Raw File
Tip revision: e0bc52b2cc238aaeabc9060c8bb728cb4ce15812 authored by Steven Pav on 01 April 2021, 19:20:15 UTC
move from travis to github actions
Tip revision: e0bc52b
```{r setup,include=FALSE}
# set the knitr options ... for everyone!
# if you unset this, then vignette build bonks. oh, joy.
# for a package vignette, you do want to echo.
# opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE)


# doing this means that png files are made of figures;
# the savings is small, and it looks like shit:
# for figures? this is sweave-specific?

# this would be for figures:
# for text wrapping:

#PDQutils.meta <- packageDescription('PDQutils')

# PDQutils

[![Build Status](](

PDQ Functions via Gram Charlier, Edgeworth, and Cornish Fisher Approximations

-- Steven E. Pav,

## Installation

This package may be installed from CRAN; the latest development version may be
installed via [drat]( "drat"), or built from
[github]( "PDQutils"):

```{r install,eval=FALSE,echo=TRUE}
# install via CRAN:

# get latest dev release via drat:
if (require(drat)) {

# get snapshot from github (may be buggy)
if (require(devtools)) {

# Basic Usage

Approximating the distribution of a random variable via the Gram Charlier, Edgeworth, or Cornish Fisher
expansions is most convenient when the random variable can be decomposed as the sum of a 
small number of independent random variables whose cumulants can be computed. For example, 
suppose $Y = \sum_{1 \le i \le k} \sqrt{X_i / \nu_i}$ where the $X_i$ are independent central 
chi-square random variables with degrees of freedom $\nu_1,\nu_2,...,\nu_k$. I will call this
a 'snak' distribution, for 'sum of Nakagami', since each summand follows a 
[Nakagami distribution]( "Nakagami distribution").
We can easily write code that generates variates from this distribution given a vector
of the degrees of freedom:

```{r rsnak,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE}
rsnak <- function(n,dfs) {
	samples <- Reduce('+',lapply(dfs,function(k) { sqrt(rchisq(n,df=k)/k) }))

Let's take one hundred thousand draws from this distribution and see whether it is approximately normal,
by performing a q-q plot against a normal distribution.

```{r testit,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,cache=TRUE,dpi=200,out.width='600px',out.height='500px'}
n.samp <- 1e5
dfs <- c(8,15,4000,10000)
# now draw from the distribution 
rvs <- rsnak(n.samp,dfs)

data <- data.frame(draws=rvs)
mu <- mean(rvs)
sigma <- sd(rvs)
ph <- ggplot(data, aes(sample = draws)) + stat_qq(distribution=function(p) { qnorm(p,mean=mu,sd=sigma) }) +
		geom_abline(slope=1,intercept=0,colour='red') + 
		theme(text=element_text(size=8)) + 
		labs(title="Q-Q plot (against normality)")

While this is very nearly normal, we can get a better approximation.
Using the additivity
property of cumulants, we can compute the cumulants of $Y$ easily if we have the cumulants of
the $X_i$. These in turn can be computed from the raw moments.  See
[wikipedia]( "chi distribution") for the raw moments
of the Chi distribution. The following function computes the cumulants:

```{r snakcu,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE}
# for the moment2cumulant function:
# compute the first ord.max raw cumulants of the sum of Nakagami variates
snak_cumulants <- function(dfs,ord.max=10) {
	# first compute the raw moments
	moms <- lapply(dfs,function(k) { 
		ords <- 1:ord.max
		moms <- 2 ^ (ords/2.0) * exp(lgamma((k+ords)/2) - lgamma(k/2))
		# we are dividing the chi by sqrt the d.f.
		moms <- moms / (k ^ (ords/2.0))
	# turn moments into cumulants
	cumuls <- lapply(moms,moment2cumulant)
	# sum the cumulants
	tot.cumul <- Reduce('+',cumuls)

We can now implement the 'dpq' functions trivially using the Edgeworth and Cornish Fisher
approximations, as follows:

```{r dpqsnak,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE}

dsnak <- function(x,dfs,ord.max=6,...) {
	raw.cumul <- snak_cumulants(dfs,ord.max)
	retval <- dapx_edgeworth(x,raw.cumul,support=c(0,Inf),...)
psnak <- function(q,dfs,ord.max=6,...) {
	raw.cumul <- snak_cumulants(dfs,ord.max)
	retval <- papx_edgeworth(q,raw.cumul,support=c(0,Inf),...)
qsnak <- function(p,dfs,ord.max=10,...) {
	raw.cumul <- snak_cumulants(dfs,ord.max)
	retval <- qapx_cf(p,raw.cumul,support=c(0,Inf),...)

The density and distribution functions could also have been implemented via the 
Gram Charlier expansion, although there seems to be little justification for so doing,
as the Edgeworth expansion is 
[often a better approximation]( "Blinnikov and Moessner").

```{r dpqsnak_gca,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE}

dsnak_2 <- function(x,dfs,ord.max=10,...) {
	raw.moment <- cumulant2moment(snak_cumulants(dfs,ord.max))
	retval <- dapx_gca(x,raw.moment,support=c(0,Inf),...)
psnak_2 <- function(q,dfs,ord.max=10,...) {
	raw.moment <- cumulant2moment(snak_cumulants(dfs,ord.max))
	retval <- papx_gca(q,raw.moment,support=c(0,Inf),...)

The q-q plot looks better now:

```{r improvedqq,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,cache=TRUE,dpi=450,out.width='600px',out.height='500px'}

data <- data.frame(draws=rvs)
ph <- ggplot(data, aes(sample = draws)) + stat_qq(distribution=function(p) { qsnak(p,dfs=dfs) }) +
		geom_abline(slope=1,intercept=0,colour='red') + 
		theme(text=element_text(size=8)) + 
		labs(title="Q-Q against qsnak (C-F appx.)")


Note that the q-q plot uses the approximate quantile function, qsnak. If we compute the
approximate CDF of the random draws, we hope it will be nearly uniform, and indeed
it is:

```{r snakuni,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,cache=TRUE,dpi=450,out.width='600px',out.height='500px'}

apx.p <- psnak(rvs,dfs=dfs)
if (require(ggplot2)) {
	#qplot(apx.p, stat="ecdf", geom="step")
	ggplot(data.frame(pv=apx.p),aes(x=pv)) + stat_ecdf(geom='step')


# Edgeworth versus Gram Charlier

[Blinnikov and Moessner]( "Blinnikov and Moessner") note that
the Gram Charlier expansion will actually _diverge_ for some distributions when more terms in
the expansion are considered, behaviour which is not seen for the Edgeworth expansion. We will consider
the case of a chi-square distribution with 5 degrees of freedom. The 2 and 6 term Gram Charlier expansions
are shown, along with the true value of the PDF, replicating figure 1 of Blinnikov and Moessner:

```{r chisetup,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,dpi=200,out.width='600px',out.height='500px'}
# compute moments and cumulants:
df <- 5
max.ord <- 20
subords <- 0:(max.ord - 1)
raw.cumulants <- df * (2^subords) * factorial(subords)
raw.moments <- cumulant2moment(raw.cumulants)

# compute the PDF of the rescaled variable:
xvals <- seq(-sqrt(df/2) * 0.99,6,length.out=1001)
chivals <- sqrt(2*df) * xvals + df
pdf.true <- sqrt(2*df) * dchisq(chivals,df=df)

pdf.gca2 <- sqrt(2*df) * dapx_gca(chivals,raw.moments=raw.moments[1:2],support=c(0,Inf))
pdf.gca6 <- sqrt(2*df) * dapx_gca(chivals,raw.moments=raw.moments[1:6],support=c(0,Inf))

all.pdf <- data.frame(x=xvals,true=pdf.true,gca2=pdf.gca2,gca6=pdf.gca6)

# plot it by reshaping and ggplot'ing
require(reshape2) <- melt(all.pdf,id.vars='x','pdf','density')

ph <- ggplot(,aes(x=x,y=density,group=pdf,colour=pdf)) + geom_line()

Compare this with the 2 and 4 term Edgeworth expansions, replicating figure 6 of Blinnikov and Moessner:
```{r chitwo,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,dpi=200,out.width='600px',out.height='500px'}
# compute the PDF of the rescaled variable:
xvals <- seq(-sqrt(df/2) * 0.99,6,length.out=1001)
chivals <- sqrt(2*df) * xvals + df
pdf.true <- sqrt(2*df) * dchisq(chivals,df=df)

pdf.edgeworth2 <- sqrt(2*df) * dapx_edgeworth(chivals,raw.cumulants=raw.cumulants[1:4],support=c(0,Inf))
pdf.edgeworth4 <- sqrt(2*df) * dapx_edgeworth(chivals,raw.cumulants=raw.cumulants[1:6],support=c(0,Inf))

all.pdf <- data.frame(x=xvals,true=pdf.true,edgeworth2=pdf.edgeworth2,edgeworth4=pdf.edgeworth4)

# plot it by reshaping and ggplot'ing
require(reshape2) <- melt(all.pdf,id.vars='x','pdf','density')

ph <- ggplot(,aes(x=x,y=density,group=pdf,colour=pdf)) + geom_line()

# Rearranging for monotonicity 

In one of a series of papers, [Chernozhukov et. al.]( "Chernozhukov et. al.") 
demonstrate the use of monotonic rearrangements in Edgeworth and Cornish-Fisher expansions of the CDF
and quantile functions, which are, by definition, non-decreasing. It is shown that monotone rearrangement
reduces the error of an initial approximation. This is easy enough to code with tools readily available
in R.  First, let us compute the 8 term Gram Charlier approximation to the CDF of the Chi-square with
5 degrees of freedom. This should display non-monotonicity. Then we compute the monotonic rearrangement:

```{r chithree,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,dpi=200,out.width='600px',out.height='500px'}
df <- 5
max.ord <- 20
subords <- 0:(max.ord - 1)
raw.cumulants <- df * (2^subords) * factorial(subords)
raw.moments <- cumulant2moment(raw.cumulants)

# compute the CDF of the rescaled variable:
xvals <- seq(-sqrt(df/2) * 0.99,6,length.out=1001)
chivals <- sqrt(2*df) * xvals + df
cdf.true <- pchisq(chivals,df=df)
cdf.gca8 <- papx_gca(chivals,raw.moments=raw.moments[1:8],support=c(0,Inf))

# it is this simple:
in.fn <- stepfun(xvals,c(0,cdf.gca8))
out.fn <- rearrange(in.fn)
cdf.rearranged <- out.fn(xvals)

all.cdf <- data.frame(x=xvals,true=cdf.true,gca8=cdf.gca8,rearranged=cdf.rearranged)

# plot it by reshaping and ggplot'ing
require(reshape2) <- melt(all.cdf,id.vars='x','cdf','density')

ph <- ggplot(,aes(x=x,y=density,group=cdf,colour=cdf)) + geom_line()

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