Raw File
Tip revision: bd8baeda6b05de317fbb87f038403dcb8e6b4b56 authored by ClovisG on 08 April 2021, 08:56:47 UTC
add k best hits in pred list
Tip revision: bd8baed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <float.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "mm.h"
#include "main.h"

#ifdef OPENMP
    #include <omp.h>

#define VERBOSITY 3

#define BUILD_COMMAND "build"
#define PREDICT_COMMAND "predict"

struct prediction{
	size_t hostIdx;
	double ll;

struct by_ll {
    bool operator()(prediction const &a, prediction const &b) {
        return a.ll > b.ll;

void die(std::string text,std::string complement=std::string())
    std::cout<< "ERROR:" << text << complement << "." <<std::endl;

void build(std::string genomeDir, std::string modelDir, unsigned int order, double alpha, unsigned int threads = 1)
    DIR* dir;
    struct dirent *genomeFile;
    std::vector<std::string> genomeFiles;
    #ifdef OPENMP
    if((dir = opendir(modelDir.c_str())) == NULL)
        die("Cannot open model directory ", modelDir);
    if((dir = opendir(genomeDir.c_str())) == NULL)
        die("Cannot open genome directory ", genomeDir);

    while ((genomeFile = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
        if (std::string(genomeFile->d_name) != "." && std::string(genomeFile->d_name) != "..")
            genomeFiles.push_back(genomeDir + "/" + std::string(genomeFile->d_name));
    closedir (dir);
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < genomeFiles.size() ; i++)
        mm model(order,alpha,VERBOSITY);
        if (VERBOSITY > 2)
            std::cout << "Processing "<<genomeFiles[i]<<std::endl;
        if (model.write(modelDir) < 0)
            die("Cannot write to model directory ",modelDir);


double mean(std::vector<double> v)
    double mean = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size();i++)
        mean += v[i];
    return mean/v.size();

double sd(std::vector<double> v, double mean)
    double sd = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size();i++)
        double x = (v[i]-mean);
        sd += x*x;
    return (double)(v.size() -1 ) * sqrt(sd/v.size()) / v.size();

double getPval(std::pair<double,double> param, double ll)
    return 0.5 - 0.5*erf((ll-param.first)/(sqrt(2.0)*param.second));

void predict(std::string genomeDir, std::string modelDir,std::string resultDir, unsigned int threads = 1, bool writeLLMatrix=true,size_t writeBestPred = 0,std::string negFitsFile = std::string(),bool zScores = false,bool writePvalMatrix=false)
    DIR* dir;
    struct dirent *genomeFile,*modelFile;
    std::vector<std::string> genomeFiles,modelFiles, genomeNames;
    std::vector< std::vector<double> > ll;
    #ifdef OPENMP
    // List files in genome and model dir
    if((dir = opendir(resultDir.c_str())) == NULL)
        die("Cannot open result directory ", resultDir);
    if((dir = opendir(genomeDir.c_str())) == NULL)
        die("Cannot open genome directory ", genomeDir);
    while ((genomeFile = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
        if (std::string(genomeFile->d_name) != "." && std::string(genomeFile->d_name) != "..")
            genomeNames.push_back(genomeFiles.back().substr(0, genomeFiles.back().find_last_of(".")));
    closedir (dir);
    if((dir = opendir(modelDir.c_str())) == NULL)
        die("Cannot open model directory ", modelDir);
    while ((modelFile = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
        if (std::string(modelFile->d_name) != "." && std::string(modelFile->d_name) != "..")
    closedir (dir);
    std::map<std::string,std::pair<double, double> > negFits;
    std::vector<std::string> predictionWithoutFit;
    // If we need to compute a p-value, read the fits from file
    if (negFitsFile != std::string())
        std::ifstream fin(negFitsFile.c_str(), std::ios::in);

        if (!fin.good())
            die("Cannot open negative fits file ",negFitsFile);
        std::string line;
                int secondField = line.find("\t");
                if (secondField+1<line.size())
                    int thirdField = line.find("\t",secondField + 1);
                    if (thirdField+1<line.size())
                        std::string bactName = line.substr(0,secondField);
                        double mu = std::stod(line.substr(secondField+1,thirdField));
                        double s = std::stod(line.substr(thirdField+1,line.size()));
                        negFits[bactName] = std::make_pair(mu,s);
                    } else {
                        std::cout << "Warning: "<< negFitsFile <<" is missformatted. Should be [bactName]\\t[mu]\\t[standard deviation]"<<std::endl;
                } else {
                    std::cout << "Warning: "<< negFitsFile <<" is missformatted. Should be [bactName]\\t[mu]\\t[standard deviation]"<<std::endl;
    } else {
        negFitsFile = "negFits.csv";
    std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > bactGenomes;
    for (size_t j = 0 ; j < genomeFiles.size() ; j++) {
        bactGenomes.push_back(mm::readGenome(genomeDir + "/" + genomeFiles[j]));
    std::vector<std::string> modelNames(modelFiles.size(),std::string());
    // Compute log-likelihoods
    size_t progressCount = 0;
    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < modelFiles.size() ; i++)
        mm model(modelDir + "/" + modelFiles[i],VERBOSITY);
        if (VERBOSITY>2)
            std::cout<<"Processing "<<model.getName()<<" (approx. "<<progressCount<<"/"<<modelFiles.size()<<")"<<std::endl; //model.printParameters();
        modelNames[i] = model.getName();
        for (size_t j = 0 ; j < genomeFiles.size() ; j++) {
    if (writeBestPred)

        std::ofstream fout((resultDir + "/prediction.list").c_str(), std::ios::out);
        if (!fout.good())
            die("Cannot open ",resultDir);
        fout << "\"Phage\"\t\"Best hit among provided hosts\"\t\"LogLikelihood\"\t\"p-value if null parameters provided\"\n";
        for (size_t j = 0 ; j < genomeNames.size() ; j++)
	        std::vector<prediction> llToSort;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < modelNames.size() ; i++)
            std::sort(llToSort.begin(), llToSort.end(), by_ll());
            size_t nbOfPredToOutput = writeBestPred<modelNames.size() ? writeBestPred:modelNames.size();

            for (size_t k=0;k<nbOfPredToOutput;k++)
                size_t host = llToSort[k].hostIdx;
                fout << genomeNames[j] <<'\t'<<modelNames[host]<<'\t'<<ll[host][j];
                if ( negFits.find(modelNames[host]) != negFits.end() )
                    fout << '\t' << getPval(negFits[modelNames[host]],ll[host][j]);
                } else {
                    fout << "\tNA";
                fout << std::endl;
    // Normalize the log-likelihood to z-scores
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < modelFiles.size() ; i++)
            double mu = mean(ll[i]);
            double s = sd(ll[i],mu);
            for (size_t j = 0 ; j < genomeFiles.size() ; j++) {
                ll[i][j] -= mu;
                ll[i][j] /= s;
    // Output results according to user choice
    if (writeLLMatrix)  {
        std::ofstream fout((resultDir + "/llikelihood.matrix").c_str(), std::ios::out);
        if (!fout.good())
            die("Cannot open ",resultDir);

        if (genomeNames.size())
        for (size_t j = 1 ; j < genomeNames.size() ; j++)
            fout << '\t'<< genomeNames[j];
        fout << std::endl;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < modelNames.size() ; i++)
            fout << modelNames[i];
            for (size_t j = 0 ; j < genomeNames.size() ; j++)
                fout << '\t' << ll[i][j];
            fout << std::endl;
    // Output all p-values according to user choice
    if (writePvalMatrix)  {
        std::ofstream fout((resultDir + "/pvalues.matrix").c_str(), std::ios::out);
        if (!fout.good())
            die("Cannot open ",resultDir);

        if (genomeNames.size())
        for (size_t j = 1 ; j < genomeNames.size() ; j++)
            fout << '\t'<< genomeNames[j];
        fout << std::endl;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < modelNames.size() ; i++)
            bool hasNegFit;
            std::pair<double, double> negFit;
            fout << modelNames[i];
            if ( negFits.find(modelNames[i]) != negFits.end() )
                hasNegFit = true;
                negFit = negFits[modelNames[i]];
            } else {
                hasNegFit = false;
            for (size_t j = 0 ; j < genomeNames.size() ; j++)
                    fout << '\t' << getPval(negFit,ll[i][j]);
                } else {
                    fout << "\tNA";
            fout << std::endl;
    if (predictionWithoutFit.size())
        std::cout<<"WARNING: ";
        std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::unique(predictionWithoutFit.begin(),predictionWithoutFit.end());
        predictionWithoutFit.resize( std::distance(predictionWithoutFit.begin(),it) );
        for ( it = predictionWithoutFit.begin() ; it!=predictionWithoutFit.end() ; it++ )
        std::cout<<" do(es) not have null-model parameters, and their p-value calculation will be missing in the prediction.list file.\n\nHere is the procedure to fit those parameters:\n\
The parameters for their null-distribution can be computed this way:\n\
- build models with WIsH for each of the listed genomes that miss the null-parameters,\n\
- run the WIsH prediction of the models against a large set of various phages,\n\
- for every model M, fit (e.g. using maximum likelihood) a normal distribution over the scores of M (in the likelihood.matrix file) obtained on phage genomes that are known not to infect the same genus as M,\n\
- for every model M, add a line to the file " + negFitsFile + " with the following format:\n\
To get the p-values associated to a prediction, you can then run the prediction with the options -b -n " + negFitsFile + "\n\
when running a prediction.\n";

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    std:: string genomeDir,modelDir,resultDir,command,negFitFile;
    unsigned int order = 8;
    unsigned int threads = 1;
    double alpha = 16.0;
    unsigned int bestPred = 0;
    bool zScores = false;
    bool printHelp = false;
    bool writePvalMatrix = false;
    int option;
    while ((option = getopt (argc, argv, "g:m:r:c:k:b:n:pzha:t:")) != -1)
            case 'g':
                genomeDir = optarg;
            case 'm':
                modelDir = optarg;
            case 'r':
                resultDir = optarg;
            case 'c':
                command = optarg;
            case 'n':
                negFitFile = optarg;
            case 'b':
                bestPred = atoi(optarg);
            case 'k':
                order = atoi(optarg);
            case 't':
                threads = atoi(optarg);
            case 'a':
                alpha = std::stod(optarg);
            case 'z':
                zScores = true;
            case 'p':
                writePvalMatrix = true;
            case 'h':
                printHelp = true;
                die("Bad option");
    std::string helpText;
        helpText = "WIsH (v" + std::to_string(WIsH_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + std::to_string(WIsH_VERSION_MINOR) + ") is a tool for predicting bacterial hosts from phage (meta)genomic data.\n\
© Clovis Galiez (\n\n\
Usage :" + std::string(argv[0]) + " [options] \n\
\t-c\tCommand to be executed (build or predict)\n\
\t-k\tOrder for building the Markov chain (default is " + std::to_string(order) +")\n\
\t-a\tPseudo-count parameter (default is " + std::to_string(alpha) +")\n\
\t-t\tNumber of threads to be used (default is " + std::to_string(threads) +")\n\n\
Path specifications:\n\
\t-g\tSpecifies the genome directory (read access)\n\
\t-m\tSpecifies the model directory (read/write access)\n\
\t-r\tSpecifies the result directory (write access)\n\n\
Score options:\n\
\t-b\tOutputs a file containing for each viral sequence the host with the b best likelihood\n\
\t-p\tOutputs a matrix of p-values for every prediction (slows down the predictions)\n\
\t-z\tNormalize the matrix of log-likelihood as z-scores\n\
\t-n\tSpecifies the parameters for the distribution of negative values of each model\n\
\t\t\tFormat should be: modelName<Tab>mean<Tab>standardDeviation\n\n\
Example for building models:\n\n\
\t\tWIsH -c build -g prokaryoteGenomesDir -m modelDir\n\n\
Example for predicting hosts:\n\n\
\t\tWIsH -c predict -g virusGenomesDir -m modelDir -r outputResultDir\n\n";

    if (printHelp)
        #ifdef OPENMP
            std::cout<<"OpenMP supported."<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"Compiled *without* OpenMP support."<<std::endl;
    // Make the modelDir if it does not exist.
    struct stat st;

    // Check for existence.
    if (stat(modelDir.c_str(), &st) < 0) {
        // If not, create the directory.
        // read/write/search permissions for owner and group.
        // read/search permissions for others.
        if (mkdir(modelDir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0) {
          die("Cannot create model directory ", modelDir);
    if (command == BUILD_COMMAND)
        build(genomeDir,modelDir,order,alpha, threads);
    } else if (command == PREDICT_COMMAND)
        predict(genomeDir,modelDir,resultDir, threads, true, bestPred, negFitFile,zScores,writePvalMatrix);
    } else {
        die(std::string("Bad options.\n") + helpText);
	return 0;
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