Raw File
Tip revision: c2b23b96a19c39bee8276f073e6109be11b325f0 authored by Piotr Sobczyk on 17 June 2021, 20:47:00 UTC
Merge pull request #10 from psobczyk/allowing-clusters-with-zero-pcs
Tip revision: c2b23b9

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### What is this repository for? ###

Package **varclust**

* is **R** package for clustering quantitative variables
* provides estimation of number of clusters
* enables significant data dimension reduction

[Check out demo version!](

### How do I get set up? ###

* Install **varclust** package using devtools package
* Download the package as an archive and install it manually from **R** console
* You might need to install package dependencies:
    * **parallel**
    * **doParallel**
    * **foreach**
    * **doRNG**
    * **RcppEigen**
    * **pesel**

* The **pesel** package can be installed using devtools package

* No additional configuration is needed
* Read [vignette]( to get familiar with basic usage

### Who do I talk to? ###
* If help provided in the package documentation does not solve your problem
please contact Piotr.Sobczyk[at]

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s
Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological
development and demonstration under grant agreement no 602552.
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