Raw File
Tip revision: a14cc0cb5854b7deef5a704236623f51f971027c authored by Riccardo Pavesi on 15 May 2019, 22:27:20 UTC
Merge pull request #1 from NanoExplorer/NanoExplorer-KinMS-fix
Tip revision: a14cc0c
2014 January 31
Shane Bussmann

Varius utilities related to operations on uvfits data files.
From "uvmcmcfit". See


from __future__ import print_function

import numpy
from import fits

def pcdload(visfile):

    checker = visfile.find('uvfits')
    if checker == -1:
        uvfits = False
        uvfits = True
    if uvfits:
        # uv fits format
        visdata =
        visheader = visdata[0].header

        if visheader['NAXIS'] == 7:

            # identify the phase center
                pcd_ra = visdata['AIPS SU '].data['RAEPO'][0]
                pcd_dec = visdata['AIPS SU '].data['DECEPO'][0]
                pcd_ra = visheader['CRVAL6']   #RP mod was 5
                pcd_dec = visheader['CRVAL7']   #RP mod was 6
            if pcd_ra < 0:
                pcd_ra += 360
            pcd = [pcd_ra, pcd_dec]
            return pcd

        if visheader['NAXIS'] == 6:

           # identify the channel frequency(ies):
            pcd_ra = visdata[0].header['CRVAL5']
            pcd_dec = visdata[0].header['CRVAL6']
            if pcd_ra < 0:
                pcd_ra += 360
            pcd = [pcd_ra, pcd_dec]
            return pcd

        # CASA MS
        from taskinit import tb + '/SOURCE')
        pcd_ra = tb.getcol('DIRECTION')[0][0] * 180 / numpy.pi
        if pcd_ra < 0:
            pcd_ra += 360
        pcd_dec = tb.getcol('DIRECTION')[1][0] * 180 / numpy.pi
        pcd = [pcd_ra, pcd_dec]
        return pcd

def uvload(visfile):

    checker = visfile.find('uvfits')
    if checker == -1:
        uvfits = False
        uvfits = True
    if uvfits:
        visdata =
        visibilities = visdata[0].data
        visheader = visdata[0].header

        if visheader['NAXIS'] == 7:

            # identify the channel frequency(ies):
            visfreq = visdata[1].data
            freq0 = visheader['CRVAL4']
            dfreq = visheader['CDELT4']
            cfreq = visheader['CRPIX4']
            nvis = visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].size
            nspw = visibilities['DATA'][0, 0, 0, :, 0, 0, 0].size
            nfreq = visibilities['DATA'][0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0, 0].size
            npol = visibilities['DATA'][0, 0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0].size
            if True or nfreq > 1:   #RP mod inserted True
                uu = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol])
                vv = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol])
                ww = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol])
                uu = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, npol])
                vv = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, npol])
                ww = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, npol])
            #wgt = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol])
            for ispw in range(nspw):
                if nspw > 1:
                    freqif = freq0 + visfreq['IF FREQ'][0][ispw]
                        freqif = freq0 + visfreq['IF FREQ'][0]
                        freqif = freq0
                #uu[:, ispw] = freqif * visibilities['UU']
                #vv[:, ispw] = freqif * visibilities['VV']
                for ipol in range(npol):
                   # then compute the spatial frequencies:
                    if True or nfreq > 1:  #RP mod inserted True
                        freq = (numpy.arange(nfreq) - cfreq + 1) * dfreq + freqif
                        freqvis = numpy.meshgrid(freq, visibilities['UU'])
                        uu[:, ispw, :, ipol] = freqvis[0] * freqvis[1]
                        freqvis = numpy.meshgrid(freq, visibilities['VV'])
                        vv[:, ispw, :, ipol] = freqvis[0] * freqvis[1]
                        freqvis = numpy.meshgrid(freq, visibilities['WW'])
                        ww[:, ispw, :, ipol] = freqvis[0] * freqvis[1]
                        uu[:, ispw, ipol] = freqif * visibilities['UU']
                        vv[:, ispw, ipol] = freqif * visibilities['VV']
                        ww[:, ispw, ipol] = freqif * visibilities['WW']

        if visheader['NAXIS'] == 6:

            # identify the channel frequency(ies):
            freq0 = visheader['CRVAL4']
            dfreq = visheader['CDELT4']
            cfreq = visheader['CRPIX4']
            nvis = visibilities['DATA'][:, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0].size
            nfreq = visibilities['DATA'][0, 0, 0, :, 0, 0].size
            npol = visibilities['DATA'][0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0].size
            if nfreq > 1:
                uu = numpy.zeros([nvis, nfreq, npol])
                vv = numpy.zeros([nvis, nfreq, npol])
                ww = numpy.zeros([nvis, nfreq, npol])
                uu = numpy.zeros([nvis, npol])
                vv = numpy.zeros([nvis, npol])
                ww = numpy.zeros([nvis, npol])
            #wgt = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol])

            freqif = freq0
            #uu[:, ispw] = freqif * visibilities['UU']
            #vv[:, ispw] = freqif * visibilities['VV']

            for ipol in range(npol):

                # then compute the spatial frequencies:
                if nfreq > 1:
                    freq = (numpy.arange(nfreq) - cfreq + 1) * dfreq + freqif
                    freqvis = numpy.meshgrid(freq, visibilities['UU'])
                    uu[:, 0, :, ipol] = freqvis[0] * freqvis[1]
                    freqvis = numpy.meshgrid(freq, visibilities['VV'])
                    vv[:, 0, :, ipol] = freqvis[0] * freqvis[1]
                    freqvis = numpy.meshgrid(freq, visibilities['WW'])
                    ww[:, 0, :, ipol] = freqvis[0] * freqvis[1]
                    uu[:, ipol] = freqif * visibilities['UU']
                    vv[:, ipol] = freqif * visibilities['VV']
                    ww[:, ipol] = freqif * visibilities['WW']
        from taskinit import tb
        # read in the uvfits data
        uvw = tb.getcol('UVW')
        uvspw = tb.getcol('DATA_DESC_ID')
        tb.close() + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW')
        freq = tb.getcol('CHAN_FREQ')
        tb.close() + '/POLARIZATION')
        polinfo = tb.getcol('NUM_CORR')
        npol = polinfo[0]

        nspw = len(freq[0])

        for ispw in range(nspw):
            ilam = 3e8 / freq[0][ispw]
            indx_spw = uvspw == ispw
            uvw[:, indx_spw] /= ilam

        uu = []
        vv = []
        ww = []
        for ipol in range(npol):
            uu.append(uvw[0, :])
            vv.append(uvw[1, :])
            ww.append(uvw[2, :])
        uu = numpy.array(uu)
        vv = numpy.array(vv)
        ww = numpy.array(ww)
        if uu[:, 0].size == 1:
            uu = uu.flatten()
            vv = vv.flatten()
            ww = ww.flatten()

    return uu, vv, ww

def visload(visfile):

    checker = visfile.find('uvfits')
    if checker == -1:
        uvfits = False
        uvfits = True
    if uvfits:
        visdata =
        # get the telescope name
        visheader = visdata[0].header
        #telescop = visheader['TELESCOP']

        # if we are dealing with SMA data
        if visheader['NAXIS'] == 6:
            nfreq = visdata[0].data['DATA'][0, 0, 0, :, 0, 0].size
            if nfreq > 1:
                data_real = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,:,0]
                data_imag = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,:,1]
                data_wgt = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,:,2]
                data_real = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,0,:,0]
                data_imag = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,0,:,1]
                data_wgt = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,0,:,2]

        # if we are dealing with ALMA or PdBI data
        if visheader['NAXIS'] == 7:
            nfreq = visdata[0].data['DATA'][0, 0, 0, 0, :, 0, 0].size
            if True or nfreq > 1:    #RP mod inserted True
                data_real = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,:,:,0]
                data_imag = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,:,:,1]
                data_wgt = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,:,:,2]
                data_real = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,0,:,0]
                data_imag = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,0,:,1]
                data_wgt = visdata[0].data['DATA'][:,0,0,:,0,:,2]

        data_complex = numpy.array(data_real) + \
                1j * numpy.array(data_imag)

        from taskinit import tb
        # read in the CASA MS
        vis_complex = tb.getcol('DATA')
        vis_weight = tb.getcol('WEIGHT')
        tb.close() + '/POLARIZATION')
        #polinfo = tb.getcol('NUM_CORR')
        #npol = polinfo[0]

        data_complex = vis_complex
        data_wgt = vis_weight
        wgtshape = data_wgt.shape
        if len(wgtshape) == 2:
            npol = wgtshape[0]
            nrow = wgtshape[1]
            wgtshape = (npol, 1, nrow)
        data_wgt = data_wgt.reshape(wgtshape)
        #data_complex = []
        #data_wgt = []
        #for ipol in range(npol):
        #    data_complex.append(vis_complex[ipol, 0, :])
        #    data_wgt.append(vis_weight[ipol, :])
        #data_complex = numpy.array(data_complex)
        #data_wgt = numpy.array(data_wgt)

    return data_complex, data_wgt

def getStatWgt(real_raw, imag_raw, wgt_raw):

    Compute the weights as the rms scatter in the real and imaginary 

    nvis = real_raw[:, 0].size
    freqsize = real_raw[0, :].size
    wgt_scaled = numpy.zeros([nvis, freqsize])
    for i in range(nvis):
        gwgt = wgt_raw[i, :] > 0
        ngwgt = wgt_raw[i, gwgt].size
        if ngwgt > 2:
            reali = real_raw[i, gwgt]
            imagi = imag_raw[i, gwgt]
            rms_real = numpy.std(reali)
            rms_imag = numpy.std(imagi)
            rms_avg = (rms_real + rms_imag) / 2.
            wgt_scaled[i, :] = 1 / rms_avg ** 2
    return wgt_scaled

def statwt(visfileloc, newvisfileloc, ExcludeChannels=False):
    Replace the weights in 'visfile' with weights computed via getStatWgt.

    visfile =
    data_complex, data_wgt = visload(visfileloc)
    data_real = numpy.real(data_complex)
    data_imag = numpy.imag(data_complex)
    wgt_original = data_wgt.copy()

    if ExcludeChannels:
        nwindows = len(ExcludeChannels) / 2
        for win in range(0, nwindows * 2, 2):
            chan1 = ExcludeChannels[win]
            chan2 = ExcludeChannels[win + 1]
            if data_real.ndim == 4:
                data_wgt[:, :, chan1:chan2, :] = 0
                data_wgt[:, chan1:chan2, :] = 0

    # get the number of visibilities, spws, frequencies, polarizations
    if data_real.ndim == 4:
        nvis = data_real[:, 0, 0, 0].size
        nspw = data_real[0, :, 0, 0].size
        nfreq = data_real[0, 0, :, 0].size
        npol = data_real[0, 0, 0, :].size
        wgt = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, nfreq, npol])
    if data_real.ndim == 3:
        nvis = data_real[:, 0, 0].size
        nspw = 0
        nfreq = data_real[0, :, 0].size
        npol = data_real[0, 0, :].size
        wgt = numpy.zeros([nvis, nfreq, npol])

    if nspw > 0:
        for ispw in range(nspw):

            for ipol in range(npol):

                # compute real and imaginary components of the visibilities
                real_raw = data_real[:, ispw, :, ipol]
                imag_raw = data_imag[:, ispw, :, ipol]
                wgt_raw = data_wgt[:, ispw, :, ipol]

                wgt_orig = wgt_original[:, ispw, :, ipol]
                oktoreplace = wgt_orig > 0

                wgt_scaled = getStatWgt(real_raw, imag_raw, wgt_raw)
                wgt_temp = wgt[:, ispw, :, ipol]
                wgt_temp[oktoreplace] = wgt_scaled[oktoreplace]
                wgt[:, ispw, :, ipol] = wgt_temp
        visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 2] = wgt

        for ipol in range(npol):

            # compute real and imaginary components of the visibilities
            real_raw = data_real[:, :, ipol]
            imag_raw = data_imag[:, :, ipol]
            wgt_raw = data_wgt[:, :, ipol]

            wgt_scaled = getStatWgt(real_raw, imag_raw, wgt_raw)
            wgt[:, :, ipol] = wgt_scaled
        visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 2] = wgt



def scalewt(visdataloc, newvisdataloc):

    visfile =
    data_complex, data_wgt = visload(visdataloc)
    data_real = numpy.real(data_complex)
    data_imag = numpy.imag(data_complex)

    # scale the weights such that:
    # Sum(wgt * real^2 + wgt * imag^2) = N_visibilities
    wgt_scaled = data_wgt
    wgzero = wgt_scaled > 0
    N_vis = 2 * wgt_scaled[wgzero].size
    wgtrealimag = wgt_scaled * (data_real ** 2 + data_imag ** 2)
    wgtsum = wgtrealimag[wgzero].sum()
    wgtscale = N_vis / wgtsum
    print("Scaling the weights by a factor of ", wgtscale)
    wgt_scaled = wgt_scaled * wgtscale

    # read in the uvfits data
    if data_real.ndim == 4:
        visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 2] = wgt_scaled
        if visfile[0].header['NAXIS'] == 6:
            visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, :, 2] = wgt_scaled
        if visfile[0].header['NAXIS'] == 7:
            visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, 0, :, :, 2] = wgt_scaled
    visfile.writeto(newvisdataloc, clobber=True)

def zerowt(visdataloc, newvisdataloc, ExcludeChannels):

    visfile =
    data_real, data_imag, data_wgt = visload(visfile)
    nwindows = len(ExcludeChannels) / 2
    for win in range(0, nwindows * 2, 2):
        chan1 = ExcludeChannels[win]
        chan2 = ExcludeChannels[win + 1]
        if data_real.ndim == 4:
            visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, :, chan1:chan2, :, 2] = 0.0
            visfile[0].data['DATA'][:, 0, 0, chan1:chan2, :, 2] = 0.0

# AS OF 2014-02-24, spectralavg IS NON-FUNCTIONAL
def spectralavg(visdataloc, newvisdataloc, Nchannels):
    # bin in frequency space to user's desired spectral resolution
    vis_data =
    data_real, data_imag, data_wgt = visload(vis_data)

    # get the number of visibilities, spws, frequencies, polarizations
    if data_real.ndim == 4:
        nvis = data_real[:, 0, 0, 0].size
        nspw = data_real[0, :, 0, 0].size
        nchan = data_real[0, 0, :, 0].size
        npol = data_real[0, 0, 0, :].size
        real_bin = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, Nchannels, npol])
        imag_bin = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, Nchannels, npol])
        wgt_bin = numpy.zeros([nvis, nspw, Nchannels, npol])
    if data_real.ndim == 3:
        nvis = data_real[:, 0, 0].size
        nspw = 0
        nchan = data_real[0, :, 0].size
        npol = data_real[0, 0, :].size
        real_bin = numpy.zeros([nvis, Nchannels, npol])
        imag_bin = numpy.zeros([nvis, Nchannels, npol])
        wgt_bin = numpy.zeros([nvis, Nchannels, npol])

    chan1 = 0
    dchan = nchan / Nchannels
    chan2 = chan1 + dchan
    if nspw > 1:
        for ispw in range(nspw):

            for ipol in range(npol):

                for ichan in range(Nchannels):

                    for i in range(nvis):
                        gwgt = data_wgt[i, ispw, chan1:chan2, ipol] > 0
                        ngwgt = data_wgt[i, ispw, gwgt, ipol].size
                        if ngwgt == 0:
                        value = data_real[i, ispw, gwgt, ipol].sum() / ngwgt
                        real_bin[i, ispw, ichan, ipol] = value
                        value = data_imag[i, ispw, gwgt, ipol].sum() / ngwgt
                        imag_bin[i, ispw, ichan, ipol] = value
                        value = data_wgt[i, ispw, gwgt, ipol].mean() * ngwgt
                        wgt_bin[i, ispw, ichan, ipol] = value
                    chan1 = chan2
                    chan2 = chan1 + dchan

        newvis = numpy.zeros([nvis, 1, 1, nspw, Nchannels, npol, 3])
        newvis[:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 0] = real_bin
        newvis[:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 1] = imag_bin
        newvis[:, 0, 0, :, :, :, 2] = wgt_bin

        oldcrpix4 = vis_data[0].header['CRPIX4']
        newcrpix4 = numpy.float(oldcrpix4) / nchan * Nchannels
        newcrpix4 = numpy.floor(newcrpix4) + 1
        vis_data[0].header['CRPIX4'] = newcrpix4

        oldcdelt4 = vis_data[0].header['CDELT4']
        newcdelt4 = oldcdelt4 * nchan / Nchannels
        vis_data[0].header['CDELT4'] = newcdelt4
        for ipol in range(npol):

            for ichan in range(Nchannels):

                for i in range(nvis):
                    gwgt = data_wgt[i, chan1:chan2, ipol] > 0
                    ngwgt = data_wgt[i, gwgt, ipol].size
                    if ngwgt == 0:
                    value = data_real[i, gwgt, ipol].sum() / ngwgt
                    real_bin[i, ichan, ipol] = value
                    value = data_imag[i, gwgt, ipol].sum() / ngwgt
                    imag_bin[i, ichan, ipol] = value
                    value = data_wgt[i, gwgt, ipol].mean() * ngwgt
                    wgt_bin[i, ichan, ipol] = value
                chan1 = chan2
                chan2 = chan1 + dchan

        newvis = numpy.zeros([nvis, 1, 1, Nchannels, npol, 3])
        newvis[:, 0, 0, :, :, 0] = real_bin
        newvis[:, 0, 0, :, :, 1] = imag_bin
        newvis[:, 0, 0, :, :, 2] = wgt_bin

        oldcrpix4 = vis_data[0].header['CRPIX4']
        newcrpix4 = numpy.float(oldcrpix4) / nchan * Nchannels
        newcrpix4 = numpy.floor(newcrpix4) + 1
        vis_data[0].header['CRPIX4'] = newcrpix4
        vis_data[0].header['NAXIS4'] = Nchannels

        oldcdelt4 = vis_data[0].header['CDELT4']
        newcdelt4 = oldcdelt4 * nchan / Nchannels
        vis_data[0].header['CDELT4'] = newcdelt4
    vis_data[0].data['DATA'][:] = newvis
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