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Tip revision: 64c86002b9c00aad9c04fc38a0e2f5d31d877e75 authored by Roly Perera on 05 October 2016, 21:43:13 UTC
Update README.
Tip revision: 64c8600
module Proc where

   open import ProofRelevantPiCommon

   open import Name as ᴺ using (Cxt; Name; _+_)

   -- The ∙ in the prefix forms is for syntactic disambiguation with actions.
   data Proc (Γ : Cxt) : Set where
      Ο : Proc Γ
      _•∙_ : Name Γ → Proc (Γ + 1) → Proc Γ
      •_〈_〉∙_ : Name Γ → Name Γ → Proc Γ → Proc Γ
      _➕_ _│_ : Proc Γ → Proc Γ → Proc Γ
      ν_ : Proc (Γ + 1) → Proc Γ
      !_ : Proc Γ → Proc Γ

   infixl 6 _➕_ _│_
   infixr 7 _•∙_ •_〈_〉∙_

   -- Useful shorthand when working with heterogeneous equality.
   Proc↱ = subst Proc
   Proc↲ = ≡-subst-removable Proc
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