Raw File
Tip revision: 8617a24a7fc353a99121431d92c6fd64439fcd71 authored by Pall Melsted on 12 September 2017, 11:10:57 UTC
Merge pull request #14 from bgruening/patch-1
Tip revision: 8617a24

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <seqan/gff_io.h>

enum Strandedness {FORWARD, REVERSE, UNKNOWN};

Strandedness operator~(const Strandedness &s) {
  switch (s) {
    case FORWARD: return REVERSE; break;
    case REVERSE: return FORWARD; break;
    case UNKNOWN: return REVERSE; break;

std::string typeToString(BioType t) {
  switch(t) {
    case BioType::PROTEIN:
      return "PROTEIN"; break;
    case BioType::PSEUDO:
      return "PSEUDO"; break;
      return "OTHER"; break;

char strandToChar(Strandedness s) {
  switch(s) {
    case Strandedness::FORWARD:
      return '+'; break;
    case Strandedness::REVERSE:
      return '-'; break;
      return '?'; break;

BioType stringToType(const std::string &s) {
  if (s == "PROTEIN") {
    return BioType::PROTEIN;
  } else if (s == "PSEUDO") {
    return BioType::PSEUDO;
  } else {
    return BioType::OTHER;

Strandedness charToStrand(char c) {
  switch (c) {
    case '+':
      return Strandedness::FORWARD; break;
    case '-':
      return Strandedness::REVERSE; break;
      return Strandedness::UNKNOWN; break;

struct ExonModel {
  std::string chr;
  int start,stop;
  Strandedness strand;

struct TranscriptModel {
  std::string id; // like ENST
  std::string chr;
  int start,stop;
  std::vector<ExonModel> exons;
  Strandedness strand;
  BioType type;

struct GeneModel {
  std::string id; // like ENSG
  std::string name; // like ALB
  std::unordered_map<std::string,TranscriptModel> transcripts;
  std::string chr;
  int start,stop; // start 0-based, 1 bp past end for stop
  Strandedness strand;
  BioType type;

struct Transcriptome {
  std::unordered_map<std::string,GeneModel> genes;
  std::unordered_map<std::string,std::string> trxToGeneId;
  std::unordered_map<std::string, seqan::CharString> seqs;
  // maps transcript tr and 0-based position trpos
  //      to chr:chrpos in genome mapping to gene gene_id
  bool translateTrPosition(const std::string &tr, const int _trpos, std::string &chr, int& chrpos, std::string &gene_id) {
    auto gid_it = trxToGeneId.find(tr);
    if (gid_it == trxToGeneId.end()) {
      return false;
    gene_id = gid_it->second;
    auto g_it = genes.find(gene_id);
    if (g_it == genes.end()) {
      return false;

    auto t_it = g_it->second.transcripts.find(tr);
    if (t_it == g_it->second.transcripts.end()) {
      return false;

    auto &trxmodel = t_it->second;
    chr = trxmodel.chr;    
    if (trxmodel.strand == Strandedness::UNKNOWN) {
      return false;
    bool fw = (trxmodel.strand == Strandedness::FORWARD);
    int trpos = _trpos;
    chrpos = trxmodel.start;
    for (auto& exon : trxmodel.exons) {
      int len = (exon.strand == Strandedness::FORWARD) ? (exon.stop - exon.start) : (exon.start - exon.stop);
      assert(len > 0);
      if (trpos < len) {
        // maps to this exon
        chrpos = exon.start;
        if (exon.strand == Strandedness::FORWARD) {
          chrpos += trpos;
        } else {
          chrpos -= trpos;
      } else {
        trpos -= len;
    if (trpos > 0) {
      // goes beyond last exon, map to end
      chrpos = trxmodel.stop + trpos - 1;
    return true;

void writeTranscriptome(Transcriptome &transcriptome, std::ostream &out) {
  for(const auto &gene : transcriptome.genes) {
    const auto &gene_id = gene.first;
    const auto &model = gene.second;
    out << "GENE" << "\t" <<  << "\t"
        << << "\t"
        << model.chr << "\t"
        << typeToString(model.type) << "\t"
        << strandToChar(model.strand) << "\t"
        << model.start << "\t"
        << model.stop << "\t";
    bool firsttr = true;
    for (auto &trlist : model.transcripts) {
      if (!firsttr) {
        out << ";";
      } else {
        firsttr = false;
      out << trlist.first;
    out << "\n";
  for(const auto &gene : transcriptome.genes) {
    const auto &gene_id = gene.first;
    const auto &model = gene.second;
    for (auto &trlist : model.transcripts) {
      const auto &tr_id = trlist.first;
      const auto &tr = trlist.second;
      out << "TRANSCRIPT" << "\t" 
          << << "\t"
          << gene_id << "\t"
          << tr.chr << "\t"
          << typeToString(tr.type) << "\t"
          << strandToChar(tr.strand) << "\t"
          << tr.start << "\t"
          << tr.stop << "\t";
      bool firstex = true;
      for(const auto &exon : tr.exons) {
        if (!firstex) {
          out << ";";
        } else {
          firstex = false;
        out << exon.start << "," << exon.stop;
      out << "\n";

void loadTranscriptome(Transcriptome& transcriptome, std::istream &in, const ProgramOptions& options) {
  std::string line;
  std::string segment;
  std::string type;
  std::string gtype, ttype;
  std::string gene_id, tr_id;
  while (in.good()) {
    in >> type;
    if (type == "GENE") {
      GeneModel model;
      char strand = '?';
      in >> gene_id>> >> model.chr >> gtype >> strand >> model.start >> model.stop; = gene_id;
      model.strand = charToStrand(strand);
      if (options.ignoreProtein) {
        model.type = BioType::PROTEIN;
      } else {
        model.type = stringToType(gtype);
      in >> line; // rest of transcripts, ignore for now
      transcriptome.genes.insert({gene_id, std::move(model)});
    } else if (type == "TRANSCRIPT") {
      TranscriptModel model;
      char strand = '?';
      in >> tr_id >> gene_id >> model.chr >> ttype >> strand >> model.start >> model.stop; = tr_id;
      model.strand = charToStrand(strand);
      if (options.ignoreProtein) {
        model.type = BioType::PROTEIN;
      } else {
        model.type = stringToType(ttype);
      in >> line;
      std::stringstream strline(line);
      while (std::getline(strline, segment, ';')) {
        ExonModel ex;
        ex.chr = model.chr;
        ex.strand = model.strand;
        int p = segment.find(',');
        ex.start = std::stoi(segment.substr(0,p));
        ex.stop = std::stoi(segment.substr(p+1));
      auto it = transcriptome.genes.find(gene_id);
      if (it != transcriptome.genes.end()) {
        GeneModel &gene_model = it->second;
        gene_model.transcripts.insert({tr_id, std::move(model)});
        transcriptome.trxToGeneId.insert({tr_id, gene_id});
      } else {
        std::cerr << "unknown gene id " << gene_id << std::endl;
    } else {
      std::getline(in, line); // read until end of line

void parseFasta(Transcriptome &transcriptome, const std::string &fasta_fn) {
  seqan::SeqFileIn seqFileIn(seqan::toCString(fasta_fn));
  seqan::CharString id;
  seqan::CharString seq;

  while(!atEnd(seqFileIn)) {
    std::string name = std::string(seqan::toCString(id));
    size_t sp = name.find(' ');
    size_t pipe = name.find('|');
    transcriptome.seqs.insert({name.substr(0,std::min(sp,pipe)), std::move(seq)});

void parseGTF(Transcriptome &transcriptome, const std::string &gtf_fn, const ProgramOptions& options) {
  seqan::GffFileIn gtf(gtf_fn.c_str());
  seqan::GffRecord record;

  int n = 0;
  while(!seqan::atEnd(gtf)) {
    if (record.type == "gene") {
      GeneModel model;
      std::string gene_version;
      for (int i = 0; i < length(record.tagNames); i++) {
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_id") {
 = seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]);
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_name") {
 = seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]);
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_biotype" || record.tagNames[i] == "gene_type") {
          std::string val = std::string(seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]));
          //auto &val = record.tagValues[i];
          if (val == "protein_coding") {
            model.type = BioType::PROTEIN;
          } else if (val.find("pseudogene") != std::string::npos) {
            model.type = BioType::PSEUDO;
          } else {
            model.type = BioType::OTHER;
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_version") {
          gene_version = std::string(seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]));
      if (!gene_version.empty() &&'.') == std::string::npos) {        += "." + gene_version;
      if ( { =;
      if (options.ignoreProtein) {
        model.type = BioType::PROTEIN;
      model.chr = seqan::toCString(record.ref);
      model.start = record.beginPos;
      model.stop = record.endPos;
      if (record.strand == '+') {
        model.strand = Strandedness::FORWARD;
      } else if (record.strand == '-') {
        model.strand = Strandedness::REVERSE;
      } else {
        model.strand = Strandedness::UNKNOWN;
    } else if (record.type == "transcript") {
      TranscriptModel model;
      bool bioTypeSet = false;
      model.type = BioType::OTHER; 
      std::string gene_id, gene_version, txp_version;
      for (int i = 0; i < length(record.tagNames); i++) {
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_id") {
          gene_id = seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]);
        } else if (record.tagNames[i] == "transcript_id") {
 = seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]);
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "transcript_biotype" || record.tagNames[i] == "transcript_type") {
          std::string val = std::string(seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]));
          //auto &val = record.tagValues[i];
          if (val == "protein_coding") {
            model.type = BioType::PROTEIN;
          } else if (val.find("pseudogene") != std::string::npos) {
            model.type = BioType::PSEUDO;
          bioTypeSet = true;
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_version") {
          gene_version = std::string(seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]));
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "transcript_version") {
          txp_version = std::string(seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]));
      if (!gene_version.empty() && gene_id.find('.') == std::string::npos) {        
        gene_id += "." + gene_version;
      if (!txp_version.empty() &&'.') == std::string::npos) {        += "." + txp_version;
      if (!bioTypeSet) {
        std::string source = seqan::toCString(record.source);
        // we need this for Ensembl versions 76 and below, 
        // transcripts don't have transcript_[bio]type set but store this info in the source name ?!?
        if (source == "protein_coding") {
          model.type = BioType::PROTEIN;
        } else if (source.find("pseudogene") != std::string::npos) {
          model.type = BioType::PSEUDO;
      if (options.ignoreProtein) {
        model.type = BioType::PROTEIN;
      model.chr = seqan::toCString(record.ref);
      model.start = record.beginPos;
      model.stop = record.endPos;
      if (record.strand == '+') {
        model.strand = Strandedness::FORWARD;
      } else if (record.strand == '-') {
        model.strand = Strandedness::REVERSE;
      } else {
        model.strand = Strandedness::UNKNOWN;
      auto it = transcriptome.genes.find(gene_id);
      assert(transcriptome.trxToGeneId.find( == transcriptome.trxToGeneId.end());
      assert(it != transcriptome.genes.end());
    } else if (record.type == "exon") {
      ExonModel model;
      std::string trx_id;
      std::string gene_id;
      std::string txp_version, gene_version;
      for (int i = 0; i < length(record.tagNames); i++) {
         if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_id") {
          gene_id = seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]);
        } else if (record.tagNames[i] == "transcript_id") {
          trx_id = seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]);
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "gene_version") {
          gene_version = std::string(seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]));
        if (record.tagNames[i] == "transcript_version") {
          txp_version = std::string(seqan::toCString(record.tagValues[i]));
      if (!gene_version.empty() && gene_id.find('.') == std::string::npos) {        
        gene_id += "." + gene_version;
      if (!txp_version.empty() && trx_id.find('.') == std::string::npos) {        
        trx_id += "." + txp_version;
      model.chr = seqan::toCString(record.ref);
      model.start = record.beginPos;
      model.stop = record.endPos;
      if (record.strand == '+') {
        model.strand = Strandedness::FORWARD;
      } else if (record.strand == '-') {
        model.strand = Strandedness::REVERSE;
      } else {
        model.strand = Strandedness::UNKNOWN;

      auto g_it = transcriptome.genes.find(gene_id);
      assert(g_it != transcriptome.genes.end());
      auto t_it = g_it->second.transcripts.find(trx_id);
      assert(t_it != g_it->second.transcripts.end());
  std::cerr << "GTF file contains " << transcriptome.genes.size() << " genes and " << transcriptome.trxToGeneId.size() << " transcripts" << std::endl;

  /*  for (auto it : transcriptome.genes) {
    const auto &gene = it.second;
    //std::cout << "Gene = " << << ", name = " << << ", pos = " << gene.chr << ":" << (gene.start+1) << "-" << gene.stop << std::endl;

#endif // GENE_MODEL_HPP
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