Raw File
Tip revision: 49fab85beb82b1d875278a8a1d2609df0f0d381b authored by Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang on 17 December 2015, 03:07:58 UTC
enrichment debug
Tip revision: 49fab85
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes;
use Memory::Usage;
use Set::IntervalTree;
use Getopt::Std;

use lib "module";
use PARISutil qw( &readGTF_ensembl_new );

my $_debug = 0;

my %enviroment = (
    annotationFile => "/Share/home/zhangqf/cliff/paris/data/ref/gencode.v21.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf"

my %global = (
    bw => 100000,

use vars qw ($opt_h $opt_V $opt_D $opt_i $opt_s $opt_a $opt_o $opt_f );

my $usage = <<_EOH_;
## --------------------------------------
annotate with transcriptome annotation
$0 -i read_group_file -s support_sam -o output_annotated_file
# what it is:
 -i     input read group file
 -s     input support sam file
 -o     output annotated file
# more options:
 -a	annotation GTF file
 -f     filter ("onlyIntra|onlyInter|requireBothAnnotation|requireAnnotation")


sub main {
    my %parameters = &init();

    my $readGroupFile = $parameters{readGroupFile};
    my $supportSAMfile = $parameters{supportSamFile};
    my $outputFile = $parameters{output};

    my %readGroup = ();
    my %supportReads = ();

    my $ref_annotation = readGTF_ensembl_new ( $parameters{annotationFile} );
    my $ref_bin = binize ( $ref_annotation->{gene_info}, $ref_annotation->{chr_size}, bw => $global{bw} );

    my $memoryUsage = Memory::Usage->new(); $memoryUsage->record('starting work');

    my $totalGroup = loadReadGroup ( $readGroupFile, $outputFile, \%supportReads, $ref_annotation, $ref_bin, bw => $global{bw}, filter => $parameters{filter} );
    my $validReads = loadSupportSam ( $supportSAMfile, \%supportReads  );

    my $filteredSAMfile = $supportSAMfile; $filteredSAMfile =~ s/.sam$/.$parameters{filter}.sam/;
    printSupportSam ( \%supportReads, $filteredSAMfile );

    $memoryUsage->record('final memory usage'); $memoryUsage->dump();


## ----------------------------------
sub init {
    my %parameters = ();

    die $usage if ( $opt_h || ( not $opt_i ) || ( not $opt_s ) || ( not $opt_o ) );
    $opt_V = 0 if ( not defined $opt_V );
    $opt_D = 0 if ( not defined $opt_D );

    if ( defined $opt_i ) { $parameters{readGroupFile} = $opt_i; }
    if ( defined $opt_s ) { $parameters{supportSamFile} = $opt_s; }
    if ( defined $opt_o ) { $parameters{output} = $opt_o; }

    if ( defined $opt_a ) { $parameters{annotationFile} = $opt_a; }
    else  {  $parameters{annotationFile} = $enviroment{annotationFile};  }
    if ( defined $opt_f ) { $parameters{filter} = $opt_f; }

    return ( %parameters );

sub loadReadGroup
    my $readGroupFile = shift;
    my $outputFile = shift;
    my $ref_supportReads = shift;
    my $ref_annotation = shift;
    my $ref_bin = shift;
    my %parameters = @_;

    my $readGroupCount = 0;
    my %readGroup_interval = ();
    open ( RG, $readGroupFile ) or die "Cannot open $readGroupFile for reading!\n";
    open ( OUT, ">$outputFile" ) or die "Cannot open $outputFile for writing!\n";
    OUTER: while ( my $line = <RG> ) {
        next if ( $line =~ /^#/ );
	if ( $line =~ /^Group/ ) {
	    my ( $chr1, $strand1, $start1, $end1, $chr2, $strand2, $start2, $end2, $support ) = ( $line =~ /position (.+)\(([+-])\):(\d+)-(\d+)\|(.+)\(([+-])\):(\d+)-(\d+), support (.+)\./ );

	    my @overlapRegion1 = ();
	    &convert ( \@overlapRegion1, $chr1, $strand1, $start1, $end1, $ref_annotation, $ref_bin, bw => $parameters{bw} );
	    my @overlapRegion2 = ();
	    &convert ( \@overlapRegion2, $chr2, $strand2, $start2, $end2, $ref_annotation, $ref_bin, bw => $parameters{bw} );

	    my $transcriptLine = "";
	    if ( $parameters{filter} eq "onlyIntra") {
		for ( my $idx1 = 0; $idx1 < (scalar (@overlapRegion1) /2); $idx1++ ) {
		    for ( my $idx2 = 0; $idx2 < (scalar (@overlapRegion2) /2); $idx2++ ) {
			if ( $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1] eq $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2] ) {
		    	    $transcriptLine .= $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1] . "\t" . $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1+1] . "\t<=>\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2] . "\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2+1] . "\n";
	    elsif ( $parameters{filter} eq "onlyInter" ) {
		for ( my $idx1 = 0; $idx1 < (scalar (@overlapRegion1) /2); $idx1++ ) {
		    for ( my $idx2 = 0; $idx2 < (scalar (@overlapRegion2) /2); $idx2++ ) {
			if ( $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1] ne $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2] ) {
		    	    $transcriptLine .= $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1] . "\t" . $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1+1] . "\t<=>\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2] . "\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2+1] . "\n";
	    elsif ( $parameters{filter} eq "requireBothAnnotation" ) {
		for ( my $idx1 = 0; $idx1 < (scalar (@overlapRegion1) /2); $idx1++ ) {
		    for ( my $idx2 = 0; $idx2 < (scalar (@overlapRegion2) /2); $idx2++ ) {
		    	$transcriptLine .= $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1] . "\t" . $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1+1] . "\t<=>\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2] . "\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2+1] . "\n";
	    elsif ( $parameters{filter} eq "requireAnnotation" ) {
		if ( ( scalar(@overlapRegion1) ) and ( scalar (@overlapRegion2) ) ) {
		    for ( my $idx1 = 0; $idx1 < (scalar (@overlapRegion1) /2); $idx1++ ) {
		    	for ( my $idx2 = 0; $idx2 < (scalar (@overlapRegion2) /2); $idx2++ ) {
		    	    $transcriptLine .= $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1] . "\t" . $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1+1] . "\t<=>\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2] . "\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2+1] . "\n";
		elsif ( ( scalar(@overlapRegion1) ) and ( not scalar (@overlapRegion2) ) ) {
		    for ( my $idx1 = 0; $idx1 < (scalar (@overlapRegion1) /2); $idx1++ ) {
		        $transcriptLine .= $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1] . "\t" . $overlapRegion1[2*$idx1+1] . "\t<=>\tnull\n";
		elsif ( ( not scalar(@overlapRegion1) ) and ( scalar (@overlapRegion2) ) ) {
		    for ( my $idx2 = 0; $idx2 < (scalar (@overlapRegion2) /2); $idx2++ ) {
		         $transcriptLine .= "null\t<=>\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2] . "\t" . $overlapRegion2[2*$idx2+1] . "\n";
	    else {
		$transcriptLine = "no transcript annotated\n";

	    print OUT $line, $transcriptLine if ( $transcriptLine );

	    $line = <RG>;
	    print OUT $line if ( $transcriptLine );
	    INNER: while ( $line =<RG> ) {
	       if ( $transcriptLine ) {
		   print OUT $line;
		   my @support = split ( /\s+/, $line );
		   if ( $support[0] ) { $ref_supportReads->{$support[0]}{sam} = ""; }
	       last INNER if ( not ( $line =~ /\S/ ) );
    close RG;
    print "in total $readGroupCount read groups read from $readGroupFile.\n";

    return $readGroupCount;

sub loadSupportSam
    my $supportSamFile = shift;
    my $ref_supportReads = shift;
    my %parameters = @_;

    my $totalReads = 0; my $validReads = 0;
    my %pos_reads = ();
    open ( SP, $supportSamFile );
    while ( my $line = <SP> ) {
	my @data = split ( /\t/, $line );
	if ( defined $ref_supportReads->{$data[0]} ) {
	    $ref_supportReads->{$data[0]}{sam} = $line;
	    my $posMatch = $data[2] . ":" . $data[3] . ":" . $data[5];

	    if ( defined $parameters{checkPCRduplicates} ) {
		if ( defined $pos_reads{$posMatch} ) { 
		    $ref_supportReads->{$pos_reads{$posMatch}}{duplicate} = $posMatch; 
		    $ref_supportReads->{$data[0]}{duplicate} = $posMatch; 
		else { $pos_reads{$posMatch} = $data[0]; }
    close SP;

    print STDERR "$validReads valid reads in total!\n";
    return $validReads;

sub printSupportSam
    my $ref_supportReads = shift;
    my $outputFile = shift;

    open ( OUT, ">$outputFile" ) or die "Cannot open $outputFile for writing!\n";
    foreach my $readID ( keys %{$ref_supportReads} ) {
	if ( $ref_supportReads->{$readID}{group} >=0 ) {
	    if ( not defined $ref_supportReads->{$readID}{sam} ) { print STDERR "Warning! Skipping unrecognized read $readID\n"; }
	    print OUT $ref_supportReads->{$readID}{sam};
    close OUT;

## ------------------------------------
sub binize
    my $ref_featurePos = shift;
    my $ref_chr_size = shift;
    my %parameters = @_;

    print STDERR "Binize genome to speed up searching.\n\t", `date`;
    my $bw = $parameters{bw};
    my %bin = ();
    foreach my $chr ( keys %{$ref_chr_size} ) {
        my $count = int ( $ref_chr_size->{$chr} / $bw ) + 1;
        for ( my $idx = 0; $idx < $count; $idx++ ) { $bin{$chr}{"+"}[$idx] = ();  $bin{$chr}{"-"}[$idx] = ();  }

    foreach my $featureID ( keys %{$ref_featurePos} ) {
        my $chr = $ref_featurePos->{$featureID}{chr};
        my $strand = $ref_featurePos->{$featureID}{strand};
        my $start = int ( $ref_featurePos->{$featureID}{start} / $bw );
        my $end = int ( $ref_featurePos->{$featureID}{end} / $bw );
        for ( my $idx = $start; $idx <= $end; $idx++ ) { push @{$bin{$chr}{$strand}[$idx]}, $featureID; }

    return \%bin;

sub convert
    my $ref_overlapRegion = shift;
    my $chr = shift;  my $strand = shift;  my $start = shift;  my $end = shift;
    my $ref_annotation = shift;
    my $ref_bin = shift;
    my %parameters = @_;

    my $bw = $parameters{bw};
    my $overlapCount = 0;

        for ( my $idxBin = int ( $start / $bw ); $idxBin <= int ( $end / $bw ); $idxBin++ ) {
            ## get genes in the bin
            foreach my $gene ( @{$ref_bin->{$chr}{$strand}[$idxBin]} ) {
                # get transcripts for each gene
                next if ( ( $end < $ref_annotation->{gene_info}{$gene}{start} ) or ( $start > $ref_annotation->{gene_info}{$gene}{end} ) );
                foreach my $transID ( @{$ref_annotation->{gene_info}{$gene}{transcript}} ) {
                    next if ( ( $end < $ref_annotation->{transcript_info}{$transID}{start} ) or ( $start > $ref_annotation->{transcript_info}{$transID}{end} ) );
                    $overlapCount += &overlapTrans ( $ref_overlapRegion, $ref_annotation, $transID, $strand, $start, $end );

    return $overlapCount;

sub overlapTrans
    my $ref_overlapRegion = shift;
    my $ref_annotation = shift; my $transID = shift;
    my $strand = shift; my $absStart = shift; my $absEnd = shift; 

    my $transcript = $ref_annotation->{transcript_info}{$transID};
    my $numExon = scalar ( keys %{$transcript->{exon}} );

    my $overlapCount = 0;
    my $relExonStart = 0;  my $startPosiInExon = 0; my $endPosiInExon = 0; my $absStartInExon = 0; my $absEndInExon = 0; 
    for ( my $idxExon = 1; $idxExon <= $numExon; $idxExon++ ) {
        my $idxExonWithStrand = ( $strand eq "+" ) ? $idxExon : ( $numExon - $idxExon + 1 );
        my $exonID = $ref_annotation->{transcript_info}{$transID}{exon}{$idxExon};
        my $exonStart = $ref_annotation->{exon_info}{$exonID}{start};
        my $exonEnd = $ref_annotation->{exon_info}{$exonID}{end};
        my $exonLength = $exonEnd - $exonStart + 1;

        if ( ( $exonStart <= $absEnd ) && ( $exonEnd >= $absStart ) ) {
            ## overlapped
            if ( $strand eq "+" ) {
                $startPosiInExon = $absStart - $exonStart + 1;
                $startPosiInExon = 1 if ( $startPosiInExon < 1 );
                $endPosiInExon = $absEnd - $exonStart + 1;
                $endPosiInExon = $exonLength if ( $endPosiInExon > $exonLength );
            elsif ( $strand eq "-" ) {
                $startPosiInExon = $exonEnd - $absEnd + 1;
                $startPosiInExon = 1 if ( $startPosiInExon < 1 );
                $endPosiInExon = $exonEnd - $absStart + 1;
                $endPosiInExon = $exonLength if ( $endPosiInExon > $exonLength );

            my $relStart += $relExonStart + $startPosiInExon;
            my $relEnd += $relExonStart + $endPosiInExon;
            $absStartInExon = ( $absStart >= $exonStart ) ? $absStart : $exonStart; 
            $absEndInExon = ( $absEnd >= $exonEnd ) ? $exonEnd : $absEnd; 

            my $overlapString = join ( "\t", $relStart, $relEnd, "<" . $absStartInExon, $absEndInExon . ">" );
            push @{$ref_overlapRegion}, $transID;
            push @{$ref_overlapRegion}, $overlapString;

        $relExonStart += $exonLength;

    return $overlapCount;

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