Raw File
Tip revision: c8c9b715cae0acfb07585c25659b1333d075cc5b authored by mirefek on 25 July 2021, 19:43:55 UTC
Tip revision: c8c9b71
from fractions import Fraction
from tools import MemoizedTool, ToolError, DimCompute, DimPred, ToolErrorException
from logical_core import LogicalCore

import threading
from queue import Queue, Empty
from collections import deque
import time

####################  Composite Tool  ####################
A CompositeTool is a sequence of ToolStep's -- previously defined tools
applied to a given input.

From the perspective of a ToolStep / CompositeTool
we don't have access to all possible objects in the logical core but only
to the ones which are either input objects, or outputs of one of the previous
steps. This introduces "local indices" to objects contrary to "global indices"
meaning the general geometrical references accessible in the logical core.

ToolStepEnv is used for execution of tool steps. It contains a logical core, and also
the translation from local indices to the global ones.

ToolStep and ToolStepEnv are used for
1) running a composite tool
2) checking a proof of a composite tool
3) running the steps built by GUI
class ToolStep:
    def __init__(self, tool, hyper_params, local_args, start_out, debug_msg = None):
        # output = start_out, start_out+1, ...

        self.tool = tool
        if isinstance(tool, (DimCompute, DimPred)):
            self.hyper_params = tuple(Fraction(x) for x in hyper_params)
        else: self.hyper_params = tuple(hyper_params)
        self.local_args = tuple(local_args)
        self.start_out = start_out
        self.local_outputs = tuple(range(start_out, start_out+len(tool.out_types)))
        self.debug_msg = debug_msg

class ToolStepEnv:
    def __init__(self, logic, ini_vars = ()):
        self.logic = logic
        self.local_to_global = list(ini_vars)

    def run_steps(self, steps, strictness, catch_errors = False):
        # strictness: 0 = postulate, 1 = check
        for step in steps:
            global_args = tuple(self.local_to_global[v] for v in step.local_args)
            subresult = [None]*len(step.tool.out_types)
            step.success = False # a value read by GUI
            if None not in global_args:
                    subresult =, global_args, self.logic, strictness)
                    step.success = True
                except Exception as e:
                    if not isinstance(e, ToolError): e = ToolErrorException(e)
                    if step.debug_msg is not None: e.tool_traceback.append(step.debug_msg)
                    if catch_errors:
                        #print("Construction error: {}".format(e))
                    else: raise e

class CompositeTool(MemoizedTool):
    def __init__(self, assumptions, implications, result, proof, arg_types, out_types, name,
                 basic_tools = None):
        MemoizedTool.__init__(self, arg_types, out_types, name)
        self.assumptions = assumptions
        self.implications = implications
        self.result = result
        self.proof = proof
        self.proof_tools = basic_tools # access to basic tools for running triggers in the proof check

        # estimating the total number of nested proof checks that will be required
        self.deep_len_all = sum(
            for step in assumptions
            if isinstance(step.tool, CompositeTool)
        if proof is None:
            self.deep_len_proof = 0
            self.deep_len_proof = 1 + sum(
                for step in implications + proof
                if isinstance(step.tool, CompositeTool)
            self.deep_len_all += self.deep_len_proof

    def run_no_mem(self, args, logic, strictness):
        env = ToolStepEnv(logic, args)
        env.run_steps(self.assumptions, strictness)
        if strictness == 1 and self.proof is not None:
            num_args = [
                for gi in env.local_to_global
            proof_checker.check(self, num_args)
        env.run_steps(self.implications, 0)

        result = tuple(env.local_to_global[v] for v in self.result)
        return result

    def proof_check(self, num_args):
        assert(self.proof is not None)
        logic = LogicalCore(basic_tools = self.proof_tools)
        args = logic.add_objs(num_args[:len(self.arg_types)])
        env = ToolStepEnv(logic, args)
            env.run_steps(self.assumptions, 0)
            #for num_arg, gi in zip(num_args, env.local_to_global):
            #    if not num_arg.identical_to(logic.num_model[gi]):
            #        raise ToolError("Extracted problem leads to different numerical values")

            local_to_global_bak = list(env.local_to_global)
            env.run_steps(self.proof, 1)
            env.local_to_global = local_to_global_bak
            env.run_steps(self.implications, 1)
        except ToolError as e:
                "Failed proof: {} {}".format(, num_args[:len(self.arg_types)])

####################  Composite Tool  ####################
####################   Proof Checker  ####################

class ProofChecker: # parallel running of proof checks
    def __init__(self):
        self.t = threading.Thread(target=self.process, daemon = True)
        self.q = Queue()
        self.stack = []
        self.checked_num = 0
        self.task_index = 0
        self.tasks = []
        self.disabled = False

    def disable(self): self.disabled = True
    def enable(self): self.disabled = False

    def paralelize(self, progress_hook = None):
        self.progress_hook = progress_hook
    #def start(self):
    #    self.t.start()
    #def stop(self):
    #    self.q.put((None, "stop"))
    #    self.t.join()

    def check(self, tool, num_args):
        if self.disabled: return
        if not self.t.is_alive():
        if threading.current_thread() != self.t:
            self.q.put((tool, num_args))
            self.stack.append((tool, num_args))
            #print("  |{}+ adding {} [{}:{}]...".format(
            #    '  '*len(self.stack),,
            #    tool.deep_len_proof,tool.deep_len_all,

    def reset(self):
        self.q.put((None, "reset"))

    def read_queue(self, block):
        tool, args = self.q.get(block)
        if tool is not None:
            self.tasks.append((tool, args))
            #print("to_check",, tool.deep_len_proof)
            #print("from queue:",
        elif args == "reset":
            self.stack = []
            self.tasks = []
            self.task_index = 0
            self.time = time.time()
            self.checked_num = 0

    def update_progress(self):
        if self.progress_hook is None: return
        remains = sum(tool.deep_len_proof for (tool,_) in self.stack + self.tasks[self.task_index:])
        size = sum(tool.deep_len_proof for (tool,_) in self.tasks)
        self.progress_hook(size - remains, size)

    def process(self):
        sleepiness = 0
        while True:
            while not self.q.empty():
            while not self.stack and self.task_index >= len(self.tasks):
                self.task_index = 0
                self.tasks = []
            if not self.stack and self.task_index < len(self.tasks):
                self.task_index += 1

            if sleepiness == 5:
                sleepiness = 0
                time.sleep(0.01) # prevent GUI from lagging
            else: sleepiness += 1

            tool, num_args = self.stack.pop()
                self.checked_num += 1
            except ToolError as e:
                print("Proof check failed: {}".format(e))
            if not self.stack and self.task_index == len(self.tasks):
                print("DONE [{}:{}] {}".format(
                    self.checked_num, sum(tool.deep_len_proof for (tool, _) in self.tasks),
                    time.time() - self.time,

proof_checker = ProofChecker()

####################   Proof Checker  ####################
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