Raw File
Tip revision: 001ff16e9325694e8d833283f405058eff9cb7ef authored by Greg Roelofs on 07 May 2020, 04:25:59 UTC
Merge pull request #126 from xiangyuf/fixDirectMemoryLeak
Tip revision: 001ff16
// If a new directory is added, that contains a test inside, please add the directory here
def base_modules = [

// add above to get hadoop artifacts uploaded 'hadoop',

//TODO modules removed due to problems with their build dependencies:
// these are being worked on

def nonReleaseModules = [

//consuming of root.dir property allows us to 'wrap' the open source project with a master gradle project if necessary
String rootDir = hasProperty("root.dir") ? getProperty("root.dir") : settingsDir

base_modules.each { module ->
  file("$rootDir/$module").eachDir { submodule ->
    if (!'.') && !nonReleaseModules.contains( {
      def path = ":${module}:${}"
      include path
      project(path).projectDir = file("$rootDir/$module/$")
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