Raw File
Tip revision: df8547ff075d4352db2eb802775b7fa7a92756db authored by Petr Beneš on 05 February 2024, 16:53:32 UTC
Set mem-range access, read wstrings, get last PF (#1095)
Tip revision: df8547f
Release 0.12
    New Features:
        Support for ARM on Xen, and ARM raw memory dumps
        KVM shared memory shapshot and direct memory access support
        Support for Rekall profiles
        Support for 64-bit linux raw memory dumps
        Ability to disable selected OS support at compile time
        Compile-time cache configuration
        FreeBSD guest support
    API enhancements:
        Stabilize event API and ABI
        Sanitize LibVMI init functions
        NULL-checking of inputs
    Code refactoring:
        Significant refactoring in driver and arch modules
        Windows code cleanup (for Win8/10 support)
        Fixed some code duplications in read/write modules
    Bug Fixes:
        Fixed bug in byte-level mem events
        Fixed unicode string read function for Windows x64
        Fixed initialization bugs
        Fixed bounds checking bugs
        Fixed some memory leaks
        Fixed LRU page tracking in cache
        Whitespace cleanup
        Reduced compiler warnings
        Address XSA-99
        Updated Qemu patch for LibVMI+Qemu
        Improved error messages
        General improvements to Xen events code

Release 0.10 
    Build system improvements:
        Compiling on OS X now possible
        Improved Xen and KVM detection
        Ability to build Xen driver without necessity for libxenstore
        Test suite for manual use and continuous integration 
    API enhancements:
        Exposure of number of VM VCPUs if known 
        Exposure of VM address width if known
        Windows user-space symbol to virtual address lookup
        Custom initialization functions accepting a hashtable rather than 
          relying upon libvmi.conf
        Page table lookup helper function now exposed in public headers
        VCPU register modification capabilities 
          Note: currently only available for Xen VMs
        Support for Xen Events (Requires CPU with Intel EPT and Xen version 
          Page-granular memory events
          Byte-granular physical address memory events
          VCPU single-stepping via the Monitor Trap Flag
          MSR write events
            Note: requires Xen 4.3
          CR0, CR3, CR4 write events 
            Note: Xen 4.2.0 experienced a regression preventing CR3/CR4 events 
                from working. Xen 4.2.1+, and Xen 4.1.2 do not suffer from this
        Exposing peparse.h as part of LibVMI to aid in Windows PE validation,
            gaining access to the PE headers and the Image Data Directories
            entries (the export table is natively supported)
        Page mode can now be accessed in partial init
        Windows version can be determined in partial init provided a physical
             address is given to the kernel
    Hypervisor support:
        Xen improvements tracking 4.1.x, 4.2.x, and 4.3.x 
        Qemu 1.2.0 patch for KVM integration
    Bug Fixes:
        Volatility integration via Pyvmiaddressspace
        Small Linux offset finder updates
        Linux PID to PGD/PGD to PID lookups
        Windows PID to PGD lookup
        Proper behavior on systems lacking MAP_POPULATE
        Compile failures when caching was disabled
        Improved Xen domain ID validation
        Windows EPROCESS list search offset corrected
        Virtual address translation for Windows VMs with small amounts of RAM
        Many compile warnings, etc.
    Other features:
        Several new pieces of example code
        Basic C++ support (header improvements)
        Improved Python bindings for LibVMI
        Alternative Fuse integration in C (exposes VM memory as a pseudofile)

Release 0.8 - 2012-03-21 
    Support for 64-bit guests
    Linux process name offset no-longer hard-coded, added to config file
    Improved glib version compatibility
    Improved Xen version compatibility
    Many new registers that you can access
    Improved Volatility integration
    Exposed some cache handling to users
    Improved page cache performance
    Many bug fixes 

Release 0.6 - 2011-10-20
    Debut of LibVMI, the successor to XenAccess
    Continues to work with Xen and physical memory snapshots
    Provides initial support for KVM
    Variety of changes to the API and internals
    LibVMI is released under the LGPL license (compared to the GPL of XenAccess) 

    To transition to LibVMI from XenAccess, please see the transition

LibVMI supersedes XenAccess. Above this line is exclusively LibVMI.

Release 0.5 - 2009-01-05
    Greatly improved support for Windows domains
    Support for newer versions of Xen
    Support for viewing raw memory files
    New tools directory with adapters for Python and Volatility
    Updated documentation
    Many bug fixes
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