Raw File
Tip revision: efe308b49fcb1e63205f67b7a4b631736d2f7c19 authored by rusen on 09 November 2014, 11:57:39 UTC
Merge branch 'master' of
Tip revision: efe308b
%> Name: SetParameters
%> Description: The parameter setting function of CHOP. All program
%> parameters are to be set here for a tidy codebase. In addition, some
%> initializations and folder generations also run here.
%> @param datasetName Name of the dataset to work on. 
%> @retval options Program options.
%> Author: Rusen
%> Updates
%> Ver 1.0 on 10.01.2014
function [ options ] = SetParameters( datasetName, isTraining )
    options.isTraining = isTraining;
    %% ========== DEBUG PARAMETER ==========
    options.debug = 1;           % If debug = 1, additional output will be 
                                 % generated to aid debugging process.
    options.backgroundClass = 'Background'; % The string that identifies 
                                            % background class. Images from
                                            % this set will be used as
                                            % negative examples in
                                            % training.
    %% ========== PARALLEL PROCESSING PARAMETERS ==========
    options.parallelProcessing = true;
    options.numberOfThreads = feature('NumCores') * 2 - 1;
%    options.numberOfThreads = feature('NumCores'); % For my macbook pro
    %% ========== DATASET-SPECIFIC PROGRAM PARAMETERS ==========
    % Learn dataset path relative to this m file
    currentFileName = mfilename('fullpath');
    [currentPath, ~, ~] = fileparts(currentFileName);
    cd([currentPath '/parameters/']);
    if exist(['SetParameters' datasetName '.m'], 'file')
        fh = str2func(['SetParameters' datasetName]);
        fh = @SetParametersCommon;
    options = fh(datasetName, options);
    %% ========== FOLDER STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION ==========
    % Set folder parameters.
    options.currentFolder = currentPath;
    options.debugFolder = [currentPath '/debug/' datasetName];
    options.processedFolder = [currentPath '/output/' datasetName '/original'];
    options.processedGTFolder = [currentPath '/output/' datasetName '/gt'];
    options.outputFolder = [currentPath '/output/' datasetName];
    options.testOutputFolder = [options.outputFolder '/test'];
    options.testInferenceFolder = [options.outputFolder '/test/inference'];
    options.smoothedFolder = [currentPath '/output/' datasetName '/smoothed'];
    %% ========== PATH FOLDER ADDITION ==========
    w = warning('off', 'all');
    addpath(genpath([options.currentFolder '/utilities']));
    addpath(genpath([options.currentFolder '/demo']));
    addpath(genpath([options.currentFolder '/graphTools']));
    addpath(genpath([options.currentFolder '/vocabLearning']));
    addpath(genpath([options.currentFolder '/inference']));
    addpath(genpath([options.currentFolder '/categorization']));
    %% ========== INTERNAL DATA STRUCTURES ==========
    % Internal data structure for a vocabulary level.
    options.vocabNode = VocabNode;
    % Internal data structure for an graph representing a set of object 
    % graphs in a given level.                        
    options.graphNode = GraphNode;     % 1: positive, 0: negative node.
    %% ========== LOW - LEVEL FILTER GENERATION ==========
    filters = createFilters(options);
    options.filters = filters;
    options.numberOfFilters = numel(filters);
    if strcmp(, 'co-occurence') && strcmp(options.reconstructionType, 'true')
        options.reconstructionType = 'leaf';
        display('"co-occurence" property and "true" reconstruction is incompatible. Switching to "leaf" type reconstruction.');

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