Raw File
Tip revision: 3f55f04f5d3cdd67f7d105faf2cdad3594e23812 authored by Tim Vaughan on 15 August 2023, 14:36:03 UTC
Fixed bug relating to "label"-valued styles.
Tip revision: 3f55f04

This repository contains the source for IcyTree: a javascript phylogenetic tree
viewer.  IcyTree is entirely client-side - you only need an internet connection
for your browser to download the program.

The latest version is hosted at [](

This software is free (as in freedom). It is made available under the terms of
the GNU General Public Licence version 3, which is contained in this directory
in the file named COPYING.


IcyTree includes and uses the following libraries:

* JQuery (license in the file js/libs/LICENSE.jquery)
* JQuery UI (license in the file jquery-ui/LICENSE.txt)
* PapaParse (license in the file js/libs/LICENSE.PapaParse)
* plotly (license in the file js/libs/LICENSE.plotly)
* FileSaver (license in the file js/libs/LICENSE.FileSaver)

All of these libraries have copyrights held by their authors and are
licensed under the MIT free software license.
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