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Tip revision: 0787ca9da997b5911c00fd12584dad9741c82fb4 authored by John Marshall on 25 May 2024, 06:33:55 UTC
Synchronise MM-*.sam test files with HTSlib's copies
Tip revision: 0787ca9

|build-status| |docs|

Pysam is a python module for reading and manipulating files in the
SAM/BAM format. The SAM/BAM format is a way to store efficiently large
numbers of alignments (`Li 2009`_), such as those routinely created by
next-generation sequencing methods.

Pysam is a lightweight wrapper of the samtools_ C-API. Pysam also
includes an interface for tabix_.

If you are using the conda packaging manager (e.g. miniconda or anaconda),
you can install pysam from the `bioconda channel <>`_::

   conda config --add channels defaults
   conda config --add channels conda-forge
   conda config --add channels bioconda
   conda install pysam

Installation through bioconda is the recommended way to install pysam
as it resolves non-python dependencies and uses pre-configured
compilation options. Especially for OS X this will potentially save a
lot of trouble.

The current version of pysam wraps 3rd-party code from htslib-1.18, samtools-1.18, and bcftools-1.18.

Pysam is available through `pypi
<>`_. To install, type::

   pip install pysam

Pysam documentation is available
`here <>`_

Questions and comments are very welcome and should be sent to the
`pysam user group <>`_

.. _samtools:
.. _tabix:
.. _Li 2009:

.. |build-status| image::
    :alt: build status
    :scale: 100%

.. |docs| image::
    :alt: Documentation Status
    :scale: 100%
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