# Set up a sub cascade we want
selectHivCascade <- filter(hivCascade, stage %in% c("undiagnosed", 
                           "diagnosed","unsuppressed", "suppressed"))

# Add number of new infections each year
numStages <- 4
selectHivCascade$infections <- rep(newInfects$diagnoses, numStages) 

# Use apply to loop through every row of the cascade data frame and sample
# from lower and upper bounds. Return a matrix with samples from each row 
# as columns.
sampleMatrix <- t(apply(selectHivCascade[,c("lower", "upper")], 1, 
                        function(x) runif(numSamples, x[1], x[2])))

# Bind sample matrix with original data frame
sampleDf <- cbind(selectHivCascade,

# Rearrange data frame to pull out each sample as a row for each year and 
# stage of the cascade and reorder into the cascade order.
cascadeSample <- sampleDf %>%
  gather("sim", "sample", 7:(7 + numSamples - 1)) %>%
  select(year, stage, infections, sim, sample) %>%
  spread(stage, sample) %>%
cascadeSample <- cascadeSample[, c("year","undiagnosed", 
                                   "diagnosed", "unsuppressed",
                                   "suppressed", "infections")]

# Create average matrix for each year ofcascadeSample
cascadeAverage <- cascadeSample %>%
  group_by(year) %>%

# Save cascade sample and average variables for later use (if required)
# This is primarily for the Bayesian work
if (saveCascadeSample){
  # Save the output
  save(cascadeSample, cascadeAverage, 
    file = file.path(outputFolder, paste(currTime, 
    "_Cascade_Sample", inputFileTag, ".rda", sep ="")))

# Display some output

} else {
  # Use best estimates
  cascadeSample <- cascadeBest
  cascadeAverage <- cascadeBest
  numSamples <- 1


```{r exploration}
# Before we get serious lets have a look at the data and what we are
#  trying to do

# Melt data into a plotting data frame
plotDataAve <- gather(cascadeAverage, "stage", "average", 2:5)
# plotDataAve$diagnoses <- newInfects$diagnoses

# Create a plot looking at the relationships
countplotAve <- ggplot(data = plotDataAve, 
                       aes(x = average, y = infections)) + geom_point() + 
  facet_wrap(~stage, scales = "free_x") + theme_bw()

countplotAve <- ggplot(data = plotDataAve, 
                       aes(x = year, y = average, colour = stage)) +

# Plot and save
if (saveCascadeSample){
                   paste(currTime, "_CountPlot", inputFileTag,
                         ".png", sep = "")))


# Analysis

This section describes the various calculations and approaches. Each
should be run independently unless otherwise indicated.

## Simple regression analysis

I tried a standard linear regresion first without adjusting for 
known/expected biological effects. 

```{r simpleanalysis}

if(useDiagnoses) {
  lm <- lm(infections ~ 0 + undiagnosed + diagnosed + unsuppressed + 
             suppressed, data = cascadeSample)
} else { 
#   lm <- lm(newinfects ~ 0 + undiagnosed + diagnosed + detectable +
#    undetectable, data = countSample)

coefUnadjustedOverall <- unname(coef(lm))


This analysis produced unrealistic results with the beta value for those
with suppressed virus too high compared to the undiagnosed population. 

## Constrained regression 

I then tried some simple constraints on the beta parameters for those 
on ART to reflect the lower transmission probability (especially for 
suppressed) virus. This was done using an adjusted regression analysis.

The first analysis was just for those with undetectable viral load leaving
the beta for those on ART but with detectable viral load free to be fitted 
by the regression. 

```{r suppressedconstraint}
# Perform an adjusted regression analysis were we contrain the beta values
# # for those on ART to better reflect known biological data

# Biogically we know undiagnosed people are more infectious due to acute 
# infection or at least as infectious as diagnosed people. We also know 
# undetectable PLHIV are 71 to 99% less infectious than diagnosed people. 

# Use a constraint on the beta for undetectable viral load so it is forced
# to be much less than undiagnosed proportion. 

cascadeAdjust <- cascadeSample # [5001:nrow(countSample)]
numRows <- nrow(cascadeAdjust)

# Set up a distribution for the reduction multiplicative factor

# Uniform distribution
# cascadeAdjust$beta4 <- runif(numRows, 0.01,0.3) # HPTN-052 transmission
#  rate

# Beta distribution
# source('~/Research/!Evaluation_Modelling/project_care_cascades/code/Find
# Beta.R')
# quantile1 <- list(p=0.5, x=0.03)
# quantile2 <- list(p=0.975, x=0.27)
# quantile3 <- list(p=0.025, x=0.01)
# require(LearnBayes)
# findBeta(quantile1, quantile2, quantile3)
# # "The best beta prior has a= 0.85 b= 10.76"
# curve(dbeta(x, 0.85, 10.76))# plot the prior

# Now create a beta4 value where the same value should be used for 
# cascadeAdjust$beta4 <- rbeta(numRows, 0.85, 10.76)
if (useSampling) {
  sampleBeta <- rbeta(numSamples, 0.85, 10.76)
} else {
  sampleBeta <- 0.05
# numYears <- length(unique(cascadeSample$year))
cascadeAdjust$beta4 <- rep(sampleBeta, numYears)
# cascadeBest$beta4 <- 0.05

# Adjust the undetecable numbers for regression analysis with this
# new parameter
cascadeAdjust$undetect <- cascadeAdjust$diagnosed + cascadeAdjust$beta4 * 
# cascadeBest$undetect <- cascadeBest$diagnosed + cascadeBest$beta4 * 
#                            cascadeBest$suppressed

# Use reported notifications or estimated new infections and perform the 
# regression analysis for the entire sample
  lmUndetect <- lm(infections ~ 0 + undiagnosed + undetect + 
                   unsuppressed, data = cascadeAdjust)
} else {  
# lmUndetect <- lm(newinfects ~ 0 + undiagnosed + undetect + 
#   detectable, data = countAdjust)
coefAdjustedUndetect <- unname(coef(lmUndetect)) # Resulting coefficients

if (useSampling) {
  # Sample from coefficents to create uncertainty in the estimates.
  coefLowerTemp <- c(confint(lmUndetect)[1,1], 
  coefUpperTemp <- c(confint(lmUndetect)[1,2], 
  sampleDiag <- runif(numRows,coefLowerTemp[2], coefUpperTemp[2])
  # Store resulting samples for the cascade beta values
  undetectAdjustAnalysis <- data.frame(undiag = runif(numRows,
                             diag = sampleDiag,
                             detect = runif(numRows, 
                              undetect = cascadeAdjust$beta4 * sampleDiag)
} else {
  undetectAdjustAnalysis <-  data.frame(undiag = coefAdjustedUndetect[1],
                                       diag = coefAdjustedUndetect[2],
                                       detect = coefAdjustedUndetect[3],
                                       undetect = cascadeAdjust$beta4[1]
# Display some summary stats
aveBetas <- colMeans(undetectAdjustAnalysis)


One issue we encountered with the intial analysis is the beta for 
undiagnosed is lower than the beta for diagnosed. I would potentially 
expect the diagnosed beta to be lower given they know they are 
infected and are likley to reduce risk to their partners.

To potentially account for this I tried an additional constraint on the 
beta for those on ART with detectable viral load. 

```{r artconstraint}
# See quickplot chunk below

# Add an extra constraint on the on ART but detectable coefficient 
# We are assuming detectable viral load is has a multiplicative factor 
# between 0.5 and 1 of diagnosed 

# Set up a distribution for the reduction multiplicative factor

if (useSampling) {
  sampleBeta2 <- runif(numRows, 0.5,1)
} else {
  sampleBeta2 <- 0.75
cascadeAdjust$beta2 <- sampleBeta2

# Adjust the detecable numbers for regression analysis with this new 
# parameter
cascadeAdjust$art <- cascadeAdjust$infections + cascadeAdjust$beta2 * 
                      cascadeAdjust$unsuppressed + cascadeAdjust$beta4 * 

# Use reported notifications or estimated new infections and perform the 
# regression analysis
  lmArt <- lm(infections ~ 0 + undiagnosed + art, data = cascadeAdjust)
} else {
  lmArt <- lm(newinfects ~ 0 + undiagnosed + art, data = cascadeAdjust)
coefAdjustedArt<- unname(coef(lmArt)) # Resulting coefficients

# Sample from coefficents to create uncertainty in the estimates.
if (useSampling) {
  coefLowerTemp <- c(confint(lmArt)[1, 1], confint(lmArt)[2, 1])
  coefUpperTemp <- c(confint(lmArt)[1, 2], confint(lmArt)[2, 2])
  sampleDiag2 <- runif(numRows, coefLowerTemp[2], coefUpperTemp[2])
  # Store resulting samples for the cascade beta values
  artAdjustAnalysis <- data.frame (undiag = runif(numRows,
                                   diag = sampleDiag2,
                                   detect = cascadeAdjust$beta2 *
                                   undetect = cascadeAdjust$beta4 *
} else {
  artAdjustAnalysis <- data.frame (undiag = coefAdjustedArt[1],
                                   diag = coefAdjustedArt[2],
                                   detect = cascadeAdjust$beta2[1] *
                                   undetect = cascadeAdjust$beta4[1] *
# Display some summary stats
aveBetas <- colMeans(artAdjustAnalysis)


The final approach constraining the ART parameters seems to produce the 
most plausible estimates (however for the best fit it seems
to produce some very funny results). However, the methods is a little 
sketchy I think and I would prefer to use a more robust approach.

An alternative I decided to try applying the regression for each sample
and then collate the regression parameters. This is kind of like a 
bootstrap approach which I think is a little more rigorous.

```{r samplelm}

# Loop through cascadeAdjust and calculate regression parameters for each 
# sample

betaValues <- data.frame(sample = 1:numSamples,
                         undiag = NA,
                         diag = NA,
                         detect = NA,
                         undetect = NA)

tic <- proc.time()

for (sample in 1:numSamples) {
  # Need to extract the years corresponding to this sample
  indices <- seq(sample, nrow(cascadeAdjust), by = numSamples)
  sampleData <- cascadeAdjust[indices, ]
  lmUndetect <- lm(infections ~ 0 + undiagnosed + undetect + 
                   unsuppressed, data = cascadeBest) #sampleData)
  coefAdjustedUndetect <- unname(coef(lmUndetect))
  betaValues$undiag[sample] <- coefAdjustedUndetect[1]
  betaValues$diag[sample] <- coefAdjustedUndetect[2]
  betaValues$detect[sample] <- coefAdjustedUndetect[3]
  betaValues$undetect[sample] <-  coefAdjustedUndetect[2] * 

toc <-  proc.time() - tic

# Look at some summary stats
sampleAnalysis <- betaValues[, 2:5]
aveBetas <- colMeans(sampleAnalysis)


When comparing each approach to the incidence data the ART adjusted 
approach seems to be way off!

```{r quickplot}
# A quick plot comparison

countlm <- c(0.3346335695, 0.0125424718, 0.05476531131, 0.0006271236)
lowerlm <- c(0.3346335695, 0.0125424718, 0.0547653113, 0.0006271236)

lmBeta <- as.numeric(undetectAdjustAnalysis)
lmInc <- apply(cascadeBest[ ,2:5], 1, 
               function(x) sum(x *  lmBeta))
lmInc2 <- apply(cascadeBest[ ,2:5], 1, 
               function(x) sum(x *  countlm))
lmInc3 <- apply(cascadeBest[ ,2:5], 1, 
               function(x) sum(x *  lowerlm))

if (quickPlot) {
  ggplot(data = cascadeBest, aes(x = year, y = infections)) +
    geom_point() + 
    geom_line(aes(y = lmInc)) + 
    geom_line(aes(y = lmInc2), color = "red") + 
    geom_line(aes(y = lmInc3), color = "blue") +
    # geom_line(aes(y = bayesInc)) + 
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1500)) + 

```{r saveregression}
# Save regression results
if (saveRegression) {
  if (!useSampling) {
    sampleAnalysis <- NULL
  save(coefUnadjustedOverall, cascadeAdjust, cascadeBest, 
       undetectAdjustAnalysis, artAdjustAnalysis, sampleAnalysis,
    file = file.path(outputFolder, paste(currTime, 
    "_Cascade_Regression_Results_", inputFileTag,".rda", sep ="")))


## Experiemental approaches

Given my reservations with the constrained regression approach. I tried
some other experimental approaches for doing the regression. First I tried
using non-linear least squares with upper and lower limits. Note warining 
in documentation for nls() when using limits. 

```{r experimental}
# Try using nls to constrain the upper and lower values of the regression.
# Note it will always try to reach the linear regression values. 
# WARNING FROM DOCUMENTATION: "The algorithm = 'port'code appears 
# unfinished, and does not even check that the starting value is within
#  the bounds. Use with caution, especially where bounds are supplied."

# NOTE: code needs updating to run properly!!

if (runExperiments) {
  nls(infections ~ f1 * b2 * undiagnosed + 
        b2 * diagnosed + 
        f2 * b2 * unsuppressed + 
        f3 * b2 * suppressed, 
      data = cascadeSample, 
      start = list(f1 = 2, b2 = 0.05, f2 = 0.75, f3 = 0.02),
      lower = list(f1 = 1, b2 = 0, f2 = 0.5, f3 = 0.0),
      upper = list(f1 = 5, b2 = 0.1, f2 = 1.1, f3 = 0.),
      algorithm = "port")
  # Optimization tools ---------------------------------------------------
  # The next approach tried to use an optimization method to keep the beta
  # values between specified ranges. We tried using various optimization 
  # tools to perform the analysis.
  # Set up data frame we use
  countConstrain <- countAdjust
  countConstrain$z <- -countConstrain$undetect
  dat <- countConstrain #tail(dat, n = numSamples) 
  # Define the function we optimize - minimizing least squares
  min.RSS <- function(data,par){
    with(data,sum((par[1] * undiagnosed + par[2] * diagnoses + 
                     par[3] * detectable - z)^2))
  # Set up analysis with multiple initial conditions
  results <- list()
  numInits <- 100 #numSamples
  values <- rep(numInits, 0)
  initpars <- matrix(c(runif(numInits, 1, 50),
                       runif(numInits, -50, 0),
                       runif(numInits, 0, 1)),
                     nrow = numInits, ncol = 3)
  # Perform optimization for each initial value
  for (ii in 1:numInits) {
    results[[ii]] <- optim(par = initpars[ii,], 
                           min.RSS, data = dat,lower=c(1,-50,0),
                           upper=c(50,0,1), method="L-BFGS-B")
    values[ii] <- results[[ii]]$value
  # Extract the results we want
  pars <- results[[which.min(values)]]$par # Use one with minimum error
  # calculate the resulting parameters
  param2 <- -1/pars[2]
  param3 <- param2*pars[3]
  param1 <- param2*pars[1]
  # Store resulting samples for the cascade beta values
  optimAnalysis <- data.frame(undiag = runif(numRows, param1, param1),
                              diag = runif(numRows, param2, param2), 
                              detect = runif(numRows, param3, param3),
                              undetect = countConstrain$beta4*diagOptim)
  # Display some summary stats
  # The first experimental results produces some weird results with the 
  # beta value for those with detectable viral loads << than the beta for 
  # suppressed virus. 
  # Optimization weighted ------------------------------------------------
  # The next approach tried to encode an optimization approach by
  # weighting for parameters such that beta1 > beta2 > beta3 > beta4.
  # This has not been finalized and I  don't think I can get it to work. 
  # Using optimization tools to perform the analysis where unrealistic 
  # beta values are eliminated. 
  # Set up data frame we use
  dat <- countAverage #tail(dat, n = numSamples) 
  # Define the function we optimize - minimizing least squares with a zero
  # weighting for problematic parmaters
  min.RSS <- function(data,par){
    if((par[2] < par[1] || par[3] > par[2]) || par[4] > par[3]){
      output <- 1e10
    } else {
      output <- with(data, sum((par[1]*undiagnosed + par[2]*diagnosed + 
                                par[3]*detectable + par[4]*undetectable - 
    output # Return
  # Set up analysis with multiple initial conditions
  results <- list()
  numInits <- 100 #numSamples
  values <- rep(numInits, 0)
  initpars <- matrix(c(runif(numInits, 0.8, 1),
                       runif(numInits, 0.5, 0.8), 
                     nrow = numInits, ncol = 4)
  # Perform optimization for each initial value
  for (ii in 1:numInits) {
    results[[ii]] <- optim(par = initpars[ii,], min.RSS, data = dat,
                           lower=c(0,0,0,0), upper=c(1,1,1,1),
    values[ii] <- results[[ii]]$value
  pars <- results[[which.min(values)]]$par
  # Save regression results
if (saveExptResults) {
  stop("Current optimization approach deprecated")

# Results

The final results are presented in this section.

```{r extractresults}
# This chunk does a quick extraction of the current results. A more 
# thorough analysis is done separately. 

# Specify the results we want
results <- "undetect"

if (results == "undetect") {
  resultsCoefs <- undetectAdjustAnalysis
} else if (results == "art") {
  resultsCoefs <- artAdjustAnalysis
} else if (results == "sample") {
  resultsCoefs <- sampleAnalysis  
} else if (results == "optim") {
  stop("Current ptimization approach deprecated")
} else {
  stop("Results unspecified")

# Adjust the results to remove negative coefficients
negativeCoeffs <- apply(resultsCoefs, 1, function(x) sum(x < 0)) 
resultsCoefs <- resultsCoefs[negativeCoeffs == 0,]

# Extract the results
aveCoeffs <- colMeans(resultsCoefs)
medCoeffs <- apply(resultsCoefs,2, FUN = median)
iqrCoeffs <- apply(resultsCoefs,2, FUN = IQR)



print(medCoeffs + iqrCoeffs/2)
print(medCoeffs - iqrCoeffs/2)

# Now estimate the uncertainty and proportion of infections caused by each
# stage

numUndiag <- resultsCoefs$undiag*cascadeSample$undiagnosed
numDiag <- resultsCoefs$diag*cascadeSample$diagnosed
numDetect <- resultsCoefs$detect*cascadeSample$unsuppressed
numUndetect <- resultsCoefs$undetect*cascadeSample$suppressed     
numSum <- numUndiag + numDiag + numDetect + numUndetect
# Put things in a data frame so we can extract results
stageInfects <- data.frame(year = cascadeSample$year, 
                           undiagnosed = numUndiag, 
                           diagnosed = numDiag, 
                           detectable = numDetect, 
                           undetectable = numUndetect)

propInfects <- data.frame(year = cascadeSample$year, 
                          undiagnosed = numUndiag/numSum, 
                          diagnosed = numDiag/numSum, 
                          detectable = numDetect/numSum, 
                          undetectable = numUndetect/numSum)

# Return proportion of infections due to each stage
infectsProp <- propInfects %>% 
  group_by(year) %>% 

# Display some results


```{r tidyup, echo = FALSE}
options(scipen=0)  # Set back to default
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