Raw File
Tip revision: 28901d7a08d52e76361554e802fc97aa26c0981a authored by moyanre on 13 June 2019, 11:34:51 UTC
Tip revision: 28901d7

clear all;   clc;

 rng(3000); %300


Data1 = TDS_n_matrix;
N_st_Matrix1 = TDS_NN_matrix;

rep = 50; % 20...number of replicates
Data = repmat(Data1,rep,1);
N_st_Matrix = repmat(N_st_Matrix1,rep,1);

S = size(Data,1);
T = size(Data,2);
%%%%% initialization

        % alpha of IBP
          alpha = 0.2; % 0.08
          betas = [2 2];

        % number of particles
          N = 300; %500
        % Initialize p_o
          a_00 = 1; % 1
          b_00 = 100; % 100
          p_o_particles = betarnd(a_00,b_00,[1,N]);
        % Initialize theta_ot, t = 1,...,T
          a_0 = 0.4; %0.4 
          b_general = 1;
          theta_o_particles = gamrnd(a_0,b_general,[T,N]);
        % parameters of theta_ct
          a = 6; %6
        % Initialize matrix Z, t = 1,...,T
          Z_init = zeros(1,5,N);
        para_frac = 0.05; %0.05
for s = 1:S
    Data_s = Data(s,:);
    N_st_s = N_st_Matrix(s,:);
    if s == 1
         %PROB = zeros(1,N);
            for n = 1:N

                Z_lana_n = Z_init(:,:,n);

                Z_loni_n = fn_trinary_cIBP_Tran(Z_lana_n,alpha,betas,s);
                Z_loni{n} = Z_loni_n;
                %%% Get the number of columns of Z, then get the number of rows of theta matrix and sample them 
                 C_here_n = size(Z_loni_n,2);

                 no_theta_n = C_here_n*T;
                 theta_ct_n = gamrnd(a,b_general,[no_theta_n,1]);
                 %%% let the sampled parameters pass through state equation
                 theta_ct_n = normrnd(theta_ct_n,para_frac*theta_ct_n);
                 theta_ct_ALL{n} = theta_ct_n;  %%% all theta_ct
                 p_o_particles(n) = normrnd(p_o_particles(n),para_frac*p_o_particles(n));
                   po_n = p_o_particles(n);
                   theta_o_particles(:,n) = normrnd(theta_o_particles(:,n),para_frac*theta_o_particles(:,n));
                   theta_o_n_all_T = theta_o_particles(:,n);
                   %%% Calculate the weight for particle n
                    prob_n = vpa(zeros(1,T));
                       for t = 1:T
                           n_st = Data_s(t); N_st = N_st_s(t);
                           theta_o_t = theta_o_n_all_T(t);
                         %%% take out the theta_ct
                           bee = (t-1)*C_here_n + 1;  
                           eed = t*C_here_n; 
                           theta_ct = theta_ct_n(bee:eed);
                           all_theta = [theta_o_t; theta_ct]; %column vector
                           w_ct = all_theta/sum(all_theta);    %column vector
                           po_and_z = [po_n Z_loni_n(s,:)]; % row vector
                           p_st = po_and_z*w_ct;
                           n_choose_k = nchoosek(vpa(N_st),n_st);
                           pp1 = vpa(p_st)^(n_st);
                           pp2 = (1 - vpa(p_st))^(N_st - n_st);
                           lad = n_choose_k * pp1 * pp2;
                           prob_n(t) = lad;
                           %prob_n(t) = binopdf(n_st,N_st,p_st);
%                           inter1 = sum(log(prob_n));
%                           PROB(n) = exp(vpa(inter1));

                          inter1 = vpa(sum(log(prob_n)));
                          inter2 = vpa(exp(inter1));
                          PROB(n) = inter2;

            %%% normalize weights
                 wt = PROB/sum(PROB); clear PROB;
                 wt = double(wt);
            %%% resample  %%% rr = randsample([1:N],N,true,wt), new = old{rr}
                 rr = randsample([1:N],N,true,wt);
                 p_o_particles = p_o_particles(rr);
                 theta_o_particles = theta_o_particles(:,rr);
                 Z_loni = Z_loni(rr);
                 theta_ct_ALL = theta_ct_ALL(rr);
%                  for m = 1:N
%                      theta_ct_ALL{m} = theta_ct_ALL{rr(m)};
%                      Z_loni{m} = Z_loni{rr(m)};   
%                  end
    else  %%%%% other time steps
        Z_lana = Z_loni;
         %PROB = zeros(1,N);
            for n = 1:N

                Z_lana_n = Z_lana{n};

                Z_loni_n = fn_trinary_cIBP_Tran(Z_lana_n,alpha,betas,s);
                Z_loni{n} = Z_loni_n;
                %%% see if a new column is created for the new and then sample W matrix to compliment this 
                 C_lana = size(Z_lana_n,2);
                 C_loni = size(Z_loni_n,2);
                 diff = C_loni - C_lana;
                %%% Calculate the weight for particle n
                   p_o_particles(n) = normrnd(p_o_particles(n),para_frac*p_o_particles(n));
                   po_n = p_o_particles(n);
                   theta_o_particles(:,n) = normrnd(theta_o_particles(:,n),para_frac*theta_o_particles(:,n));
                   theta_o_n_all_T = theta_o_particles(:,n);
                   theta_ct_ALL{n} = normrnd(theta_ct_ALL{n},para_frac*theta_ct_ALL{n});
                   theta_ct_n = theta_ct_ALL{n};  %%% all theta_ct
                  if diff == 0  %%% new column(s) of Z is/are not created.
                            prob_n = vpa(zeros(1,T));
                               for t = 1:T
                                   n_st = Data_s(t);
                                   N_st = N_st_s(t);

                                   theta_o_t = theta_o_n_all_T(t);

                                 %%% take out the theta_ct


                                       bee = (t-1)*C_lana + 1;  
                                       eed = t*C_lana; 
                                       theta_ct = theta_ct_n(bee:eed);
                                       all_theta = [theta_o_t; theta_ct]; %column vector

                                       w_ct = all_theta/sum(all_theta);    %column vector

                                       po_and_z = [po_n Z_loni_n(s,:)]; % row vector

                                       p_st = po_and_z*w_ct;
                                       n_choose_k = nchoosek(vpa(N_st),n_st);
                                        pp1 = vpa(p_st)^(n_st);
                                        pp2 = (1 - vpa(p_st))^(N_st - n_st);
                                        lad = n_choose_k * pp1 * pp2;
                                        prob_n(t) = lad;

                                       %prob_n(t) = binopdf(n_st,N_st,p_st);

                                 prob_n = vpa(zeros(1,T));
                                 theta_ct_new_matrix = zeros(C_loni,T);
                               for t = 1:T
                                   n_st = Data_s(t); N_st = N_st_s(t);

                                   theta_o_t = theta_o_n_all_T(t);

                                 %%% take out the theta_ct

                                       bee = (t-1)*C_lana + 1;  
                                       eed = t*C_lana; 
                                       theta_ct = theta_ct_n(bee:eed);
                                       theta_ct_loni = [theta_ct_n(bee:eed); gamrnd(a,b_general,[diff,1])];
                                       theta_ct_new_matrix(:,t) = theta_ct_loni;
                                       all_theta = [theta_o_t; theta_ct_loni]; %column vector

                                       w_ct = all_theta/sum(all_theta);    %column vector

                                       po_and_z = [po_n Z_loni_n(s,:)]; % row vector

                                       p_st = po_and_z*w_ct;
                                        n_choose_k = nchoosek(vpa(N_st),n_st);
                                        pp1 = vpa(p_st)^(n_st);
                                        pp2 = (1 - vpa(p_st))^(N_st - n_st);
                                        lad = n_choose_k * pp1 * pp2;
                                        prob_n(t) = lad;


                                       %prob_n(t) = binopdf(n_st,N_st,p_st);

                                       theta_ct_ALL{n} = theta_ct_new_matrix(:);
%                                         inter2 = sum(log(prob_n));
%                                         PROB(n) = exp(vpa(inter2));
                                        inter3 = vpa(sum(log(prob_n)));
                                        inter4 = vpa(exp(inter3));
                                        PROB(n) = inter4;
            %%% normalize weights
                 wt = PROB/sum(PROB); clear PROB;
                 wt = double(wt);
            %%% resample  %%% rr = randsample([1:N],N,true,wt), new = old{rr}
                 rr = randsample([1:N],N,true,wt);
                 p_o_particles = p_o_particles(rr);
                 theta_o_particles = theta_o_particles(:,rr);
                 theta_ct_ALL = theta_ct_ALL(rr);
                 Z_loni = Z_loni(rr);   
%                  for m = 1:N
%                      theta_ct_ALL{m} = theta_ct_ALL{rr(m)};
%                      Z_loni{m} = Z_loni{rr(m)};   
%                  end

wt = (1/N)*ones(1,N);

S_orig = S/rep;
for n = 1:N
Z_loni_now{n} = Z_loni{1}(S - S_orig + 1:S,:);

%%%%%%%  POINT ESTIMATES %%%%%%%%%%
 %%%%% determine point estimate of C...i.e C_est
        ALL_C = zeros(1,N);
        for n = 1:N
            ALL_C(n) = size(Z_loni_now{n},2); 
       unique_C = unique(ALL_C);
       prob_C = zeros(1,length(unique_C));
       len_Cs = zeros(1,length(unique_C));
       for c = 1:length(unique_C);
           prr = unique_C(c);
           ind_c = find(ALL_C == prr);
           prob_C(c) = length(ind_c)/N;
           len_Cs(c) = length(ind_c);
       [vaa, indd] = max(len_Cs);
       C_est = unique_C(indd)
       %%%% Plot of C
             uppe = max(unique_C) + 1;
             lowe = min(unique_C) - 1;
             x_min = 0;
             x_max = uppe + 5;
             pre_x = 0:lowe;
             post_x = uppe:x_max;
             xx = [pre_x unique_C post_x]; 
             yy = [zeros(1,lowe+1) prob_C zeros(1,x_max-max(unique_C))]; 
            xlim([x_min x_max])
            ylim([0 1])
            h = vline(C_est,'g','The Answer');
 %%%%% pick out all particles (Z,W,p) that belong to this C-star
     ind_C_est = find(ALL_C == C_est);
    picked_Z_loni = Z_loni_now(ind_C_est);
    picked_p_o_particles = p_o_particles(ind_C_est); 
    picked_theta_o_particles = theta_o_particles(:,ind_C_est);
    picked_theta_ct_ALL = theta_ct_ALL(ind_C_est);
    picked_wt = wt(ind_C_est);
%  %%%%% determine point estimate of Z   i.e Z_est
%    NNN = length(ind_C_est);
%    arg_vector = zeros(1,NNN);
%    all_permutations = perms(1:C_est);
%      for g = 1:NNN
%          Z_prime = picked_Z_loni{g};
%            dist_Z_l_prime = zeros(1,NNN);
%          for l = 1:NNN
%              Z_l = picked_Z_loni{l};
%                    d_min_vec = zeros(1,size(all_permutations,1)); 
%                 for permu = 1:size(all_permutations,1)
%                     perm_here = all_permutations(permu,:);
%                     permuted_Z_prime = Z_prime(:,perm_here);
%                     d_min_vec(permu) = sum(sum(abs(Z_l - permuted_Z_prime)));
%                 end
%              dist_Z_l_prime(l) = min(d_min_vec);
%          end
%   arg_vector(g) = sum(picked_wt.*dist_Z_l_prime);
%      end
%      [val,indx] = min(arg_vector);
%      %%%% point estimate of Z
%      Z_est = picked_Z_loni{indx}
%      %%%% point estimate of p_0
%      p_o_est = picked_p_o_particles(indx)
%      %%%% point estimate of W
%      theta_o_est = picked_theta_o_particles(:,indx);
%      theta_ct_ALL_est = picked_theta_ct_ALL{indx};
    indx = 2;
     %%%% point estimate of Z
     Z_est = picked_Z_loni{indx};
     Z_est_binarized = Z_est > 0.4
     %%%% point estimate of p_0
     p_o_est = picked_p_o_particles(indx)
     %%%% point estimate of W
     theta_o_est = picked_theta_o_particles(:,indx);
     theta_ct_ALL_est = picked_theta_ct_ALL{indx};
     olu = vec2mat(theta_ct_ALL_est,C_est)';
     ade = [theta_o_est'; olu]; 
     sum_ade = sum(ade);
     W_est = ade./repmat(sum_ade,C_est+1,1)
     %%% SAVE RESULTS 
             TDS003_WGS_Z = Z_est;
             TDS003_WGS_W = W_est;
             TDS003_WGS_p_o = p_o_est;
             TDS003_WGS_C = C_est;

%  %%%%%%% COMPUTE Z_error and W_error 
% if size(Z_est,2) == size(Z_true,2)
%    all_perms = perms(1:size(Z_est,2));
%    error_z = zeros(size(all_perms,1),1);
%    dim_Z = size(Z_true);
%    dim_W = size(W_est);
%         for g = 1:size(all_perms,1)
%             perm_g = all_perms(g,:);
%             z_perm = Z_est(:,perm_g);
%             error_z(g) = sum(sum(abs(z_perm - Z_true)))/prod(dim_Z);
%         end
%         [chosen_Z_error, chosen_perm_ind] = min(error_z);
%         Z_error = chosen_Z_error
%         WWWW = W_est(2:end,:);
%         chosen_perm = all_perms(chosen_perm_ind,:);
%         W_est_arranged = [W_est(1,:); WWWW(chosen_perm',:)];
%         W_error = sum(sum(abs(W_est_arranged - W)))/prod(dim_W) 
%         Z_true_sum = sum(Z_true)
%         ZZZ_rearranged = Z_est(:,chosen_perm);
%         ZZZ_rearranged_sum = sum(ZZZ_rearranged)
% end

% %%%% Error bbetween the p_st_true and the p_st_est
%    p_o_true = 0.02; 
%    p_st_true = [p_o_true*ones(S_orig,1) Z_true]*W;
%    p_st_est = [p_o_est*ones(S_orig,1) ZZZ_rearranged]*W_est_arranged;
%    error_p_st = p_st_true - p_st_est;
%    figure;
%    hist(error_p_st(:));
%    abs_error_pst = sum(sum(abs(error_p_st)))/(S_orig*T)


%  %%%% HEATMAPS:  
% %%% 1.   True Z
%     for h = 1:4
%         figure;
%         colormap('parula')
%         imagesc( Z_true(:,h))
%         colorbar
%     end  
% %%%. 2. Estimated Z    
%     for h = 1:4
%         figure;
%         colormap('parula')
%         imagesc(ZZZ(:,h))
%         colorbar
%     end
%     %%% 3.   True W
%     %%% 4.   Estimated W
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