Raw File
Tip revision: 76aaa5738ef3e62863250c65182bb96e27262e1f authored by nestornotabilis on 19 February 2016, 15:23:34 UTC
Tip revision: 76aaa57

# Sample ID.

# Trimmed raw read data.

# Paths to BWA indexes.

# Path to custome genome fasta file.

# Map to telomere sequences
bwa mem \
	-t24 \
	-M \
	-R "@RG\tID:$ID\tPL:illumina\tPU:0\tLB:$ID\tSM:$ID" \
	$R1_READS \
	$R2_READS \
	> TMP_telomere.sam

# Create exclude list
samtools view -S -f67 TMP_telomere.sam | cut -f1 > exclude.list

# Now map to full reference
bwa mem \
	-t24 \
	-M \
	-R "@RG\tID:$ID\tPL:illumina\tPU:0\tLB:$ID\tSM:$ID" \
	$R1_READS \
	$R2_READS \
	> TMP.sam

# Convert to BAM.
samtools view -bt $CUSTOM_GENOME_REFERENCE.fai TMP.sam | samtools sort - $ID

# Identify bad-pairs that straddle the two references
java -jar WGP-Toolkit/build/BadPairsOnly.jar \
	-b $ID.bam \
	-o $ID\_badPairsOnly.bam

# Remove ambiguous secondary alignments.
samtools view -bF 256 \
	$ID\_badPairsOnly.bam \
	> $ID\_badPairsOnly_unique.bam

samtools index $ID\_badPairsOnly_unique.bam

# Filter full genome mapping with telomere exclude list
java -jar WGP-Toolkit/build/SubsampleBAMWithReadNames.jar \
        -b $ID\_badPairsOnly_unique.bam \
        -e true \
        -l exclude.list \
        -o $ID\_badPairsOnly_unique_filtered.bam

samtools index $ID\_badPairsOnly_unique_filtered.bam

# Create Circos plot input for all bad pairs.
./ \
	-i $ID\_badPairsOnly_unique_filtered.bam \
	> all.links

# Convert to Circos one-line link format for downstream compatibility.
./ -i all.links > all.oneline.links

# Filter for each telomere reference.
./ -i all.oneline.links -r 17p > 17p.links
./ -i all.oneline.links -r 21q > 21q.links
./ -i all.oneline.links -r XpYp > XpYp.links

# Apply the Circos bundling script, bundlelinks. 
bundlelinks \
	-links 17p.links \
	-max_gap 100 \
	-min_bundle_membership 5 \
	> 17p.bundled.100.5.links

bundlelinks \
	-links 21q.links \
	-max_gap 100 \
	-min_bundle_membership 5 \
	> 21q.bundled.100.5.links

bundlelinks \
	-links XpYp.links \
	-max_gap 100 \
	-min_bundle_membership 5 \
	> XpYp.bundled.100.5.links

# At this point links files are ready to view in Circos.

# NOTE: Assumes within each circos sub-directory is symbolically
# linked to the appropriate *.bundled.100.5.links file.
cd circos_17p_bundled; circos -conf circos.conf ; cd ..
cd circos_21q_bundled; circos -conf circos.conf ; cd ..
cd circos_XpYp_bundled; circos -conf circos.conf ; cd ..

# Subsampling BAM for viewing

# 17p
samtools view \
	$ID\_badPairsOnly_unique_filtered.bam | \
	perl -ne '@x=split(/\t/,$_); print if $x[2] eq "17p" || $x[6] eq "17p"' | \
	samtools view -bt $CUSTOM_GENOME_REFERENCE.fai - | \
	samtools sort - 17p_only
 samtools index 17p_only.bam

# Creating BED file to annotate mapping hot-spots
samtools mpileup 17p_only.bam -ABd100000 | -i - -m 3 -g 10 -r true > 17p_only.m3_g10.bed

# XpYp
samtools view \
	$ID\_badPairsOnly_unique_filtered.bam | \
	perl -ne '@x=split(/\t/,$_); print if $x[2] eq "XpYp" || $x[6] eq "XpYp"' | \
	samtools view -bt $CUSTOM_GENOME_REFERENCE.fai - | \
	samtools sort - XpYp_only
samtools index XpYp_only.bam

# Creating BED file to annotate mapping hot-spots
samtools mpileup XpYp_only.bam -ABd100000 | -i - -m 3 -g 10 -r true > XpYp_only.m3_g10.bed

# 21q
samtools view \
	$ID\_badPairsOnly_unique_filtered.bam | \
	perl -ne '@x=split(/\t/,$_); print if $x[2] eq "21q" || $x[6] eq "21q"' | \
	samtools view -bt $CUSTOM_GENOME_REFERENCE.fai - | \
	samtools sort - 21q_only
samtools index 21q_only.bam

# Creating BED file to annotate mapping hot-spots
samtools mpileup 21q_only.bam -ABd10000 | ./ -i - -m 3 -g 10 -r true > 21q_only.m3_g10.bed

# Creating spreadsheet of mapping hot-spots.

# 17p
./ \
	-f 17p_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-b 17p_only.bam \
 	./ \
	-i - \
	-f 21q_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-l 'closest 21q hotspot' |\
	./ \
	-i - \
	-f XpYp_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-l 'closest XpYp hotspot' |\
     	./ \
	-i - \
	-f resources/merged_telomere.bed \
	-l 'closest mask' |\
      	./ \
	-i - \
	-f resources/centromere_telomere_locations.bed \
	-l "closest telomere" |\
	./ \
	-i - \
	-b 17p_only.bam |\
	./ \
	-i - \
	-o 17p_hotspot_table.xlsx

# XpYp
./ \
	-f XpYp_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-b XpYp_only.bam \
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f 17p_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-l 'closest 17p hotspot' |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f 21q_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-l 'closest 21q hotspot' |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f resources/merged_telomere.bed \
	-l 'closest mask' |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f resources/centromere_telomere_locations.bed \
	-l "closest telomere" |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-b XpYp_only.bam |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-o XpYp_hotspot_table.xlsx

# 21q
./ \
	-f 21q_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-b 21q_only.bam \
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f 17p_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-l 'closest 17p hotspot' |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f XpYp_only.m3_g10.bed \
	-l 'closest XpYp hotspot' |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f resources/merged_telomere.bed \
	-l 'closest mask' |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-f resources/centromere_telomere_locations.bed \
	-l "closest telomere" |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-b 21q_only.bam |\
        ./ \
	-i - \
	-o 21q_hotspot_table.xlsx
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